Unit 19 A freedom fighter

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Lesson 73
Teaching objectives and demands:
1. Words and useful expressions: match; demand; housing; citizen; forbid; forbade; forbidden; join in; peacefully; over and over again; put…in prison
2. Everyday English for communication (talk about an event)
Haven’t you heard…? What happened?
Why was that? I imagine….
There was a…
3. Language use: Manipulate listening, speaking practice
Key points: 1. Everyday English for communication; 2. Words and useful expressions
Teaching procedures:
Step 1. Revision
(1) Check the homework exercises of the previous unit.
(2) Talk about the difficult points in the mid-term examination.
Step 2. Presentation and listening
SB Page 37, Part 1. Play the tape of Lesson 73 for the students to follow and ask them the questions as follows: (In the brackets are possible answers)
(1) Where did this dialogue happen? (In prison.)
(2) What happened in Birmingham yesterday? (Civil rights match)
(3) What did the black people want in Birmingham? (Equal rights)
(4) What did the police do to the matchers? (Arrested some matchers)
Step 3. Reading
Get the students to read the dialogue for more detail information.
Step 4. Explanations
(1) I was on the march. 我去游行了。
on the march是固定词组,意为“在行军中”或“在进展中”,如:
They met with a lot of difficulties on the march.
Education in some distant areas is on the march.
(2) We black people of Birmingham want equal rights.我们伯明翰的黑人要求平等权利。
① We black people是同位语结构,又如:
We, the Chinese youth, have obligations to build our motherland.
They each have got an apple. 他们每个人都拿了个苹果。
② equal既是名词、形容词,也是动词。其语义主要是“平等(的)”。如:
Now please divide this circle into two equal parts. 现在将这个圆平分为两等份。
The blacks should be equal to the whites. 黑人应该与白人平等。
be equal to可以转意为“具有……的能力”,后接名词或动词的-ing形式,如:
I believe he is equal to the occasion. 我相信他能应付这种场合。
She does not feel equal to receiving any guests today.
He may equal me in strength, but not in the brains.
You should make friends with your equals or betters.
(3) For years we've been demanding better housing and jobs.
① demand在语义上近似于require,但结构上与require有些区别,当然它们也有相似之处,如:
He demanded an apology from the shop assistant. 他要求营业员道歉。
This sort of work demands great patience. 这种工作需要极度的耐心。
I demand that every one of us should obey the discipline.
试比较: We require extra help. 我们需要额外的帮助。
What do you require of me? 你想要求我做什么?
The situation requires that we should be calm. 形势要求我们保持镇静。
My house needs repairing/to be repaired. 我的房子需要修理。
This job requires you to be very careful and quick-thinking.
英语中表示请求、要求等的动词较多, 按其语义的委婉谦恭程度可按下列顺序排列:
beg 乞求
request 请求
ask 请求
require 要求
demand 要求
order/command 命令
summon 传唤
② have been demanding 是现在完成进行时,注意与现在完成时的区别。试比较:I have been writing letters all morning, but by now I have only finished two.
have been writing 强调一直在写,而have finished强调已经写完。
(4) So you're telling me that the situation here is bad for black people. 那么你是说这里的形势对黑人不利了。① be bad for 对……有害
注意be bad for 与be bad to 语义不同,前者表示“对……有害”,而后者表示“对……(态度等)不好”,如:
Reading in the sunlight is bad for your eyes. 在阳光下读书对眼睛不好。
The stepmother is very bad to me. 继母待我不好。
bad 还可以接一些其他的介词,如:
He is bad at playing football. 他的足球踢得不好。
② 现在美国人乐意称黑人为black people,尤其是黑人自己,以示与 white people 平等。在过去,白人常用Negro甚至nigger(黑鬼)来称呼黑人。
(5) They hit us with their sticks over and over again... 他们一次又一次地用棍棒打我们……
over and over again 一次又一次; 也可以用 over and over,或 again and again,意为repeatedly。如:He calculated again and again, and still he got the same result.
Step 5. Workbook
Workbook Lesson 73, Exx.1 and 2. Get the students to do the exercise in the workbook and then check the answers with the students. Answers:
Ex.1 treated; forbidden; housing; in; same; marched; came; hit; over; put
Ex.2. 1.demand 2.Housing 3.march   4.rights  5.forbidden 6.imagine
7.citizens 8.prison   9.peaceful  10.variety  11.join    12.came
Ex.3. 1. The teachers are demanding better housing and wages.
2. The law forbids people to destroy forests.
3. In the past some people in America did not treat the black people as equal citizens.
4. Every morning he listens to the news broadcast, does some exercises, and then reads the English texts over and over again.
5. My father has been a Party member for more than twenty years. OR: It has been/is more than 20 years since my father joined the Party.
6. Tens of thousands of women attended the World Women's Conference in Beijing in 1995.
Step 6 Homework
(1) Finish off the exercises of Lesson 73 in the workbook.
(2) Revise the key points of this lesson.
Evaluation of teaching:
Lesson 74~75 Martin Luther King Jr. (1&2)

Teaching aims and demands:
1.Words and useful expressions:
set an example; minister; tennis; separation; marriage; educate; achieve; peaceful; revolution; liberate; Civil Rights Act; equally; Voting Rights Bill; bomb; explode; murder; unfair; give in; nationwide; speech; make a speech; dream; former; brotherhood; tour; clerk; side by side; feeling; content
2. Grammar: Revise restrictive attributive clause and non-restrictive attributive clause…
3. Reading comprehension: ⑴ scanning ⑵ find the clue of a text
Key points: 1.Words and grammar 2. Reading comprehension
Teaching methods: Reading — explanation ---- practice
Time arrangement:
These two lessons are to be finished in three teaching periods. In the first period, we are going to progress from Step 1~5. The students are supposed to get a gist of the text Martin Luther King Jr. In the second period, we will smooth away the language difficulties, the in the third period, we finish off the rest steps of teaching.
Teaching procedures:
Step 1. Revision
(1) Check the homework exercises.
(2) Revise the contents of Lesson 73.
Step 2. Lead-in
Get the students to talk the picture and tell what you think they were doing and who the speaker was. (Martin was speaking to the public.)
Step 3. Skimming
Now tell the students to read the text and answer the question at the head of the text. Which group of people did King support, and how much success did he have? (The black people; much success, the black people won voting right)
Step 3. Scanning
Now get the students to read the texts in Lesson 74 and 75, and answer the following questions.
(1) Martin Luther King, Jr. won the Nobel Peace Prize in 1964 because ____.
A. he did his best to fight for political rights for black people in the USA
B. he was an important leader in the liberation of the blacks
C. he believed that black people should be treated as well as other people
D. all of the above
(2) This text tells us that black people's children received ____ in the past.
A. less education than white children
B. more education than white children
C. as much education as white children
D. as little education as white children
(3) The separation of blacks and whites ____ in the southern states even in the 1950's.
A. was allowed by law
B. was forbidden by law
C. was not permitted by law
D. was not allowed by law
(4) Martin Luther King Jr. thought that it was right and necessary to fight for equal civil rights by ____.
A. peaceful revolution
B. talking to the government
C. marching
D. all of the above
(5) King had many enemies because ____.
A. he won equal civil rights for the black people
B. he won the Nobel Peace Prize
C. he was an important leader in the liberation of the black people
D. both A and C
(6) Why did the police take Parks away when she was taking a bus?
Because she sat down in the "Whites-only" section on the bus and when she was asked to move away, she refused to move. So she was taken away by the police.
(7) Why did the black people in Alabama refuse to take the city buses?
A group was formed to demand the bus company should change its unfair practices. The group called for black people not to take the city buses.
(8) How long did the movement last?
For a whole year.
(9) What happened in the end?
In the end government lawyer is the capital said that the bus company did not have the right to separate blacks from whites on its buses.
(10) Why was Martin Luther King, Jr. put in prison in 1963?
King led a new revolution in Birmingham Alabama for new civil rights law in order to give blacks equal rights.
(11) Why did he lead a big civil rights movement in Birmingham?
He found there were many actings unequal between whites and blacks. For example, the housing condition, the chances of getting jobs, the voting rights and so on.
(12) Why did King never give in even when he knew his life was in danger?
In his speech he expressed his thoughts clearly. He told his listeners how he saw the future. He used the phrase "I have a dream" many times to show his struggle aim.
Step 4. Language points
(1) Martin Luther King, Jr., who won the Nobel Peace Prize in 1964, was an import ant political leader in the USA. 马丁•路德•金是美国的一位重要的政治领袖,他曾于1964年获得诺贝尔和平奖。
① Jr. 是junior的缩写。
② who won the Nobel Peace Prize 是一个非限定性定语从句,补充说明马丁• 路德•金的情况。注意此处不可将逗号去掉。试比较:
My brother who works in London is an engineer.
My brother, who works in London, is an engineer.
(2) By doing this he set an example to the rest of the world. 通过斗争他为世界上其他人树立了榜样。
set an example to 为某人树立榜样; 注意介词to,不可错用成for,如:
The development of Shenzhen has set a good example to other areas all over China.
Lei Feng set to us a good example of serving the people heart and soul.
for example 例如
give an example 举例
follow one's example 向某人学习
copy one's example 仿效某人
(3) The message he gave was that black people should not be separated but should be treated as well as other people, and with complete respect. 他带给人们的启示是黑人不应该被隔离,而应该被平等相待,并受到尊重。
① separate作为动词使用时,其读音为[sep reit],而作为形容词使用时,其读音为[sep rit],在朗读时需加以注意。 作动词使用时separate 常与介词 from连用。另外学生拼写该词时容易拼错,需特别当心。参见下列例句:
England is separated from France by the English Channel.
Please separate the good grapes from the bad ones.
We talk until midnight and then we separated.
Please cut the plank into three separate parts.
My brother and I live in separate rooms.
② 本句中的as well as不是前面所讲到的“和……”,而是“和……一样好”。
③ with complete respect意为“怀着敬意地”,如:
We paid a visit to the monument to the revolutionary martyrs with great respect.
She is well respected among her people. 她颇受她的人民的拥戴。
(4) He liked making friends and disliked fighting in any form. 他喜欢广交朋友而痛恨任何形式的暴力。
① in any form中form是名词。form 作名词意为“表格”或“形式”,如:
Please fill in the form. 请填写这张表格。
You must employ a proper form of letter writing. 你应该使用正确的书信格式。
It is important to form good habits in one's childhood.
② dislike既是动词,也是名词,意为“不喜欢”、厌恶”。
be fond of 很喜欢 go in for 酷爱
take (a) pleasure in 以……为乐 delight in 以……为乐
like 喜欢 love 酷爱
hate 憎恨 dislike 厌恶,不喜欢
前四个词组因为介词结尾的缘故,后接名词,代词或动词的-ing形式。like, love, hate后面既可接名词或代词,也可以接动词不定式或动词的-ing 形式。dislike与这三个动词不同的是它不接动词不定式,使用时需加以注意。如:
I dislike getting up early, especially in winter. 我不喜欢早起,尤其是在冬季。
(5) There black people had equal rights and were free to live, study and work as they wished. 在那里黑人享有同等权利,可以自由地按照自己的愿望去生活、学习和工作。
as they wished 中as引导方式状语从句,用来修饰前面的三个并列动词,又如:
You may take the jewelry as you like. 你爱拿什么珠宝就拿什么。
Do it as I have told you. 按照我所说的去做。
I wish I could fly like a bird. 我要是能像小鸟那样飞就好了!
I wish I could fly as a bird does. 在现代英语口语中,尤其是在非正式英语中,有时也用like 作为连词去替代as。但在正规的语法中,还是用as作为连词更合适些。
(6) Mixed race marriages were forbidden by law. 法律禁止黑人与白人通婚。
① forbid 是一个不规则动词,其过去式是 forbad 或forbade,过去分词是forbidden常用的结构是:forbid sth., forbid sb. sth., forbid sb. to do sth.,如:
The law forbade the marriages between different tribes. 曾经有法律禁止部落之间的通婚。
We forbid shouting loudly in the office. 我们不允许在办公室大声喧哗。
I forbid you the mentioning of her name before me.
My parents forbid me to go out at night. 我的父母不允许我晚上出门。
反义词:allow, permit 允许
② by law 意为“根据法律”,相当于according to the law, in the eye(s) of the law。以上三个词组基本同义,用法也很相近,如:
Dirty water cannot be sent into the Great Canal by law, but still a lot of factories pay no attention to it. 根据法律不允许污水排进大运河,但依然有许多工厂无视这一规定。
(7) The money spent on educating a black child was just one fourth of that spent on each white child. 花在一个黑人儿童身上的教育费用只是花在一个白人儿童身上的四分之一。
① spent on educating a black child是过去分词词组作定语,相当于一个定语从句which was spent on educating a black child。
② that spent on each white child中that是指示代词,用来指代前面所提到的不可数名词或单数名词,在本句中指the money。如果是复数,则用those。又如:
The population of China is larger than that of any other country in the world.
The working conditions now are much better than those in the past.
(8) Black people had no right to vote in the southern states. 南方的黑人们没有选举权。
如果用作动词,常和介词 for 或against 连用,表示“赞成”或“反对”,如:
Are you going to vote for or against Bill?
This afternoon, they are going to vote on the proposal of the most - favoured nation treatment to China. 今天下午他们将对中国最惠国待遇提案进行表决。
Parliament voted Charles I 100,000 pounds for his army.
The new teacher was voted a fine fellow. 这位新老师被公认为是好人。
The members voted the bill through. 委员们投票通过了提案。
Let's put this question to the vote. 让我们来投票解决这个问题。
Will his votes increase or decrease at the next election?
派生词:voter n. 投票者
(9) If they wished to, they had to pass a reading test. 如果他们愿意的话,他们得通过一个阅读测试。
If they wished to 后面省略了pass a reading test,注意动词不定式省略时经常保留to, 使人一看便知道省略了不定式,如:
-Did you pass the driving test? 你通过了驾驶考试了吗?
-I tried to, but I failed. 我试了,但失败了。
-Would you like to go outing with us? 和我们一起去郊游好吗?
-I'd love to, but I'm engaged this morning. 我很想去,但今天早上我很忙。
第一例后面省略了pass the driving test,第二例后面省略了go outing,这样使句子显得简洁。
(10) All his life he believed that it was right and necessary to demand changes in society if people did not have their civil rights. 他终生相信如果人们没有民权, 那么要求社会变革便是正确的,也是必要的。
① civil意为“人类社会的”、“公民的”、“民用的”,如:
People of or over 18 in China will have civil rights and duties.
He majors in civil engineering in a technical institute.
② 注意in society中不用定冠词。
(10) He believed they could achieve their goal by peaceful revolution, not by fighting and killing. 他相信他们能够通过和平变革而不是通过暴力和杀戮来达到目的。
achieve/carry out a goal 意为“实现目标”,而get/kick/make/score a goal 意为“进了一球”,使用时需加以区别,如:
I won't give up unless I achieve my goal. 我不达目的绝不罢休。
The Italian team managed to kick a goal a few minutes after the match began.
play/keep goal 意为“当守门员”。
(11) In 1964 a new Civil Rights Act was passed.
注意与law, act连用的动词多用make(制定),pass(通过)。
(12) Once, a bomb exploded and destroyed his house. 有一次,一颗炸弹炸毁了他的房屋。
A bomb fell beside him and exploded. 一颗炸弹落在他的身旁爆炸了。
The hero exploded the packet of gunpowder by holding it up.
At last my anger exploded. 最后我再也按捺不住我的怒气。
派生词:explosion n. 爆炸;爆发
explosives n. 炸药
explosive adj. 易爆炸的,易发作的
(13) On December 1st 1955, a black woman, Rosa Parks, got on a bus in Alabama and sat down in the Whites-only section.
section 意为“部分”、“片段”。
The boy pieced together the section of the toy bus skillfully.
This shopping section is the busiest one in our city.
This section of the test is designed to check your understanding ability.
(14) A group was formed to demand that the bus company should change its unfair practices and King was made president. 人们组成了一个组织,要求公共汽车公司改变它那套不公平的做法,金被推选为这个组织的领导人。
make sb. sth. 是“使某人成为什么”的意思,注意头衔前通常不用冠词,又如:
They made him vice-chairman of the Students' Union.
He was made chairman of the committee. 他被推为委员会主席。
They named the baby John. 他们给孩子取名约翰。
We elected her president of the university.我们选她为这所大学的校长。
Who would you choose your chieftain? 你们愿意选谁为酋长?
(15) King called for black people not to give in but to continue the struggle. 金呼吁黑人不要屈服而要继续斗争。
① not...but... 结构前面已经讲过, 本句中接的是动词不定式。又如:
Remember that you have come here not to play but to study.
②call for 意为“来找”;“要求”、“需要”, 本课中call for与require同义,如:
Being a nurse calls for extreme care. 做一名护士要求极度的细心。
I'll call for you at 7 o'clock. 我将在7点钟来找你。(来找……出去)
注意call for与send for正好方向相反,如:
Please send for a doctor at once. 请立刻去叫一名医生来。(去找来)
call 可以和一些介词或副词连用,构成一些习语或短语动词,如:
call in 叫进来 call out (loud) 大声喊
call at 拜访某人 call (up) 打电话
call back 会电话 call off 取消
(16) The blacks' revolution won a nationwide support. 黑人革命赢得了全国人民的支持。
注意nationwide的构词,由nation + wide组成。
He supports the Labour Party. 他支持工党。
The building was supported by many columns.
The earth has to support more and more people.
Step 5. Consolidation of the texts
(1) Oral practice ---- pair work: SB P39, Part 2, ask your partner the compiled questions.
(2) Written and then oral practice: SB P39, Part 3. Tell the students to fill in the form first and then talk with your partner why these numbers were important in King’s life.
Numbers Evens
1929 King was born
15 Went to college
1948 Began to study in Philadelphia
1865 Emancipation Proclamation
1951 Ended his study
546000 Prize money donated to freedom movement
1964 Received Nobel Prize for Peace
1965 A new Voting Rights Bill became law
1968 Was murdered
Step 6. Grammatical and vocabulary practice
(1) Vocabulary: SB P39 Part 4, tell the students to find words in the text that mean the same as the explanations. Do orally with the class. Answers: See SB P39.
(2) Grammatical practice (attributive clause): SB P40~41, Part 2~5, get the students to do the exercises individually and then check the answers with the class. (Part 4 and 5 can be optional according to the time)
Step 7. Free Practice----interview
SB Part 5, tell the students to do the interview in pairs and one act as King while the other as a interviewer, after you have finished, change the role if time permits.
Step 8. Workbook
Get the students to do the workbook exercises individually in these two lessons and then check the answers with the class. Answers:
Ex.2. marry-marriage separate-separation
feel-feeling liberate-liberation
educate-education peace-peaceful-peacefully
person-personal-personally length-long-long
depth-deep-deeply height-high-highly
Ex.3 voter banker broadcaster ruler actor/actress marcher listener builder keeper sailor supporter organizer
Lesson 75 Ex.2
1. The house, which had been one of the most beautiful in the city, was destroyed during the war.
2. The furniture (which/that) my uncle collected was made in China.
3. The bridge, which was built in 1893, connects the east part with the west of the town.
4. Most of the students still remember the day when they said goodbye to each other at the railway station.
5. The teacher showed the students around the museum, in which they were interested.
6. At six o'clock in the morning I went to the park where I found many people doing morning exercises.
7. Most of the students liked and respected their English teacher, whose lectures were very interesting.
(1) Finish off the exercises of Lesson 74 and 75 in the workbook.
(2) Revise the key points of these two lessons.
(3) Tell the main contributions that Martin Luther King made.
Evaluation of teaching:
Lesson 76
Teaching aims and demands
1. Listening practice
2. Grammar: Revise the attributive clause.
Key points: 1. Useful expressions; 2. Listening
Teaching methods: Listening practice; written practice and oral practice.
Teaching procedures
Step 1. Revision
(1) Check the homework exercises.
(2) Revise the content of the previous two lessons.
(3) Revise the key points of the two lessons.
Step 2. Listening
(1) Pre-listening: Tell the students turn to Page 151 and read the instructions to get a gist of the listening passage.
(2) While-listening:
① Play the tape for the students to answer the questions.
② Check the answers with the students.
(3) Post listening activity: get the students to talk about the listening passage.
Step 3. Checkpoints
Go through Checkpoint 19 with the students. Get the ss to make sentences of their own using the useful expressions.
Step 4. Word study
SB P42, Part 2. Read the instructions and get students to fill in the blanks with the words given in the box. Check the answers with the students after they finish them.
Step 5. Writing
SB P42, Part 3. Read the instructions and tell the students to develop a passage using the information given.
Step 6. Workbook
Workbook Lesson 76. Ex.1~3 and the exercises in Unit 19 Revision. Get the students to do the exercises and then check the answers with the students. Answers:
Ex.2.Those students who often speak English should be praised.
2.The book I borrowed from the library was well written.
3.It is said that this is the best choice that the manager has made.
4.This pupil studies very well, whose father feels very glad/happy/pleased.
5.The school where I am studying is beside/by/by the side of the beautiful lake.
6.I still remember the day when we went out for a picnic.
7.The person I just talked to is the manager I mentioned to you.
8.He is very fond of/likes very much the music (that/which) he listened to yesterday.
9.She had put her books into her school bag, which couldn't be found.
10.She used to live in this large room, in front of which she planted many/lots of
11.The chance(which/that)she wanted to get for a long time came at last.
12.The market where I do shopping is not far from here.
Unit 19 Revision
Ex.1. 1.forbidden 2.liberation 3.education 4.housing 5.unfair 6.nationwide
Ex.2.1C 2A 3C 4A 5B 6C 7B 8D 9D
Ex.3 A New World In My Dream
  How remarkable! How wonderful! In fact, it has been in my heart for a long time. When I was five, I thought if I could play and eat what I like every day, it would be very happy! When I was ten, I thought I must study best in my class. I dreamed of this since I went to middle school.
  In my dream, I'm dressed all in white, that world is very clean, too. There is no cheating, no fighting, and no poverty. People are friendly to each other. Whoever has difficulties, everyone can help him. Fathers and mothers do not break away with their children and say dirty words to them when they do not listen to them. Every child cooks healthy and lovely. Old people are well cared for.
  In my dream, teachers do not tell their students to do a lot of homework. If the students want to learn something, teachers just help them; give them suitable directions. In this way, all the students like to study what they are interested in.
  In my dream, I can live happily with all the people around me and I fell I enjoy myself all the time.
  What a wonderful dream!
  I hope it will come true one day!
(1) Finish off the exercises of Lesson 76 in workbook.
(2) Revise the key points of this unit.
(3) Develop a passage about Martin Luther King. (A possible version, see below:) Ex.3 a possible passage:
  Martin Luther King, Jr., Who won the Nobel Prize in 1964, was an important political leader in the USA. He fought for political rights for black people in the USA. The message he gave was that black people should not be separated but should be treated as well as other people, and with complete respect.
   King was born in 1929 in Atlanta, Georgia, in the southeast of the US. In his lifetime, he had done three big events. They were the peaceful "bus-revolution" in Alabama; the big black people's civil rights revolution is Birmingham; and King's "dream" speech. By doing this he set an example to the rest of the world.
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