unit 1-3 重点知识点回顾(人教版高二英语上册教案教学设计)

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I. Useful words and phrases
1.be on fire for 对……充满热情 2.a promising graduate student有发展前途的研究生 3.Work on 继续工作 4.go by 过去,走过
5.get engaged to 和……订婚 6.dream of 梦想
7.on the other hand 一方面……另一方面 8.turnt out 生产,制造,证明是
9.use up 用尽,用完 10.take measures to do 采取措施做某事
11.the crime scene 犯罪现场 12 .make a difference 与众不同,有影响
13.be satisfied with 对。。。满意 14.take a closer look at 进一步观看
15.be described as被描述为 16.from season to season 从一季到另一季
17.believe in 信任,信仰 18.the other way around 相反地,从相反方向
19.be similar to 与……相似 20.reach one’s goal 达到目标
II. Useful sentences
1.There is no doubt that…毫无疑问……
2.There did not seem much point in working on my PHD.
There is no point in doing sth .
3.Instead of giving up, Hawking went on with his research, got his PHD, and married Jane.霍金没有自暴自弃,而是继续从事研究工作,取得了博士学位,和那位姑娘结了婚。
4.We were pleased and surprised to find that a scientist could write about his work in a way that ordinary could understand. 我们感到惊喜的是,科学家竟能够以普通人理解的方式来阐述自己的工作。
5.Even the best theory can turn out to be wrong.即使最好的理论都可被证明是错误的。
6.If knowledge is power, as Sir Francis Bacon wrote in 1597, then perhaps creativity can be described as the ability to use that power. 如果象培根1957年曾写的:知识就是力量,那么创造力就是运用那种力量的能力。
7.It was only later that the world recognized his greatness.直到后来世人才承认他的伟大。
8.Only by discovering what we do best can we hope to reach our goals and truly make a difference.只有发现自己的专长,我们才有希望达到自己的目标。
9.He found it difficult to make people believe that his theories were correct.他发现难以让人们相信他的理论是正确的。
10.It is not necessary to be a great scientist to make a difference.要有所作为,不一定非要成为大科学家。
Unit2 News media知识点回顾
1. 面临困难 face difficulty 2 不再 no longer / no more
3 上升,增长,攀登 go up 4 使烧成平地, 烧毁 burn down
5 就那一次 for once = for just once = just for this once = this once
6 沉溺于 be /get addicted to 7 遭受 suffer (from )
8 对表示注意 draw attention to 9在各方面到处 on all sides =on every side
10 改变主意 change one’s mind 11 尊敬 look up to
12 爱上 fall in love with 13 通知某人某事 inform sb of sth
14不仅仅,不只是 more than 15 而不是 rather than
16 从某人或某地抢走某物 rob sb/ some place of sth
17 做某事有困难 have difficulty /problems /trouble (in) doing sth
18 第一次做某事 this /that /it is/was the first time that sb have /had done sth
19 与…..有关 relate to 20 即使 even if /though
21 时事 current affairs 22 对….负责 be responsible for
23 用武装自己 arm oneself with 24 适应 adapt to
25 对…..关心 be concered with /about
26 给某人带来麻烦 cause trouble for
27 在….集中注意力 focus one’s attention on
28 探索生活的奥秘 explore the mysteries in life
29 确信 make sure 30 同意转换角色 agree to switch roles
31 努力做某事 make an effort to do sth
32 有经验的编辑 experienced editors
33 展开故事 develop the story
34 保持报纸的平衡协调 keep the newspaper balanced
35 联系被采访者 contact the people to be interviewed
36 带来,导致,结果是 lead to
37 十分之九 nine out of ten nine in ten nine tenths
38 精心采写的文章 carefully-written articles
39 对作出评论 make comments on
40 勇敢而坚强的活跃人士在公司外与工人进行对话,并就保护地球提出了积极的建议。
Brave and strong , tha activists talked to workers outside the factory and left a positive message about protecting the earth.
Unit Three Art and architecture 知识点回顾
I. Useful words and phrases
1.preference n . prefer v .
prefer +n ./to do sth ./doing sth .
prefer +n ./doingsth .+to(prep .) n ./doing sth .
prefer to do sth . rather than do sth .
2.be made of/be made from/be made out of/be made up of/be made into/be made in/be made by
3.would rather(not) do sth . /would rather do sth . than do sth .
excited(about) (对……)感到兴奋(激动)
used to习惯于
4.get tired累了
caught in困在……,陷进……
5.take examples from模仿
follow (copy)the example of以……为榜样
set an example to为某人树立榜样
take … for example以……为例
for example例如
impress sth . on sb .=impress sb . with sth .使某人牢记某事
be impressed by/at/with被…..所感动
be impressed on one’s mind /memory被印在脑海里
7.fill up with…用……装满
fill up (fill in)填写,装满
fill…with… 用……把……装满
be filled with(=be full of ) 装满……的
be decorated with
9.compare …with…
compare …to…
compared with/to…
don’t/can’t compare with
interest(=very interesting)
value(=very valuable)
help(=very helpful)
10.of great importance(=very important)
use(=very useful)
benefit(=very beneficial)
II. Useful sentences
1. If you were free to design your dream house, what would that house look like?
2. What words and phrases do you think will be used when you talk about art and architecture?
3. Architecture looks at the man-made living environment.
4. When you look around at buildings, streets squares and parks, you will find them designed planned and built in different styles.
5. Modernism was invented in the 1920s by a group of architects who wanted to change society with buildings that went against people’s feeling of beauty.
6. Seen from the top, it looks as if the stadium is covered by a gray net of steel, and it looks just like a bird’s nest made of branches.
7. A nest is to a bird what a house is to a man.
8. These buildings are pulled down after having stood empty without use for many years.
III. Grammar
1. They wanted their buildings constructed in a way to look unnatural.
2. My family heard my article broadcast by the BBC.
3. Don’t leave such an important thing undone.




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