Unit 3 Looking good, feeling good(译林牛津版高一英语必修二教案教学设计)

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Teaching and learning plan for word power
学习目标:1. Learn and master the new words about sport
2. Enable the Ss to use words or expressions related to types of sports
技能训练: 1. To practise reading skills
2. To practise speaking skills
重点难点: 1.Talk about sports to learn new words
2. Remember some new names of sports
自主预习任务提示:1. 识记与本课相关的词汇和短语。
如:archery, martial arts, folk dancing, triathlon, aerobics,
get out of, have some fun with, build up one’s strength等
2. 预习单词后,独立完成47页Part C+D的练习。与小组内同学讨论交流,以核对练习答案的准确性。
3. 与组内同学交流,思考一些已知的运动词汇,为课内的活动做准备。
Step 1. Warm up (热身)
Music or daily report or other regular tasks to warm up for English class.
Step 2. Revision (复习)
Homework checking. Or review what we’ve learned in last period.
Step 3. Lead-in (导入)
Talk about the 10th National Sports in Nanjing:
1. If you had a chance to watch the sports now, which kind of sports would you choose?
2. How many kinds of sports can you name ?
Step 4 Word study (单词学习)
1. Brainstorm
Work in a group of 4 and draw as more sports as possible and write the names of them.Then the group which knows most will be the winner. So try to be different from other groups.
2. Study Part B on page 46
Talk about expressions of the pictures about sports:
3. Read and study Part A on page 46
(1) Read the diary from Zhou Ling quickly and find out all the words about sports.
(2) If you were Zhou Ling, which club would you join? Why?
Step 5 Consolidation (巩固)
1.Complete the exercise of Part C (P47)
2. Some questions for you :
(1) What suggestions does Zhou Ling give to Amy?
(2) Zhou Ling gives specific advice to Amy about the exercise she can do after the operation:
Firstly, if Amy wants to get strong and have some fun with friends,_________________.
If Amy just wants to build her strength up by herself, Zhou Ling advises her to__________________.
If Amy only wants to have some fun and exercise with some of her friends, she can try_________________.
3.Types of sports Part D (P47)
Do you know which are indoor sports and which are outdoor sports? Think more!
boxing beach volleyball fencing
gymnastics skiing baseball…
Indoors Outdoors

Step 6. Extension (拓展)
Among all these which sports do you like, if you want to lose weight? Give your reasons.
Step 7. Assignment(作业)
1. 完成《课课练》第37页的相关练习。
2. Learn all the new words by heart.
3. Preview the grammar
1. 认真完成《课课练》第37页的相关练习。
2. 将自己或组内同学关于选择哪种运动减肥问题及原因整理下来,在日记中尝试表述。
3. 预习本单元的语法,为下一节课做准备。



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