Unit 6 Life in the future(人教版高二英语上册教案教学设计) |
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教材分析: 本单元围绕Life in the future这一主题开展听、说、读、写多种教学活动,让学生想象未来人们的住房、交通、商业、医药与健康、知识与教育等方面,这些话题能激发学生的想象力,培养发散性思维。学生通过本单元学习,能拓展知识面,不仅了解到目前社会各个领域的发展状况,并且能学会科学地预测未来,让学生关注社会、了解社会,并为实现美好的未来而努力学习。 “热身”(Warming up)目的是鼓励学生大胆想象和积极思考,激活学生已有的相关背景知识,补充必要的和新的背景知识,以启发学生对话题的思考。本课一开始就提出问题:What will life be like in the future? 为了启发学生思考,教材设计了通讯、语言、职业、建筑、商贸、交通、教育、人体等方面的话题,并设计了四幅关于交通、城市建设、外星人、人类健康的图片,供学生参考讨论。这样的设计能激发学生的思维,引起学生对未来人类生活的幻想和想象。 “听力部分”(Listening)是一封3044年生活于火星的一位学生来信,信件分两部分,描述了3044年火星的生活情景,要求学生听录音回答问题并完成表格练习。 “口语”(Speaking)部分设计了以下内容:2089年科学家已掌握了克隆人的技术,能制作一个与原型一模一样的另一个新人,新人能做一切原型会的事情。要求学生讨论决定这种新技术应不应该采用。这样的设计能训练学生的思维、推理能力。 “读前”(Pre-reading)部分设计了四个问题,让学生在讨论的基础上,快速浏览课文,找出能回答这四个问题的段落。这样既能激发学生探究这四个问题的答案,又能引导学生归纳主题,同时对学生的快速阅读能力提出了要求。 “阅读”(Reading)部分是一篇幻想将来人类生活的科普文章,共分四个部分,分别阐述和设想将来的交通、商业、医药与健康以及教育与知识。 “读后”(Post-reading)部分共五个问题,其中第一道题要学生检查自己“读前”问题的答案,是否弄清了各段的主旨大意。其他几个问题要求学生讨论课文,属于拓展性的问题。 “语言学习”(Language study)有两部分。第一部分是词汇学习(Word study),第一个练习检测学生能不中将课文词汇运用于新语境之中,第二个练习是为了帮助学生巩固新学词汇,并培养学生的语境中学习理解、运用词汇的学习策略。第二部分是语法学习,设计了四个练习。第一个练习要求学生判断所给六个句子属于哪一类名词性从句(本单元着重介绍了主语从句、动词宾语从句、介词宾语从句和表语从句),这是属于概念结构的练习;第二个练习要求学生将左边方框中的问句和右边方框中未完成的句子编成含有名词性从句的复合句;第三个练习要求学生区分名词性从句和定语从句;第四个练习要求学生将原句编成含有名词性从句的句子。通过所有这些练习的训练,使学生能进一步清楚名词性从句的种类、结构,并能掌握运用。 “综合技能”(Integrating skills)部分包括: 1.阅读训练:通过阅读3044年Mekanika的一封来信,了解3044年作者的生活,然后讨论回答三个问题,为写作埋下了伏笔。 2.写作训练:设想你刚从4367年旅游回来,你看到了一个叫Mogray的新发明,要求学生写一篇文章,解释What is a Mogray? What does it look like? How does it work? What is it used for? 教材列出了提纲和问题,供学生参考,为学生写作的内容和方法做了指导。 和记忆词汇。 “复习要点”(Checkpoint)部分简要地总结了本单元的语法重点——名词性从句(2),并设计了一个问题引导学生对本单元所学内容进行总结和自评。 教学重点和难点 一、重点: 话题:Talk about life in the future 功能:practise making predictions 词汇:predict remain certain company in general catch a glimpse of keep in touch with pay attention to lead to in store deal with come true 表达用语: 1.It would be wonderful if … 2.It’s possible / impossible to predict 3.Just imagine if … 句型: 1.One way to catch a glimpse of the future is to examine some of the major trends in our temporary society. 2.New technology is being used to make sure that the cars, taxis, buses and trains we use don’t pollute the air. 3.Real classrooms will always be popular, but e-schools will help people study whenever they have time and wherever they may be. 4.If we learn to accept changes and appreciate what is new and different, we will be well prepared for whatever the future may have in store. 语法:Noun Clauses eg. 1. What life will be like in the future is difficult to predict. 2. They are careful about what they eat and exercise regularly. 3. The discussion topic for today is what schools will be like in the future. 二、难点: 1.How to make the students understand the reading passage better. 2.How to master the usages of the Noun Clause used as the Subject,Object and Predicative. 3.How to help the students write a definition paragraph. 语篇分析: 本单元Reading—Life in the future是一篇幻想将来人类生活的科普文章,共分四个部分,分别阐述和设想将来的交通、商业、医药与健康以及教育与知识。本文中提到了一些新的发明创造(如maglev train)及当代社会的主要趋势。通过本课教学,让学生了解社会发展之快,科技发展之迅猛。只有认真学习,才能适应新时代的需要。只有创新才会推动社会的发展、历史的进步。 1.编者意图: ①让学生畅想未来,激发他们创造性思维。 ②引导学生了解社会,关注社会,并且努力去改造社会。 ③使学生明白,为了美好的明天,他们必须努力学习,终生学习。 2.篇章结构思路: ①How will people travel in the future? ②How will people shop in the future? ③What will happen in the field of health and medicine in the future? ④What will schools be like in the future? 3.课文图解: Read the text LIFE IN THE FUTURE, and then complete the following chart. (阅读课文《未来的生活》,并完成下列表格。) Items Main idea Details Transportation Transportation is becoming cleaner, faster and safer. Cars, taxies, buses and trains don’t pollute the environment. Business Business won’t be as usual in the future. E-commerce, or business done on the Internet has become more and more popular. Shopping has become a form of entertainment. People will use smart cards instead of cash. Health and medicine People will enjoy a longer, healthier and more active life. People are careful about healthy diet and exercise regularly. Advances in medical science have also overcome new diseases. New discoveries in genetics and biochemistry will be used. Education knowledge The schools of the future will be different. The way we view knowledge is changing. In the future, there may be more “schools on the air” or “e-schools”. We will become lifelong learners. 4.课文复述: Retell the text using about 100 words.(请用100个词左右复述课文) Notes: ①Try to use the simple future tense. ②Make use of the chart above while retelling. ③The possible version below can be used as a material for both retelling and dictation. One possible version: Although life in the future is difficult to predict, we can still examine some of its major trends in the contemporary world. Transportation will become cleaner, faster and safer. the vehicles will not pollute the environment. Helped by a computer system, people will travel at an amazing speed. Business won’t be as usual in the future. The Internet will play an important role and shopping will become a form of entertainment. People in the future will be able to enjoy a longer, healthier and more active life. In the future, there will be more “schools on the air” and ever “e-schools”. Instead of being students only when we are young, we will become lifelong learners. ①The only limit to our realization of tomorrow will be our doubts of today. 对于明天认识的唯一限制是我们对于今天的疑惑。 (Franklin Delano Roosevelt [美]富兰克林•D•罗斯福) ②Progress is the activity of today and the assurance of tomorrow. 进步是今天的活动、明天的保证。 (Emerson [美]爱默生) ③The object of education is to prepare the young to educate themselves through their lives. 教育的目的在于使青年人能够对自己终身进行教育。 (Robert M. Hutchins [美]哈钦斯) ④The important thing in life is to have a great aim, and the determination to attain it. 人生重要的事情是确立一个伟大的目标和树立实现这个目标的决心。 (Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe [德]歌德) 6.写作技巧:How to describe an object? A description of an object should include a physical description and a “practical / functional” discription.Give students questions for reference. ①What is it? ②What does it look like? (eg. how big it is?) ③How does it work? ④What is it used for? ⑤What do you think of it? 课时安排: Period 1.Warming up & listening Period 2.Speaking & listening (wb) Period 3&4.Reading Period 5.Language Study & Grammar Period 6.Integrating Skills 教学计划: Period 1 Warming up & Listening Teaching goals: 1.Encourage the students to use their imagination to talk about life in the future. 2.Train the students’ listening ability. Teaching procedures: Step 1.Warming up task 1.Talk about the problems in your life. T: Are you happy now? Are you satisfied with your life (your study, your family, housing, transportation, communication, etc.) Why? Can you give me some reasons? Do you want a happy and beautiful future? What do you want the life to be? task 2.Watch pictures on the screen and have a discussion in groups of four. There are four pictures. They are about life in the future. It concerns many fields, such as transportation, city construction, outer creature, people’s health. T: Please imagine what life will be in the future? Task 3.Fill in the forms Fields Today Tomorrow Communication letters, e-mail, telephone, cellphone more cellphones, videophones, easier, cheaper … Work Business and money The human body (Health) Language Houses and buildings (environment) Transportation Education Step 2.Listening Pre-listening: 1.What is your life like as a student? Questions for reference: ①How do you go to school? ②What subjects do you have? What are they about? ③what are your hobbies? / How do you spend your spare time? ④What do you eat? … 2 .Imagine where people will live in the future. State your reasons. Ss: Maybe people live on another planet, because there are too many people on the earth. People will live in space because the earth has been polluted, and there is no room for people… While- listening: T: Now you will have a letter from a girl living in the future, she describes her life and explains why she lives where she does. Let’s compare our life with hers. 1.Listen for the first time, answer questions in Part 1. 2.Listen for the second time, do Part 2. Exercise1. Post-reading: Question: What does Mekanika want to know? Homework: Writing: write a letter to mekanika and tell her about the things she wants to know. Period 2.Speaking & listening (WB) Goals: 1.Improve the students’ speaking ability by practising making predictions. 2.Train the students listening ability. Step 1.Listening (WB) Do the listening practice in the workbook step by step. If the material is too difficult, teachers can give students some difficult sentences first or even give the listening material to students after they listen to the tape twice. Pre-listening: task Story 1.(Look at the screen: a man landed on the moon for the first time.) When did man first land on the moon? Do you want to visit the moon? Story 2.What speed does a train reach on average now? Story 3.What conditions do lemon trees need to grow well? While-listening: T: Now we’re going to listen to a news broadcast for the year 2035. 1.Listen for the first time, do exercise 1. Tick the subjects mentioned in the news stories. 2.Listen for the second time, do exercise 2. Answer the questions. Step 2.Speaking Pre-speaking: Brief discription about Dolly (pictures of Dolly on the screen). Then talk about human clones. T: Have the scientists discovered how to make doubles? What would happen if there were human clones? While-speaking: What’s your opinions of making doubles? Cloning Advantages Disadvantages Useful expressions: It would be wonderful if … It’s possilbe / impossible to predret … Just imagine if … It would be bad for … if … No one can predict what / when … We can only guess. Post-speaking: Have a free discussion What would happen if there were two Hitlers ? Step 3.Homework If you have the chance to make “doubles”,whom would you like to have doubled ? Why? Write a short passage. Period 3&4.Reading Goals: 1.Learn and master some important expressions. 2.Improve the students’ reading ability. 3.Let the students know something about the life in the future. Step 1.Lead-in (Three pictures: First is about people working by hand, second is about people working with machines, third is about robots working for people.) T: Now I’ll show you three pictures. What differences have you found in these three pictures? S: I think the ways that three people work are different. In the first picture, some people are working by hand. In the second picture, some people are working with machines while some people are giving orders to robots to work for them in the last one. T: Yes. Our society is developing very fast, so our life has changed a lot. With the development of science and technology, our life now is quite different from that in the past. Do you want to know what life will be like in the future? Ss: Yes. T: Today we are going to read a passage about life in the future. Step 2.Reading Skimming: Do Exercise on P43. Scanning: Fill in the forms. Items Main idea Details Transportation Business Health and medicine Education knowledge Question: What are the advantages of future, transportation, smart cards, online shopping and e-schools? Are there any disadvantages? Step 3.Post-reading: Debating For side: Life will be better in the future. Against side :Life will be worse in the future. For side Against side 1.Transportationwill be safer,faster,cleaner too many private cars crowded 2 advanced technology new medicines polluted environment new diseases 3 People will live longer too many senior citizens new problems 4 energy from wind,sun coal, electricity Natural resources will be used up 5…… ……… Step 4.Summary: In order to have a bright future,we should love our life, love the earth. We have to learn as much as possible and we must try to accept changes and appreciate what is new and different. Step 5.Homework Write a passage :Will life be better in the future? Period 5 Language Study & Grammar Goals: 1.Revise the words 2.Do some exercises to consolidate the Noun Clause Step 1.Revision Activity: Teacher: What’s your future plan? Students: go to university, find a good job. have a beautiful house, own private cars…. Step 2.Word study: Activity 1: 根据释义说出或写出本单元所学词汇。例如: ①a statement of what is judged likely to happen in the future, esp in connection with a particular situation, or of the expected weather conditions ______ ②existing or happening now; modern ______ ③a general devepoment or change in a situation or in the way that people are behaving ______ ④of or in a city or town ______ ⑤a person who buys goods or services for their own use ______ ⑥extremely small ______ ⑦money in the form of notes and coins, rather than cheques or credit cards ______ ⑧a medical doctor, esp one who has general skill and is not a surgeon ______ Activity 2: Do Exercise 1 . Fill in the blanks with words in the text. Suggested answers: 1. forecast 2. trends 3. urban 4. consumers / customers 5. ensure 6. tiny 7. cash 8. regularly 9. physician 10.purchase / pruchases Read the sentences and translate them into Chinese. Exercise 2:①Choose the correct phrases to fill in the blanks in the following story. Suggested answers: in general in store keep in touch with lead to pay attention to ②Write an ending to the story. Step 3.Grammar: Noun Clauses used as Subject, Object and Predicative. Instructions: 1.In the Object clause “that” is optional and can be omitted. But in the Predicative and Subject Clauses “that” is necessary and cannot be omitted. 2.You should pay attention to the word order in the Noun Clause. Normal word order is used in it. 3.In order to keep the sentence balanced. We often use “it” as the formal subject, which replaces the real subject. 4.The subordinate conjunction “whether” can introduce all the Noun Clauses, while the subordinate conjunetion “if” can only introduce an object clause used as the object of a verb. Exercise: 1.Find out the function of the Noun Clause in each sentence. 2.Look at the questions about the future in the box on the left. Then use the expressions in the box on the right to change your questions into Noun Clause. Example: How we should use modern technology is an important question. Activity: Look at the pictures on the screen, and complete the sentences using Noun Clauses. ①We cannot be sure _________________________. ②The problem is ___________________________. ③I can’t imagine ___________________________. ④____________________ is an important question. ⑤Scientists have (not) found answers to the question _______________________. ⑥They are worried about ____________________________. Exercise 3.Identify the type of clause in each of the sentences. Instruction: The difference between a Noun Clause and an Attributive Clause. A Noun Clause is used as a Subject, Object, Predicative or Appositive in the main clause. An Attributive Clause serves as an attribute to some nouns or pronouns in the main clause, and it is often placed after this noun or pronoun. The Attributive clause is introduced by the relative pronouns and the relalive adverbs. Step 4.Homework Exercise 4.Rewrite the following sentences so that they contain a Noun Clause of the type in brackets. Period 6. Integrating Skills Step 1.Reading Pre-reading: Task: If you have an e-friend, what would you use it for? (Ss: help me with what I couldn’t do, keep me company, talk with me, help me with my homework …) T: As we know, people’s life has been changing. It’s getting better and better. What do you think life in the 31st century will be like? Will it be the same as that today? Ss: No, we think life in the 31st century will be very different from that in this century. We’ll live more easily than today. We’ll have a machine so what we want them to. The only thing we need to do is to press the buttons on the computer. T: Ok. Thank you. Today we’re going to read a letter about the way people will live more than one thousand years later and we can know what the life in the 31st century will be like. While-reading: 1.Skim and find out the main idea. Main idea Paragraph 1 Mekanika describes an e-friend .She explains what it is. What it looks like and how people use it. Paragraph 2 Mekanika describes an idea, namely virtual reality. 2.Scanning ①Find out how Mekanika describe her e-friend. Mekanika’s e-friend What does it look like? How does it work? What can it be used for? ②What is virtual reality? Post-reading: Exercise 2.Why is it sometimes difficult for Mekanika to know what is real and what is an image? Exercise 3.How is our life different from the way people live one thousand years ago? Step 2.Writing: write about an object T: We have known what the life will be in the year 3044. Imagine that you have come back from a trip to the future. You visited the year 4367 and you saw a wonderfu invention called a Mogray. Now work with your partner and decide what a Mogray is, what it looks like and what it is used for. Before writing, you have to complete the outline on the screen. What does a Mogray look like? How does it work? What can it be used for? Instruction: A description of an object should include a physical description (what the object looks like, how big it is etc.) as well as a “practical / functional” description (what it can be used for / how you use it). Step 3.Homework 1.Write the passage in your Exercise book. 2.Surf the Internet to find more information about life in the future. 补充材料 文字资料 Changes in the Future Peering (展望) into the 21st century, authorities in the future see extraordinary changes throughout the world.Whether in the home, the workplace or outer space, many of these changes will be of the sort that seemed unthinkable only a few years ago. Through worldwide computer network, scientists, engineers and technicians at different parts of the world can work on the same project at the same time.They can exchange ideas, try out different designs and test their results.Examples:An engineering team can design and try out a robot system or an entire factory before it is built.An architectural team can do the same with a building or a bridge.A medical team can pretend to have a dangerous operation before performing it on a patient. In everyday life, the future will mean talking directly to computers without pushing buttons.It’s really convenient.Simply tell a stove what to do, and it will hear your voice and understand the message.The oven (烤炉) may even decide how long to cook the chicken.Tell the television, “ I want to watch Channel 12 at 8 p.m., but store the show for next week,” and the job will be done. The computer will talk, too.Already some soft drink machines complain loudly if you don’t put in enough money.At home, a bedside machine may some day tell, “You forgot to turn off the kitchen light.” The wide use of personal computers, E-mails, fax machines and mobile phones is promoting (提升)more and more.Western people will make their homes into offices.There they will be happier and more productive.They will have more control over their time and feel more satisfied.The practice will also help solve the problems of transportation and air pollution at the same time. The practice of tele-working has been especially popular with banking and insurance(保险) industries and with large corporations.However, tele-working is not for everyone and it must be introduced with certain safeguards.Companies must make sure, for example, that employees do not become too separated and too removed from society.There need be face-to-face meetings.People need to have personal interaction(相互影响).It is good that employees are required to come into the central office at least once a week. Cloning Cloning (克隆,无性繁殖) took a giant leap(飞跃) from science fiction to science fact last year when researchers at the Roslyn Institute in Scotland announced the birth of Dolly, a lamb cloned from the cells of an adult sheep. The achievement raised vast questions about the potential (可能性) of cloning: Could the feat(技艺)be repeated and made more efficient? Could other animals be cloned? Some skeptics (怀疑论者) even demanded more proof that Dolly is a true clone, as advertised Dramatic papers in the July 23 issue of Nature answer these questions and suggest that cloning is about to become, an important part of our world, whether we are ready for it or not. An international team of researchers led by Ryuzo Yanagimachi of the University of Hawaii announced that they have successfully cloned adult mice not once but more than 50 times. Some of the mice were third-generation animals: clones of clones. Yanagimachi’s group used a different, seemingly more efficient technique than the one used to create Dolly—though it still only produced live births two to three percent rights of the time. An American company holds commercial rights to the new cloning approach (方法). Possible applications include custom-tailored(迎合顾客需求) animals that create pharmaceuticals (药品) or organs for transplantation into humans; cloning might also help preserve the genetic stock of endangered (濒临灭绝的) species. In two separate reports scientists at the Roslyn Institute and the University of Leicester examined Dolly’s DNA “fingerprint”. The results confirmed that she is a clone and secured her place in the history books. Life in the future Computers have changed the way people work and will play an increasingly important part in the future. They are very important in a variety of ways. For example, they make many difficult or time-consuming (耗时的) tasks simple. They provide businesses, governments, individuals, and institutions with an efficient way to manage large amounts of information. Computers also help people to understand things better by allowing them to make models and test theories. One of the most important and most difficult jobs performed by computers is to solve complicated problems that have to do with numbers. Computers can solve such problems very quickly. In many cases, the solutions show how certain things work, behave, or happen. For example, with the help of a computer, an engineer can predict how well an airplane will fly. A large, complex set of equations(等式)expresses the relationships between the various parts of an airplane and what happens when the airplane flies. The engineer enters the numbers for the size and weight of a certain airplane's parts. The computer then solves the equations for this particular airplane. Based on the solutions, the engineer can predict how well the plane will fly. The engineer then might decide to change the size or weight of one of the airplane's parts to change the way it flies. Thus, the computer helps the engineer simulate (模拟) various conditions. People use computers to store very large amounts of information. Information stored in a computer is sometimes called a database. Databases can be enormous - for example, a country's entire census (人口普查) might be contained in a single database. A computer can search a huge database quickly to find a specific piece of information. In addition, the information can be changed easily and quickly - often in less than a second. The efficiency with which computers store and get back information makes them valuable in a wide range of professions. For example, scientists use computers to store and quickly find results of experiments. Libraries use computer catalogues to hold information about their books. Hospitals use computers to maintain records about their patients. Governments store election returns and census information on computers. All kinds of businesses rely on computers to store large amounts of information about their employees, customers, and products. Banks maintain many kinds of records on computers, such as account balances (帐面余额) and credit card (信用卡) information. Anyone who uses an automatic teller machine (ATM) is using a computer terminal (计算机终端). When an identification card and number are entered, the ATM can provide account information, give out cash, and transfer (转移) money between accounts. Word-processing programs make it easy for people to change text that has been typed into a computer. For example, they can quickly correct typing or spelling errors. Words, sentences, and entire sections of a document can be added, removed, or arranged in a printer, the document may be printed onto paper at any time. Business people , journalists, lawyers, scientists, secretaries, and students are also among those who find word-processing programs on computers most helpful. Computers are also important in the publishing industry. For example, most books, magazines, and newspapers are typeset (排版) by computers. In addition, a process known as desktop publishing enables people to design and produce newsletters (时事通讯) and other documents on personal computers. Documents that have been created in this manner look almost as if they have been typeset by an expert. Computer programs that perform computer-aided design (CAD计算机辅助设计) are important in many fields, particularly engineering and architecture. CAD programs create graphics (图形) of a new object. They then solve equations to predict how the object will work. Engineers and architects use CAD programs to design cars, air-planes, bridges, and many other machines and structures. Computer designers are experimenting with using computer graphics to create virtual reality (虚拟世界) a man-made world in which the computer user can seemingly move about and handle objects. One virtual reality system has a headset with two very small display screens, one screen for each eye. Pictures on the screens produce a three-dimensional (三维的) view. Sensing devices (传感器) contained in a special glove tell the computer when the user moves the fingers or hand. The computer then changes the images to create the illusion of, for example, opening a door. The pictures do not have nearly the detail of what I have seen in the real world. In addition, there is a delay between hand movements and the changes in the pictures. However, virtual reality has a variety of uses. These uses range from simple game sets to complex equipment used to control robots. A branch of computer science called artificial intelligence (人工智能) uses programs that help solve problems by using human knowledge and experience. Artificial intelligence systems are also called expert systems, which enable computers programmed with vast amounts of data to "think" about many possibilities such as diseases that certain symptoms (症状) could indicate and make a decision for the treatment. Computers are used in teaching as well. Programs that perform computer-aided instruction (CAI 计算机辅助教学) are designed to help students at all levels, from elementary school to the university level. The student sits at a computer terminal. The terminal's screen displays a question for the student to answer. If the answer is wrong or incomplete, the computer may ask the student to try again. It then may supply the correct answer and an explanation. CAI is also used in some adult education programs and as part of the employee-training programs of some business companies. One of the most important uses of computers is to communicate information over long distances. They can send information to each other over telephone lines. As a result, computers keep banks, newspapers, and other institutions supplied with up-to-the-minute information. A computer network consists of many computers in separate rooms, buildings, cities, or countries, all connected together. Computer networks allow people to communicate by using electronic mail - a document typed into one computer and "sent" to another . Such documents generally travel in only a few minutes, even if they are being sent over a long distance. The computer's ability to share data with other computers over a network linked by telephone lines is a major revolution in telecommunications (电讯). The Internet, an international network of computer networks, has spread out enormously since the early 1990's. The Internet began as a US network of scientific and military computers in the 1960's. Now it is an international system for sending and receiving electronic mail, software, and electronic document and picture files all over the world. The Internet has already cut the cost of long-distance communication for many people. In the future it will completely change the way people work. With the internet, increasing numbers of people can work from home. Computers and their programs are the most complex device in human history, and probably the most useful. Modern industrial societies now depend on them. As computers become more powerful and widespread, computer education must continue to increase also. |
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