unit 4 reading listening speaking Unit 4 A garden of poems(人教版高二英语上册教案教学设计)

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Teaching aims:
1. To grow interest in English studies through English poem appreciation
2. Practice expressing intension
3. To develop the basic reading skills
4.To practice the writing after reading and listening.
5. To write a review on a song or a poem.
Teaching contents:
1. Topics:
1) Talking about English poetry
2)Talking about literature and poetry
2. Functional sentences:
Expressing intention
(I’m interested to … but …
I think it will be too difficult to…
I think I might want to…
And etc.)
3. Vocabulary
1)poem poet intention recite mad pattern dialogue sort fantasy loneliness sadness grammar glory absence district atmosphere introduction translate translation tale shade extraordinary idiom dust crow apart essay recommend contribute
2) Phrases: put … together play with call up stand out the Lake
District light up come into being send for contribute to…
4. Grammar:
The Past Participle used as Adverbial
Period One Warming up + Speaking

丰台实验 郝源俊 刘哲
Teaching Aims:
1. Practice expressing intensions
2. To appreciate English poems and the beauty of the English language
Step I : Warming up:
1. a. Ss read aloud the following poem, then ask them try to translate it into Chinese.( Group work)
b. Let a few groups to read out their translations.

By Langston Hughes
Hold fast to dreams,
For if dreams die,
Life is a broken-winged bird
That cannot fly.
Hold fast to dreams,
For when dreams go,
Life is a barren field,
Frozen with snow.
2. Enjoy the limerick:
Let the students practice reading the limericks on P25. Read together aloud, then ask them which one they like better and why.
Step II. Pre-Speaking:
Choose a few students to recite their favorite poems.
Help the students be aware of the different period of the poem, different
topic, different feelings expressed in it.
Step III. Speaking:
1. Help the Ss read the example and the useful expressions on P27.
2. Group work :
Talk about the kind of poems you like best.
Why do you like it?
What is your feeling towards it.
(The useful expressions on P27 will help the Ss a lot.)
3. The Ss present in class.
Write down your dialogues.



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