module 1 unit 3 words and expressions(译林牛津版高一英语必修一教案教学设计)

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1. work“生效,起作用,行得通”;还可作“(机器等)运转,运作”解。
The medicine worked and then the doctor operated on the patient.
The medicine worked and the pain went away.药效发挥,疼痛消失了。
Will these methods work?这些新方法会有效吗?
It doesn’t work well.这东西效果不好。 out (1)vi.练习,锻炼
Whatever the weather is like, my sister works out in the gym. every day.我妹妹每天去体育馆锻炼。
Can you work out how much money it will cost?
He worked out all the details of the plan.他详细拟定了那顶计划。
I hope the new project will work out well.我希望计划能顺利完成。
How did his suggestions work out?他的提议结果怎么样?
3.figure n.人物,大人物;体形,身材;数字
an outstanding figure 一位杰出人物
have /keep a good figure拥有/保持好的身材
be good/poor at figures不擅长计算
figure out:理解;计算出
I can’t figure out why he said so.
figure sb to be 料想某人是。。。
figure in把。。。列入考虑
figure on期待,指望
4.weight n.
put on =gain weight增加体重,发福,发胖
lose weight 减肥,消瘦
weights and measures
in weight重量(是)
by weight按重量
watch one’s weight注意体重
be of a weight=be of the same weight一样重
be of an age=be of the same age年龄一样大
weigh vt.称。。。重量,量体重
The man weighed the fish by hand.那人用手估量那条鱼的重量。
vi. 重。。。, 有。。。重量
It weighs 6 pounds.那东西有6磅重。 ashamed of 对。。。感到羞愧,因。。。而难为情
He is ashamed of his failure./He is ashamed of having failed./He is ashamed that he had failed.
be ashamed of oneself为自己感到羞愧
be ashamed for sb.替某人感到羞愧
be ashamed to do 对于。。。感到可耻
be ashamed at/of对。。。感到惭愧
be ashamed that感到惭愧
shame 作不可数名词“羞愧”,常用 feel shame at同义于 feel ashamed of
To my shame, I never thanked him for his kindness.
You have shamed your family.你给你家丢脸了。
6.recover vt.康复,重新获得
I’m slowly recovering my strength after a flu.
We soon arranged our plan and recovered our losses.
vi. 与from连用。“回复到正常状态(健康,神智,繁荣)
Has the manager recovered from the shock yet?
7.failure 1)作不可数名词
His failure resulted from his carelessness.=His carelessness resulted in his failure.
As a teacher ,he is a great success; but as a father, he is a great failure.
fail 1)vt./vi失败,没通过
He failed in everything he tried.
She failed (in) the examination.
在表示“不及格”时Fail作 vi./vt. (in )可以省略。
2)没能够。后接to do sth/in doing sth。但接to do的情况较常见。
I failed in persuading /to persuade him.我没能说服他。
His eyesight is failing.他的视力在衰退。
Fail in health健康衰退
The wind failed 风停了。
Her tongue failed her when she tried to reply.她想回答,舌头却不听使唤。
His heart failed him.他失去了勇气。
Words failed me.我激动得说不出话来。
8.match 棋逢对手,旗鼓相当的对手。
I’m no match for you at running.在赛跑方面我不是你的对手。
He has never met his match in judo.
Find/meet one’s match棋逢敌人,遇到对手,遭到(应付不了的)难题。
No one can match her in her knowledge of classical music.
9. operate vt/vi操作(机械等)。运作,使转动,转动,运转
Can you operate this computer?
operate in deep water在深水操作
The medicine began to operate at once. 药立即开始见效
Operate on sb. for tumor(肿瘤)对某人施行切除肿瘤手术
10 advice
a piece of advice
refuse/turn a deaf ear to one’s advice 拒绝/不听某人的建议
take/follow/accept one’s advice
ask for one’s advice=ask sb for advice
give advice on sth./how to do sth.
(1)n/pron the doctor advised (taking) a week’s rest
(2)sb (not) to do sth.
(4)sb against (doing) sth
(5)(sb) that+从句
suggest sth. to sb./to sb. sth.
~ doing sth
~sb/sb’s doing
~ to sb. that
11. damage n. v. 加害于,损害
smoking can damage your health.
cause /do damage to给某人带来伤害
destroy 毁灭性的破坏
pressure 压,压力,压迫感
under ~被迫,在压制下
bring/put pressure on给…压力
12. consider v. 考虑
~+n/pron/doing/wh-+to do
~sb/sth. to be/as+n/adj.结构
affect 影响、感动
effect n. 影响
have/produce an effect on对……有影响
come into effect生效
bring/carry sth. into effect实施,使生效
be of no effect无效的
side effect副作用
take effect vi. 生效,凑效
12. contain/include
contain 可用于表示包含之物的全部或部分
The parcel contained a dictionary.那包裹里装的是一本字典
The parcel included a dictionary. 那包裹里还装了一本字典
The price includes postage charge.这个价格包括邮资在内
Sea water contains salt.
The book contains 12 units.
A foot contain 12 inches.一英尺等于12英寸。
I will give you ten book, including a story book/a story book included.
We all went, me included.
The band played many songs, including some of my favorites.




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