Unit 12 Education学生版(人教版高三英语上册教案教学设计) |
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Goals Learn about education in China and other countries Talk about study methods and learning styles Practise making comparisons Integrative language practice Write report Teaching aims and demands: (1) To learn some words and expressions . (2) To use the words and expressions correctly (3)Teacher’s further explanation and supplement 1. load n.[C] 1.) 装载;担子 The load on that beam is more than it will bear. 那根梁上的载重超过了它所能承受的量。 2.) (精神方面的)负担;重任 The good news has taken a load off my mind._____________________________ 3.) (车,船等的)装载量;一车(或一船等)货物 The truck was carrying a load of sand. 卡车装运一车沙子。 4.) 工作量 Measures have been taken to _____________________________. 已采取措施减轻医院医生的负担。 vt. 1.) 装,装载[(+with)] The workers are loading the ship with coal. 工人正___________。 2.) 把弹药装入(枪,炮);把胶卷装入(照相机) Don't forget to load your camera. 别忘了给你的相机装胶卷。 3.) 使摆满;使充满;使长满 [(+with)] The air was loaded with soot. 空气充满煤烟。 4.) 大量给予[(+with)] His brothers and sisters loaded him with books. 他的哥哥姐姐送给他许多书。 2.strict____________ . be strict with sb._____________ be strict in sth.________________ in the strict sense严格说来 strictly speaking 严格地说 be pleased with sb./sth.对某人(事)满意 e.g She is very strict not only _________all of us,but_________all her own work. A.in,with B.with,with C.with,in D.in,in 3.compulsory_______________ 4.commitment(n.)_________________ 承担义务 , 献身,投入(常与to sb/sth连用) make a commitment to do 承诺 a commitment _________ $50000 to Red Cross 承诺向红十字会提供50000美元 ○1I've taken on too many commitments. 我承担的义务太多了。 ○2He doesn't want to get married because he is _______________________.. "他不想结婚,因为他害怕承担任何责任。" 5.to begin with (插入语)首先,___________________ 类似词组有:to start with; to tell the truth; to be honest; to be frank; to make things worse Although it had seemed a good reason, to begin with: no couple could afford to have children. 6. skeptical _____________ be skeptical about/of _________________ 1)I’m rather _____________ their professed sympathy for the poor. 他们声称同情穷人,我对此有些怀疑。 2)e.g. Everyone says our team will win,but I _________it. 3)I am sceptical about his chances of winning. 我怀疑他取胜的可能性。 4)The public remain sceptical of these claims. 公众对这些说法仍持怀疑态度。 5)She looked highly sceptical.她一脸深表怀疑的神色。 7.tendency (n.)________________ to/towards sth. tendency to do sth. ○1罪犯使用枪械的上升趋势 an increasing tendency towards the use of firearms by criminals ○2人们在家里而不是在办公室里工作的趋势日益增长。 There is a growing tendency for people to work at home instead of in offices. 8. drop out 退学 1 退出,脱离2 退学,辍学 ①He has dropped out of active politics. 他已经不再积极参政了。 ②a word that has dropped out of the language 该语言中已经废弃的一个词。 ③One of my teeth has dropped out. 我的一只牙齿掉了。 ④She started a degree but dropped out after only a year. 她开始攻读工程学学位,但仅一年后就辍学了。 ⑤She dropped out of school to become a waitress. 她退学去当女招待。 9.expand (vi.)_________________(vt.)______________ 1.) 展开,张开(帆,翅等) The eagle expanded its wings. 老鹰展开翅膀。 2.) 使膨胀;使扩张 3.) 扩大;扩充;发展 He is thinking of_________________. 他正考虑扩展他的生意。 4.) 详述 They have ________________ on the question. 他们已更充分地阐明了我对这个问题的观点。 vi. 1.) 展开,张开 2.) 扩张;发展;增长 In ten years the city's population_____________ 12%. 十年之中,该城人口增加了百分之十二。 3.) 膨胀 Water expands when it freezes. 水结冰时体积膨胀。 A tire expands when you pump air into it. 轮胎打了气就会胀大。 4.) 详细说明[(+on/upon)] 10. distribute _______________~ sth (to / among sb/sth) ①The organization ______________________________________. 这个机构向地震灾民分发了食品和毯子。 ②The newspaper is distributed free. 这份报纸免费分发。 ③The money was distributed among schools in the area. 这笔款项是在本地区的学校中分配的。 ④Who distributes our products in the UK? 谁在英国分销我们的产品? ⑤The teacher distributed the pupils into three groups. 老师把学生分成三组。 11. result in _______________ result from _____________ ①job losses resulting from changes in production 生产革新造成的失业。 ②When water levels rise, flooding results. 水位上升,就会发洪水。 ③The cyclone has resulted in many thousands of deaths. 飓风已经造成成千上万的人死亡。 ④[+ -ing] These policies ______________many elderly people suffering hardship. 这些政策使许多老人和残疾人在困苦中挣扎。 12.donate ______________ vt. 捐献,捐赠[(+to)] She __________________________________. 她把自己的书捐赠给图书馆。献血 __________ vi. 捐献,捐赠[(+to/towards)] My husband _____________________ every year. 我丈夫每年都捐钱给那个组织。 donation n.[(+to)] 1.) 捐献,捐赠[U][C] She made a donation of $5,000 to the Children's Hospital. 她捐了五千美元给儿童医院。 2.) 捐款;捐赠物[C] 13. profession n. 1.) (尤指受过良好教育或专门训练者,如律师、医生、教师的)职业,专业[C] She intends to make teaching her profession. 她打算以教书为业。 2.) 同业,同行[sing.] The ___________________ claim that they are badly paid. 教师同行们声称待遇太差。 He is a leading member of _____________________. 他是医疗业中首屈一指的医生。 比较:career n. 1.) (终身的) 职业,事业[C] He wasn't interested in her stage career. 他对她的演戏职业不感兴趣。 2.) 经历;生涯;历程[C] He found it both interesting and instructive to learn about the careers of great men. 他觉得了解伟人的生平既很有趣又有教益。 比较:occupation n. 1.) 工作,职业[C] What is your father’s occupation? 你父亲的职业是什么? 2.) 消遣;日常事务[C][U] He was bored for lack of occupation. 他因无所事事而感到厌烦。 3.) 占领,占据;占领时期[U] The Japanese occupation of Taiwan lasted fifty-one years. 日本占领台湾达五十一年之久。 No one is yet in occupation of the house. 这所房子还没有人住进去。 所以,在三个表示职业的词中,profession n.(尤指受过良好教育或专门训练者,如律师、医生、教师的)职业,专业,[C];career n. (终身的)职业,事业[C];occupation n.职业,工作 [C],是一种泛指。 14.advocate___________ ①我拥护逐步改革的政策。I _______________________________. ②主张核武器裁军者an advocate of nuclear disarmament 15. obtain _______________ vt. 得到,获得 He ___________________________.他没有获得奖学金。 They obtained a loan from the government. 他们从政府那里得到一笔贷款。 vi. 得到公认;通用;流行;存在 Those conditions no longer obtain. 那些情形已不存在。 The custom still obtains in some areas. 某些地区仍保留着这一习俗。 16. select vt. 选择,挑选,选拔[(+for/from)] He selected a team for the special task. 他为这项特殊任务挑选了一组人马。 Mr. Reed has been selected to represent us on the committee. 里德先生代表我们已被选入委员会。 vi. 做出选择,挑选 adj. 1.) 挑选出来的;精选的 A select group of their friends was invited to the wedding. 他们的经过挑选的一群朋友应邀参加婚礼。 2.) 上等的,优等的,卓越的 She only stays at select hotels. 她只住一流旅馆。 17. suit n. (一套)衣服[C] I picked out a black suit. 我挑了一套黑色西装。 vt. 1.) 适合,中...的意 Would Friday morning suit you? 星期五早上对你合适吗? The arrangement suited us both. 这个安排对我们两人都合适。 2.) (不用被动式) 与...相配,与...相称 This dress suits you beautifully. 这件衣服你穿非常合适。 3.) 使合适; 使适应 [(+to)] Her speech was well suited to the occasion. 她的讲话在这个场合十分得体。 比较:fit作动词的用法 sth. suit sb.=look attractive on ab. 合某人身 be suited for(to)sb./sth.=be suitable or right for sb./sth.适合某人 He is better suited to a job with old pupils.他较适合教小学高年级学生。 e.g. Mr Gong,who is in poor health,__________such a hard life. A.is suit to living B.is suit to live C.is suited to living D.is suited to live Period 2 Warming up Teaching aims and demands: (1) To improve the Ss’speaking and listening skills (2) Grasp some useful phrases: Teaching procedures: Step 1 Disscussion SB P.100 Let the Ss disscuss the questions in the text then check the answers with the Ss. Step 2 Listening Listen to the tape and finish the exercise on page 101 Step 3 Speaking Divide the Ss into several groups to discuss and let them report their ideas to the class Step 4 Language points 1. How is it similar to Chinese education? be similar to 与…相似 My teaching style is similar to that of most other teachers. 2.compare your notes with your partner’s.______________________ compare notes with sb.与某人交换看法或意见等 make a note of=make notes of请记录下 take a note/notes of记笔记… 3.a heavy workload_______________________ a load of=loads of+可数或不可数名词,大量,许多 load…with sth.=load sth. onto/into把某物装到…上 e.g.○1Men were loading up a truck with wood. =Men were loading up wood onto a truck. ○2She loaded film into the camera.=She loaded the camera with film.她把胶卷装到了相机里。 区分 burden_____________________________________ load _____________________________________ Period 3 Reading—Education for all Teaching aims and demands: (1)To get general ideas of the passage (2)To improve the Ss’ reading skill 1.Main idea of each paragraph: Para. A ____________________________________ Para. B ___________________________________ Para. C ___________________________________ Para. D ___________________________________ Para. E ___________________________________ Para. F ___________________________________ Para. G ___________________________________ Step 2 Read and answer 1.Why do students learn in different ways? _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________. 2.What are the three basic learning styles? ______________________________________________________________________________. 3.What is the limitation of teachers’ teaching in classrooms? _______________________________________________________________________________ 3.Pay attention to some numbers in the text and fill in the following blank. 1.In _____, the Chinese government introduced a law stating that by the year _____ every Chinese child would have ____ years of compulsory education. 2. It is reported that ____of school-age children in China attended primary school by 2004. 3. When the World Education Forum met in _____, it calculated that there were ____ million children not in school. 4. At the Forum, the member countries of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) made a commitment to provide “complete, free and compulsory primary education for good quality for all children by _____”. 5. In the Turks and Caicos Islands, where there are less than _______ people, the number of students in some school is so low that students of several different grades are taught in the same classroom. 6. In north and central Australia the population is so spread out that children in some rural settlements can be as far as _____ km away from the nearest school. 7. ___________ students in United States lives in the countryside, and providing them with a full curriculum is difficult. 8. China has also adopted distance learning methods such as television lessons and in _____, the Ministry of Education introduced computerized teaching networks in central and western China. 9. Now, when a Chinese couple has ______, they can be confident that their child will be able to attend school. 10. This mountain school in Lesotho, Africa has ____ students 11. The Alice Springs School of the Air in Australia has ____ children who live in an area of over __________ square kilometers. 12. There is ____ teacher, ____ classroom, no doors, windows, desks or chairs. (one , one ) 4.According to the passing , which countries use the following methods to help them provide education ? Methods Countries Australia, China, the USA The Turks and Caicos Islands, parts of the remote central and western regions in China, China, the developing countries in Africa and Asia China, the developing countries 5. Reading comprehension :Choose the best answer 1. According to the text , ______ of school-age children attended primary school by _______ . A. 99 % ; 2000 B. 86% ; 2000 C. 99% ; 2004 D. 86% ; 2004 2. What suggests that many countries realize the importance of education ? A. They realize that the future welfare of their citizens is closely linked to education B. They attended the World Education Forum in 2000 C. At the World Education Forum in 2000 , they made a commitment called “Education for all” D. They are trying to get every child into school 3. ______ prevents some people attaching importance to education . A. The importance of agriculture B. Heavy work on the farm C. Traditional ideas D. All the above 4. What kind of classes can often be seen in western provinces in China ? A. Mixed grade classes B. Classes of large sizes C. Classes of small sizes D. Classes by two-way radio and mail 5.What measures do many developing countries take to provide schools with necessary equipment? A. They call on their citizens to donate it B. They depend on aid from other countries and international organizations or programs C. They borrow it from their neighbor countries D. Developed provinces provide aid for less developed provinces 6. How many countries are mentioned in the text to have adopted distance learning methods ? A. 1 B. 2 C. 3 D. 4 7. According to Paragraph F , which of the following is one of the education problems existing in America ? A. The quality of teaching is not good nationwide B. There are too many families now below poverty line C. One third of the students live in the countryside D. Violent crimes take place in schoolyards 8. The text talks mainly about ______ . A. “Education for all ”----the international target B. solving the problems of teaching quality in remote areas C. encouraging people in rural areas to accept education D. problems of the number of people in one area and location 9. It’s difficult for some countries in Africa and Asia to achieve the goal of “ Education for all ” , because _______ . A. the population is too large B. they are facing many other problems , such as lack of fresh water and basic health care C. the international aid is far from enough D. the economy there is the least developed 10. Which of the statements is true ? A. People’s attitude towards education affects education system B.The number of people in one area and people’s distribution can also cause education problems C. Education system can be affected by economy D. All the above 6.Decide True or False according to the text. ①In 2000 the Chinese government passed a law that every child must have nine years of compulsory education. ②In the 2000 World Education Forum,the member countries of the UNESCO promised to provide education for all although they have many difficulties. ③There are 113 million children not in school today. ④Children who live on farms do not like to attend school. ⑤Some children in the countryside tend to drop out of school even if they start school. ⑥Class sizes are larger in city schools than in rural schools. ⑦Whether all the population can receive education depends on economy. ⑧The reason why distance learning is adopted in remote areas is that children live so far away. ⑨By 2015 every child in the world will receive nine years of compulsory education. ⑩China had made great achievements in accomplishing its “nine years of compulsory education”goal. Period 4 Language points in reading Teaching aims and demands: (1) To learn and grasp some important phrases in the text (2) To learn some important language points Step 1 Important language points 1. introduce 介绍,正式提交,实施 He introduced me to a Greek girl at the party. The first lecture introduces students to the main topics of the course. The company is introducing a new range of products this year. The new law was introduced in 1991. 2.nine years of compulsory education_____________________ 3.be highly successful_____________________ highly 与high 区别; close 与closely 区别 1)Do you see that butterfly flying high above the street? 你是否看见那只蝴蝶在街道上方高高飞舞 着? 2)The distinguished guests were highly praised.贵宾们受到了高度赞扬。 引申:Suddenly the door was ______and in came Mr. Wang. A. open wide B. widely open C. wide opened D. open widely (答案为C,由前面的suddenly可见,此句强调动作,故用被动语态,而不用形容词,wide与widely都有副词,但是意义不同,他们的区别好象deep/deeply,high/highly,close/closely) 4. It is reported that 据报道… 类似的句型还有:it is said/ believed/hoped/announced that … 5.be closely linked to_____________________ 6.make a commitment to provide …作出一项承诺提供 ①(n.)______________ 1)make a commitment to sb.to do sth.=make a promise作出承诺 2)She doesn’t want to make a commitment to Steve at the moment._____________________ ② commit vt. ______________ to sth. commit sb./yourself to doing sth.向……承诺做某事 to do e.g.1)总统承诺要改革卫生保健制度。 The President is committed ____________________. 2)双方承诺和平解决矛盾。 Both sides committed themselves to_________________________. 7. face similar difficulties_____________________ ①face to face 面对面地 I rushed out of the office and found myself face-to-face with the boss. "我冲出办公室,面对面地碰上了老板。" The burglar turned the corner and found himself face to face with a policeman. 那窃贼转过墙角,面对面碰上一个警察。 ②in the face of 不顾;面对,在…前面 He succeeded______________________________. 尽管有巨大的困难,但他成功了。 ③be faced with 面临 I realized that Hamlet was faced with an entirely different problem. 我意识到Hamlet面临着完全不同的问题。 The state is now faced with the immediate question of raising new taxes. 国家面临紧迫的问题,收新税。 8.To begin with,it is important to create a positive attitude.______________________ to begin with 1)首先,第一 I’m not going. ______________,I haven’t a ticket, and secondly I don’t like the play. 我不去。一来我没票,二来我不喜欢这出戏。 2)起初 ___________________he had no money, but later he became quite rich. 他起初没钱,可是后来相当富有了。 9. attach importance to ….认为。。。很重要 ~ importance/significance/value/weight, etc. (to sth) e.g我认为这个研究十分重要。I attach great importance to this research. to attach ①to attach sth. to sth. 将某物系在、缚在或附在另一物上 to attach a label to each piece of luggage _______________________ ②to attach sb. to sb. /sth. 将某人派给(一人或一组织)去执行某任务,使隶属于(尤用于被动语态) You’ll be attached to this department until the end of this year. 你在年底前将暂属于这一部门。 ③to attach oneself to sb./sth. (有时指不受欢迎或未受邀请而)依附某人、参加某事 A young man attached himself to me at the party and I couldn’t get rid of him. 聚会中有个小年青总缠着我,我也甩不开他。 ④to attach sth. to sth. _______________________________ Do you attach any importance to what he said? 你认为他说的话重要吗? ⑤to attach to sb. 与某人相关联,归于某人 No blame attaches to you in this blame. 这件事不怪你。 10.have a tendency to be absent______________________ 11.drop out 中途退学,辍学 drop behind 落后 drop by 顺便访问:停下做短暂访问 drop off 睡着;减少 drop in 顺便走访, 不预先通知的拜访 Attendance at football matches have______since the coming of television. A.dropped in B.dropped off C.dropped out D.dropped down 10.be skeptical of anything that_____________________ take children away from their work on the farm不让孩子们田里劳动 12. be willing /unwilling to do (不)愿意。(不)乐意 They keep a list of people (who are) willing to work nights. 他们有一份愿意夜间工作的人的名单。 I’m perfectly willing to discuss the problem.我十分乐意讨论这个问题。 They are unwilling to invest any more money in the project. 他们不愿再为这个项目投资。 She was unable, or unwilling, to give me any further details. 她不能,或不愿意,向我提供进一步的细节。 13. mean 想要,意思是; ① [常用被动] ~ sb for sth| ~ sb to be sth (想要某人成为,想要某人去做) I was never meant for the army (= did not have the qualities needed to become a soldier). 我根本就不是块当兵的料。 ②by all means可以,当然行,没问题 ‘Do you mind if I have a look?’ ‘By all means.’借我看一眼行吗?当然可以。 ③by means of sth (formal) 借助…手段,依靠…方法 The load was lifted by means of a crane. 重物是用起重机吊起来的。 ④by no means 绝不,一点也不 She is by no means an inexperienced teacher. 她绝不是一个毫无经验的老师。 We haven’t won yet, not by any means. 我们离成功还远着呢。 By no means are these cases exceptional. 这些例子绝不是例外。 14.China’s large population meant that the school had to expand to take in many more students. ________________________________- take sb. in收留,留宿e.g.He was homeless,so we took him in. take sb. in欺骗,蒙骗 She took me in completely with her story. 她的一番花言巧语完全把我骗了。 take sth. in吸入,吞入,改小,包含 The tour takes in six European capitals. 14.result in lare class sizes结果造成班级人数很多 result in(=cause)导致,造成 result from由…产生,是…的后果 His illness resulted from eating contaminated food. 他生病是由于吃了不干净的食物。 e.g.This method,_______in areas near Shanghai,_________in a market rise in total production. A.trying,resulting B.tired,resulted C.trying,resulted D.tried,resulting 15.In north and central Australia the population is so spread out that … spread out 分散,伸展身体,摊开东西 1)There’s more room to spread out in first class. 头等舱宽敞些,伸得开腿。 2)Do you have to spread yourself out all over the sofa? 你就非得躺下,把整个大沙发全占了才行吗? 3)The searchers spread out to cover the area faster. 搜索人员分散开来,好更快搜索这一地区。 16.Australia uses “distance settlements can be as far as as far as the eye can / could see 极目所尽 The bleak moorland stretched on all sides as far as the eye could see. 荒凉的旷野向四面伸展开去,一望无际。 as far as I know |/as far as I can re member/see/ tell, etc. 就我所知道/据我所记得的/依我看。 As far as we knew, there was no cause for concern. 就我们所知,没什么可担心的。 As far as I can see, you’ve done nothing wrong. 依我看,你没有做错任何事。 She lived in Chicago, as far as I can remember. 据我所记得的,她过去住在Chicago。 as / so far as sb/sth is concerned |就…而言 As far as I am concerned, you can do what you like.就我而言,你想干什么就干什么。 17. available 可获得的,可找到的,有空的 Tickets are available free of charge from the school. 学校有免费票。 When will the information be made available? 何时才能了解到情况? Further information is available on request. 详情备索。 This was the only room available. 这是唯一可用的房间。 We’ll send you a copy as soon as it becomes available. 一有货我们就会给你邮寄一本去。 Every available doctor was called to the scene.所有能找到的医生都备召集到了现场。 Will she be available this afternoon? 今天下午她有空吗? 18. rely on /upon 依赖; 依靠 These days we rely heavily on computers to organize our work. [+ -ing] The industry relies on the price of raw materials remaining low. You can rely on me to keep your secret. He can’t be relied on to tell the truth 19. adopt 收养,采用 (方法);采纳(建议,政策等) All three teams adopted different approaches to the problem. 三个队处理这个问题的方法各不相同。 The council is expected to adopt the new policy at its next meeting. 委员会有望在下次会议上正式通过这项新政策。 20. overcome 克服,战胜 She overcame injury to win the Olympic gold medal. The two parties managed to overcome their differences on the issue. Step 2 Useful phrases in the reading 1)compulsory education_________________2) the future welfare_______________ 3) the World Education Forum_______________4)the member countries_________________ 4)to make a commitment _________________5)get…into…______________ 5)to begin with_______________________ 6)a positive attitude______________ 7)play a/an…role_______________________8) to attach importance to…________________ 9)be skeptical of…_____________________10) drop out__________________ 11)be distributed ____________________ 11) the remote central and western provinces______________________ 12)spread out______________________13)by two-way radio and mail______________ 14) rely on____________________ 14)non-governmental organizations________________ 15)to donate sth._________________ 16) provide…with…______________ 17)to adopt distance learning method___________________________ 18)computerized teaching networks ______________________ 19) a huge task____________________ Period 5 Language practice Teaching aims and demands (1)Consolidate the words that has been learned (2)Grammar Period 6 Integrating skills Teaching aims and demands: (1) To improve the students’ abilities of reading and comprehension (2) To learn some language points Step1 Lead-in Step2 Reading comprehension: 1.Answer the questions: 1)What are the three basic learning styles? _____________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________. 2)What is the passage mainly about? _____________________________________________________________________________. 2.True or False: ①Students in a class are different from each other in many ways though they are of the same age and nationality. ②People’s ways of obtaining information and expressing themselves are always the same. ③If you prefer to read the information while learning,you are the type of the students who learn through doing. ④You are learning through listening if you prefer to acquire information by reading aloud,hearing a teaching explain something,using a tape recorder and so on. ⑤Students who have the learning through doing style like to sit still for long periods of time and concentrate their minds while reading or listening. ⑥It is easy for teachers to suit their students’various leaning styles. ⑦It’s necessary for one to find the study methods which are suitable for him or her. ⑧Appropriate learning styles can make one study more effectively. Step 3 Language points 1. have …in common 2. suggest 不用虚拟的用法 3. demonstrate 证明,论证,表达,显露,示范,演示,示威(常用搭配:demonstrate +that /wh--/to do) Let me demonstrate to you some of the difficulties we are facing. 让我来向你说明一下我们面临的一些困难。 His sudden departure had demonstrated how unreliable he was. 他突然离去,这说明他多么不可靠。 The theories were demonstrated to be false. 这些理论已被证明是错误的。 We want to demonstrate our commitment to human rights.我们向表明我们对人权的信念。 Her job involves demonstrating new educational software. 她的工作包括演示新的教学软件。 students demonstrating against the war. 举行反战示威游行的学生。 4. category 类别,种类 Students over 25 fall into a different category. 25岁以上的学生属于另一类。 The results can be divided into three main categories. 结果可以分成3大类。 引申:categorize/se 将。。。分类,把。。加以分类 Participants were categorized according to age. 参加者按年龄和性别分组。 His latest work cannot be categorized as either a novel or an autobiography. 他的近作既不属于小说也不属于自传。 5. be active in 积极参加 She takes an active part in school life. The parents were active in campaigning against cuts to the education budget. 6. approach vt./n接近,靠近,建议,要求,(待人接物或思考问题的)方法,方式,态度 We heard the sound of an approaching car / a car approaching。我们听见一辆车驶近的声音。 She approached the bank for a loan.她向银行要求贷款。 The school has decided to adopt a different approach to discipline. 学校决定采用另一种方式解决纪律问题。 She took the wrong approach in her dealings with them. 她用错误的手段和他们打交道。 7.restriction(n.)限制 restrict(v.)…to把…限制在… 1)出售枪支受到许多法律限制。 The sale of firearms is subjected to many legal restrictions. 2)她限制自己一天吃两顿饭。 She _________________two meals a day. 3)一个家庭限制只生一个孩子。 One family ________________having one child. |
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