Unit 1 My name is Gina教案(新目标版七年级英语上册教案教学设计)

中学英语教学资源网英语教案教学设计 手机版

引导学生学会打招呼和介绍自己、询问他人姓名、查询电话号码的基本句型;了解有关姓名的文化知识;学习特殊疑示浼癿y/ your/her/his等物主代词的用法。
采用Practicing, Listening for specific information和Role playing的学习策略,使学生学会打招呼和介绍自己、询问他人姓名的基本句型What's your/his/her name?My/His/Her name is…。”培养学生结交新朋友的能力。
采用Practicing, Listening for specific information和Role playing的学习策略,展开课堂Pair work; Group work的口语交际活动,询问他人姓名、查询电话号码,了解有关姓名的文化知识并制作个性名片。
五、重点 难点
1. 复习词汇clock, ball ,bag ,cap, key ,book, ruler, hello, hi ,name, nice, meet
2. 词汇your/her/his first/last zero one two three four five six seven eight nine phone number family
3.句型What’s your/his/her name?---My/His/Her name is… .What’s your/her/his phone number? ---It’s 5352375 语法焦点在于my/your/her/ his等物主代词的用法。
Period 1
Step1 Review
Using some pictures to go over some words in starter.The teacher use: “What’s this in English? What’s color is it ? Spell it ,please.” To get the Ss to go over ( clock, ball ,bag ,cap, key ,book, ruler, hello, hi ,name, nice, meet)
Step2 Leading--in
The teacher get one student stand up and say to the student: “My name is Dong Shibin. What’s your name?”.Ask some Ss in this way and get them to answer.Then ask some more Ss: some more Ss : “What’s your name ? Do you have an English name? What’s your English name?” Get the Ss to learn some English names.Such as:Tony, Jack , Miller, Smith, Gina, Brown, Green,etc.Teach “What’s your/his/her name?” in this way and then get the Ss to practise the three sentences and the answers of them.
Step3 Pair work
Get the Ss use the three questions to ask their partners and then get some pairs of Ss to act out the questions and answers.
教师引导学习打招呼和介绍自己、询问他人姓名的基本句型“What’s your/his/her name? 结识班级的其他同学。
Step4 Homework
Make an ID card
Period 2
Step1 Checking and Reviewing
Check the homework of the Ss and explain something about ID card.Get the Ss to go over some names of English .The teacher say Chinese and the Ss say English .Then the teacher use “What’s your/his/her name? What’s his/he/your English name to ask some Ss and get them to answer.The teacher get 2 or 3 students stand up ,give some English names to them then get the whole class to ask “What’s his /her(English) name?” and then the whole class answer latter on.
Step 2 Listening
Get the Ss turn to Page1 and listen to the tape finish Part 1b.Get the Ss to listen to the tape about Part 2a then number the picture(1---4).Get the Ss to listen to the tape about Part 2b and circle the names.Listen to this part for two times.
Step 3 Pairwork
Get the Ss to look Part 2c then make a similar conversation with their partners.Get them act out their diologue latter on.The activities can make the Ss to introduce themselves to other people and get to know other people.
Step 4 Summary
概括语法点" What’s your/his/her name?My/His/Her name is….”了解语法点.
Step 5 Homework
Copy Part 2b and Grammar Focus
Period 3
Step 1 Review and lead—in
Get the Ss to review some names of the names of English and Chinese.Get the Ss to look at Part 3a and teach them first name and last name. Explain the two words to the Ss then get the Ss to look at Part 3a and guess which is first name and which is last name.
Step 2 Explaining and checking
解释中国人的姓名和英美人姓名的不同。首先要弄明白“姓名”的意义区别:full name全名family name姓;given name 名first name 姓(在中国);名(在英语国家) last name名(在中国);姓(在英语国家)。即:In English, first name=given name,last name=family name;In Chinese,first name = family name,last name = given name。Get the Ss to finish Part 3b and ask some Ss to tell his or her ansers to the whole class and check the answers latter on.
Step 3 Learning numbers
The teacher writes: 0, 1 , 2 ,3 ,4 ,5,6 , 7 , 8 ,9 on the black and let some Ss who know how to say these numbers in English stand up and say the numbers in English .The other Ss clap to the Ss who say the numbers in English when they have finish their jobs.The teacher leads the Ss to read the numbers for several times and make sure the Ss have mastered how to say the ten numbers in English.Get the Ss listen and repeat about Part 1a .Get some Ss stand up and count from zero to nine or from nine to zero.
Step 4 Listening to telephone numbers
The teacher write three telephone numbers on the blackboard and say “These are my telephone numbers.” And then get the Ss to learn “telephone number” and the question “What’s your telephone number?” and its answer “It is ……”.Get them repeat for several times.Get one student stand up and ask “What’s your telephone number”? Write his or her telephone number on the blackboard and get the whole class to read the telephone number on the blackboard.Get the Ss listen to the tape and finish Part 1b ,1c , 2a , 2b and 2c.
Step 5 Pairwork
Get The Ss use English to ask each other their telephone numbers and then get 3 or 4 pair students come to the front of the classroom and act out the dialogue.
Step 6 Homework
Copy the numbers 0 to 9
Period 4
Step 1 Review
Get some Ss stand up to introduce himself or herself to the class.Get the class count from 0 to 9. Ask some Ss their telephone numbers and get them to say the numbers in English.
Step 2 Leading—in
Show an ID card to the class and ask “What’s this in English”? Teach the word “ID card”.Repeat it for several times .Get the Ss to finish Part 3a , 3b ,3c .
Step 3 Dictation and Exercise
Get the Ss close their books and then dictating the words in Page 6 Part Self Check.And then get the Ss to check the answers. Get the Ss to finish Part 2 and 3
Step 4 Exercise
1. kcolc _______ 2. ryuo _______ 3. shi ________
4. sbyo _______ 5. eyk _______ 6. irgl ________
7. enplic _______ 8.teem _______ 9. mane ______ 10. hatw ________
KEYS:1. clock 2. your 3. his 4. boys 5. key 6. girl 7. pencil 8. meet 9. name 10. what在画线处填上适当数词
1.Six+three=_______ . 2._______一five=one.
3.Three十two= ________. 4.Ten一ten= __________.
5. Two+_______ = nine. 6. What’s nine minus(减)zero? It’s ________.
7._______ minus four is three.8. Six and two is __________.
9.Seven minus one is _______ .10.One and one is _________.
KEYS:1. nine 2. six 3. five 4. zero 5. seven 6. nine 7. seven 8. eight 9. six 10. two
Unit 1 My name’s Gina.
Section A
Drills:What’s your/his/her name?My/His/Her name is…
Grammar: What’s = What is
I’m=I am
name’s=name is
Culture:First name Last name
Peter Green
Unit 1 Hello, My name’s Gina
Section B
Self check
Words: I it is hi what my Hello you’re his her first name last name telephone
Drills:His name is … His first name is…
His last name is … . His telephone number is ….
Words: your/her/his first/last zero one two three four five six seven eight nine phone number family
Drills:What’s your phone number? It’s 281-9176.
What's your/her/his family /first/ last name?
通过学习数字1~9,使学生学会获取他人电话号码。通过区别Family name, First name, Last name及了解名片的内容和格式。通过制作电话号码薄、制作自己的名片等一系列活动,巩固所学内容,培养学生动脑、动手的能力。
运用Practicing, Listening for specific information的学习策略。首先,通过听说读写检测使学生了解自己掌握了那些词汇。其次,将未掌握的生词收人35页的Vocab-Builder中。第三,引导学生读3中的note,介绍两个同学。




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