Unit 5 Getting the message 预习学案(人教版高三英语上册学案设计)

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1. convey 表达;运载
[举例](1)This train conveys both passengers and goods.(这列火车既载人又载货。)
(2)Words cannot convey how delighted I was. (言语无法表达我内心的喜悦。)
2. advertise vi. 登广告;做广告。 vt. 为……做广告;宣传;通知
[举例](1)They advertised their goods in all the newspaper. (他们在所有的报纸上为他们的货物做广告。)
(2)The shop keeper advertised for an assistant in the local newspaper. (那位店家在当地报纸上登广告征求一名助手。)
[拓展] advertiser n. 登广告者;做广告者 advertisement n. (可数) 广告;告白;启事
3. consideration n. 考虑;(对他人、他人的情绪等的)顾及,体贴
[举例](1)Please give the matter your careful consideration. (此事请你仔细考虑。)
(2)He has never show much consideration for his son’s needs. (他从来不考虑儿子的需要
[搭配] take sth into consideration 考虑某事 in consideration of… 考虑…
leave sth out of consideration 对某事未加考虑
4. charge n. 主管;充电(气);价钱;控告
[举例](1)Who is in charge here? (这儿谁主管?)
(2)Is the charge over? (电充好了吗?)
(3)He faces serious charges. (他面临严重的控告。)
(4)The charge for the house is not acceptable. (这个房屋的价钱不能接受。)
[拓展] charge vt. vi. 指控,控告。charge sb with… 指控某人有(犯)……罪
[举例](1)He was charged with murder. (他被指控犯谋杀罪。)
(2)He charged Tom with robbing. (他指控汤姆抢劫。)
charge v. charge (sb) money for sth 向(某人)要价……
(1) How much do you charge for mending a pair of shoes? (修一双鞋多少钱?)
(2) He charged me fifty dollars for the coat. (那件外套他向我要价五十美元。)
[搭配](sb)in charge of (sth/sb) 某人管理/控制某事/人 (主动)
(sth/sb) in the charge of (sb) 某事/人在某人的管理/控制之中 (被动)
take charge of…
5. loss n. 遗失;丧失;损失
[举例](1)Loss of health is more serious than loss of money. (健康的丧失比金钱的丧失更重要。)
(2)The loss of so many ships worried him. (这么多航船的损失使他焦急。)
[搭配] be at a loss for sth./ to do sth 困惑;不知所措
6. blame vt. 责备;谴责;归咎于 n. 责任;(过错,失败等的)责任
[举例](1)Bad workers often blame their tools. (拙劣的工人们常责怪他们的工具不好。)
(2) He blamed his teacher for his failure. (他把他的失败归咎于他的老师。)
(3) Who is blame for starting the fire? (火灾的引起由谁负责?)
(4) Who does the blame lie for our failure? (我们的失败应归咎于何人?)
[搭配] sb be to blame 由某人负责
blame sb for sth / blame sth on sb 因某事责备某人/ 把某事归咎于某人
7. react vi. 反应;反抗 vt.(指物质)起化学反应
[举例](1)Do children react to kind treatment by becoming more self-confidence?(对孩子们和善是否会使他们更自信?)
(2)Will the people react against the aggressor? (人们会反抗侵略者吗?)
(3)How do acids react on metals? (酸对金属的化学反应是怎样的?)
[搭配] react on / upon = have an effect on 对…….有影响
react to… 对……反应 react against 反抗……
[拓展] reaction n. 反应
8. annoy vt. 使烦恼;使恼怒 vi. 招人讨厌;惹人麻烦
[举例](1)His wife annoyed him because the dinner was bad. (他妻子使他烦恼,因为那顿饭做得不好。)
(2)He felt / got / was annoyed with the boy for being so stupid.(他为这孩子如此的愚蠢而感到烦恼。)
[搭配] be / feel / get annoyed with sb 对某人感到烦恼
be / feel / get annoyed at / about sth对某事感到烦恼
[拓展] annoyance n. 烦恼;厌烦的事
9. accuse vt.指控;控告;谴责
[举例](1)She accused him of theft.(她控告他盗窃。)
(2)He was accused of cowardice.(他被指责怯懦。)
[搭配] be accused of sth 被指控犯某罪 accuse sb of sth 指控(指责)某人犯罪
[拓展] accuser n. 被告 accusation n. 谴责;控诉
10. associate vt. 使发生联系;使结合在一起;把……联想起来 vi. 交往;联合
[举例](1)He associated himself with them in a business.(他与其他人合伙经商。)
(2) We associate Egypt with the Nile.(我们想起了埃及就想起了尼罗河。)
(3)Don’t associate with dishonest boys. (勿与不诚实的男孩儿为友。)
[搭配] associate with… 与……联合(结合;结交)
in association with… 与……在一起;与联合
[拓展] association n. [UC] 联合;结合;结交 (可数)协会;社团;会社
11. appeal vi.有吸引力;呼吁;诉诸;上诉 n.感染力;呼吁;上诉
[举例](1)Bright colours appeal to small children.(鲜亮的颜色能吸引小孩。)
(2)At Christmas people appeal to us help the poor.(圣诞节期间人们呼吁我们帮助穷人。)
(3)She decided to appeal to another court.(她决定向另一法院上诉。)
(4)They appealed to the teacher.(他们听取老师的决定。)
(5)That sort of music hasn’t much appeal for me.(那种音乐引不起我多大兴趣。)
[搭配] appeal to… 向……恳求(上诉);吸引…… appeal against… 不服……而上诉
an appeal for… 恳求……;呼吁…… an appeal to sb 请求……的决定;
[拓展] appealing adj.感动人的;哀求的;动人的;有吸引力的
12. profit n. [常用复数]利润;赢利;利益 vt. vi. 有益(于);有利(于)
[举例](1)He gains profits from his studies.(他从读书中得到益处。)
(2)Have you profited by the experience?(你是否从该经验中得到益处?)
(3)What can it profit him?(它能给他带来什么益处?)
(4)I have profited from your advice.(你的劝告使我得到好处。)
[搭配] profit from / by… 从……中获利(得到好处)
[拓展] profitable adj. 赚钱的;获利的;有益的
13. attach vt. 系;贴;附加;认为有(重要性)
[举例](1)Please attach labels to the luggage.(请把标签系在行李上。)
(2)She attached a document to a letter.(她把文件附在信上。)
(3)Do you attach much important to what he says?(你认为他的话很重要吗?)
[搭配] attach sth to sth 附上;加上;贴上;系上;认为有;使与……相关联
[拓展] attachment n.(不可数)附带;附属;附着 (可数)附带物;附件
14. discount n. 折扣 vt. 打折扣 adj. 打折扣的
[举例](1)We give (a) 10 percent discount for cash.(现金付款,我们给你打九折。)
(2)All the small sizes are discounted today.(今天所有小号的东西都打折。)
[搭配] at a discount of… 打……(多少)折扣
at a discount (指货物) 无销路的;易获得的;(喻)不受重视
go hand in hand with 与……齐头并进
make informed choice 做出知情的选择
get their message across 传播信息
large amounts of = a great deal of 大量
in a variety of = all kinds of 各种各样
make people aware of 使某人意识
look out for 关注
keep an eye out for 当心
bait and switch 偷梁换柱
9 out of / in 10 mothers 每十个妈妈中的九个
on sale 降价出售
一、 可以充当宾语补足语的词和词组有:
1. 名词:
We made him our monitor.
They thought this good advice.
They named their daughter Jenny.
注①:常用名词充当宾语补足语的动词有:call, name, elect, make, think, appoint, choose, find, consider, keep, wish, feel等。
They elected John chairman of the committee.
2. 形容词:
You should keep your room clean and tidy.
We’d better leave the door open.
注:常用形容词充当宾语补足语的动词有:believe, think, get, keep, make, find, set, like, wish, see, consider, prove, have, leave, 以及paint, drive, turn, cut等。
3. 现在分词:
I’m sorry to have kept you waiting for so long.
I could feel the cold wind blowing on my face.
At this moment she noticed the teacher coming in.
4. 动词不定式:
Nobody could make him change his mind.
Would you like me to come along with you?
He believed the earth to be a globe.
5. 过去分词:
He watched the TV set carried out of the room.
Last year they had their house rebuilt.
When you speak English, be sure to make yourself understood.
6. 此外,副词和介词短语也可以充当宾语补足语,如:
When do you want it back?
Why didn’t you invite them in?
We could hear the children at play outside.
二、 宾语和其补足语之间的逻辑关系:
We made him our monitor. (He is our monitor.)
You should keep your room clean and tidy. (Your room is clean and tidy.)
We could hear the children at play outside. (The children are at play outside.)
He saw an old man getting on the bus. (An old man was getting on the bus.)
Did you see a young man enter the house? (A young man entered the house.)
I once heard this song sung in Japanese.
(This song was once sung in Japanese.)
I didn’t want the children taken out in such weather.
(The children were taken out in such weather.)
1. 只能用现在分词作宾语补足语的动词有:catch, keep, mind, prevent, stop, smell, excuse等。
She caught her son smoking a cigarette.
His words started me thinking.
2. 只能用不定式作宾语补足语的动词有:wish, desire, expect, love, prefer, trust, encourage, let, allow, permit, mean, lead, bring, put, hurry, cause, remind, ask, invite, beg, request, worry, advise, persuade, call on, tell, order, command, require, make, force, drive, forbid, warn, help, teach, show, assist, report, bear, wait for // think, take, know, judge, consider, suppose, believe, allow, prove, declare等。
3. 既能用现在分词又可用不定式作宾语补足语的动词有:see, watch, notice, look at, observe, listen to, hear, feel, have, imagine, discover, like, want, understand, hate, get, set, leave等。
1. 在hear, listen to, let, have, make, see, watch, notice, observe等动词后的不定式需省去to。
2. feel一词,跟to be型不定式带to;跟to do型不定式不带to。
3. help一词后的不定式,可带to,也可以不带to。
I felt it necessary to speak about our shortcomings.
Do you consider it any good trying again?
We all thought it a pity that you couldn’t join us.
注:在这种结构中,宾语补足语通常为名词或形容词;常用于这种结构的动词有: feel, find, think, make, take, judge, consider等。




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