Unit 10 习语必会(人教版高一英语上册教案教学设计) |
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1.no longer; no more 1. There be… left 有…剩下 2. hunt animals for food 为得到…而捕猎… hunt for 搜寻 hunt animals 狩猎 3. know of/about 对…了解 4. in danger 处于危险中 out of danger 脱离危险 in danger of 面临...的危险 endanger vt. 使...濒危;危害 endangered animals 濒危动物 become endangered 5. die out 灭绝; 消失 die away ; die off; die of; die from; die down be dying for 渴望;很想 6. It follows that… 由此得出…; 可见… People get sick because of air pollution. It follows that we must do something about it. 人们生病是因为空气污染。可见我们必须采取行动了。 7. lead to 导致 8. take turns to do sth/ doing sth 轮流做某事 do sth in turn/by turns 9. act as 扮演 play a role of ARE WE ENDANGERED? 10. an environmental expert 一位环境专家 11. keep/stop/prevent sb from doing sth 阻止…做… keep sb doing sth 使...一直做... keep (on) doing sth 坚持做某事 protect...from/against 保护...免受... 12. we don't do as we say. 我们言行不一。 13. ( take sb ) on a tour of... (带某人)游览... 14. have a bright future 用有一个灿烂的未来 15. harm sb/ do harm to sb/ do sb harm/ be harmful to sb 伤害某人;对...有害=be bad for do good to sb/do sb good/ be good for/ benefit sb./be of benefit to 对...有好处/益 16. take measures/steps/action 采取措施 17. be used to sth/ doing sth 习惯于… 18. adapt to (改变以)适应 adapt oneself to 使自己适应于 adjust to (调整以)适应 19. become endangered 频临危险 20. the original species 原有的物种 species (单复数相同) 21. first of all 首先 at first; above all 22. make a big difference 大改观;影响大 23.If we know more about what causes endangerment, we may be able to take measures before it is too late. 如果我们能更多地了解致使生物濒危的原因,就能及时采取补救措施。 ◘They are thinking of buying the house before the prices go up. 他们正在考虑趁房价未涨时把房子买下来。 ◘If you don’t like the present job, I suggest you look for another one before it is too late. 如果你不喜欢目前的工作,我建议你趁早另谋出路。 ◘He hung up before I could say a word. 我还没说一句话,他就挂了电话。 LANGUAGE STUDY 24. devote oneself to sth/doing sth 致力于… be devoted to sth/doing sth 投身于 a devoted friend / wife 25. at present 目前 at the present time 26. explain sth to sb 向某人解释…=explain to sb sth 27. set…free 释放 =free 28. in the wild 处于野生状态 INTEGRATING SKILLS 29.be careful with 细心;认真 be careful of/about 注意;留意 30. throw away 扔掉;throw about 四处乱扔 31. care about 关心 care for 喜欢; workbook 32. go on a tour to 去…观光/游览 33. a large amount of (money) 许多(钱) 34. (translate) word for word 逐字地 answer point for point 逐点答复 对比:one by one; little by little 35. up to (1)正在做;从事于(2)大约; 多达 (3)理应;视为...的职责 ◘What’s he up to? 他在干什么? (常用作贬义) ◘I guess the fellow is up to no good. 我猜这个家伙要图谋不轨。 ◘The little boy can count up to twenty. 这小孩能从一数到二十。 ◘The students are allowed up to two hours to finish the test. 学生们有长达两小时的时间来完成试题。 ◘It’s up to you to decide what to do next. 由你来决定我们下一步做什么。 ◘The success of this project is up to us. 这个项目的成败取决于我们. 36. become extinct = die out 37. keep…as a pet 把…当宠物养 38.common adj. 常见的; 共同的; 普遍的(侧重指共性;强调“非特殊性,非优秀性” 或 "不足为奇的" usual adj 通常的;寻常的;惯常的 (多指”习惯性的,遵循常规的,一贯如此的" 强调时间角度。 ordinary 通常的;普通的, 也指普遍的,但不是因为大家所共有而普遍常见, 而是因为符合事物的正常法则及一般规律而十分普遍; 也可带贬义,指低于一般标准的事物或人。 popular 普及的;通俗的, 指为广大群众所接受或深受喜爱的 general 一般的;普通的; 指属于大部分人或大部分事物的属性, 因此是一般的,普通的,可能也包括了一些极少数的例外。 |
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