Unit 17 Life in the future

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Lesson 65
Teaching objectives and demands:
1. Words and useful expressions:
talk of; simply; goods; majority; industry; out of work; throughout
2. Everyday English for communication (prediction; conjecture and belief):
① He may mot….
② Do you think it is possible that…?
③ It’s quite likely that…
④ What do you think is likely to happen?
⑤ It’s not likely that…
⑥ I think….
3. Language use: Manipulate listening, speaking practice
Key points: Everyday English for communication (prediction; conjecture and belief).
Teaching procedures:
Step 1. Revision
(1) Check the homework exercises.
(2) Revise future time by asking the students some questions about their future arrangement.
Step 2. Presentation and listening
SB Page 25, Part 1. Ask questions about the picture, and get students to tell you what they are doing. Teach the new words. Then play the tape for students to follow and tell them to answer the following questions:
① Why does the manager want to have a new factory built?
(The manager thinks his factory now is too small. It can't produce goods quickly enough for all their customers. Many of them have to wait six months for their goods. The manager hopes to build a new factory to produce more goods.)
② What’s the main problem if they build a new factory? Why?
(The problem is finding land for it. Some people don't want good farmland to be built on.)
③ What do you think is likely to happen? Why?
(The manager will persuade the government to let him build a new factory.)
Step 3. Reading
Get the students to read the dialogue and then go through the grammatical points and structures.
① Do you think our manager is going to have a new factory built? 你认为我们的经理打算新建一家工厂吗? have作为使役动词使用时常用于三种句型,如:* I had my left leg broken yesterday. (have...done可以表示不幸的遭遇)昨天我的左腿断了。
* The government had some trees cut down to widen the roads. (have...done 可以表示让……被做) 为了扩宽道路,政府叫人砍倒了一些树。
* Why do you have the horse running so fast all along? (have...doing 让……正在做) 你为什么让马一路上跑得这么快?
* The soldiers had the boy stand against the wall. (have...do 让……做了) 士兵们让那个男孩背靠墙站着。
② The majority of people in the town want to encourage new industry in the area. 这个城里的大多数人希望鼓励发展这个地区的工业。
1) majority 是名词,意为“多数”、“大半”、 “超过对方的票数”、“达到成年的法定年龄”。majority 作为主语时其谓语形式可以是单数,也可以是复数, 主要决定于它后面的名词中心词,如: * The majority of the machines in this factory are out of date. 这家工厂的大多数机器都已经落后。
* The majority were/was in favour of his plan. 大多数人赞成他的计划。
* He was elected president by a large majority. 他以绝对优势当选总统。
* He will reach his majority next month.下个月他达到法定的成年年龄。
2) encourage 是一个普通的及物动词,意为“鼓励”,主要用于两种结构,encourage sb./sth.和encourage sb. to do sth., 如:
* He felt encouraged by his progress in his studies. 他由于自己学习上的进步而受到鼓舞。
* Michael encouraged his children to learn to use computers. 迈克尔鼓励他的孩子们学习电脑。
③ New jobs are needed because a number of people are out of work. 需要有新的工作(机会),因为有一些人失业。 out of work 意为“失业”。out of 可以和一些抽象名词连用,构成一些习语,如:
Out of sight, out of mind. (谚语)离久情疏。 out of date 过时,落伍; out of fashion 过时; out of danger 脱离危险; out of question 肯定的; out of the question 不可能的,不用谈了
④ But some people don't want the farm land to be built on. 但有些人不希望在农田上搞建筑。动词不定式短语 to be built on 作the farm land 的定语。动词不定式短语作定语或作其它用时需注意主动和被动的区别,也要注意是否加介词。如:* What is to be done next? 下一步该干什么? * The doctor wanted me to be operated on. 大夫要我接受手术。
⑤ It's quite likely that a decision will be made before the end of the year. 很可能年底之前要作出决定。
make a decision 意为“作出一个决定”,如:Who made the decision to go there? 是谁作出决定去那里的?
make 常和一些名词构成固定搭配,它所表示的常常是一种创造性的劳动,如:make an invention 作出一项发明
make a speech 作讲演 make progress 取得进步 make a kite 做风筝
make contributions/achievements 作出贡献/取得成就
但也可以和一些具体的普通名词连用,如:make the bed 整理床铺 make repairs 干修理活
⑥ We just have to trust our manager. 我们只好依靠我们的经理了。
trust 是及物动词,意为“信赖”、“相信”,如:He is not the man to be trusted.
* Can you trust his account of what happened? 你能相信他对所发生的事的叙述吗? * Do you trust God? 你相信上帝吗? * I trust my affairs to my lawyers. 我把我的事物委托给我的律师。
trust和believe, believe in 基本同义,trust 既可以表示“相信……为事实”,也可以表示“信赖……的能力” 或“信仰”,believe 表示“相信…为事实”,believe in 表示“相信…的能力”或“信仰”之意。使用时需加以区别。
Step 4.Oral practice
SB Page 25, Part 2. Demonstrate how to make sentences from the table, then get a few students to make example sentences. Them get the students to do the exercises in pairs.
Step 5. Workbook
Workbook Lesson 65, Exx.2~4. Get the students to do the work individually and then check the answers with the class. Answers:
Exercise 2: 1.of/about; of 2.to 3.of 4.in; of; out of 5.for 6.of; in
Exercise 3. 1.will 2.may 3.possible 4.possibly 5.impossible 6.likely
Exercise 4 1. Do you think this will happen/it is possible that this will happen/this is likely to happen?
2. It is possible to persuade Xiao Ming to give up that decision.
3. It is not likely/possible to solve all the problems we meet with in our lives in a short time.
4. Many people who are out of work need jobs. It is possible for us to think of a method/way to solve this problem.
5. It is not likely/possible for him to drive us to the airport/that he will drive us…
6. The meeting is likely to last(for)two and a half hours./It is possible/likely that the meeting will last…
7. After tomorrow's meeting we are likely to go to visit the Great Wall.
8. The majority of people think it impossible to build a water power station in this small town.
9. It is(most)likely/possible that he hasn't received the invitation letter.
Step 6 Homework
(1) Finish off the exercises of Lesson 65 in the Foundational Ex. Book.
(2) Revise the structures of expressing prediction, conjecture and belief in this lesson.
Evaluation of teaching:
Lesson 66 Life in the future(Ⅰ)
Teaching aims and demands:
1.Words and useful expressions:
vast; surface; solid; mineral; seaweed; various; Atlantic; coral; variety; depth; construction; low-lying; float; partly; spring; merely; mm; on average
2. Grammar: Ellipsis
3. Reading comprehension: scanning
Key points: 1.Words and grammar 2. Reading comprehension
Teaching methods: Reading—practice
Teaching procedures:
Step 1. Revision
(1) Check the homework exercises
(2) Revise the key points of Lesson 65.
Step 2. Lead-in
Get the students to talk about the phrases to arouse the their interest in the topic.
Step 3. Skimming
Now get the students to read the text and answer the questions at the head of the text, the italic parts are possible answers.
① How does sea water stay clean?
Seaweeds produce chemicals that help seawater stay clean.
② How salty is the water in the ocean? 3.5%.
③ Where is the saltiest lake in the world? In the USA.
④ How much of the earth’s surface is sea? 71%.
Step 4. Language points of the texts
⑴ For example, many farms now use computers to control the growing conditions of vegetables and other plants. 例如,现在许多农场运用电脑来控制蔬菜和其它植物的生长情况。
1) control 意为“控制”、“管理”、“支配”。它既是动词,也是名词。Control
作为动词使用时其过去式或过去分词需写成controlled,现在分词需写成controlling。它的用法简单,只接名词或代词作宾语。如:We have to control our expenses. 我们得控制消费。
They managed to control the prices. 他们设法控制住了价格。
The woman has no control of her children. 这位妇女管不住孩子。
I lost control of my temper at last. 我最终禁不住发了脾气。
With the help of the PLA men, they got the floods under control. 在解放军的帮
2) the growing conditions 长势 condition 作为复数一般指总体状况,如:the working conditions 工作条件 the living conditions 生活状况
condition 作为一般可数名词指“条件”,如:Ability is one of the conditions of success in life. 能力是人生成功的条件之一。
Her parents allowed her to go, but made it a condition that she should go home before midnight. 他的父母允许她去了,条件是她得在半夜之前回来。
condition 作为不可数名词指“状态”,如:
I'm in no condition to work at present. 我目前的状态不宜工作。
My bicycle is in bad condition. 我的自行车很差劲。
合成词:air-conditioner n. 空调机
⑵ In glasshouses, computers control the watering of the plants as well as the light and the temperature. 在温室里,电脑控制植物的浇水以及灯光和温度。
1) water 既是及物动词,也是不及物动词,译为“(给)浇水”,如:
The gardener is watering the lawn. 那个园工正在给草坪浇水。
The dense smoke made his eyes water. 浓烟使他的眼睛流泪。
2) 注意the watering of the plants 中动词的-ing 形式和名词的动宾关系,又如:the hunting of the animals 捕猎动物 the harvesting of the rice 收割稻子
the practising of the skills 对于技巧的操练
3) as well as 意为“除……以外” 或 “不仅…… (而且)”,如:
Abilities are important as well as knowledge. 不仅知识重要,能力也重要。
We will travel by day as well as by night. 我们将日夜兼行。
The disorder is everywhere, in the cities as well as in the countryside. 到处是一片混乱,乡村和城市都如此。
Lily as well as her family is on holiday. 莉莉和她的家人正在度假。
注意最后一例中的谓语形式与 as well as 前面的主语一致,而不是与as well as后面的名词一致。使用时需加以注意。
⑶ It is possible to work out whether you will save or lose money by increasing the temperature by 1℃。你可以计算出增加1摄氏度是省钱还是赔钱。
increase 意为 “增加”,既是及物动词,也是不及物动词。increase与by连
Please increase the temperature to 80℃. 请将温度增加到80℃。
The number of the students in this school increased by 1000 to 4000. 这个学校
⑷ Instead of going to the bank, they will use a computer and a telephone to change money and to pay their electricity bills and so on. 他们不需要去银行而是使用电脑和电话兑换货币或付电费等。
bill 意为“帐单”、“节目单”或“提案”。如:
It's wrong for you to leave a place without paying all your bills. 离开一个地方
Did you see the concert bill? 你看到音乐会节目单了吗?
Did the Congress pass the bill? 国会是否已通过了这项提案?
bill 所指的是未经通过的提案,如果已经通过,则称为Act,意为“法案”。
在餐馆或饭店就餐后付钱,英语中称为pay the bill。
⑸ Lights will go off if no one is in the room. 如果房间里没有人,灯会自动熄灭。 go off与lights连用,意为“熄灭”,等于go out,注意与put out的区
别,put out意为“将……熄灭”或“扑灭”,相当于一个及物动词词组。
The lights suddenly went off/out. 灯突然熄灭了。
试比较:The fire was put out soon. 火被迅速扑灭了。
She went off into a faint. 她昏过去了。
He has gone off with his girl friend to Leeds. 他与女友私奔到里兹去了。
⑹ The computer will recognize your voice and carry out the instructions. 电脑可
recognize 意为“辨认”、“承认”,如:* As soon as the Baltic countries announced their foundation, the Chinese government recognize them. 波罗的海国家一宣告成立,中国政府便承认了它们。
* Didn't you recognize my voice? 难道你没有辨认出我的声音吗?
⑺ The possibility that the majority of the labour force will work at home is often
discussed. 人们经常讨论未来大部分劳动力将有可能在家工作。
1)句中的that从句是一个同位语从句,修饰possibility, 同位语从句中的 that
The fact that/which he told me was really surprising. (定语从句)
The fact that his son was in prison sent the old man mad. (同位语从句)
2) 经常接同位语从句的词有:order, suggestion, proposal, news, information,
idea, word(消息),message等。如果是表示“命令”、“建议”、“请求”一类的词,后面的从句中需使用should+原形动词形式的虚拟语气,如:
* His suggestion that both sides should cease fire hasn't been accepted. 他所提的双边停火的建议尚未被接受。
* It will be much more convenient than spending a lot of time travelling to work every day. 那将会比每天花费许多时间去工作要方便得多。
much more 是程度状语,意为“……得多”, 可以修饰形容词、副词或不可
数名词。如果是可数名词,则应该用many more。如: * This computer can store much more information than that one. 这台电脑的存储量比那台大得多。
* We could see much more clearly than last time. 我们看得比上次清楚多了。
⑻ Computers will be used more and more in transport. 电脑将被越来越多地用
于交通。transport 用作名词时与transportation 意义相近,作动词使用时与carry是近义词,如:The transport/transportation of the troops will be carried out secretly. 这次军队输送将会秘密进行。
⑼ Trains will be operated by computer... 火车将由电脑来操纵……
* The pumps are operating day and night to pump water out.为了将水排出去,水泵日夜工作。 * The company operates three factories and a mine. 这家公司经营三个工厂和一个矿。 * The new law will operate to the market. 这项新法律将会对市场起作用。 * The doctor decided to operate (on the patient) at once. 大夫决定立即(为病人)做手术。注意 operate on a patient 的结构中不可以省略on。
试比较名词的用法: * Is this rule in operation yet? 这条规则是否还有效?
* The study of the earth will enable us to see the operations of nature. 研究地球
* The doctor performed an operation on the wounded man's brain. 大夫给受伤的男子做了脑部手术。
⑽ As a result, costs will be reduced by as much as 90%.结果,费用将会被降低
90%。1) reduce可以被看成increase的反义词,其结构与increase 也相似,如果与by介词词组连用,则表示“减少了多少”,如果与to介词词组连用,则表示“减少到多少”。如:* We have to reduce the living expenses to buy the house. 为了买房子我们不得不降低生活开支。* He reduced his weight by 10 kilograms within two months. 他在两个月内体重减了10千克。 * She is almost reduced to a skeleton. 她瘦成了一把骨头。* The wealthy man reduced himself to begging in the end. 那个富人最终沦为乞丐。
2) as much as 在句中意为“多达”,类似的结构还有:
as early as 200 B.C. 早在公元前200年
as high as 1,567 metres 高达1,567米
as many as 2,000 people 多达2,000人
⑾ In the fields of education, health and research, computers will continue to play an important part. 电脑将在教育、卫生和研究领域里继续发挥重要作用。
1) play an important part 意为“起重要作用”。play a part也可以用play a role,
如: Electricity is playing an important part/role in our daily life. 电在我们的日常生活中起着重要作用。
The open and reform policy has played an important part/role in the development of the Chinese economy. 改革开放政策在中国的经济发展中起了重要作用。
2) field作为“领域”或“田野”使用时与介词in连用,而作为“场地”使用时与介词on连用,如:She was spraying pesticides in the fields. I believe she can make great achievements in her chosen field. 我相信她会在她所选择的领域里取得很大成就的。
⑿ The next step is to search the titles for more information. 下一步便是进一步寻找这些标题下的信息。
to search 动词不定式在句中作表语。在 plan, step, measure, idea以及all I want to do结构后面常采用动词不定式作表语。如:My plan is to climb the mountain from the northern side. 我的计划是从北边登山。
My idea is to search for the material first. 我的想法是先找材料。
⒀ They believe that the basic needs of the world's population should be satisfied first, like food and medical care. 他们觉得世界人口的基本需求,如食品和医疗,应首先得到满足。
satisfy/meet a need 满足/迎合一种需要need作名词使用时有时可用名词demand替换,如:
Electricity is in greater and greater need/demand now. 对电的需求越来越大。
He earns enough to satisfy his needs. 他挣的钱足够满足他的需要。
What we should do is to meet his immediate needs. 我们所应该做的是迎合他眼下的急需。
A friend in need is a friend indeed. 患难之交是真正的朋友。
He helped me in my hour of need. 在我落难时他帮助了我。
Step 5. Word study
SB P 27 Part 2. Get the students to fill in the blanks with the words given tn the box. Pick out some students to yell out their answers and then check the answers with the class. Answers: See P27 of SB.
Step 6. Note making
SB P27, Part 3. Get the students to make a list of all the ways their can find in the text in which computers can be used. Tell them to fill in the box with proper information from the text and then check the answers with the class. (The italic parts are possible answers.)
Area use
farms Control the growing conditions of plants
Banks Change money, pay bills
Houses Control heating and hot water; recognize one’s voice
Transport Work out the best distance between trains; operate trains
Education Store texts
Health and research Keep information records
Industry Control temperature and growth of the crops
Get the students to do the wb exercises individually and then check the answers with the class. Answers: Ex1 .1.D 2.B 3.A 4.A 5.B
Ex2. 1.central 2.throughout 3.goes off 4.voice 5.convenient 6.transport
(1) Finish off the exercises of Lesson 66 in the Foundational Ex. Book.
(2) Revise the key points of this lesson.
Evaluation of teaching:
Lesson 67 Life in the future(Ⅱ)
Teaching aims and demands
1.Words and useful expressions: possession; need; satisfy; wealth; fairly; practical; keep fit; drier; meanwhile; telegraph
2. Reading practice
3.Grammar: Noun clauses as appositive
Key points: Useful expressions and grammar
Teaching methods: Reading — practice
Teaching procedures:
Step 1. Revision
(1) Check the homework exercises.
(2) Revise the key points of the previous lesson.
(3) Ask the students to tell each other ten ways in which computers will be used in the
future. Then ask pairs to tell the rest of the4 class.
Step 2. Presentation
Get the students to talk in groups about the different ideas about future. Then tell
them to read the text to find out whether you have the same opinion as showed in
the text.
Step 3. Reading
Read the text and tell the main idea of this text. The students may talk in groups or pairs to help each other.
Step 4. Language points
Tell the students to read the text and underline the language points. Talk about the language difficulties with the ss.
① Possibly in future the wealth of the whole world will be shared more fairly
among countries than it is now. 将来世界财富在国家之间的分配或许会比现在更为公平。
1) share是一个多义词,既是动词,也是名词。作为动词,可译为“合用”或“分担”。作为名词,可译为“份”或“股票”,如:
How can we share five apples among us three? 我们三个人如何分配这五个苹果?
He hated sharing a bedroom with a stranger. 他讨厌与陌生人共住一个房间。
She shares (in) my troubles as well as joys. 她与我同甘苦,共患难。
Please let me take a share in the expenses. 请让我分担一份费用。
Let's go shares with each other in the taxi fares. 让我们共同分担出租车费。
He holds 500 shares in a company. 他持有某公司的500股股票。
2) fairly 在本句中意为“公平地”,它的另一个意思是“相当地”,由形容词fair派生而来。如:
We demanded that we should be treated fairly. 我们要求受到公正对待。
She plays the flute fairly well. 她的长笛吹得相当不错。
② So people will be advised to keep fit in many ways. 所以人们被劝告要从多方面保持身体健康。
advise意为“劝告”、“建议”。 advise可用于下列结构中:advise sth., advise sb. to do sth., advise that sb. (should) do sth., advise sb. on sth., advise with sb., 如: The doctor advised a complete rest in bed. 大夫建议绝对卧床休息。
We advised him to give up smoking. 我们劝他戒烟。
I advised his bringing an umbrella with him. 我劝他带把雨伞。
Mum advised that I (should) choose a friend carefully. 妈妈劝我小心择友。
He advised us on how to learn a foreign language. 他就如何学外语给我们提了建议。 试比较名词advice的用法:
He gave effective advice. 他提的建议是有效的。
③ Meanwhile, they will do their best to produce more energy from the wind and the sun. 在这期间,他们将尽力利用风力和太阳能生产更多的能量。
meanwhile 意为“在这期间”,也可以用作meantime/in the meantime, 它们意义基本相同,如:
My daughter went to see her piano teacher this morning. Meantime/Meanwhile/In the meantime, I went shopping. 我的女儿今天上午去见她的钢琴老师。在这期间,我去购物。
Step 5. Discussion
SB P27 Part 2. Get the students to talk about the five topics in groups of four or five. Each group chooses one of the topics to talk about and make sure that the five topics are all chosen. Pick out one of the students from each group to report to the rest of the class.
Step 6. Language study
SB P29, Part 3. Get the students to study Part 3 and then do the exercises in Part 4. Check the answers orally with the class.
Step 7. Word puzzle(optional)
SB P29 Part 5. Get the ss to circle the words in the box. Answers: See SB P29.
Step 8. Workbook
Workbook Lesson 67, Ex. 1 and 2. Get the students to do the two exercises and then check the answers with the students.
Answers: Ex.1
1. The writer objects to spending too much money on new possessions. He thinks it a waste of money, energy and materials and also causes pollution.
2. I don't think we should live this expensive way of life. We also think that the basic needs of the world's population should be satisfied first, like food and medical care. Possibly in future the wealth of the whole world will be shared more fairly among countries than it is now.
3. I think it is possible. According to Marx's theories, with the development of societies, the Communist Society will certainly come true in the end.
4. At present developed countries use too much energy. The US has only 6% of the world's population, but uses 30% of its energy. India has 15% of the world's population, but uses only 2% of the world's energy.
5. We can produce energy from the wind, the sun, and the river. For example, we can depend on the heat of the sun, the falling of the river and the power of the wind to produce electricity. And we make researches on different materials to produce energy.
Ex.2. 1.Practical 2.possession 3.satisfy 4.wealth 5.telegraphed 6.such at 7.Meanwhile 8.need 9.keep fit
Ex.3 practical; labor; wealth; population; industry; save; Meanwhile; satisfy
(1) Finish off the exercises of Lesson 67 in the Foundational Ex. Book.
(1) Finish off the wb exercises.
Evaluation of teaching:
Lesson 68
Teaching aims and demands
1. Words and useful expressions:
youth; toy; passage; talk of; out work; keep fit
2. Listening practice
3. Grammar: noun clause as the appositive
Key points: 1.Useful expressions; 2. Grammar; 3. Listening
Teaching methods: Listening — practice
Teaching procedures
Step 1. Revision
(1) Check the homework exercises.
(2) Revise the content of the previous two lessons about life in the future.
Step 2. Listening
(1) Pre-listening: Tell the students turn to Page 149 and read the instructions to get a gist of the listening passage.
(2) While-listening:
① Play the tape for the students to answer the questions.
② Check the answers with the students.
(3) Post listening activity: get the students to talk about the listening passage.
Step 3. Checkpoint
Go through Checkpoint 17 with the students. Tell the students to make up sentences using the phrases in this checkpoint. Get some students to yell out their sentences to the rest of the class if time permits.
Step 4. Writing
SB P30, Part 2. Read the instructions and get students to fill in the blanks with your own sentences of noun clauses.
Step 5. Writing
SB P30, Part 3. Read the instructions and tell the ss to watch the picture carefully and tell your partner first and then write in your exercise books.
Step 6. Workbook
Workbook Lesson 68, Ex. 1 and 3 and the exercises in Unit 17 Revision. Get the students to do the two exercises and then check the answers with the students.
1. The idea that in the future the computer will be able to think like humans is hard to believe.
2. The message that our manager has persuaded the government to allow us to build a new factory is very encouraging.
3. The fact that our team have been working very hard is known to everybody.
4. The belief that all roads lead to Rome is shared by many people.
5. The possibility that the project is not practical must be discussed.
6. Last night we heard the news that our team had won.
Ex.2 1.that the customer is God 2.that your book will be published
3.that the transport of goods costs too much 4.that students should learn some practical knowledge 5.that the plane would take off on time
6.will come true one day
Ex.3 The use of computers in the future
  Computers are very useful machines. Although they can't think by themselves, they can do(or they can remember to do) what people ask them to do. So they will be widely used in the future. They can be used in many ways, such as industry and agriculture, trade and business, communication and transportation, scientific research work, education and health, space travel. They can do a great number of things as good as, if not better than, human beings. They can also help us in our personal lives, such as doing shopping and cooking, going to the bank or hospital, doing all sorts of housework, working at home. All in all, they can be used nearly everywhere. So we must do computer studies well and learn to use computers from practice.
Unit 17 Revision
Ex.1 1.B 2.A 3.D 4.D 5.C 6.A 7.D 8.A 9.D
Ex.2 1.attract-attracts 2.is (very exciting) 3.surprised-surprising
  4.problem of many-problem that many 5.to make-made
6.which-that 7.were-was
Ex.3 The transportation in the future
  In the future, the transportation will be automatically controlled. The car will not need a human driver. They will be driven by a special device. The device is composed of an electric eye and a computer. The environment of the car will be put in the computer by the electric eye. And the computer will make a judgment at once. So if the damage will come, the computer will decide to judge how to avoid it.
  The managing system of the transportation will not need humans, either. It will be composed of many electric eyes controlling equipment and a man-made satellite a special kind of wireless equipment. The wireless equipment will pass the information that comes from the electric eyes or to the man-made satellite. And the man-made satellite will return the decision to the controlling equipment to control the country's transportation.
The transportation will become more safe and comfortable in the future.
(1) Finish off the exercises of Lesson 68 in the Foundational Ex. Book.
(2) Revise the key points of this unit.
(3) Finish off the wb exercise.
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