Unit 3 The land down under The First Period(人教版高三英语上册教案教学设计)

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Teaching Aims:
1.Learn and master the new words for names of places.
2.Do some listening.
3. Do some speaking to practise expressing prohibitions and warnings.
Teaching Important Points:
1.Train the students’ listening ability by listening practice.
2.Train the students’ speaking ability by talking about the favorite places, give reasons for their decision and make some dialogues.
Teaching Difficult Points:
1.How to improve the students’ listening ability.
2.How to help students finish the task of speaking.
Teaching Methods:
1. Warming up to arouse the students’ interest in visiting Australia.
2. Listening-and-answering activity to help the students go through the listening material.
3.Individual, pair or group work to make every student work in class.
Teaching Aids:
1. a tape recorder
2. the blackboard
Teaching Procedures:
Step I Warming up
T: Look at the map of Australia. It shows six states and territories, and more famous cities, such as Sydney, Canberra, and Melbourne. We can also see the Great Barrier Reef. What would you like to visit?
S: I’d like to visit Sydney. It’s a seaside city. It has rich beaches and many parks that are worth seeing. There is the most famous Sydney Opera House and the Sydney Harbour Bridge.
S: I hope to visit Canberra. It is the capital of Australia. It is the political and cultural center of Australia.
S: I feel like going to the Great Barrier Reef. It is the greatest coral in the world. It lies off the northeast coast of Australia.
Step II Listening
T: Listen to Part1 . For the first time, you just get a general idea. Listen again, and do exx1-3.
Step III Speaking
T: Now it’s your turn to plan a trip to Australia. Work in groups of five. First you are meeting to decide where to go and what to do. Give acceptable reason. One serves as a guide. If you have any questions, he’ll answer your questions and help you prepare for your trip. Then finish the role cards on P21, using the expressions to help you.
Step IV Homework
Write down the dialogue. Preview the reading material.
Step V The Design of the Writing on the Bb
Unit 3 The land down under
The First Period
Down under: in Australia
Out back: remote inland area where few people live especially in Australia.
Cities: Sydney, Melbourne, Canberra
Animals: koala, kangaroo, dingo
Famous places: Sydney, Opera House, the Great Barrier Reef
The Second Period
Teaching Aims:
1.Learn and master the useful words and phrases.
2.Train the students’ reading ability.
3.Let the students learn about the outline, history and language of Australia. Teaching Important Points:
1.Master the following phrases and sentence pattern:
have an influence on, suffer from, transform…into, have fun with sth, go walkabout, as a consequence (of)
make it adj. For sb to do sth, until…, not…until…
2.Enable the students to understand the text better.
3.Improve the students’ reading ability.
Teaching Difficult Points:
How to make the students understand the reading text better.
Teaching Methods:
1. Pre-reading to predict what the text tells about.
2. Fast reading to get a general idea and careful-reading to further understanding the text.
3. Post reading to check the Ss’ understanding of the text.
4. Explanation for Ss to master some language points.
Teaching Aids:
1.a computer
2.a tape recorder
3.the blackboard
Teaching Procedures:
Step I Lead-in and Pre-reading
T: Yesterday we learnt much about Australia. You have known some places of interest, famous cities, rare animals, national flag and national emblem of Australia. Today we’ll read some passages to learn more about it. Guess what to talk about in them. Open your books on P21. Discuss which questions will be answered in the passage and tick them.
Step II Reading
T: Now read the passage once as carefully as possible. Then answer some detailed questions on the screen. You may discuss them in pairs if necessary.
(outline) 1.How large is Australia?
4.What’s the capital?
7.What does the Australian flag look like?
(history) 2.When was Australia founded?
3.Who lives in Australia?
(language) 9.How is Australia English different from British and American English?
Now please read the passage again and answer the questions.
Now you have understood the detailed information. Please fill in the form.
Meanings of the symbols on the Australia flag Six of the points represent the original states and the seventh stands for all the territories. The other stars on the flag represent the Southern Cross.
First people to arrive in Australia European explorers
The first prisoners to arrive English prisoners
Reason why prisoners were sent to Australia When England couldn’t prisoners to North America, Australia was chosen as a new place.
Sth happened to the Original Australia when the European newcomers arrived They suffered. They were moved and had their land taken away from them.
Problem with Australia’s Constitution Aborigines and other non-Europeans didn’t enjoy the same rights.
Changes taking place after two world wars Australia transformed itself into the modern country as it is today.
Differences between Australia English and British English In pronunciation and some of the vocabulary
Step III Studying the language points
Be surrounded by, have an influence on, go on a journey, transform into, go walkabout, as a consequence, be harmful to, suffer from…
Make it n./adj. for sb to do sth/that clause
Step IV Listening and Consolidation
T: Now I’ll play the tape. You can follow it in a low voice. Pay attention to your pronunciation and intonation. Then do exx in Post-reading.
Step V The Design of the Writing on the Bb
Unit 3 The land down under
The Second Period
Useful expressions:
Claim, govern, resemble, diverse, differ
Be surrounded by, go on a journey, be a bad influence on, transform into, go walkabout, as a consequence, be harmful to, suffer from
The Third Period
Teaching Aims:
1.Learn and master the phrases.
2.Review the Predicative and the Predicative Clause
Teaching Important Points:
1.Master the part of speech can be used as the Predicative.
2.Summarize the link verbs.
3.Review the words introducing the Predicative Clause
Teaching Difficult Points:
How to help the students learn to use the Predicative correctly.
Teaching Methods:
1.Exx to review the usages of some words.
2.Inductive method to summarize the link verbs and the words introducing the Predicative Clause.
3.Lots of practice to help Ss to use the Predicative correctly.
4.Individual work or pair work to make every student work in class.
Teaching Aids:
the blackboard
Teaching Procedures:
Step I Word Study
T: Fill in the form.
words Definitions in English Examples
newcomer A person who has recently arrived in a place He is a newcomer in our class.
islandes A person living on a island The islanders live a rich life.
criminal A person who commits a crime Many criminals are put into the prison.
governor A person who govern a state or a province He was made governor of Hubei Province.
fellow Companion or comrade Her fellows share her interest in computer.
female A person who can give birth to children or produce eggs They only employ females.
The female sat on the eggs while the malebied brought food.
transform A complete change A mass immigration transformed Australia into modern nation.
strengthen To become stronger The latest development has further strengthened my determination to leave.
Now do Ex 2.
Step II Grammar
T: Now turn to P25. Please tell the meanings of the words and phrases. Check the answers. What part of speech can be used as the predicative?
The noun, pronoun, numeral, adverb, adjective, preposition, the v+ing form, the p.p. the indefinite and the Predicative Clause are used as the Predicative. Tell me link verbs. Do Ex 2.
Step III Consolidation
Do some exx to consolidate the grammar item. Check the answers.
Step IV Summary and homework
T: We’ve learned the link verbs and the Predicative Clause. Do other exx to master them better.
Finish all the exx in Grammar. Preview the content in Integrating skills.
Step VI The Design of the Writing on the Bb
Unit 3 The land down under
The Third Period
1.Used as the Predicative:
adj., n., adv., pron., prep., to do, v.+ing form, the p.p.
2.the Conjunction
(1)that, whether
(2)what, which, why, when, where, how, who, whom, whose
(3)as if, because
3. Link verbs:
(1) be, feel, smell, look, taste, sound, appear, seem
(2)get, become, turn, grow, go, come, fall, stand
(3)remain, prove, keep, continue, stay
The Fourth Period
Teaching Aims:
1.Revise the language points and grammar—the Predicative.
2.Learn and master the words and expressions.
3.Do some reading and writing practice to improve the students’ integrating skills.
Teaching Important Points:
1.Learn animals, size, population, agriculture and climate of Australia.
2.Train the Ss’ writing.
Teaching Difficult Points:
Improve the students’ integrating skills.
Teaching Methods:
1.Fast reading to go through the reading material.
2.Discussion method to finish the writing task.
3.Individual, pair or group work to make every student work.
Teaching Aids:
1.a computer
2.a tape recorder
3.the blackboard
Teaching Procedures:
Step I Revision
T: We reviewed the Predicative.P27, complete the sentences by using the Predicative Clause. Check.
Step II Reading
T: Through the free talk, we’ve got much information about the cities, places of interest, national flag and emblem of Australia. From the passage we read, we’ve also known the outline, history and language of Australia. Today we’ll read a passage to learn other things about it. Before reading it, please read the new words. Then read the passage quickly and find out which subjects are mentioned in it.
S: The subjects are: geography, climate, sports, animals, population, agriculture and natural resources.
T: Fill in the form:
Natural resources:
Write down the phrases:
Give birth to, in area, in sources, keep out, round up, at weekends, on weekdays, off the southeast coast
Step III Listening and Discussion
T: Listen to the tape twice. Pay attention to your pronunciation. Then discuss the questions on P26 in pairs or groups. Check the answers.
Compare the climate in different areas of Australia with that found in different parts of China.
North South Center
Summer Winter Summer Winter
Australia hot, wet warm, dry warm, dry cool, wet hot, dry
China hot, dry cold, dry hot, wet wet, cool
Step IV Writing
T: Because of the position of Australia, there are many unusual animals in Australia. In this part, much information for three kinds of animals are given-a wombat, a koala bear and a dingo. Now work in groups of four. First read the information for each animal, and then have a discussion to write a passage on a piece of paper to describe your favorite animal. Check.
Step V Homework
Go over all the important points learnt in this unit and finish your writing.
Step VI The Design of the Writing on the Bb
Unit 3 The land down under
The Fourth Period
Subjects: geography, climate, sports, animals, population, agriculture, natural resources
Words: entire, plate, fence, outing, claw, hairy, medium, bushy
Phrases: give birth to. In area, keep out, round up, at weekends, on weekdays
The Fifth Period
Teaching Aims:
1.Summarize the usages of the Predicative.
2.Do exx to enable the Ss to master it and use it freely.
Teaching Important Points:
How to choose the proper form of the Predicative in order to express what we want to say.
Teaching Difficult Points:
How to choose a proper predicate according to its subject.
Teaching Methods:
1.Discussion method to let the Ss have a clear understanding.
2.Pir work or group work to make every student engaged in all the activities in class.
Teaching Aids:
1.a computer
2.the blackboard
Teaching Procedures:
Step I Grammar
Let’s do a Predicative ex. Tell what member of the sentence each underlined part is. Pay attention to the their functions and then translate them into Chinese. Check.
1. What nationality is he?
2.That’s sth we have always to keep in mind.
3.Tom is the first to learn about it.
4.Diamonds are precious.
5.The film we saw last Sunday is moving and we were all greatly moved.
6.All we can do now is to send him an e-mail.
7.He has been away for two weeks.
8.Such an article is beyond the understanding of the students.
9.Our country is not what it used to be.
Step II Practice
T: Choose a suitable answer for each sentence and give some reason if you can. Check.
1.This shirt is too .
A. little B. small C. tiny
2.I felt sorry at his words.
A. terrible B. terribly
3.Is your aunt married or ?
A. single B. alone
4.The little hero looked at the enemy.
A. angry B. angrily
5.The cotton felt .
A. soft B. softly
6.It is of you to act .
A. bad B. badly
7.He felt a little when he was .
A. lonely B. alone
8.The story of the play was and everybody acted .
A. good B. well
9.He writer.
A. turned B. became
Step III Practice and Consolidation
T: As we know, the predicate verb must agree with its subject, that is to say, a singular subject takes a single verb, while a plural subject takes a plural verb. However, sometimes when the subjects are the same, the predicate verbs are different. Choose a suitable verb “be” for each sentence. Let’s do some exx.
1. Fifty miles not a great distance.
2. It Mr Li and Mr Wang who did it.
3. Her chief anxiety her children.
4. That he is wrong now clear to everybody.
5. What we need badly here doctors.
6. What we need badly here food.
7. The book will contain what considered the best short stories of the time..
8. A variety of flowers on show.
9.My clothes wet through and through.
10.These two are for you. The rest to be sent to your sister.
11.The greater part of our mistakes made through carelessness.
Step IV Homework
Write as many link verbs as you can. Then sort them and have a discussion about the their different uses.
Step V The Design of the Writing on the Bb
Unit 3 The land down under
The Predicative
What can be used as the Predicative?
1. Noun
2. Pronoun
3. the –ing form
4. Infinitive
5. Past Participle
6. Adjective
7. Numeral
8. Adverb
9. Prepositional phrase
10. Clause




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