
中学英语教学资源网英语教案学案设计 手机版

I. 词组归纳
1. 迟到 ________________
2. 文化提示 _________________
3. 用英语 _________________
4. 成对的 _________________
5. 穿蓝色衣服的男孩 _________________
6. 表演出来 ________________
7. 电话号码 ________________
8. 姓氏 _________________
9. 名 _________________
10. 给约翰打电话4953539 _________________
11. 失物招领处 _________________
12. 黄金戒指 _________________
13. 一串钥匙 _________________
14. 家谱 ___________________
15. 为……而感谢 ___________________
16. Tony的全家福 ___________________
17. 把……带去给某人 ___________________
18. 他的数学书 ___________________
19. 一些录像带 ___________________
20. 在梳妆台上 ___________________
21. 把……带来给某人 ___________________
22. 在A和B之间 ___________________
23. 在地板上 _________________
24. 打电脑游戏 __________________
25. 棒球球棒 __________________
26. 一个网球拍 __________________
27. 想做某事 __________________
28. 欢迎来到我们学校 ___________________
29. 加入学校体育中心 ___________________
30. 马上加入我们吧! ___________________
31. 丰富的体育用品收藏 ___________________
32. 在电视上看篮球比赛 ___________________
33. 跑步明星 __________________
34. 吃健康的食物 __________________
35. 就早餐而言 __________________
36. 食物清单 __________________
37. 一年的这个时候 __________________
38. 以一个非常优惠的价格 _________________
39. 各种颜色的毛衣 _________________
40. 出售 ________________
41. 看一下…… _________________
42. 服装店 _________________
43. 篮球打得好 _________________
44. 非常喜欢…… _________________
II. 句型归纳
1. _______ _______ name?
My name is Dale.
2. _______ _______ _______ your aunt?
She’s 37 ________ old.
3. _______ that?
It’s Gina.
4. _______ this _______ English?
It’s letter A.
5. _______ play soccer today!
Great, that sounds good.
6. _______ _______ are these desks?
They are brown.
7. _______ _______ you _______ watch?
8. _______ that her eraser?
No, _______ isn’t.
9. _______ telephone number?
_______ 7385098.
10. _______ this your brother?
Yes, _______ is.
11. _______ _______ his books?
They’re on the dresser.
12. _______ _______ on the dresser?
Yes, they are.
13. _______ they have a computer?
No, they _______.
14. _______ he have a soccer ball?
Yes, he _______.
15. I like oranges but I ______ like bananas.
16. Their father likes broccoli but he ______ like hamburgers.
17. _______ _______ your sister like for lunch?
She likes fish and salad for lunch.
18. _______ _______ are the red socks?
_______ 3 dollars.
III. 考点归纳
1. Hello, Eli. Good morning. 嗨,埃丽。早上好。
-Hello. -Hello.
―Hi. ―Hi.
―Good morning. ―Good morning.
―Good afternoon. ―Good afternoon.
―Good evening. ―Good evening.
―Good night. ―Good night.
―How do you do? ―How do you do?
―How are you? ―Fine, thank you.
注意对 “How do you do?” 和 “How are you?” 两句话的回答不要弄混淆。
2. Sorry, I’m late. 对不起,我迟到了。
1) sorry “对不起” 用于引出某一过错。
Excuse me. “对不起” 用于引起对方的注意。例如:
I’m sorry I can’t speak English.
Excuse me, is this your backpack?
2) be late (for ...) (做……)迟到
be late for school/ class/ work/ the meeting
late的副词仍为late, 不能写成lately. 例如:
Please don’t arrive lately for school. (×)
Please don’t arrive late for school. (√)
3. Nice to meet you! 很高兴认识你!
(It’s)Nice to meet you.
=(I’m) Happy/ Glad/ Pleased to meet you.
I’m nice to meet you. (×)
It’s happy/ glad/ pleased to meet you. (×)
4. What’s this in English? 这个用英语怎么说?
1) 同义句:What’s the English for this?
2) 用什么语言,介词用in: “in + language”. 例如:
in English 用英语
in Chinese 用汉语
in Japanese 用日语
in your own words 用自己的语言
用钢笔:in ink = in pen = with a pen
5. Let’s learn English. 让我们学英语。
1) let’s = let us 让我们
Let’s ..., shall we?
Let us ..., will you?
Let’s do sth.
= Why not do sth.?
= What/How about doing sth.? 例如:
Let’s learn English.
= Why not learn English?
= What/How about learning English?
2) let sb. do sth. 让某人做某事 例如:
Let me play the guitar.
Let Tony draw a picture for you.
① let sb. to do sth. (×)
② let sb. do sth. 中的sb.若是代词要用宾格形式。
Let she sing an English song. (×)
Let her sing an English song. (√)
③ let sb. do st.. 中的sb.即使是第三人称单数后面的动词仍用原形,例如:
Let him plays soccer. (×)
Let him play soccer. (√)
3) learn 学习
learn sth. 学习……, 例如:
We will learn physics this term.
4) learn sth. from … 从……学到……, 例如:
We learnt cooking from my cousin.
5) learn from 向……学习, 例如:
Let us learn from Lei Feng.
6) learn to do sth. 学做……, 例如:
Lucy learnt to play the trumpet last summer vacation.
6) learn + 疑问代词 + to do sth. 例如:
We are learning how to mend this bike.
You should learn what to say when you meet the foreigners at the airport.
两个词语都有这一用法:learn sth. / study sth.。
但指学习时,study有“深入研究”的含义;而且study不能用作:study to do sth.。
6. What color is this Z? 这个字目Z是什么颜色?
1) 对颜色提问的两种方法:
What color …? = What’s the color of …? 例如:
What color is your purse? = What the color of your purse?
2) color v. 着色
color sth. + 颜色, 例如:
I want to color it red.
1)对名词(复数)的颜色提问时,不能用what colors,例如:
What color are these cups? (√)
What colors are these cups? (×)
2) color是可数名词,例如:
I don’t like these colors.
7. What’s your name? 你叫什么名字?
1) 对姓名的几种提问及回答:
What’s your name? = May I have/know your name?
My name is … = I’m …
2) 姓氏:family name / last name/ surname
名: given name/ first name
全名:full name
3) 中文名字的习惯:
family name / last name/ surname + given name/ first name
given name/ first name + family name / last name/ surname
Zhang Xiaoli: Miss Zhang/ Xiaoli (√)
Zhang/ Miss Xiaoli (×)
Dave Green: Mr. Green/ Dave (√)
Green/ Mr. Dave (×)
8. Is this your dictionary? 这是你的字典吗?
回答:Yes, it is. / No, it isn’t.
Is this/that ...?
Yes, it is. / No, it isn’t. (√)
Yes, this/that is. / No, this/that isn’t. (×)
Is that your brother’s backpack?
Yes, it is.
-Is this/that + 人?
-Yes, it is. / No, it isn’t. (√)
-Yes, he/she is. / No, he/she isn’t. (×)
9. Call John at 495-3539. 给约翰打电话495-3539。
call v. 打电话
1) 单独使用 “打电话”, 例如:
Please call this evening.
2)call + sb. “给某人打电话”, 例如:
Please call Bob this evening.
3) call + telephone number “拨打某一电话号码”, 例如:
Please call 2377485 now.
4) call + sb. + at + telephone number “给某人打电话”, 例如:
Please call my teacher at 65774839.
Please call Gina, her phone number is 2684753.
=Please call Gina at 2684753.
10. Thanks for the great photo of your family. 感谢你的全家福照片。
1) 感谢你。
Thanks. = Thank you. (√)
Thank. (×)
Thanks you. (×)
2) Thanks for + sth./doing sth. 为……而感谢你。例如:
Thanks for your help.
=Thanks for helping me.
3) the photo of your family
=your family photo
11. Here is my family photo. 这是我的全家福照片。
Here is your letter.
On the dresser is my photo.
Here you are.
Under the tree _______ a boy.
A. is standing B. stands C. stand D. is stand ( B )
2)This is ... .的句型也表示“这是……。”但通常用于介绍;而“Here is... .”常用于把某物给说话的对象。
12. Please take these things to your brother. 请把这些东西带给你弟弟。
take, bring, carry 和get的区别:
1) take “带走”,从近处带到远处,例如:
Please take these books to your home after school.
1) bring “带来”,从远处带来,例如:
Please bring me some video cassettes.
2) carry “带”,无方向性,指移动较重、较大的东西,有“负重”的含义,例如:
The bag is too heavy for me. Can you carry it for me?
3) get “去拿来”,相当于go and bring,例如:
Can I get you something to drink?
13. I need my hat, my ID card, my notebook and my pencils.
need v. 需要
1) need + sth./sb. “需要……” 例如:
She really needs these video cassettes.
2) need to do sth. “需要做……” 例如:
I need to listen to some relaxing music.
3) need doing sth. = need to be done “需要被……” 例如:
These flowers need watering.
=These flowers need to be watered.
14. There are books in the bookcase. 书柜里有书。
There be 句型
There be + n. + some place. 在某处有什么。
There is an alarm clock on the dresser.
There are some keys in the drawer.
2) 否定式
There be + not + a/an +n. + some place.
There be + not + any + n.(pl.) + some place.
There be + no + n. + some place.
There isn’t a baseball on the floor.
There aren’t any books in the bookcase.
3) 疑问句及回答
Be there + a/an +n. + some place ?
Be there + any +n. (pl.)+ some place ?
--Yes, there is(are).
--No, there isn’t(aren’t any).
How many + n.(pl) +be there + some place?
There is only one.
There are … .
1)There be句型的就近原则:若有两个或两个以上的主语是,谓语常与靠近它的那个主语一致。
There is a book, two pens and some cups on the table.
There are two pens, some cups and a book on the table.
There is some broccoli in the bowl.
How much broccoli is there in the bowl?
There are three bowls of broccoli on the table.
How many bowls of broccoli are there on the table?
4)在变特殊疑问句时,不要忘记加are(is) there。
How many kids are there in the room? (√)
How many kids in the room? (×)
On the table there is only one tennis racket.
6)与have的区别在于:have表示某人或某物拥有什么;而There be表示在什么地方存在什么。
15. You want to join your school sports center.
want 想,想要
1) want + sth./sb. “想要……” 例如:
I want two hamburgers.
2) want to do sth. “想要做……” 例如:
He wants to join the reading club.
3) want sb. (not) to do sth. “想某人(不)做什么” 例如:
My mother wants me to practice English every day.
He wants that boy not to play soccer in the street.
16. Welcome to our sports center. 欢迎到我们体育中心来。
1)作名词:a warm welcome 热烈欢迎
2)作形容词:You’re welcome. 没关系。
sb. be welcome to some place 欢迎某人到某地
sb. be welcome to do sth. 欢迎某人做什么事
3)作动词:welcome sb. 例如:
Let’s welcome Mr. Smith to give us a talk.
17. Ed Edgarson has a great sports collection.
Ed Edgarson有丰富的体育用品收藏。
apple tree - apple trees
toy train - toy trains
shoe shop - shoe shops
如果修饰词为man, woman则两个名词都要变为复数形式,例如:
woman doctor - women doctors
man teacher - men teachers
1) 有的名词常以复数形式出现, 例如:
clothes shop - clothes shops
sports center - sports centers
2) 丰富的钢笔收藏:a great/big pen collection
少的钢笔收藏: a small pen collection
18. He only watches them on TV. 他只在电视上观看它们。
1) 看:watch, see, look, read
watch TV/ a movie/ a football game/ a match/ the news reports
see a movie/ an old friend
look at the picture/ that funny boy
read the newspaper/ a map/ the menu/ an interesting story
2) on TV 在电视上
on the phone 在电话里
on the computer 在电脑上
on the screen 在屏幕上
19. Do you like bananas? 你喜欢香蕉吗?
1) like v.
like sth. / sb. 喜欢…
like doing sth. 喜欢做…
like to do sth. 想做…
like sb. to do sth. 想要某人做…
would like to do sth.想做…
would like sb. to do sth.想要某人做…
2) like prep.
be like 像…
look/sound like 看/听起来像…
like doing sth. 喜欢做…(长期的喜好,习惯)
like to do sth. 想做…(短期的,具体的某一次活动) = want to do
dislike, love, hate 都有类似的用法。
What does your father like? 你父亲喜欢什么?
What is your father like? 你父亲长得什么样?
dislike v. 不喜欢
unlike prep. 不像
3) 泛指某一类的事物:
可数名词: 名词复数 / 冠词+名词单数
20. Runner eats well. 跑步选手吃得好。
1) 构词法:在动词后面加-er或-or,将动词变为名词,意思是“做……的人”
clean–cleaner sing-singer paint-painter wait-waiter
report-reporter work-worker teach-teacher speak-speaker
act-actor visit-visitor
dance-dancer write-writer drive-driver
run-runner swim-swimmer shop-shopper
1) cook v.烹调 ― cook n.厨师 - cooker n.厨房用具
2) 跑步明星: running star (√)
runner star (×)
21. Middlebrook High running star Katrina Pedrosa eats a lot of healthy food. Middlebrook高中的跑步明星Katrina Pedrosa吃许多健康的食物。
1) a lot of = lots of 可以用来修饰可数名词和不可数名词。
Jim drank a lot of/lots of beer.
I have a lot of/lots of things to do.
2) a lot = a lot of/ lots of +名词
Do we have some rice at home now ?
Yes, we have a lot.
3) a lot作状语,表示程度、数量或频率。
I like ice-cream a lot.
Thanks a lot.
I know a lot about it.
22.For breakfast, she likes eggs, bananas and apples.
1) for 就……而言
2) have/eat + 三餐 “吃早/中/晚饭” 例如:
I usually have lunch at home.
have/eat + a + adj. + 三餐 “吃怎样的早/中/晚饭” 例如:
have a rich/ big/quick/…breakfast 吃了顿丰盛的/迅速的早餐
We had a quick super tonight.
23. How much are these pants? 这裤子多少钱?
1) How much …?
2) How much … cost?
3) What’s the price of …?
How much is this sweater?
= How much does this sweater cost?
= What’s the price of this sweater?
24. You name it, we have it at a very good price.
以怎样的价格: at a ... price
以优惠的/高的/低廉的价格: at a good/ high/ low price
I buy a pair of shoes at a good price.
This sweater is on sale at a high price.
The price of this coat is high. = This coat is expensive.
The price of my trousers is low. = My trousers are cheap.
The price of these pants is expensive.
My glasses are low (price).
25. We have T-shirts in red, green and black.
同义句:We have red T-shirts, green T-shirts and white T-shirts.
n.+ in + 颜色 = 颜色+n. 例如:
She has a new orange jacket. = She has a new jacket in orange.
n. + in all colors 各种颜色的…… 例如:
各种颜色的毛衣: the sweaters in all colors
各种颜色的水: the water in all colors
在n. + in all colors这个短语中,若中心词是可数名词则应用复数形式。
各种颜色的帽子:the caps in all colors (√)
the cap in all colors (×)
26. We have black and blue hats for $15.
1) 同义句:We sell black and blue hats at the price of $15.
for + money = at the price of + money 以……(具体的)价格
2) buy sth. for + money 以……(具体的)价格买了什么
buy sth. for + sb. 给某人买了什么
I bought a pair of red socks for $3.
I bought a pair of red socks for my daughter.
27. Huaxing Clothing Store Sale1! 华兴服装店大减价!
1) sale n. 出售
2) great sale 大减价
at great sale 在大减价期间,例如:
come and buy some clothes for you at great sale.
3) on sale 正在出售,例如:
Look! The cute toy bears are on sale!
4) for sale 待售, 例如:
This house is for sale!
sell v. 卖
Is that book on sale in you store? = Do you sell that book?
sell sth. to sb. 把什么卖给某人
Ⅳ. 语法精讲
1. 含义
2. 分类
人名:Gina, Lin Wei, Mr. Bush etc.
节日:Christmas, Teachers’ Day etc.
专有名词 地名:Chongqing, China, America etc.
时间:Sunday, September etc.

机构,团体等:CCTV, WTO etc.
个体名词:strawberry, baseball, drum etc.
集体名词:class, family, people, police etc.
物质名词:water, meat, sea etc.
抽象名词:work, surprise etc.
①由普通名词或形容词构成的专有名词前。例如: the Great Wall the Summer Palace
②由“普通名词+专有名词”或“专有名词+普通名词” 构成的专有名词前。
例如: the New York Times
③表示全体国民的专有名词前。例如: the Chinese
④表示“一家人”或“夫妇”的专有名词前。例如: the Greens
⑤报刊、书籍、杂志的专有名词前。例如: the Times
⑥团体机关、学校、医院、公共建筑的名称前。例如: the United Nations
⑦江湖、海洋、山脉等名字的专有名词前。例如: the Yellow River
例如: event, documentary, tomato etc.
不可数名词:不可以用数目计算,一般没有单复数之分。例如: rice, broccoli, beef etc.
例如: a runner,an orange ect
例如: some watches, three uncles etc.
3. 名词的数
1) 一般名词的复数形式
构成法 读音 例词
一般情况在单数形式词尾加-s -s在清辅音后发/s/
-s在浊辅音和元音后发/z/ book – books
egg – eggs
以s, x, ch, sh结尾的词后加-es 读作/iz/ bus – buses
box - boxes
watch – watches
以e结尾的词在后加-s 读作/iz/ horse – horses
以辅音字母+y结尾的词变y为i再加-es 读作/z/ dictionary-dictionaries
以元音字母+y结尾的词直接在后加-s 读作/z/ boy – boys
key – keys
以f, fe结尾的词变f, fe为v加-es 读作/vz/ leaf – leaves
wife – wives
thief – thieves
以o结尾的词在后加-es 读作/z/ potato – potatoes
① 以y结尾的专有名词,变为复数时,直接加-s。eg the little Marys 小玛丽们
② 以下以f, fe结尾的名词变为复数时,直接加-s。
roof – roofs (房顶) chief – chiefs (首长) safe – safes (保险箱)
③ 以下以o结尾的外来词,变为复数时直接加-s。
zoo – zoos radio – radios photo – photos piano – pianos
kilo – kilos video – videos
2) 名词复数的不规则变化:
sheep – sheep deer – deer Chinese – Chinese Japanese – Japanese
fish –fish man – men woman – women foot – feet tooth – teeth
child – children mouse – mice
3) 复合名词的复数形式
词的构成特点 变复数的方法 例词
由若干部分组成并含有一种中心词(指人的词) 将中心词变为复数形式 son-in-law (女婿)—sons-in-law
looker-on (旁观者)—lookers-on
组成部分均为表示人的主体词 (特别注意由man, woman组成的复合词) 各组成部分都要变为复数形式 woman doctor(女医生)
—women doctor
man teacher(男老师)—men teachers
组成部分没有中心词 最后一个组成词上加 -s grown-up (成年人)—grown-ups
4) 只有复数形式的名词
scissors(剪刀), trousers(裤子), glasses(眼镜), savings(积蓄)
earnings(工资), arms(武器), thanks(感谢),goods(货物),
clothes(衣服), chopsticks(筷子)
5) 一些名词以s结尾,但一般用单数
economics(经济学),physics(物理),tennis etc.
1) 有一些不可数名词在使用时常常被误作为可数名词使用,因此应特别注意。
例如: advice(意见),labor(劳动),information(信息、消息),
2) 一些表示度量的名词复数形式在使用时表示单数含义,因此谓语动词用单数。
例如: Two years isn’t a long time to us.
1) -’s所有格形式的构成
① 大多数单数名词后加 's 构成其所有格形式。
例如: Sally’s address 莎莉的地址
my cousin’s nationality 我表弟的国籍
② 以 s 结尾的名词(特别是名词复数),在 s 后加 '
例如: the teachers' office 老师们的办公室
three minutes’ walk 三分钟的路程
③ 复合词和由两个或两个以上名词表示共有关系的词组,在最后一个名词后加所有格符号's。
例如: Mary and Linda's birthday 玛丽和琳达的生日
④如果两个或两个以上名词表示分别的拥有关系,则在每个名词后分别加 'S。
例如: Mary's and Linda's birthdays 玛丽的生日和琳达的生日
2)以of加名词组成 of 属格
例如: the color of the sweater 毛衣的颜色
the name of the movie 电影的名字
3)在以下情况中,只能用of与 's 构成双重所有格
① 所有格所修饰的名词前面有一个数量词或一个指示代词that时,要用双重所有格(数量词包括 a,two,some,no,any,few等)。
例如: an aunt of Mary's(=one of Mary's aunts)
some photos of my mother’s 我母亲的一些照片
that son of Mr. Smith's 史密斯先生的那个儿子
that smile of the boy's 那个孩子的微笑
① 当名词所有格所修饰的名词在前面已出现过,为避免重复,往往省略。
例如: I need your trumpet, not Bill's.
② 当被所有格修饰的名词表示店铺、教堂或某人的家时,这一名词省略。
例如: I'm going to the tailor's to get my dress.
We'll visit St. Paul's (cathedral). 我们将参观圣保罗教堂。
They took part in the birthday party at Tom's.
1) 不以s结尾的复数名词所有格的构成形式与单数名词的相同。
例如: the children's movie 孩子们的电影
the Women's Day妇女节
2) 在以下两个语言点使用的时候,注意其名词的单复数。
例如: Mary and Linda's birthday 玛丽和琳达的生日
Mary's and Linda's birthdays 玛丽的生日和琳达的生日
① “-'s”所有格形式多用于表示有生命的名词,或表示与人类活动有关的时间、地点、机构等名词。
例如: Tom's books 汤姆的书
today's newspaper 今天的报纸
② “of”所有格主要表示无生命的东西。
例如: the ticket of Chinese Kung Fu show 中国功夫表演的门票
the price of the pants 裤子的价格
③ 表示类别或属性时,只能用“-'s”所有格形式。
例如: a women's college 女子学院
children's books 儿童读物
a college of the women 那些女人的学院
④ 所有格中的名词后面有定语(如现在分词短语或介词短语等),只能用“of”所有格形式。
例如: It is the violin of the boy speaking to the teacher.
He is a student of Fifth Middle School in Xi'an.
⑤ 当所有格中的名词是以定冠词加形容词的形式出现时,只能用 of 构成的所有格形式。
例如: the happiness of the old 老年人的幸福
the problems of the young 年轻人的问题
5 名词的句法功能
例如: The show is very boring.
例如: My brother is a reporter.
例如: He finished his task on time.
We made Tom our captain.
例如: pen pal 笔友
例如: The meeting lasted two hours.
Wait a moment.
He was late for class this morning.
例如: Mr. Smith, the movie star, is speaking now.
We students should study hard.

1. 含义
2. 人称代词
1) 表示“我”、“你”、“他(她、它)”、“我们”、“你们”、“他们”的词叫做人称代词。
2) 变化形式

格 单数 复数
一 二 三 一 二 三
我 你 他 她 它 我们 你们 他们
主格 I you he she it we you they
宾格 me you him her it us you them
3) 用法
① 人称代词的主格在句子中作主语。
例如: He comes from Brazil.
② 人称代词的宾格在句子中作宾语。
例如:Let her play the piano for you.
1) 当几个代词同时作主语时,其顺序一般是:
单数:you, he and I
复数:we, you and they.
例如: You, he and I are in the same school now.
We, you and they must come here on time.
例如: China is my motherland. She isn’t what she used to be.
3. 物主代词
1) 表示所有关系的代词叫物主代词。物主代词包括形容词性的物主代词和名词性的物主代词。
2) 变化形式

种类 单数 复数
一 二 三 一 二 三
我的 你的 他的 她的 它的 我们的 你们的 他们

形容词性的物主代词 my your his her its our your their
名词性的物主代词 mine yours his hers its ours your theirs
3) 用法
① 形容词性的物主代词在句中作定语。
例如:Today is his birthday.
② 名词性的物主代词常用来避免前面已提及的名词,在句中作主语、表语、宾语。
例如:This is your backpack, mine is on the floor under the bed.
例如: A friend of mine came to see me yesterday.
4. 反身代词
1) 表示“我自己”、“你自己”、“他自己”等意思的词被称为反身代词。
2) 变化形式

人称 单数
第一人称 myself Ourselves
第二人称 yourself Yourselves
第三人称 himself
itself Themselves
3) 用法
① 作主语或宾语的同位语,表示强调。
例如: He himself went to see an action movie yesterday.
You’d better ask Mr. Green himself about it.
② 作介词宾语。
例如: I learn French all by myself.
③ 与动词:enjoy, help, hurt, teach, look after, take care of, wash, buy, dress连用,作动词宾语。
5. 相互代词
1) 表示相互关系的代词叫相互代词。
2) 相互代词有:each other, one another, 在句中作宾语。
例如:We should help each other.
3) 其所有格格式为:each other’s, one another’s, 作定语。
例如: We don’t know each other’s names.
6. 指示代词
1) 表示“这个”、“那个”、“这些”、“那些”等指示概念的代词叫作指示代词。
2) 指示代词有:this, that, these, those, such, same 等;可以在句中作主语、表语、宾语或定语。
7. 不定代词
1) 表示不定数量的人或物的代词叫做不定代词。
2) 英语中常见的不定代词有:some, any, both, none, either, neither, all, one, each, many, much, another, other, more, most, few, little等。另外还有由some, any, no, every构成的复合不定代词。
3) 不定代词具有名词和形容词的性质,并有可数和不可数之分,在句中可以作主语、表语、宾语、定语、同位语、状语等。
8. 疑问代词
1) 疑问代词what, which, who, whom, whose用来构成特殊疑问句,在句中作主语、宾语、定语和表语。
2) 用法
① what一般用来指物,指人时通常询问职业。
例如: What are you doing? I’m talking on the phone.
What is your father? He’s a policeman.
② who, whom, whose均指人,who为主格形式,在句中作主语或表语;whom是宾格形式,在句中作宾语;whose是所有格形式,一般作定语。
例如: Who’s singing there?
Whom did you talk with just now?
Whose car is this?
③ which可以用来指人或物。
例如: Which book is better, this one or that one?
9. 关系代词
关系代词who, whom, whose, which, that用来以引导定语从句。
1. Her ____ name is Kate.
A. last B. first C. second D. family
2. This apple is green. His family name is _____, too.
A. Red B. Black C. green D. Green
3. The boy ____ blue ____ Tom.
A. in, is B. is, in C. are, on D. of, are
4. My orange is ______ .
A. a orange B. orange C. a green D. oranges
5. What’s in the lost and found case?
A. Set of keys B. A set of key C. A set of keies D. A set of keys
6. Who’s that? __________.
A. That’s a waitress.
B. This is a girl.
C. This is Ms Wang.
D. That’s Mrs Wang.
7. Your uncle is your father’s______.
A. sister B. cousin C. friends D. father
8. Can I see your ID card? ______.
A. OK B. Can you C. Good D. You see
9. Would you please ____ me a pen?
A. take B. bring C. know D. let
10. “ Are the things in this shop dear?”
“ No, they are ______.”
A. good B. $ 12 C. low price D. cheap
11. “ ________, that’s a car.”
“ Where? I can’t _____ it.”
A. Look, look B. Look, see C. Look at, see D. See, look at
12. _____ a cute dog. But I don’t know _____ name.
A. It’s, its B. Its, it’s C. It’s, it’s D. Its, its
13. What does he ____ ____ dinner?
A. has, for B. has, at C. have, in D. have, for
14. ______ salad do you eat?
A. How many B. What many C. How much D. What much
15. Does your sister ____ books every day?
A. watch B. see C. reads D. read
16. I buy these watches _____ them ___ $ 12.
A. to, at B. from, for C. to, for D. from, at
17. Sam is ____ years old. He’s a good boy.
A. forteen B. fourten C. forty D. fourteen
18. Let’s sing a song for him. ____
A. That’s all right. B. That’s right. C. All right. D. Right.
19. Jerry isn’t _____. He’s ______.
A. an English, American B. English boy, American
C. English, American D. English, a American
20. I’m sorry I’m late.
A. That’s right. B. That’s all right.
C. You’re welcome. D. That’s ok.
II. 句型转换:
1. My sister likes strawberries. (变为一般疑问句)
_____ your sister _____ strawberries?
2. There are some notebooks in my backpack. (变为否定句)
There _____ _____ notebooks in my backpack.
3. These are some English dictionaries. (变为单数)
4. Jack usually has a hamburger and a cup of milk for lunch.
_____ _____ Jack usually _____ for lunch?
5. She watches TV at home every day. (对划线部分提问)
________ ______ she ______ TV every day?
6. Mr. Smith wants to buy a new coat. (对划线部分提问)
______ ____ Mr. Smith ______ to _____?
7. This desk is old. (同义句)
This is ____ _____ desk.
8. He’s Kim’s father. (同义句)
Kim is _____ ________.
9. What’s the price of the pants? (同义句)
_____ _____ _____ the pants?
10. I like the red sweater. (同义句)
I like the ______ ______ ______.
III. 用所给单词的适当形式填空:
1. It’s not ____ alarm clock. (a)
2. Let ____ play tennis. (I)
3. Where ___ Tom’s parents?(be)
4. Many ____. That’s all right.(thank)
5. I see your ______. They are fine.(grandparent)
6. Your ____ are my pen ______.(朋友)
7. His _____ are very cute.(女儿)
8. The two ____ are good. (家庭)
9. _____ answers are right.(they)
10. Her sister and his brother aren’t my _____ (表兄妹)
Ⅳ. 改错
1. This is a his pen.
2. Her pen is a yellow.
3. Are your name Tom?
4. You pen is OK.
5. Tom and Peter is English.
6. How are you spell “pen”?
7. That is they school.
8. These is his brothers.
9. Tom, where is his keys?
10. Let’s play the football.
Ⅴ. 翻译填空
1. 你的名字是Peter吗?是的。
______ your name Peter? Yes, _____ _____.
2. 那只丢失的手表是新的。
That ______ ______ is new.
3. 她的叔叔是她妈妈的弟弟。
Her _______ is her _______ ________.
4. 看!我的录像带在地板上椅子底下。
Look! My _______ _______ is _______ the floor _______ the chair.
5. 你喜欢体育吗?欢迎加入我们学校体育中心。
______ you like ______? ______ to _______ our _______ _______ _______.
6. 这场足球比赛真的很无聊。
The _________ game is ______ ______ _______.
7. 我阿姨喜欢沙拉但她不喜欢花椰菜。
My aunt _______ _______ but she ______ ______ _______.
8. 跑步明星Tony午餐常吃牛奶和汉堡。
_______ _______, Tony, often ______ milk and _______ _______ lunch.
9. 你这条绿色的新短裤多少钱?
How _______ _______ your new green _______?
What ______ the _______ of your new green ________?
10. 我们商店出售各种颜色的毛衣。
The ________ in all _______ are _______ _______ in our store.
Ⅵ. 口语运用
A: Good morning!
B: ________________.
A: _________________________________?
B: I’m looking for a sweater for my sister.
A: How about the red one?
B: No, ________________. I like the blue one.
A: Here you are.
B: Oh, it’s very nice, isn’t it? ____________________?
A: It’s $40.
B: _________________. Can you show me a cheaper one?
A: What about this blue sweater? It’s only $25.
B: Well, it looks nice. ___________. Here’s the money.
A: Thank you.
B: __________.
Ⅶ. 用所给句子补全对话
A: For supper let’s have rice and chicken.
B: _______________________________________.
A: So what do you want to have?
B: _______________________________________.
A: What kind of fruit do you like?
B: _______________________________________.
A: _______________________________________.
B: That’s OK. Thank you.
A: Does your mother like apples?
B: _______________________________________.
1. For supper, I like rice and chicken.
2. Oh, I don’t know. Maybe she does.
3. I like apples.
4. I’m sorry I don’t have apples. How about strawberries?
5. That sounds good.
6. That’s nice but I don’t like chicken at all.
7. What about rice and fish?
Starter Unit 1 ~ Review of Units 1~7
I. 词组归纳
1. be late (for)
2. culture tip
3. in English
4. in pairs
5. the boy in blue
6. act out
7. telephone number
8. first/given name
9. last/family name
10. call John at 4953539_
11. lost and found office
12. gold ring
13. a set of keys
14. family tree
15. Thanks for ... .
16. the photo of Tony’s family/ Tony’s family photo
17. take sth. to sb.
18. his math book
19. some video cassettes
20. on the dresser
21. bring sth. to sb.
22. between A and B
23. on the floor
24. play the computer game
25. baseball bat
26. a tennis racket
27. want to do sth.
28. Welcome to our school!
29. join school sports center
30. Join us soon!
31. a great sports collection
32. watch football game on TV
33. a running star
34. eat/have healthy food
35. for breakfast
36. the list of the food/ the food list
37. at this time of the year
38. at a very good price
39. the sweaters in all color
40. on sale
41. have a look at
42. clothes store/shop
43. play basketball well
44. like ... very much
II. 句型归纳
1. What’s your
2. How old is, years
3. Who’s
4. What’s in
5. Let’s
6. What color
7. How do spell
8. Is, it
9. What’s, it’s
10. Is, it
11. Where are
12. Are they
13. Do, don’t
14. Does, doesn’t
15. don’t
16. doesn’t
17. What does
18. How much, they’re
1~5: BDABD 6~10:DBABD 11~15: BADCD 16~20: BDCCB
1.Does, like 2. aren’t any 3. This is an English dictionary.
4. What does, have 5. Where does, watch
6. What does, want buy 7.an old
8. his daughter 9. How much is 10. the sweater in red
III. 用所给单词的适当形式填空:
1. an 2. me 3. are 4. thanks 5. grandparents
6. friends, friends 7. daughters 8. families 9. their 10. cousins
Ⅳ. 改错
1. This is his pen.
2. Her pen is yellow.
3. Is your name Tom?
4. Your pen is OK.
5. Tom and Peter are English
6. How do you spell “pen”?
7. That is their school.
8. These are his brothers.
9. Tom, where are his keys?
10. Let’s play football.

Ⅴ. 翻译填空
1. Is, it is. 2. lost watch 3. uncle mother’s brother
4. video cassette, on, under
5. Do, sports, Welcome join school sports center
6. football, really very boring
7. likes salad, doesn’t like broccoli
8. Running star, eats/has hamburgers for
9. much are, shorts, is price, shorts
10. sweaters, color, on sale
Ⅵ. 口语运用
Good morning!
Can I help you? / What can I do for you?
I don’t like the red one.
How much is it?
It’s too expensive.
I’ll take it.
You’re welcome.
Ⅶ. 用所给句子补全对话




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