Unit 10 At the shop

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I. Teaching aims and demands:
1. Words and expressions:
run (vi), choice, note, change (n. v.), fool, order, pleasant, right(n.), assistant, customer, foolish, fault, tailor, trust, favor, judge, serve, apologize, bill, excited, perfect, bottom, treat, equal, powerful, pure, millionaire. follow the instructions, or else, take place, fit well, small notes, pay for... , put sb. to the trouble of… , be after, get… off, put on, just the thing, the very thing, to one's own measure, depend on, the day after tomorrow, put down, drop in, show... out, once upon a time, do some research, offer service, do up buttons, at the bottom, understand about…, take sb. seriously, what is worse, be suitable for, keep back, play the part of, do sb. a favor.
2.Everyday English for communication:
But there seems to be something wrong with it.
I would like you to change this blouse, or else give my money back to me.
Of course not. I 'm not that foolish.
What do you think I should do then?
I 'm afraid I can ' t do that right now.
Why can't you do something about it?
It's not our fault.
Is anything the matter?
3. Grammar:
To study the use of "as if" and "no matter"
4. Reading:
1) To read about the two passages “At the tailor's shop” and “A report on wine shops” and have a good commander of the text.
2) To be able to do the exercises on the text.
II. Main and difficult points:
I insist that you give (should give) me money back.
There seem to be
It looks as if it hasn't been washed.
Why can't you have a look?
no matter where = wherever no matter how = however no matter what = whatever no matter who = whoever no matter when = whenever
III. Allocation of time: Five Periods.
The 1st period: Lesson 37
The 2nd period: Lesson 38
The 3rd period: Lesson 39
The 4th period: Lesson 40
The 5th period: Unit test
The 1st period Lesson 37
I. Aims and demands:
1. Practice in pairs talking about buying clothes in a shop.
2. Study the language points in lesson37.
II. Importance:
I insist that you give (should give) me money back.
There seem to be
It looks as if it hasn't been washed.
Why can't you have a look?
III. Teaching procedure:
Step 1 Revision
1. Check the homework exercises.
2. Revise articles of clothing by asking questions. Get as many as possible from the students and write them on the blackboard.
Questions for the teacher to ask the students:
(1) What words have you learned about clothes?
[trousers, coat, jacket, shirt, overcoat]
(2) What color do you like best if you buy a blouse?
[gray one, redone, blue one, black one, yellow one, white one]
Step 2 Presentation
Look at the picture on P55.
1.Ask the students to say something about the picture. Let the students know a new word:
[It's a clothes shop. There are many clothes in the shop. Two women are talking now. They are talking about the white blouse and the red blouse in the shop.]
2.Ask the students how different clothes are washed. Make a table on the blackboard if you like, as follows:
HOT WASH white cotton
WARM WASH coloured cotton
COLD WASH silk, wool
Step 3 Listening
Let the students listen to the dialogue once or twice and then answer some questions.
1.What did the customer buy last week?
[She bought a blouse last week]
2.What's wrong with the blouse?
[When she washed the blouse, the color ran.]
3.What did the customer ask the assistant to do?
[She asked the assistant to change the clothes or give the money back to her.]
4.Did the assistant give the money back to the customer? Why?
[No, because the manager of the shop wasn't in. And the assistant couldn't decide whether to give it back to her or not.]
Step 4 Language points
Let students read the dialogue and ask them to pay attention to some key sentences and then the teacher gives some brief explanation.
1.There seem(s) to be There seem to be many students in the classroom. There seems to be a book on the desk. 2.I would like you to change this blouse, or else give me money back.
like sb. to do sth. = want sb. to do sth.:
I'd like you to help me (to) do the work.
like doing sth.
3.I'm not that foolish = I am not so foolish,
Why did you ask for this much?
4.It looks as if = It seems as if
It looks as if it is going to rain. = It seems as if it is going to rain.
It seems as if she doesn't know it. == It looks as if she doesn't know it.
5.I insist that you give me my money back.
Insist + that clause + (should) +v.
I insisted that she (should) leave here yesterday.
He insisted that he be right.
Step 5 Practice
Listen to the tape or teacher twice and then let students fill in the blanks of the dialogue. The teacher should prepare for it ahead of time. (Rewrite it according to Ex 2. on page 118)
Step 6 Workbook
Do exercises Ex. 1-3. on Page 118. Get the students to read the short passage first. After getting the class to do it in pairs, check the answers with the whole class.
Step 7 Consolidation
Get good pairs of students to act out their dialogues in front of the class without their books if possible.
Step 8 Homework
Get the students to do the vocabulary preparation in Lesson 38 and then ask the students to complete the following sentences.
V. Blackboard Design:
Unit 10 At the shop
Lesson 37 Dialogue
1.There seems(ed) to be
2.It looks(ed) as if +
3.I am not that foolish.
4.I insist that you give me my
The 2nd period Lesson 38
I. Aims and demands:
1.Learn Lesson 34 to get brief idea of the story.
2.The students are required to answer some questions.
II. Importance:
No matter what
III. Teaching procedure:
Step 1 Revision
Check the homework exercises.
Step 2 Presentation Talk about Mark Twain. 1.What is Mark Twain? Mark Twain is an American writer.
2.In our middle school text books, what articles were written by Mark Twain?
"Run for a Governor. "
"A Million Pound Note"
Step 3 Listening and Talking
Today we are going to learn a dialogue, which is a part from A Million Pound Note. Listen to the tape and then talk about the pictures on P. 56 & p. 57.
Picture 1: A customer came into a tailor's shop. The shop assistant looked at him up and down. From the clothes, the assistant thought he was a poor man.
Picture 2: After the tailor knew the man had one million pound note, he was very surprised.
The manager measured him by himself. They changed their attitude to the man completely.
Step 4 Reading
Read the dialogue quickly and try to answer the questions.
1.What did the customer want?
The customer wanted to buy a suit.
2.How did the customer look?
He looked poor. And his clothes were old.
3.What did the shop assistant show the customer?
He showed the customer the cheapest clothes.
4.How did the customer want to pay?
He wanted to pay with a large note.
5.What made the manager feel excited?
The million pound note made the manager feel excited.
6.What can we learn from the story?
We should never judge a person by his clothes.
Step 5 Language points
1.No matter what he is wearing, Tod, just show him the cheapest.
no matter + wh - ?
(1) No mater what we said, he wouldn't listen at all.
(2) No matter whose wallet it is, we should hand it to the police.
(3) No matter where you go, you mustn 't forget your motherland.
2.Is anything the matter?
the matter = wrong
(1) What 's the matter with you?
(2) There seems to be something the matter with the machine.
3. Do me the favour to put on this shirt, and this suit.
do sb. a favour / do a favour for sb.
Would you do me a favour?
do sb. the favour to do sth. = do the favour for sb to do sth.
Please do us the favour to come and have dinner with us.
4.I'11 drop in and leave the new address.
I'11 drop in and see you tonight.
drop in on sb/ drop in at some place
(1) Sometimes he dropped in on his uncle.
(2) Please drop in at my office.
Step 6 Workbook
Do Exercises 2&3 on Page 119.
Step 7 Homework (1) Retell the story in your own words, (p. 119) (2) Translate the following sentences into English. 1.No matter what we do, we must do it well.
2.No matter where she went, you must find her.
3.No matter what questions you have, you may come to ask me.
4.What ' s wrong with your bike?
5.Would you do me the favour to move the desk?
6.I'11 drop in at your office if I am free.
V. Blackboard Design:
1.What was Mark Twain?
2.How did the customer look?
3.What did the customer want to buy?
4.Why did the shop assistant show the cheapest clothes?
5.What made the manager feel excited?
The 3rd period Lesson 39
I. Aims and demands:
1.Study the text and try to know how a journalist did some research about wine shop in London.
2.The students are required to answer the questions in the passage or raised by the teacher.
II. Importance:
1.once upon a time
2. do up:
3.not... but...
III. Teaching procedure:
Step 1 Revision
1.Check the homework exercises.
2.Get the students to tell the story of the million pound note.
Step 2 Presentation
The teacher asks some questions according to the picture on Page 58. And let the students think and guess.
A woman with a long raincoat went to a wine shop, what did she want to do? Did she want to drink wine? Did she want to buy wine?
Step 3 Reading
Read the text quickly, and answer some questions.
1.What did the lady want to buy?
[She wanted to buy two bottles of wine.]
2.How many shops did she go to?
[She went to six shops.]
3.Why did she go to so many shops?
[She was a journalist and she wanted to write a report about the shops.]
Step 4 Listening
Listen to the tape and judge the sentences according to the short text.
1.A London journalist wanted to do some research about wine.
2.The journalist wanted to see which shops offered the best advice and service.
3.She said she want to buy two bottles of special wine for a dinner.
4.The sixth shop that she visited was the most interesting of all.
5.A week later, her complete report was printed in the newspaper.
[Keys: 1. F2. T3. F4. T5. T]
Step 5 Reading
Read the short article and learn some language points.
1.once upon a time = some time ago = long long ago
Once upon a time there lived a king named Solomon.
2.She did up the button in such a way that one at the bottom was not done up.
do up:
Do up your shoes.
He is doing up a parcel.
She did herself up before going to the party.
Why is he always doing up his hair?
3.Finally, he didn't give her the right change, but keep back five pounds.
not... but...
It was not Tom but his brother that you met yesterday.
He didn't go but stayed.
Step 6 Oral practice
1. Discuss the exercises on Page 59. Practices 4, 5 and 6 on Page 58.
2. Do Ex 3 and Ex 4 on Page 120.
Step 7 Homework
1.Ex.1 on Page 120.
2.Ex.2 on Page 122.
The 4th period Lesson 40
I. Aims and demands:
1. Have a brief revision of this unit.
2. Do the listening practice
3. Sum up as in checkpoint 9.
II. Importance:
Listening practice
III. Teaching procedure:
Step I Revision
1. Check the homework exercises.
2. Dictation of the following sentences:
(1) No matter what others say, you should continue to do what you think right.
(2) No matter how much money we have to spend, we should help to cure her illness.
(3) No matter how bad the matter is, they will not stop working.
(4) It looks as if an earthquake will happen.
(5) It looks as if he has made some troubles.
Step 2 Listening comprehension
Turn to Page 139. and give students two or three minutes to prepare for it.
Then play the tape and check answers.
Step 3 Listening
Look at Page 122. Ex. 1, the teacher may read the short article, including the keys in the blanks and then ask the students to fill the blanks.
Step 4 Practice
1. Ex. 2 Word study. (P. 60)
Get the students to discuss the answers.
2. Ex. 1 on Page 121.
Give about five minutes to let students do the exercise and then the teacher discusses the answers together with the students.
3. Cloze text on 129.
Let the students do it first and then the teacher should explain the answers briefly.
tep 5 Homework
1. Ex. 2 on Page 122.
2. Rewrite the story At the Tailor's Shop according to Part 3 Writing on page 60.




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