Unit 13 mystery of moonstone(人教版高三英语下册教案教学设计)

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Teaching aims: Vocabulary revision
Grammar revision
Teaching main-points: Vocabulary and grammar revision in the process of the integration between the teacher and the ss
Teaching Crux: 1) SS’ explanation about the vocabulary and grammar
2) Teacher’s further explanation and supplement
Teaching materials & focuses:
Teaching aims: Vocabulary revision
Grammar revision
Teaching main-points: Vocabulary and grammar revision in the process of the integration between the teacher and the ss
Teaching Crux: 1) SS’ explanation about the vocabulary and grammar
2) Teacher’s further explanation and supplement
Teaching materials & focuses:
Teaching aims: Vocabulary revision
Grammar revision
Teaching main-points: Vocabulary and grammar revision in the process of the integration between the teacher and the ss
Teaching Crux: 1) SS’ explanation about the vocabulary and grammar
2) Teacher’s further explanation and supplement
Teaching materials & focuses:
Language points :
1. the novel the Moonstone is set in England in 1848, but the story really began 50 years later.
Set: 设置(书本,戏剧,电影等)背景。如:
The book is set in France in the eighteenth century. 这部书是以18世纪的法国为背景的。
This novel is set in the gold rush. 这部小说是以淘金热为背景的。
Set 其他意思:
He set his hand on my shoulder. 他把手放在我的手上。
Please set the table for dinner. 请摆好餐桌准备就餐。
Have you set the time for the meeting?你们把开会时间定下来了吗?
The sun rises in the east and sets in the west. 太阳从东方升起在西方落下。
He set a diamond in a ring. 他把一块宝石镶嵌在戒指上。
2. curse n. 诅咒, 咒语, 祸根, 祸因 vt. 诅咒, 咒骂, 降祸, 使受罪
Our tribe is under a curse. 我们的部族正遭天谴。
Foxes can be a curse to farmers. 狐狸可给农民带来祸害。
a terrible bolt of lightning; a terrible curse. 可怕的闪电;可怖的诅咒
It is essential for us to try to decide whether television is a blessing or a curse. 我们有必要来评断电视到底是福还是祸。
Selfishness is the greatest curse of the human race. {William Ewart Gladstone) 自私是人类最大的祸根(威廉•尤尔特•格拉德斯通)
Teaching aims: Vocabulary revision
Grammar revision
Teaching main-points: Vocabulary and grammar revision in the process of the integration between the teacher and the ss
Teaching Crux: 1) SS’ explanation about the vocabulary and grammar
2) Teacher’s further explanation and supplement
Teaching materials & focuses:
2. an act of revenge报复行为
Act 做动词的用法:
Think before acting. 三思而后行。
The medicine was taken for a long time, but it failed to act. 药已经服了很长时间,但还未见效。
Act 与action 区别:
Action做可数名词时,常与act 同义。 如:
A kind act/action. 仁慈的行为
但act 多指具体的,短时间的行为或行动; action 多指复杂的持续的行为或行动。
2)在一些固定用法中。 如:an act of cruelty (残忍的行为), an act of war(战争行为) , an act of mercy(仁慈的行为) 等中,不能用action 又如take action (采取行动)也是固定搭配。 
3. pass 和pass on (…to)的区别
4. But from the moment Rachel fastens it to her dress, things start going wrong.
Fasten to 把。。。系在。。。
The bookshelf is fastened to the wall. 这个书架是固定在墙壁上的。 
When we went to visit her, she was not in. we wrote a note and fastened it to the door. 我们去看她时她不在,我们只好写了张便条钉到门上。 
Go wrong 出毛病,不对头  如:
Something has gone wrong with my bike. 我的自行车出了点问题。 
The party was going well until Mary arrived, then everything went wrong. Mary 来之前晚会开的很成功, 可后来一切都不对了。 
5. as the story develops …
As 意思是“随着”。 如:
As time went by, he began to realize that he should have studied hard. 随着时间的推移, 她开始意识到他本该好好学习的。 
As 其他用法(作为连词)
He doesn’t like skating as much as he used to. 他不象以前那么喜欢滑冰了。 
I have told the story just as it happened. 我已如实讲了这件事。 
As you object, I’ll reconsider the plan. 既然你反对,我就重新考虑一下这个计划。 
Much as I like the book, I can’t afford to buy it. 尽管我很喜欢这本书,可我买不起。 
Teaching aims: Vocabulary revision
Grammar revision
Teaching main-points: Vocabulary and grammar revision in the process of the integration between the teacher and the ss
Teaching Crux: 1) SS’ explanation about the vocabulary and grammar
2) Teacher’s further explanation and supplement
Teaching materials & focuses:
6. to …degree达到。。。的程度
He was interested in his work to such a degree that he thought about nothing else. 他对工作如此感兴趣,以致于他从来不想别的事情。
To a certain degree he likes his job. 在某种程度上他喜欢他的工作。 
7. guilty 惭愧(about),有过失的,有罪责的(of)
I felt guilty about not visiting my parents more often. 我因没有常去看望父母而感到内疚。 
John had a guilty look on his face. John 脸上显出惭愧的表情。 
The jury found the defendant not guilty of the offence. 陪审团裁决被告无罪。 
We’ve all been guilty of selfishness at some time in our lives. 我们每个人都有过自私自利的过失。
8. resist 抵制,阻挡
The bank strongly resisted cutting interest rates. 银行强烈反对降低利率。 
(用于否定句) 忍住,抵挡
He couldn’t resist showing off his new car. 他忍不住炫耀起了他的新车。 
9. stain vt. 沾污,染污, 染色,玷污,败坏。 n. 污点,污渍
The juice from the berries stained their fingers red. 浆果汁把他们的手指染成了红色。 
Stain the specimen before looking at it under the microscope. 先把标本染成红色,再放到显微镜下观察。 
a blood / a coffee / an ink, etc. stain
stubborn stains
integrating skills
1. convince 说服,,使确信,使相信
~ sb / yourself (of sth)
You’ll need to convince them of your enthusiasm for the job. 你要使他们相信你殷切希望得到工作。 
[vn (that)] I’d convinced myself (that) I was right. 
I’ve been trying to convince him to see a doctor. 我一直劝他去看病。 
引申:convincing: 令人信服的,有说服力的
a convincing argument / explanation / case 有说服力的论点/解释/事例
She sounded very convincing to me. 我觉得她的话很有说服力。 
Convinced 坚信,确信(~ (of sth / that ... )
I am convinced of her innocence. 我坚信她清白无辜。 
I am convinced that she is innocent.
Sam nodded but he didn’t look convinced. Sam点了点头,但是看起来并没有信服。 
Teaching aims: Vocabulary revision
Grammar revision
Teaching main-points: Vocabulary and grammar revision in the process of the integration between the teacher and the ss
Teaching Crux: 1) SS’ explanation about the vocabulary and grammar
2) Teacher’s further explanation and supplement
Teaching materials & focuses:
2. assume 假定,假设,(呈现。。。的样子,假装)
Let us assume for a moment that the plan succeeds. 咱们假设计划成功。 
She would, he assumed, be home at the usual time. 他认为,她会在通常时间回家的。 
It is generally assumed that stress is caused by too much work. 普遍认为,紧张系工作过重所致。 
I had assumed him to be a Belgian. 我本以为他是比利时人。 
3. meanwhile adv./n. 同时, 其间,(两方面)对比之下
The doctor will see you again next week. Meanwhile, you must rest as much as possible. 
Stress can be extremely damaging to your health. Exercise, meanwhile, can reduce its effects. 压力对你的健康非常有害,而锻炼会减少这种害处。 
in the meanwhile 在此其间,与此同时 
I hope to go to medical school eventually. In the meanwhile, I am going to study chemistry. 我希望最终能上医学院,这其间我打算学化学。 
4. in all my years as a detective, I have never heard of a thief having such a loss of memory.
这里a thief having …是动名词的复合结构。作宾语时,名词多用通格。至于代词多用宾格。 如:
What about us going out for a walk?
I wonder if you’d mind us asking a few questions.
Victor apologized for ___ to inform me of the change in the plan.
A his being not able B him not to be able C his not being able D him to be not able
5. accuse 控告,谴责 ~ sb (of sth)
to accuse sb of murder / theft She accused him of lying.
The government was accused of incompetence
6. desperate 冒险的,绝望的,
The prisoners grew increasingly desperate.
非常需要,渴望 ~ (for sth)| ~ (to do sth)
He was so desperate for a job he would have done anything.
I was absolutely desperate to see her.
7. nothing but to do
Sandy could do nothing but ___ to his teacher that he was wrong.
A admit B admitted C admitting D to admit
Teaching aims: Vocabulary revision
Grammar revision
Teaching main-points: Vocabulary and grammar revision in the process of the integration between the teacher and the ss
Teaching Crux: 1) SS’ explanation about the vocabulary and grammar
2) Teacher’s further explanation and supplement
Teaching materials & focuses:
8。 While 用法
while 表示让步,通常位于句首,意思是“尽管;虽然”。又如:
While I agree with your reasons, I can’t allow it. 尽管我同意你的理由,但我不允许你这样做。
While he loves his stuents, he is very strict with them. 虽然他爱他的学生,可是他对学生们很严格。
While 其他用法归纳如下:
如:Mary watched TV while she ate her supper. 玛丽边吃饭边看电视。
While she was listening to the radio, she fell asleep. 她听着收音机睡着了。
2)表示对比或转折,意思是“而,然而”。此时,while 一般谓语句中。 如:
Some people waste food while others haven’t enough. 有人浪费粮食,而有人却吃不饱。
I do every single bit of housework ____ my husband Bob just does the dishes now and then.
A since B while C when D as




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