Unit 24 The Science of farming

中学英语教学资源网英语教案教学设计 手机版

Teaching objectives and demands:
1. Words and useful expressions:
farming, condition, gardening, be busy with, knock out of, point out, turn over, go against, year after year, agree to do sth., now and then, give a talk
2. Everyday English for communication
It's a beautiful day today.
It's going to be dry and sunny for the next two days.
What's the weather going to be like at the weekend?
They say it's going to be wet and windy.
3. To help the students know something about agriculturalist Jia Sixie and his book Qimin yaoshu.
4. Language use: Manipulate listening, speaking practice
Key points:
1. Everyday English for communication
2. Words and useful expressions
3. Grammar: the grammar items about indirect speech
Time arrangement:
This unit is arrangement to be finished in 5~6 teaching periods, including a unit test.
Teaching procedures:
Lesson 93
Step 1. Revision
(1) Check the homework exercises.
(2) If possible, ask several Ss to talk about the Changjiang River project.
(3) Revise weather vocabulary. Say What's the weather like today? What was it like yesterday?
What kind of weather do you like? Why? What do you do when the weather's hot/cold/windy? etc.
Step 2. Reading
(1) SB Lesson 93, Part 1. Say Today we're going to learn a dialogue about the weather and farming.
(2) Tell the students that the weather is very important for farmers. Read the dialogue to find out what the weather is going to be like in the next two days. (Dry and Sunny.) What will Tim do? (Sow carrot seed.) How about next weekend? What will the weather be like? (Wet and windy.) What will he do? (Pick the rest of the cabbages before the weather changes.)
Step 3. Dialogue
Speech Cassette Lesson 93. Play the tape of the dialogue for the Ss to listen and repeat. Then let them practise the dialogue in pairs. Get them to make up new dialogues, using the words on the right. Ask some pairs to act out their new dialogues.
Step 4. Explanations to the dialogue
1. He is always busy with his farm work. 他总是忙于他的农场工作。
be busy with 忙于……。例如:
Father is always busy with his research work. 父亲老是忙于他的研究工作。
“What are you busy with? ”——“ I'm busy with the preparation for the performance.” “你在忙些什么?”——“我在忙于演出前的准备。”
2. -What's the weather going to be like at the weekend? 周末的天气如何?
-They say it's going to be wet and windy. 据说是潮湿、多风。
询问天气的交际用语通常用“What's the wether like…? ”
“ What's the weather going to be like…? ”, 应答时用“It's going to be…”。例如:
“What's the weather like today in Shanghai? ”——“It's fine in Shanghai.”
“What's the weather going to be like tomorrow in Shanghai?”——“It's going to be cold and rainy.” “明天上海的天气怎么样?”——“上海明天有雨,天气寒冷。”
“What's the weather going to be like next week? ”——“It's going to be cloudy and rainy.” “下星期的天气情况如何?”——“多云有雨。”
3. “be made of”和“be made from”的区别。 两者都作“ 由……制成”解,但“be made of”指“由 ……(材料)制成”,这种材料在制成品中可以看得出来。 例如:
The bridge is made of stone.
而“be made from”指“由……(原料)制成”, 这种原料在制成品中是看不出来的。例如:The wine is made from fruit.
Step 5. Practice
(1) Play a short game with the Ss. Describe an object and see if they can guess what it is: e.g. It's made of wood. We use it for writing with. (Pencil) It's made from trees. We use it to write on. (Paper).
Write two sentences on the Bb:
Pencils are made of wood.
Paper is made from trees.
Point out the difference between made of (the material is still the same) and made from (the form of the material has changed).
(2) SB Lesson 93, Part 2. Do one or two examples with the whole class, then let the Ss work in pairs, making sentences.
Note that dumplings are made from wheat and are filled with meat and vegetables.
Step 5. Listening
(1) SB Lesson 93, Part 3. Wb Listening, Unit 24.
Turn to page 130 of the Workbook. Look at the picture. Go through the questions in Ex. 1 and discuss possible answers. It doesn't matter if the answers are not correct. Say now let's listen to the tape and find out the correct answers.
(2) Listening Cassette Unit 24. Play the tape once or twice as necessary. Discuss the answers with the whole class. For Exx. 2 and 3, make sure the Ss know what to do before you play the tape. Ex. 4 is a discussion topic.
(3) Check the answers with the class.
Step 6. Workbook
Get the Ss to do Ex. 1 in pairs and discuss the answers. Then check them with the whole class.
Follow the same procedure with Ex. 3. Then discuss in class. There may be more than one answer for the same thing, e.g. This suit is made of cotton/wool. Tables are made of wood/metal.
Ex. 2 can be done after class as written work.
Ex. 4 is optional. Do it if time permits.
(1) Finish the Workbook exercises.
(2) Do Ex. 2 on a piece of paper.
(3) Do Ex. 4 if possible.
(4) Prepare a story with the words in the box.
Lesson 94 A Farming Pioneer
Step 1. Revision
(1) Check the homework exercises, especially Wb Lesson 93, Ex. 2.
(2) Revise the listening exercise in Lesson 93. Say Tell me about Dawn. Where does she live? What does she do? Where are the fish kept? etc.
Step 2. Presentation
SB Lesson 94, Part 1. Let the Ss read the title and the first sentence of each paragraph. Get them to say what they think the passage is about. (Science of farming; a great farmer in Chinese history). Tell the Ss that agriculture means the science of farming.
Step 3. Reading
Ask the Ss to read the passage to find out about Jia Sixie. They can make notes in their exercise books.
When they finish reading, they close their books.
Step 4. Language points
1. While people in other countries in the world were trying to catch wild animals and birds and were still collecting seeds and nuts, farmers in China were developing the science of agriculture. 当世界上其它国家的人民还在捕猎飞禽走兽、 采集种子和坚果的时候,中国的农民就已经在从事农业科学研究了。
While是从属连词,作“当……时候”解, 引导表示时间的状语从句。在主句和从句中的谓语动词都用了过去时, 以强调两个过去的动作在同时进行。例如:
It was raining all the time while they were working on the farm.
The girls were singing while Jack was playing the piano.
What were you doing while I was listening to the radio?
while作“当……时候” 解时,指的是“一段时间”(a period of time), 同延续动词连用,此时可以有when/as代替, 如上述例句中的while都可以换用成when/as。但是when/as 还可以指“一点时间”(a point of time) , 同瞬时动词连用, 而while却不能。如下句中的when/as不能用while替代:
What did you see when/as you entered the room? 你进房时见到了什么?
2. Then he returned home and spent his time on research into agriculture. 后来他回乡从事农业科学的研究。
(1) “spend(time/money)on sth.”的意思是“在……方面花费(时间/金钱)”。例如:
The researchers spent almost half a year on the project.
He spends much money on books and magazines every month.
在spend后还可以跟“on/in doing sth.”, 表示“在干某事中花费(时间/金钱)”,其中的介词 on/in 也可以省去, 即“ spend (time/money) doing sth.”。例如:
He has spent a lot of time and money on improving his living conditions.
上句中的介词on可以换用介词in,也可以不用任何介词, 而直接跟-ing形式。又如:
She spent her evenings (in/on) washing the floors and windows.
(2) 句中的research是名词,作“研究”、“探索”解, 可以用单数,也可以用复数。后面可以跟介词into/in的短语, 表示“对……进行研究”。例如:
Mr. Green has spent 10 years on research into farming and gardening.
His father is a physicist; he is doing his research(es) in space physics.
The doctors are making a research into the causes of cancer.
3. He advised farmers to choose the best seed-heads, the ones that had the best colour. 他劝告农民要挑选最好的谷穗,也就是那些颜色最好的谷穗。
(1) advise vt. 劝告、 建议。 常用在带不定式的复合结构中(advise sb. to do sth.)。例如:
The doctor advised me to have some more rest. 医生劝我多休息一下。
The teacher advised us to do experiments more carefully.
We advised them not to catch wild animals and birds.
We advised an early start. 我们建议早点动身。
He advised me that I should improve the speed of reading.
他建议我提高阅读速度。同advise相对应的名词是advice。 这是一个不可数名词,作“劝告”、“意见”解。 表示“一条意见”或“多条意见” 时, 该用 “a piece of advice ”或“ pieces of advice。例如:
His talk includes advice on keeping cows and sheep.
I'd like to give you a piece of advice on your plan. 我想对你的计划提一点意见。
He gave me several pieces of advice on my study.
(2) “the ones ”是同位语, 用以指代前面的名词 seed-heads 。由关系代词that引导的定语从句(that had the best colour)修饰先行词the ones. ones是替代词one的复数形式,one/ones 常用来代替上文的某个可数名词,以避免重复。如果这个名词是单数, 则用替代词one; 如果这个名词是复数,则用替代词ones。例如:
Could I choose an apple, a nice red one?
I don't want these green apples; I want the red ones.
These books are too difficult for me; could you get me some easier ones?
4. In the following spring, the seeds should be knocked out of the seed-heads and sown. (=Next spring, people should remove the seeds from the seed- heads and then sowed them.) 到第二年春天,把种子从谷穗里打出来,然后再播种。
(1) knock… out of…是一个短语动词, 意思是“把……从……里面敲打出来”(to remove sth. from sth. else)。例如:
The sudden blow knocked two teeth out of his mouth.
Don't knock the diamond out of the ring. 不要把钻石从戒指里敲出来。
The gun was knocked out of the enemy's hand. 敌人手里的枪被敲了下来。
(2) following adj. 接着的, 其次的。 句中的 The following spring=the spring that follows= the next spring.例如:
It rained on the day we arrived, but the following morning it was sunny.
The child was ill in the evening, but on the following day he was well again.
5. He pointed out that it was important to remove weeds before sowing seed in the soil. 他指出,播种前先要清除杂草,这点非常重要。
(1) 这是一个复合句。主句是“He pointed out…”, 后跟一个由连词that引导的宾语从句(…that it was important …in the soil)。这个宾语从句是一个形式主语it引导的句子,真正的主语是后边的不定式短语(to remove weeds before……)。
It is/was+adj./n.+(for sb.) to do sth.例如:
It is necessary to develop the science of agriculture. 发展农业科学是必要的。
It is important for the farmers to have the knowledge of farming.
It isn't a new method to improve soil conditions like that.
(2) 短语动词point out作“指出”解。例如:
At the meeting, he pointed out that agriculture should be put at the first place.
The teacher pointed out that the first sentence of each paragraph was the topic sentence. 老师指出,每段的第一句是主题句。
6. The soil should also be turned over with a fork so that the weeds would be destroyed. (=In order to destroy the weeds, you should make the soil face up, using a fork.) 还应该用耙翻地,以除掉杂草。
短语动词turn over作“翻转”、“翻身”解( to face the other way up/to roll from one side to the other)。例如:
The oil lamp was turned over and a fire started. 油灯被打翻了,于是引起了火灾。
I heard the clock, but then I turned over and went back to sleep.
The soil must be turned over before planting. 在种庄稼前必须翻土。
A fishing boat was turned over by a big wave. 鱼船被大浪打翻了。
7. He also said it was important to plant wheat close together . Other scientists had said that wheat should be planted with space between the plants. 他还说小麦密植很重要,(在此之前)别的科学家曾说过, 小麦栽培株距应当大些。
(1) “Other scientists had said …”一句用了过去完成时“had said”,是同上句“He also said…”相比较而言的,有时间的先后。意即:其它科学家先说株距该大些,但是贾思勰说株距该小些,应当密植。两相比较之后, 结论就是下一句:
Jia Sixie did experiments and showed that his way was better.(贾思勰作了试验,证明他的方法较好。)
(2) plant既可以作动词, 意为“种植”(put in the soil to grow), 也可以作名词,作“植物”解 (a living thing that has roots and leaves)。例如:
“When do you plant rice?”——“In April.” “你们什么时候栽秧?”——“四月份。”
Trees, grass and vegetables are called plants. 树、草和蔬果都叫做植物。
Step 5. Listening
Speech Cassette Lesson 94. Play the tape of the first two paragraphs for the Ss to, listen and repeat. Pay attention to intonation, pronunciation and phrasing.
Step 6. Oral practice
Wb Lesson 94, Ex. 1. Go through the exercise and make sure the Ss know what to do. Then let them work alone or in pairs. Check the answers with the whole class.
Step 7. Oral practice
Ask the Ss to tell you everything they can remember about Jia Sixie.
Step 8. Workbook
Wb Lesson 94, Exx. 2 and 3.
First get the Ss to do Ex. 2 in pairs. Then check the answers with the whole class. Translate some of the sentences if necessary. Make sure the Ss understand the passage.
Before asking the Ss to do Ex. 3 in groups or pairs, give them some help. Ask what would you touch upon when you talk about farming or gardening? Write down the notes on the Bb, for example, the importance of agricultural studies, ways of keeping seeds, improving soil conditions, etc.
(1) Finish off the exercises of Lesson 90 in the workbook.
(1) Revise the key points of this lesson.
Lesson 95 A Farming Pioneer
Step 1. Revision
(1) Check the homework exercises. Get several Ss to talk about farming or gardening, or to tell something about Jia Sixie.
(2) Books closed! Revise the contents of the reading passage in SB Lesson 94. Ask what did Jia Sixie say about keeping seeds/ improving soil conditions/planting wheat and rice? What was in his book?
Step 2. Reading
SB Lesson 95, Part 1. Tell the Ss I'd like you to read the second passage about Jia Sixie. He gives five pieces of advice. Read the passage and try to remember what the five pieces of advice are. Let the Ss read the passage for a few moments. Then books closed! Ask: What advice did Jia Sixie give?
Take notes on the Bb, e.g. Do things at the right time of the year. Examine the soil on your farm carefully. (etc.)
Step 3. Language difficulties
1. Here are five pieces of advice collected from Jia Sixie's book Qi Min Yao Shu:…( =The following are five pieces of advice which are collected from Jia Sixie's book Qi Min Yao Shu:…) 下面五条意见都是从贾思勰的《齐民要术》一书中收集到的。
这是一个倒装句,用“Here is/are…”开头( 这儿是 …… ), 后跟主语five pieces of advice, 冒号后面的五条意见是主语的同位语。“collected from…”是过去分词短语, 相当于一个定语从句,修饰先行词five pieces of advice。例如:
Here are some children's books borrowed from our library.
Here is the necklace picked up by Xiao Li on her way home.
Here are some good phrases and sentences collected from the newspaper.
2. But if you go against nature and do things at the Wrong time of year, you will have to do more work and the results will not be so good. (=If you do things that are opposite of the natural way, and if you do things at a time of year when the weather conditions are unsuitable, you will have to do more work and the results will not be so good.) 如果你不顺乎自然,不适时耕作,你就得付出更多的劳动, 而成果却不见得好。
(1) 本句用的句型结构是“If you…,you'll…”。 这是表示禁止和警告的交际用语,意思是“如果你……, 那么你就会……”。例如:
If you're late again, you'll lose your job. 如果你再次迟到,你就会失去工作。
If you don't study hard, you'll fail in the exam.
If you tell the secret to the enemy, you'll be punished.
(2) go against是短语动词,作“违反”、“违背”解 ( to be opposite to sth.)。例如:
It goes against my habit to get up late in the morning.
If you give up your studies, you'll go against your parents' wishes.
You shouldn't do things that go against the law of nature.
3. Do not plant, for example, rice year after year in the same field. 例如,在同一块地里,不要年复一年地种稻谷。
year after year(=every year)年复一年地,一年一年地。 常用来表示逐年重复,在句中作状语。例如:
We plant trees year after year in March. 我们每年三月份植树。
Year after year I receive a Christmas card from my friend Jack.
Her family go to the seaside for a holiday year after year.
注意,year by year也作“一年一年地”、“逐年地”解,常用来表示逐年的变化。因此,year after year有“年年 (重复) ”的意思,而year by year有“逐年(变化)”的意思。试比较:
My grandma grows older year by year.
My grandma comes to see me on my birthday year after year.
4. Grow different plants next to each other in the same field. 在同一块地里套种不同的作物。
next to(=beside)靠近,紧挨着。例如:
Put the chairs and tea tables next to each other. 把椅子和茶几并排放着。
Our school stands next to No.1 Hospital. 我们学校就在第一医院的旁边。
Step 4. Practice
Talk about the advice given by Jia Sixie by asking each other What is his first advice? etc. Then look at SB Lesson 95, Part 2. Let the Ss work in pairs, get some Ss to report the advice to the whole class.
Suggested answers:
1. He told farmers to do things at the right time of year.
2 .He told farmers to examine the soil on their farm carefully.
3. He told farmers to plough deeply in the autumn and to plough less deeply in the spring.
4. He told farmers to change the crops in their fields.
5. He told farmers not to plant the same crop year after year in the same field.
6. He told farmers that they could grow different plants next to each other in the same field.
Step 5. Practice
SB Lesson 95, Part 3. Go through the examples in the book with the Ss and revise the forms of indirect questions. Notes:
a. the use of if for Yes/No questions
b. the change in word order (subject-verb)
c. the change in tense (back one step)
d. the change in pronouns (you → he, etc.)
e. no question mark
Do one or two examples with the whole class. Then let the Ss work alone or in pairs. Check the answers with the whole class. Answers:
1 They asked him if they could plant wheat and rice in the same field.
2 They asked him if it was necessary to remove weeds now and then.
3 They asked him where they could find good seed for growing cabbages.
4 They asked him which was the best time of year to plant/for planting rice.
5 They asked him if it was easy to improve the condition of the soil.
6 They asked him how many times they ploughed the fields every year.
7 They asked him if instructions for making wine were included in that book.
8 They asked him what he used a fork for.
Step 7. Workbook
Wb Lesson 95, Exx. 1 - 3.
Exx. 1 and 3 can be done first in pairs. Then check the answers with the whole class. Translate the sentences in Ex. 3.
Revise the notes in Step 5 before starting to do Ex. 2. Get the Ss to do this exercise as written work.
(1) Finish off the Workbook exercises.
(2) Revise the contents of this unit.
(3) Do Ex. 3 in the exercise book.
Lesson 96
Step 1. Revision
(1) Check the homework exercises.
(2) Revise the contents of the reading passages in essons 94 and 95. Ask a few more Ss to say something about Jia Sixie.
(3) Revise Indirect Statements by getting the Ss to report the advice given by Jia Sixie in his book.
Step 2. Checkpoints
Go through Checkpoint 23 with the students. Get the students to make sentences of their own using the useful expressions.
间接引语(Indirect Speech)
这是本单元的语法重点。在CHECKPOINT 24中列出了四个例句,分别代表着由直接引语变成间接引语的四种情况:
1.直接引语是陈述句,变成间接引语时, 要把陈述句变成由that引导的宾语从句(见例1):
He said, “The best seed-heads should be hung up to dry.” →He said that the best seed-heads should be hung up to dry.
(1) 主句和从句中谓语动词的时态一致;
(2) 人称代词和物主代词要根据情况作相应的调整;
(3) 某些时间状语和地点状语要作相应的调整。
Dick said, “I've just got a letter from my father. ”
→Dick said that he had just got a letter from his father.
Mary said, “I arrived yesterday. ”→ Mary said that she had arrived the day before.
2.直接引语是一般疑问句,变成间接引语时, 要把一般疑问句变成由if/whether(是否)引导的宾语从句, 同时将语序改成陈述句语序(见例2):
They asked him, “Is it a good idea to sow wheat close together?” →They asked if/whether it was a good idea to sow wheat close together.
直接引语是一般疑问句,变成间接引语时,除了要用if/whether 来引导宾语从句外, 前述的三点注意事项同样适用于这种情况。
Mary asked Dick, “Have you finished writing the report?”
→ Mary asked Dick if/whether he had finished writing the report.
John asked me, “Do you know where Jim lives? ”→John asked me if/whether I knew where Jim lived.
3.直接引语是特殊疑问句,变成间接引语时, 要把特殊疑问句变成疑问词(when/where/how等)引导的宾语从句, 还要把疑问句的语序变成陈述句的语序。
They asked him, “When do you harvest the wheat? ”
→ They asked him when he harvested the wheat. 又如:
“What are you doing, Jack?” Mary asked. → Mary asked Jack what he was doing.
“When will you leave Shanghai?” Peter asked me. →
Peter asked me when I would leave Shanghai.
4. 直接引语是祈使句,变成间接引语时, 要把祈使句变成一个不定式短语,同时根据不同的口气选用适当的谓语动词, 如ask (请) ,tell (让) ,order (命令) 等,构成“ ask/tell sb. to do sth.”结构(见例4):
He said to farmers, “Do things at the right time of year.”
→ He advised/told farmers to do things at the right time of year.
“Turn the soil over, please,” he said. →He asked me to turn the soil over.
“Don't grow plants in the same place year after year,” the farmer said.
→ The farmer told me not to grow plants in the same place year after year.
Step 3. Writing
SB Lesson 96, Part 1. Do the first two orally with the whole class, then let the Ss work alone. Collect the answers from the whole class.
Suggested answers:
1 What is the name of the book which you have written?
2 How long did it take you to write the book?
3 What is the book about?
4 Where were you born?
5 What did you use/What used you to do before you studied agriculture? (Both used and use are used by native speakers in the question form.)
Step 5. Writing
(1) SB Lesson 96, Part 2. Go through the instructions and make sure that the Ss know what they have to do. Revise the layout of a friendly letter and brainstorm the possible contents with the whole class. Encourage the Ss to make a plan for their letter before they begin.
(2) Let the Ss write the letter in their exercise books. They can show it to a partner for suggested improvements. Ask the Ss to write a neat version for homework.
Step 6. Workbook
Wb Lesson 96, Exx. 1 - 3.
Read through the sentences or dialogues, making sure the Ss know what they should do. Do the first sentence as an example. Then let the Ss practise in pairs: Finally check the answers with the whole class.
Follow the same procedure while doing the three exercises. It is better to translate the sentences in Ex. 3.
(1) Finish off the exercises of Lesson 92 in the workbook.
(2) Revise the key points of this unit.
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