Unit 3 This is my sister(新目标版七年级英语下册教案教学设计)

中学英语教学资源网英语教案教学设计 手机版

点军二中 满益俊
1. 会介绍自己的家人和朋友。
2. 根据相关信息辨别人物。
3. 能够用写信的形式介绍自己的家庭。
语言功能 语言目标
 介绍人物
 辨别人物  运用this/that介绍他人
 运用this/that 的疑问句形式询问、辨别人物
语言结构 重点词汇
 指示代词:this, that, these, those
 主格代词:I, he, she
 Yes/No问句及其简单回答
 名词的复数形式
mother, father, sister, brother, grandmother,
grandfather, friend, uncle, aunt, cousin, parents
学习策略与思维技巧 跨学科学习
 通过对人物个性化的描述,识别图片
 通过对话练习,掌握介绍人物时常用的习惯用语  视觉能力/语言艺术:利用卡通学习新句型;画家人或朋友,然后用英语介绍所画的内容
 社会实践:了解自己的家庭,理解家人
设计思路: 本节课为一堂复习的公开课。主要是复习介绍家人和朋友。因为有一些陌生老师听课所以就利用这一信息沟让学生去介绍自己去结识新朋友来复习以前的一些知识,给学生创造一个真实的交际空间。然后让学生介绍新朋友复习本课知识。由于介绍的人多,其他人不一定能记住他们的名字这就有了第二个活动辨认人物。

Tasks Steps The language may use
Make friends 1.The teacher talks to a student
2.Introduces it to the others.
3. The students talks to one of the comers or the classmates in the classroom they want to know. (Because many strangers are in the classroom It’s a good chance to communicate in a real situation.)
4. Introduce your new friends to your old friends.
1. Hello, I’m___. What’s your English name?
2.What’s your first /last name?
3.How do you spell it?
4. What’s your telephone number?
5.Where are you from?
6. This is my new friend. These are my good friends.
7. Her/His name is ___.
8. She/he is a teacher.
9. She/he is from ____.
A guessing game: Who is he/she? The new friends stand in a line. Let Ss guess who is he/she? (If no enough new comers are the friends, the teacher can give more names to the Ss.) Give a small present to the S who is right.
(It’s also a good way to use their own drawing to guess who he /she is) 1. ---Is she/he Jack?
---Yes, she/he is./ No, she/he isn’t.
2. ---Jack, is this your friend?
A compition Divide the class into 8 groups. Write down the names of the family members on big cards. The group which write the most is the winner. mother, father, sister, brother, grandmother, grandfather, friend, uncle, aunt, cousin, parents, niece, nephew, granddaughter, grandson
Make families 1. In the groups,everyone gets a card they write.
2. Talk about the family members in groups
3. Show one or two families in the front. Others listen and write the information.
4. Give a chance to make sure about the family members. They can ask anyone in the front any queation.
5. Write a short passage with a family photo to introduce one family.
6. Read the passages in groups.One read and the others help to correct the mistakes.
7. Choose some to read out the passage, and show some on the wall. 1. This is my father.
2. These are my grandparents. …
3. ---Is she your sister?
---Yes, she is. /No, she isn’t.
4. ---Is he your brother?
---No, he isn’t. /Yes, he is.
5. ---Are they your parents?
---Yes, they are. /No, they aren’t.
6. ---Excuse me, Jim.
7. ---Thank you.
---You’re welcome.



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