高三英语新教材Unit 14 Zoology 单元复习教案(人教版高三英语下册教案教学设计)

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Teaching aims and demands:
1. Get the Ss to read the two passages in this unit, developing the ability of reading comprehension.
2. Enable the Ss to master the key words and phrases, and some important sentence patterns in this unit.
3. The Ss can know about the language of honey-bees and Primates.
Focus on:
Tell apart; come to light; make a beeline for; one after another; communicate with…; troop; compare; except (that);
Time Allocations: 3 periods
Period 1 Reading comprehension
The language of Honey-bees
Step 1 Revision
Step 2 Lead in
Step 3 Fast reading
1. How do honey bees communicate with each other? (Para 3)
2. What information do the two dances convey? (Para 4)
Step 4 Careful reading
1.Karl Von Frisch did an experiment to research .
A. the food of honey bees B. the dance of honey bees
C. the hive of honey bees D. the way of honey bees’ communication
2. The phrase “ tell the bees apart” means .
A. let the bee live separately. B. tell one bee from the other
C. drive the bee away D. tear the bee into pieces
3. After the marked bees’ dance, the other bees_________
A. felt very hungry B. felt very happy
C. felt very angry D. become very excited
4. According to the text, bee’s language can communicate the following except_________
A. news of food B. the feeding place C. the sun’s position D. weather condition
5. The phrase “come to light” in Para 5 means__________
A. become known B. came to a bright place C. become visible D. became popular
6. Which of the following statements is possible according to the last paragraph but one?_________
A. We human beings can learn to communicate in the same way as honey bees.
B. We human beings can go as quickly as honey bees.
C. We human beings can come to each other’s rescue in a very quick way
D. We human beings can draw something from animals behavior
7. Which statement is more reasonable?_________
A. Only honey bees can communicate with each other
B. Some bees can communicate with each other
C. Most bees can communicate with each other
D. Only honey bee’s body language has most interested scientists.
Step 3 Further understanding
Explain some difficulties to make sure the Ss can have better understanding about the text.
Period 2 Integrating skills
StepⅡ Lead in
Step Ⅲ Fast reading
Q1 What are the key features found in primates? (Para 1)
Q2 Do you think it is possible to teach chimpanzees to use language and do other things that we consider typically human? Why or why not? (Para 6)
Step Ⅳ Careful reading
Use the information in the text to complete the chart. Give example and characteristics for each type of animal.
              Period 3 Language points
1.tell ------ apart 识别,辨别 动副短语 常与can,could,be able to 连用。
eg. Can you tell the two things apart ? (tell apart the two things)
eg. The twins are so much alike that their own mother can not tell them apart.
tell -----from-----
2. one after another one by one
eg. They have solved problems one after another since they came.(强调数量之多)
eg. After class the students left the classroom silently one by one. (强调顺序)
3.They troop behind the first dancer, copying its movements.
troop Vi. 结队而行,成群涌向。 句子主语应是复数。
eg. The children trooped into the park.
eg. The game was over and the players trooped home.
n. 一群,许多。 军队(常用复数)
A troop of visitors /students (a group of / a line of)
copy 模仿,效仿
eg. You should copy his strong points ,not his weak points.
4.What else else 常放在疑问代词或副词后面
who else ,where else ,nobody else ,anything else
eg.Where else did he go?
5. faraway 遥远的   nearby  附近的
eg. a faraway forest a nearby hotel
faraway 作表语或状语用 far away , nearby 作表语或状语可用nearby, near by, near-by.
eg. The house is far away.
eg. They live near-by less than a kilometer.
6. come to light 发现,暴露 (to be discovered)
eg.The money didn’t come to light until the old man died.
eg. New facts about the case have recently come to light.
注:come to light ,come about 中come 不用被动态
7.make a beeline for sp.  走直路,走近路
eg. As he spoke he made a beeline for the door.
eg. If you want catch with the team, you’d better make a beeline for them.
head for sp.
eg. The ship is heading for London for repairs.
8.except/ except that /except for/ but/besides/apart from
eg. We all succeed _______ Tom.. (except)
eg.I looked everywhere _________ in the bedroom.. (except)
eg.He is a good man _______hot temper. (except for)
eg. Your article is quite good ________there are several spelling mistakes. (except that)
eg._________me ,there were ten other people at the meeting. (Besides, Apart from)
eg. The doctor told me nothing ______to stop smoking. (but)
eg. Last night I did nothing _____ watch TV. (but)




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