译林牛津英语高一模块1 Unit 2 Language points for reading(译林牛津版高一英语必修一教案教学设计)

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1.vacation 假期: 指正式规定的较长时间的假期,不指假日或节日
the summer/winter vacation take a vacation _________on vacation
holiday 既可指假期(可用复数)也可指节假日
2.starve 挨饿 eg. starve to death_________
starve for sth/be starved of sth 渴求 他急需帮忙 (He starve for help.)
3.mess n. (1) 脏或乱的状态:
(2)困难或乱的状态或局 (3)不洁的人
v. 弄乱 mess sth. Up 把事情搞糟,弄乱
mess about/around 胡闹,瞎闹
mess with sb/sth 干预某事、某人
译:谁把我的文件弄乱了?(Who messed up my papers?)
别闹了,认真听。(Stop messing about and listen carefully.)
词组: in a mess 杂乱,混乱,陷入困境
我的生活一团糟。(my life is in a mess.)
4.behavior n/u 行为举止,待人态度,行为方式
v. behave eg. 他们对我的态度表明他们不喜欢我。(Their behavior to me shows they don’t like me.)
behave well/badly 表现好、坏 behave oneself 上规矩
5.trust n. 信任,信用,责任心
You should have trust in Tom.
每个人都应当对未来充满信心。(Everyone should have trust in the future.)
v.信任 believe in 我一直都信任他。(I have always trusted him.)
6.cross n. 十字型 put a cross when there is a mistake
eg. Be careful when crossing the road.
He sat there with his legs crossed.
He crossed me in everything.
7.explain vt.解释,说明
(1)explain sth. to sb. 他向我说明了计划。(He explained his plan to me.)
(2) explain (to sb.) +从句 他解释说他因为生病所以不能来。(He explained that he couldn’t come because he was ill.)
* explain 不可能跟双宾语
8.wait to do sth. 等着做事 can’t wait to do sth. 迫不及待作某事
译:我一直等着你的消息。(I have been waiting to hear from you.)
他迫不及待地打开盒子看看里面是什么。(He couldn’t wait to open the box and see what was in it.)
词组:wait for wait for sb. to do sth. wait one’s turn
9.be supposed to do 表示按照义务,规则等理应,应该做。。。
was/were supposed to do 表示本应该(实际未发生),也可用was/were supposed to have done
你理应按时完成作业。(He is supposed to arrive before 6.)
我们本应该6点到达,但是我们迟到了。(We were supposed to arrive at 6.But we are late.
10.in charge 负责 eg. Who is the man in charge?
in charge of 负责 eg. He is in charge of our class.
in the charge of 由。。。负责 eg. Our class is in the charge of him.
charge n.费用 free of charge 免费
What’s the charge for? 。。。的费用是多少?
11.go unpunished 得不到惩罚
go+否定的过去分词表示某动作不发生 eg.go unreported
这时的go 作系动词表示进入或处于某种状态(多为不好的变化)
go blind 变瞎 go mad go wrong
12.be hard on 对。。。很严厉,苛刻
这位老师对他的学生非常严厉。(The teacher is hard on his students.)
13.now (that) 为连词,意为既然=since
Now (that) you’ve passed your test, you can drive on your own.
译:既然你已经长大了,就不该再依靠父母。(Now that you are grown up,you should no longer depend on your parents.)
14.do with 处理,对付
He is very difficult to do with.
What should I do with the table?
deal with 也可有处理之意,但它常与how连用,而do with 用what.
15.with pizza boxes on the floor and dirt dishes in the sink
with +n/ pron +adj He was fast asleep with his mouth open.
with+ n/pron +介词短语 He stood there with his hand in his pocket.
with+ n/pron+副词 They sat in silence with the light on.
with+ n/pron+名词 She died with her baby yet a school boy.
16.remember the day when we left you in charge
句中leave 表示使或让(处于某种状态)后跟复合宾语,常见结构有:
leave sb/ sth +介词短语、形容词、名词、分词、不定式
译:别让她在雨里等。(Don’t leave her waiting in the rain.)
他让所有的窗户都开着。(He left all the windows open.)
他父母都死了,孩子成了孤儿。(His parents died,leaving him an orphan.)
他们经常让孩子一个人在家。(They often leave the child alone at home.)
我让他给他们对此作出解释。(I left him to explain it to them.)
17.Eric sits on his bed looking at Daniel, who has arms crossed.
have/has sth. done 结构有两层含义
(1) 使某事被做(主语有意识的行为,可能是主语自己做,也可能让别人做)
(2) 遭遇,经历(此事违背主语的意愿)
eg. We had the machine repaired.
The old woman had her bag stolen.
He was sentenced to death and would
18.I feel like we have to punish him.
feel like 意为感觉起来像,摸上去像,想要like 多为介词
eg. It feels like rain.
I feel like going to bed.
I feel like a hurt animal.
但句中like为连词,相当于as if 这种用法,多用于美国口语中。
Do you feel like parents try to force you to spend your spare time doing things you don’t like?
Ask Ss to match the expressions in Column I with the right definitions in Column II.
Column I Column II
a. be supposed to do 1. to talk about sb’s faults in an unfair way,
or to be too strict with sb.
b. deserve to do 2. to want to have sth. or do sth.
c. now that 3. used to ask or talk about how sb. should deal with sth.
d. in charge 4. used to say a light or fire is off or out
e. be hard on 5. used to say what is/was expected to happen,
esp. when sth. didn’t happen; used to say
that one should or should not do
f. go out 6.to hope that one will get sth. from sb.
g. expect…from… 7.in a position where you have the duty to mak
decisions so that anything bad will not happen
h. feel like 8.used to say one should receive (a reward or
a special treatment) for what he has done
i. (what to) do with 9. because of sth. or as a result of sth.

2. Ask Ss to read the following sentences and try to complete them with words or expressions in the text so that each of the sentences makes sense.
1. The new company was set up last month and has some problems and difficulties, so we can say the company is experiencing ________. (growing pains)
2 ---Doctor, my son feels pains in his arms and legs at night. What’s wrong?
---It really doesn’t matter. That’s ________ and will soon pass. (growing pains)
3. His strange question made his friends feel surprised; that means his strange question ______ his friends. (surprised)
surprise—n./ vt. surprised—adj.
surprising—adj. surprisingly—adv.
 My dad bought me an iPod on my birthday, which is a great ____ to me. (surprise)
 What _____ me most was that flowers there were so cheap. (surprised)
 He had a _____ look on his face at the news that she married John. (surprised)
 ---How was the exam?
---_____ easy. (surprisingly)
1. The sports meet _________ to take place last weekend. But we had to cancel it because it was raining heavily. (was supposed)
2. Wang Bing had his hair dyed and his red hair upset his parents. They say as a student he should not dye his hair, that is, he _________ dye his hair. (is not supposed to)
6. The morning assembly takes place on the playground at 7:30 on every Monday. So teachers and students _______ be there by 7:25. (are supposed to)
7.Mrs. Smith is a mother of three and knows a lot about looking after babies. You can ask her what to ______ a newborn baby if you have no idea. (do with)
8.Little Tim did a good job at school and he hoped that his parents would praise him. He ____ a praise _____ his parents. (expect…from)
9. The mother never praises her daughter unless she gets the first in test. She is too strict with him, that is, she is ______ him. (hard on)
10.Daniel thought his parents _______ him because they shouted at him before he could explain. (hard on)
11. The Chinese Women’s Volleyball team won the championship in the 28th Olympic Games. They worked very hard and they _____ win. (deserved to)
12. That boy spends little time on lessons and seldom listens in class. He failed in the exams. He _____ fail. (deserved to)
13. ---It is so hot. I _____ a big iced cola. What about you?
---Mineral water, please. (feel like)




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