高二英语期中复习Unit 1(人教版高二英语上册教案教学设计)

中学英语教学资源网英语教案教学设计 手机版

I. Words
1. _________ (显然) , what you have said is not true.
2. He is such an _________ (有才智的) student that we all like him.
3. I have been waiting for my boss _________ (耐心) for 2 hours.
4. She is _______ (好奇) about space.
5. The curtain doesn't ________ (相称) the wall.
6. You ________ (误会) him, for he did nothing wrong.
7. The accident ________ (使丧失能力) him to speak.
8. What are you ________ (争论) about with him?
9.He promised that the roof should be prepared w________ two days.
10 We u__________ the task of cleaning the house.
Ⅱ. Phrases
1. 对……充满热情________________ 2. 与……相似的________________
3. 壮心无涯________________ 4. 有发展前途的研究生________________
5. 不治之症________________ 6. 继续工作________________
7. 过去,走过 ________________ 8.和……订婚________________
9. 梦想________________ 10. 另一方面________________
11. 放弃________________ 12. 做讲座,做报告________________
13. 用尽,用完________________ 14. 与众不同,有影响________________
15.对。。。满意________________ 16. 从一季到另一季 ________________
17.信任,信仰________________ 18.在20世纪70年代早期__________________
19. 相反地,从相反方向________________ 20.达到目标________________
21.have … in common ________________ 22. seek answers to the questions______________
Ⅲ. Sentences
1.______________ (毫无疑问)that he is right.
2.___________ (没有) giving up, Hawking _____________(继续从事) his research, got his PHD, and married Jane.
3.We were pleased and surprised to find that a scientist could write about his work ________________ordinary could understand. 我们感到惊喜的是,科学家竟能够以普通人理解的方式来阐述自己的工作。
4.Even the best theory can ___________(证明是)wrong.
5.If _________________(知识就是力量), _____(正如) Sir Francis Bacon wrote in 1597, then perhaps creativity can ___________(被描述为)the ability to use that power.
6.Nor _______ the disease ________________ the kind of life he had dreamt of.
7.________only later _____ the world recognized his greatness.直到后来世人才承认他的伟大。(强调句)
8.He ______________to make people believe that his theories were correct.他发现难以让人们相信他的理论是正确的。
9.________________ to be a great scientist to make a difference.要有所作为,不一定非要成为大科学家。
Ⅳ. Multiple choice.
1.Only by imagining and creating ____ a difference.
A. can make B. you can make C. make D. can you make
2.Since then, the philosopher has ______ in seeking solutions to social problems.
A. engaged B. engaging C. been engaged D. been engaging
3.----Can I help you?
----I want to buy a blue tie to ______ my shirt.
A. fit B. compare C. match D. suit
4. -----_______ we move the picture over there? Do you think it’ll look better?
----I can’t agree more.
A. What you think B. What if C. Even if D. Only if
5.He had tried everything but it made little ______.
A. use B. difference C. point D. sense
6.It _____ unusual courage and determination to make the break with his family.
A. took B. needed C. spent D. shared
7.There is no ___in protesting. It won’t help.
A. cause B. need C. point D. law
8.Only in this way ______ progress in your English.
A. you make B. you can make
C. you will be able to make D. will you be able to make
9.Having done his Chinese exercises, he went on _____a letter _____Russian.
A. to write, with B. with, with C. writing, in D. to write , in
10.-----What should we do? There’s no bus any more.
-----Missing the bus means _____home. Let’s go.
A. to walk B. walking C. walked D. walk
11.----Have you decided where to go today, Alice?
----I feel like ____to the Natural Museum. Would you like ____with me?
A.to go, to go B. to go, going C. going, going D. going, to go
12.The professor spoke very clearly to make his speech easy _____.
A. to understand B. understand C. understood D. understanding
13.I’ve worked with children before, so I know what _____ in my new job.
A. to be expected B. to expect C. to be expecting D. expects
14.Paul doesn’t have to be made _________.He always works hard.
A. learn B. to learn C. learned D. learning
15.The boy wanted to ride his bicycle in the street, but his mother told him_________
A. not to B. not to do C. not do it D. do not it
16.—Mum, why do you always make me eat an egg every day?
----________enough protein and nutrition as you are growing up.
A. Get B. Getting C. To get D. To be getting
17.----Are you used to ____up early now ?
----Yes, I am. But I used to _____ up late.
A. getting, getting B. get, get C. get, getting D. getting, get
18.The teacher came into the classroom, _____of the students in it.
A. only to find none B. finding no one C. to find no one D. finding some
1.Obviously2. intelligent3. patiently4. curious5. match6. misunderstood7. disabled8. debating
9.within 10.undertook
1. be on fire 2. be similar to 3. no boundaries 4. a promising graduate student
5. an incurable disease 6. work on 7. go by 8. get engaged to 9. dream of
10. on the other hand 11.give up 12.give lectures 13. use up 14. make a difference
15. be satisfied with16. from season to season 17. believe in 18.in the late 1970s
19. the other way around20. reach one’s goal 21与…有共同点 22.寻求问题的答案
1.There is no doubt
2. Instead of, went on with
3. in a way that
4. turn out to be
5. knowledge is power, as
6. did he let,stop him from living
7. It was, that
8. found it difficult
9. It is not necessary




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