Unit 19 Jobs

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Teaching objectives and demands:
1. Words and useful expressions:
Officer, engineer, fair, pick up, army design, hand truck, careless, remove, to one’s surprise, refuse, gently, Ms, pretend, boss, department, call at, cross, look down upon, designer, promise, support
2. Everyday English for communication (express your opinions)
I think…
I guess…
I am sure…
I believe…
In my opinion…
It seems that…
3. Language use: Manipulate listening, speaking practice
Key points:
1. Everyday English for communication;
2. Words and useful expressions
3. Grammar: the attributive clause
Time arrangement:
This unit is arrangement to be finished in 5~6 teaching periods, including a unit test.
Teaching procedures:
Lesson 73
Step 1. Revision
(1) Check the homework exercises of the previous unit.
(2) Revise the expressions of expressing your opinions:
I think…
I guess…
I am sure…
I believe…
In my opinion…
It seems that…
Step 2. Lead in
Teacher states his job like this:
I teach you English. So teaching is my job. I like my job very much because it’s very important to teach English now. I can have two vocation in a year ……. Then ask some students the following questions. Ask the Ss the questions like this:
(Student’s name), could you tell me what kind of job you want to do in the future or when you grow up?
What is your favorite job in the future?
What are the most popular jobs in the future?
① Check the jobs’ names that they have learnt.
② Give the Ss some new work which they may use, such as engineer, manager, (police) officer, computer programmer, banker, stock broker, author , reporter, movie producer, educator, prime minister, athlete…….
T : Why?
S : Because it’s exciting/ interesting/well-paid/ suitable……….
T : “Today we’re going to know about the jobs that men and women do in Britain. Now listen to the tape and find the answers to the questions.”
Step 2. Listening
SB1b, Page 17 Part 1, play the tape of Lesson 69 or the students to follow and ask them the following questions.
The students are required to yell out the answers to the class so that we will save time in checking the answers again.
① What are Jane and Zhou Lan doing?
(Talking about the jobs that men and women do in Britain)
② What (kind of) jobs do women do in Britain?
(Almost all kinds of jobs, such as ……)
2. Make the Ss listen to the tape again and then ask some relatively difficult questions.
③ Are there any jobs which women don’t do?
(I don’t think……. But……more men than women scientists. And more men than women are heads of companies.)
④ Is it easy or hard for Britain women to get to the top of a company?
(It’s harder for them to get to the top of a company or it seems that it’s harder /more difficult for them to get to the top of a company)
⑤ Why do some companies like to employ women workers?
Because women can pick up the small pieces (with their fingers) easily than men. Or because men’s hands and fingers are too big.
Step 3. Discussion
At first, teacher let the Ss do the pair work. Then make them have a short discussion on “What jobs men and women do in China? / Which kind of jobs a women and men do in China? / Do men and women have the same pay when they do the same job? / Who does more homework at home, the husband or the wife? / Can girls go to school as boys in the countryside? / What do you think of the role of the women in China? Using the different sentences in the tables.”(P.17).
2.Ask some Ss to give their opinions by using
I think/guess/believe ……,
In my opinion, ……
I am sure……
It seems that …….”
(Although men and women are equal, it is not fair in China for men and women
to do the same job without equal payment and employment.)
Possible answers:
① I think men are not suitable for being nurses…..
② In my opinion, women are suitable for being nurses.
③ It seems that men can do anything except carrying baby
④ I believe that men are easier to find a job than women at present/in these days.
⑤ I’m sure that women in China will improve their social position in the future.
Å. I guess there must be a law to ensure men and women equal rights in payment and employment.
Step 4. Explanations to the dialogue
1. There are women police officers, women doctors,
teachers, engineers, farmers and so on. 有女警官、女医生、教师、工程师、农场主等等。
(1) 在表示妇女的职位时,英语中用“woman+ 职位名词”的复合词。这两个名词的单、复数要一致。如:
a woman doctor→ women doctors
a woman teacher→ women teachers
a woman engineer→ women engineers
a woman farmer→ women farmers
但是,由“girl+职位名词”所构成的复合词,girl 总是用单数。如:a girl student(一个女学生)→two girl students( 两个女学生),不说two girls students; a girl worker(一个女童工) →two girl workers(两个女童工 ) , 不说 two girls workers。
(2) 在列举事物,最后进行概括,表示“等等”、“以及其它”时,英语用“and so on”,也可以缩写为“etc.”。 例如:
The flowers are blue, red, white, yellow and so on.
They are visiting some cities in China: Beijing, Shanghai, Wuhan, Guangzhou, and so on. (etc.)他们要在中国访问几个城市:北京、上海、武汉、广州, 以及其它城市。
2. It seems that it's more difficult for women to get to the top of a company. (= Women seem to be more difficult to get the top jobs in a company.) 看来妇女要达到公司的最高层职位是比较困难的。
(1) 这个复合句中包括下面两个句子结构:
A) It seems + that - clause. 看起来似乎是……
B) It is + adj. + (for sb) to do sth. 某人干某事是如何如何。
It seems that it's easier for women to make watches, radios, televisions, and so on.
(2) “It seems+that=clause.”这个句型, 意思是“某事看起来似乎是……”,表示猜测或判断,语气比较委婉, 不那么肯定。试比较下面的句子:
I think women are more interested in music. 我认为妇女对音乐更有兴趣。 (肯定)
It seems that women are more interested in music.
妇女似乎是对音乐更有兴趣。 (不那么肯定)
I believe there are more women workers in the hospital.
我相信医院里女的工作人员多一些。 (肯定)
It seems that there are more women workers in the hospital.
医院里似乎女的工作人员多一些。 (不那么肯定)
I guess men's hands and fingers are too big! 我想男人的手和手指都太粗了。
It seems that men's hands and fingers are too big.
3. I'm sure there's nothing that a woman can't do. 我相信没有什么事情女人不可以做。(我相信妇女什么事情都能做。)
句中的“…that a woman can't do ”是定语从句,修饰先行词nothing。当定语从句的先行词是不定代词 ( 如something、anything、nothing等)时,该从句中的关系代词通常要用that。当其在从句中作宾语时,that常可省略。例如:
I said nothing that hurt your mother. 我没有说过伤害你母亲的话呀。
You can get anything (that) you need for your study.
He told me something that should be remembered.
I have told you all I know. 我把我所知道的一切都告诉你了。
4. Which ones? (=Which jobs that men can't do very well?) 哪些工作呢?
本句承接上文而来, 意思是:哪些工作男人做不好呢?ones是不定代词one的复数形式,代替上文的名词jobs。 例如:
Which kind of handtrucks do you want to buy, the smaller ones or the bigger ones?
These apples are still green. Let's pick some ripe ones.
5. They can't pick up small pieces with their fingers. 小零件他们用手指拣不起来。短语动词pick up作“拣起来”、“拾起”解。例如:
On her way back, she found a watch and picked it up.
He told the woman to pick up all the diamonds and put them in the case.
Step 5. Workbook
SB1b, Page 69, Exx.1~3. Make the Ss to do the Ex in Pairs, and then ask several students to give their answers. Finally check the answers with the whole class.
Step 6. Homework
(1) Finish off the exercises of Lesson 73 in the workbook.
(2) Revise the key points of this lesson.
(3) Preview the next lesson.
Lesson 74 The Secret is out
Step 1. Revision
(1) Check the homework exercises.
(2) Revise the key points in Lesson 73.
Step 2. Lead-in
1.Tell the Ss the story about Ms, Miss and Mrs.
2.Talk about the picture.
Step 3. Skimming
Now Let the Ss read the whole passage, then answer the two questions on the top of the text.
Step 4. Scanning
Now get the students to read the text of Lesson 74 and answer the questions in Ex.1 in the workbook on Page 70. Answer the questions with the whole class.
Step 5. Generalization
Make the Ss read the passage again and tell the main idea of each paragraph.
Para.1 Mr. King was one of the best engineers in the company.
Para.2 She was hurt but refused to be examined by the doctor.
Para.3 She had to admit she is a woman.
Para.4 The boss of the department in the company knew the truth by chance.
Para.5 She tried to explain and asked to stay.
Para.6. The boss of the company wanted her to leave.
Para.7. The boss of the department wanted to keep her.
Para.8-9 The two bosses argued about her stay and leaving.
Part I : (Para.1---4 ) Because of an accident, Mr. King’s secret was let out.
Part II : ( Para.5 ) Ms King’s confession of how she got the job.
Part III : ( Para. 6---9 ) The bosses have different opinions
Step 6. Language points
1. Mr. King, whose legs were badly hurt, was quickly taken to hospital. 金先生的腿部受了重伤,很快就被送往医院。
(1) 句中的“whose legs were badly hurt ”是由关系代词whose引导的非限制性定语从句,whose(某某人的)表示属有关系, 这里的whose legs=Mr King's legs.例如:
Miss Flower, whose house caught fire last night, is our music teacher.
This is the woman worker whose fingers were cut in an accident.
(2) take sb. to hospital是“送某人去医院(治疗)”的意思,其中在hospital之前不用冠词。如果加定冠词( take sb to the hospital), 则意思是“送某人去某家医院”,不一定是去看病治疗。这一点跟go to school(上学 ) 和 go to the school(去某个学校)的区别相似。 试比较下面两个句子:
His mother was badly hurt and she was quickly taken to hospital.
His mother was dying and he was taken to the hospital to see her.
2. To everyone's surprise, Mr King refused. (=Mr King refused to take off his trousers; this made everyone surprised.) 金先生拒绝脱裤子,这使得每个人都感到惊奇。
“to one's surprise/to the surprise of …”介词短语的意思是“使某人感到惊奇的是……”,在句中作状语, 表示行为的结果,意即“(金先生拒绝了),其结果是使人感到惊奇”。 英语中类似的介词短语还有:
to one's delight/to the delight of 使某人高兴的是
to one's joy/to the joy of 使某人愉快的是
to one's sorrow/to the sorrow of 使某人悲伤的是
To the surprise of the doctor, Mr King got well again so soon.
To his delight, he has got to the top of the company.
To the sorrow of the family, the house was completely destroyed by the fire.
To their great joy, they have found the lost diamond necklace.
3. Nobody could understand what the problem was. 谁也不知道问题在哪里。
“…what the problem was.”是名词性从句,在句中作宾语,其中的problem作“麻烦”、“困难”解 (a difficulty that needs attention)。
problem 指须待解决的问题,是就困难而言的;question 指须待解答的问题,是就疑问而言的。试比较下列两个句子:
What's your question? Can you answer it? 你的问题是什么?你能自己回答吗?
What's your problem? Can you solve it by yourself?
The question is too difficult; she couldn't answer it.
She couldn't get the job; the problem is that she is a woman. (She couldn't solve it.)
4. Unless you tell me, I shall not be able to help you. (=If you don't tell me, I can't help you.) 如果你不告诉我(你有什么困难),我就没法帮助你。
unless是连词,作“除非……否则”、“如果不……”解(if…not),连接表示条件的状语从句。 当主句谓语动词用一般将来时,从句用一般现在时表示将来。
Unless she tells the truth, she will lose her job. ( =If she doesn't tell the truth, she will lose the job.) 除非她说出真相,否则她将会失去工作。
Your project will not be successful unless you consider the design carefully. (=…if you do not consider the design carefully.) 如果你不把设计考虑周全,那么你的工程就不会成功。
5. I'm not Mr King. I'm Ms King! I'm a woman! 我不是金先生,我是金女士!我是女人!
英语国家对人的称呼通常有以下四种:(1) Mr['mistэ]先生,可用于一切男子, 不论婚否;Mrs['misiz]太太, 用于已婚女子;Miss[mis]小姐, 用于未婚女子;Ms[miz]女士,用于那些不愿意表明婚姻状况的女子,也可能是小姐, 也可能是太太。
本句中的 Ms King(金女士)从字面上看, 她可能已婚,也可能未婚。
以上四种称呼都与姓连用,而不同名字连用。英语国家的姓名通常是名在前姓在后。例如某男子的姓名是John Smith,他姓 Smith,名叫 John,可以称呼 Mr Smith, 不可称呼为 Mr John ; 如果他太太的姓名是Alice White,你可称呼她为 Mrs Smith,不可称Mrs White,也就是说太太要随丈夫姓。如果她不愿意随丈夫姓,而要用本姓,则可称Ms White。如果他们的女儿叫Mary Smith ,那么婚前应称为 Miss Smith,婚后则随丈夫姓而称Mrs…, 或叫本姓而称Ms Smith。 将Mr, Mrs, Ms, Miss冠于姓氏之前的称呼较为正式,常用于不熟悉的人,以表示尊敬和礼貌。但在较为熟悉或比较友好的人之间,则常直呼
6. But I had to lie to the company and pretend to be a man in order to get a job. (= I had to lie and I had to pretend so that I could got a job.) 为了求得一份工作,不得不欺骗公司,不得不女扮男装。
(1) 句中的lie作“说谎”、“欺骗”解,是不及物动词, 有规则变化(lie-lied-lied-lying)。lie也可以作名词, 作“谎言”、“谎话”解,常与动词tell搭配,如tell a lie(说谎)。
He lied to his parents, so they didn't like him.
He lay on the dirty floor, so they didn't like him.
(2) pretend vt. 假装、装扮。后面常跟不定式或从句, 构成“pretend to do/be”或“pretend + that-clause”结构。例如:
He pretended to be busy at his studies when I walked in.
It will do you no good to pretend to understand. 装懂是毫无益处的。
The doctor pretended not to know the secret. 医生装着不知道这个秘密。
When the boss came, she pretended that she was working hard.
7. The boss in whose department Mr King worked had heard about the accident. 金先生工作部门的头头听说出了事故。
这是一个主从复合句,主句是“The boss…had heard about the accident.”中间插入了一个由“介词+关系代词 whose ” 引导的定语从句“in whose department Mr King worked ”,修饰先行词the boss.
8. Please let me stay in the company; I enjoy working there. 请让我留在公司吧。我很喜欢在那儿工作。
enjoy vt. 欣赏,喜欢。后面通常跟名词或动词的-ing 形式作宾语,不跟不定式。 如本句中的“ I enjoy working there.”,不说“I enjoy to work there.”。例如:
Most young people enjoy pop songs, but I don't.
“Do you enjoy reading novels or plays?”——“Both.”“你喜欢看小说,还是喜欢看戏剧?”——“都喜欢。”(不说to read…)
Old people enjoy talking about the past, while young people enjoy looking forward to the future. 老年人喜欢谈论过去,而年轻人喜欢展望未来。(不说to talk about…,to look forward to…)
Step 7. Discussion
Get the students to discuss the question:
Do you think Ms King should lose her job? Why (not)?
Step 8. Workbook
Get the students to do Ex.2 and 3 in the workbook exercises individually and then check the answers with the class.
(1) Finish off the exercises of Lesson 74 in the workbook.
(1) Revise the key points of this lesson.
Lesson 75 The Secret is out (2)
Step 1. Revision
(1) Check the homework exercises.
(2) Revise the contents of Lesson 74.
Step 2. Reading
Tell the students that today we will continue to deal with story of Ms King. Read the last part of the story and answer the questions on Page 71, Ex.1. Do the work orally with the class.
Step 3. Summary of the whole story
Now tell the students to skim the text and generalize the text by telling the main idea of the three parts.
Part I : (Para.1---4 ) Because of an accident, Mr. King’s secret was let out.
Part II : ( Para.5 ) Ms King’s confession of how she got the job.
Part III : ( Para. 6---9 ) The bosses have different opinions
Step 4. Language difficulties
1. The boss of the company, whose name was Mr Little, told the story about Ms King and then said: “ We shall have to make a decision about Ms King, whose story I have just told you……” 公司的老板利特尔先生讲明了有关金女士的情况, 然后说道:“关于金女士的情况,我刚才已经告诉你们了。 我们得对她作出决定。……”
(1) 这是一个相当长的主从复合句。主句是 The boss of the company …told the story about Ms King and then said…,引号中的直接引语都是said的宾语。 全句中包括两个由whose 引导的定语从句:第一个是 whose name was Mr Little , 修饰先行词“ The boss ”; 第二个定语从句是whose story I have just told you,修饰先行词Mr King。
(2) make a decision (about) 作出 ( 有关……的 )决定(=decide)。
在英语中,有许多由make同表示动作的名词搭配, 所构成的词组, 其词义相当于表示动作的动词, 如 make a decision=decide。又如:
make an answer=answer (v.) 回答
make an arrangement=arrange (v.) 安排
make a change=change (v.) 修改,改变
make a choice=choose (v.) 选择
make a examination=examine (v.) 检查
make progress=progress (v.) 进步,前进
make a report=report (v.) 报告
make a suggestion=suggest (v.) 建议
make a start=start (v.) 开始
make a travel=travel (v.) 旅行
make a warning=warn (v.) 警告
2. It seems that she told a lie in order to get a job with our company. 看来她撒了谎,以便谋取我们公司的一个职位。句中的lie是名词,作“谎言”、“谎话”解,常与动词 tell 搭配, 构成“tell a lie”词组,作“说谎话(撒谎)”解。 它的反义词组是“tell the truth”(说实话)。例如:
Did he tell a lie or did he tell the truth? 他讲的是谎话还是实话?
It's a bad habit to tell lies. 说谎是个坏习惯。
Never tell a lie; do tell the truth. 千万别说谎;一定要讲真话。
3. For a moment or two everyone was quiet. 大家沉默了一会儿。
a moment or two是一种习惯表达,作“一会儿”解。 类似的表达还有:a minute or two(一两分钟)、an hour or two( 一两个小时)、a day or two(一两天)、a dollar or two(一两美元)、a mile or two (一两英里)等。例如:
For a moment or two she stood there still, unable to speak.
They are making a travel in Japan and will stay in Tokyo a day or two.
He stopped a minute or two, considering how to write the ending of the story.
4. I don't agree with your decision. 我不同意你的决定。
短语动词agree with作“同意”、“赞同”解,后面可以跟名词或代词,构成“agree with sb./sth.”结构, 意即“同意某人(的意见)”或“同意某事”(意见、观点、决定等)。例如:
I don't agree with you; I agree with Zhang Hong.
“Do you agree with my views?”——“No, I'm afraid not.”
All of us agree with the decision the boss has made.
表示“同意某事”还可以用“agree to sth.”, 这里的“某事”多指建议、安排、条件等。例如:
They all agreed to my suggestion about the travel.
The engineer didn't agree to this arrangement. 工程师不同意这种安排。
agree后还可以跟不定式,即 agree to do sth.,意即“同意干某事”。例如:
They all agreed to make a decision about the project.
5. Does it matter if an engineer is a man or a woman?
(= Is it important whether an engineer is a man or a woman?) 工程师是男是女,还有什么要紧呢?
It doesn't matter to me if she tells us the truth.
It doesn't matter whether he is going with us.
“Does it matter whether we start now or later?” ——“No, it doesn't matter.”
“我们是现在出发还是晚点儿出发,有什么关系吗? ” ——“没有关系。”
6. She lied to us because she had to in order to get a job. 她对我们说过谎话, 那是为了获得一份工作而不得不这样做的。
句中“because she had to”后省略了“lie to us”, 以避免同上文重复。在有上下文的句子中,常以不定式符号“to ”来代替上文的某个动词。例如:
He asked for your help because he had to (ask for your help).
You can keep your secret if you want to ( keep your secret).
“Will you come and join us in the trip?”——“ I'll be glad to (come and join you).”
7. I would like her to stay in the company. (= I want her to stay in the company.) 我想要留她在公司工作。
“I would like…”相当于“I want…”的意思(我想要……),但比“I want…”语气委婉,显得客气些。在“I would like ”后可跟不定式或跟带不定式的复合结构,即“I would like to do sth.”(我想要干某事),或“I would like sb. To do sth.”(我想要某人干某事)。例如:
I would like Jim to help me. (=I want Jim to help me.) 我想要吉姆帮助我。
I would like all of you to enjoy working here. (= I hope all of you enjoy working here.) 我希望你们大家都喜欢在这儿工作。
I would like to tell you something about my family story.
“I would like to…”在口语中常用“I'd like to …”代替(I'd=I would)。例如:
I'd like to say something about how to get a job. 我想谈谈关于如何求职的问题。
8. But we have never had women working in this part of our company before. (=But we have never let women work in this part of our company before.) 不过,我们以前从来没让女人在我们公司的这个部门工作过。
句中的“have never had women working …”的意思相当于“have never let woman work…”(从来没让妇女……工作)。注意这里的“have sb. doing sth.”结构意即“let sb. do sth.”。have在这里是使役动词,作“让”、“使”、“请”解,常构成“have sb. doing sth.”结构,表示“让/ 请某人干某事”的意思。例如:
The doctor tried to have Ms King telling the truth.
The chemistry teacher had the students looking at him carefully.
He was very funny and had us laughing all the way.
9. That's because we never thought of it. 这是因为我们从来没有想起过这个问题。
由because引导的从句是名词性从句, 在句中作表语, 其中的it 指代上文所说的“女人从来不在这个部门工作”的问题。短语动词 think of作“想起”、“想到”解,也可以用 think about, 意思相同。例如:
When she heard the secret, she thought of her mother.
He was always thinking of/about his family when he first came to school.
24. The boss looked down upon women. 公司老板看不起妇女。
look down upon意思是“看不起”,“轻视”。例如:
We mustn't look down upon those who fall behind us in study.
The boss of the company refused to employ Ms King because he looked down upon women. 公司老板拒绝雇用金女士,因为他轻视妇女。
Step 5. Language study
Let the Ss find out the Attributive clause with “whose” in L.74 and L.75. And then give the Ss several examples to explain the Attributive Clause used by “whose”.
(1) Mr King , whose legs were badly hurt, was taken to hospital.
(2) The boss in whose department Mr King worked called at the hospital.
(3) The boss of the company , whose name was Mr Little, told the story.
此外,在阅读课文(reading)中还出现过类似的由whose 引导的定语从句:
(4) We shall have to make a decision about Ms King, whose story I have just told you. 关于金女士的情况,我刚才已经告诉你们了。 我们得对她的事情作出决定。
(5) Then Mr Pattis, in whose department Ms King worked, said…
上述例句中的whose是关系代词who的所有格,作“某某的”解,可以指 “某人的”,也可以指“某物的”。 它引导定语从句,修饰它的先行词, 同时它本身在从句中作定语。如例(1) 的主句是“ Mr King … was taken to hospital”,中间插入了由whose 引导的定语从句(whose legs were badly hurt),其中的whose 在从句中作定语,修饰从句的主语 legs( whose legs=Mr King's legs)。 又如例(4)中的定语从句是“whose story I have just told you”,修饰先行词Ms King; 同时whose在从句中定语,修饰从句的宾语story(whose story= Ms King's story)。再如例 (2) 中的定语从句是“ in whose department Mr King worked ”, 修饰它的先行词The boss;同时whose在从句中作定语,修饰从句中的介词宾语department( in whose department=in the boss's department)。
① 上述五个例句中,例(1),(3),(4),(5) 中的定语从句为非限制性定语从句,从句与主句之间有逗号分开;
② 在例(3)中的“ whose name ”不是指“ the company's name”,而是指“the boss's name”,由whose 引导的定语从句叫做分隔式定语从句。
③ 上述五个例句中的whose都是指“某人的”,其实whose也可以指“某物的”。例如:
The company whose name was Notco was in Australia.
He is living in a house whose windows are painted white.
(1). She is the girl. Her English is very good.
She is the girl whose English is very good.
(2). Mr Wang teaches us Chinese. His wife is our head teacher.
Mr Wang whose wife is our head teacher teaches us Chinese.
(3). Mr Little is the boss. Ms King works in his company.
Mr Little is the boss whose company Ms King works in.
Mr Little is the boss in whose company Ms King works.
(4). I am the person. You helped a lot with my lessons.
I am the person whose lessons you helped a lot with.
I am the person with whose lessons you helped a lot.
2.Get the Ss do pair work
Step 6. Practice
SB P19, part 3, practice and do Ex.1 (P.73)
Ask students to use at least two of the words and phrases above to make up a short passage
Step 7. Workbook
Get the students to do the workbook exercises (Exx.2 and 3) individually and then check the answers with the class.
(1) Finish off the exercises of Lesson 75 in the workbook.
(2) Revise the attributive clause that we have just learned.

Lesson 76
Step 1. Revision
(1) Check the homework exercises.
(2) Revise the content of Lesson 74 and 75.
(3) Review the attributive clause.
Step 2. Listening
(1) Pre-listening: T: Nowadays is it easy for a woman to find a job?
S: No.
T: Why not? Can you give an example?
S: There are fewer jobs for men. So it’s more difficult for women to find jobs. Ms King used to
pretend to be a man in order to find a good job.
T: Do you want to know something about Ms King now?
S: Yes.
T: OK, now you’ll hear Ms King, who is now not an engineer, talking about her job. Please turn to
P 125 and look at Exx 1 and 2 first. Just write down some words or phrases that give the needed information, you needn’t write down complete sentences.
(2) While-listening:
① Play the tape for the students to answer the questions.
② Check the answers with the students.
(3) Post listening activity: get the students to talk about the listening passage.
Step 3. Checkpoints
Go through Checkpoint 19 with the students. Get the students to make sentences of their own using the useful expressions.
Step 4. Word study
T: Do you still remember the story about Ms King?
S: Yes,
T: Can you tell it to us? All right, let’s come to the summary of the story about Ms King on P20.
Please go over the passage and then fill in the missing words. One blank, one word.
(Give Ss some time and then check up)
Some useful words or phrases in this passage:
1) design office
2) be taken to hospital
3) examine
4)refuse to do sth
5) remove
6) pretend to be a man(woman)
7) in order to do sth
8) be surprised to do sth
9) find out
10) promise to do sth
11) not … any more
12) It is a good idea to do sth.
13) in future
Step 5. Writing
SB 20, Part 3. Read the instructions and tell the students to do orally in groups of four and then put the 4 paragraphs together to form a passage.
Step 6. Workbook
Workbook Lesson 76 Ex.1~3 and the exercises in Unit 19 Revision. Get the students to do the exercises and then check the answers with the students.
(1) Finish off the exercises of Lesson 76 in the workbook.
(2) Revise the key points of this unit.
(3) Revise the grammar: the attributive clause
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