unit 1-3 phrases(人教版高二英语上册教案教学设计)

中学英语教学资源网英语教案教学设计 手机版

Unit 1 Make a difference
1 be known for/to / as
2 be on fire for 热衷于
3 be similar to
4 have …in common 与……有共同之处
5 a branch of science 一门学科
6 there is no doubt that ……毫无疑问
7 a promising graduate student 有前途的毕业生
8 There is no point in doing sth. 做……没有意义
9 work on 起作用;从事;继续工作
10 get/ be engaged to sb. 与某人订婚
11 go on with
12 stop/ prevent/ keep sb. from doing sth.
13 in the early 1970s
14 seek answers to the questions 寻找问题的答案
15 ordinary people
16 turn out to be wrong
17 on the other hand
18 in a practical way 以实际的方式
19 take measures 采取措施
20 use up
21 the law of gravity 万有引力定律
22 come true 实现
23 be satisfied with 对……满意的
24 take a look at
25 what if … 倘使…将会怎样…
26 change from season to season
27 believe in
28 laugh at sb.
29 the other way around 相反的,用相反方式
30 allow sb .to do/allow doing
31 reach one’s goals
32 come up with 提出,找到问题的答案
33 be curious about 对……好奇的
Unit 2 News media
1 be different from
2 be fired
3 be generous with 对……慷慨的
4 compare with 比较
to 比较/比喻
5 give reasons for your choices
6 rob sb./ a place of sth.
7 steal sth. From sb.
8 go up
9 burn down 烧毁
out 烧坏
up 烧光;渐渐燃起
off 用火烧使……离开
10 There is a rumor that… 有传言……
11 would rather do…than do…
12 +that从句 现在/将来 过去时
13 过去 过去完成时
14 more than 不止;很
15 make sure that
16 for once
17 rather than 而不是
18 relate to sb/sth. 理解/同情……
19 develop the story
20 keep the newspaper balanced
21 present the material 表述材料
22 in an organized way
23 bring back
24 the stolen cultural relics 被盗的文物
25 international experts in the field
26 even though/if
27 adapt to
28 it was the first time that +完成时
29 explore the mysterious
30 the importance of spiritual fulfillment 精神满足的重要性
31 be addicted to 沉溺于
32 suffer from
33 draw /pay attention to
34 fix attention on 把注意力集中于
35 the rest of
36 become interested in
37 on all sides 在各个方面;到处
38 lead to
39 comment on 对…进行评论
40 switch Chinese into English 把中文转换成英文
41 be concerned with 与……相关;关心
42 nine out of ten
43 be located in
44 have difficulty in doing sth.
45 change one’s mind
46 current affairs 时事
47 as far as I am concerned 就我而言
48 look up to 尊敬
49 fall in love with
Unit 3 Art and architecture
1 be free to do sth. 随意做
2 be free from/of 不受……影响
3 prefer doing to doing
prefer to do rather than do
would prefer to do sth.
prefer +that 从句 sb. (should) do
4 share …with
5 sales assistant 售货员
6 on sale 上市
7 be convenient to /for
8 be/get excited about
9 stand sb./sb.’s doing sth. 容忍某人做……
10 take examples from
11 look around
12 in different styles
13 go against
14 impress sth. on sb. 使铭记
15 act as
16 make a choice between A and B
17 have no choice but to do
18 stand close to nature
19 be filled up with
20 despite / in spite of 尽管,不顾
21 in bold 粗体
22 refer to 暗指,涉及;查阅
23 be inspired by 受到……激发
24 make full use of sth.
25 belong to
26 A is to B what C is to D
27 find/see/hear/notice/get/want/make.. sth. done
28 succeed in doing/ manage to do
29 pull down
30 be decorated with 以……装饰
31 set aside
32 stand empty 空置
33 workshops of different sizes
34 far from
35 in preference to 优先于……
36 be under construction
37 be to rent 待租
38 with the development of 随着……的发展




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