
中学英语教学资源网英语教案高考复习指导 手机版

一. 结构分析
1. 带标点符号的句子
1). 带逗号的句子
a. 非限制性定语从句
例.1. There are two small rooms in the house, ______is served as a kitchen .
A. the smaller of them B. the smaller of which
C. the smaller one D. the small one
2. ______ is well known, _____ Taiwan is part of China .
A. It; that B. It; which C. As; / D. As; that
b. 状语从句
例. --- Is Mrs White in the office ?
--- Yes, _____ she is on duty, she must be there today .
A. since B. until C. if D. while
2). 带分号的句子
例. I went to Beijing last week; ______ I met an old friend of mine .
A. there B. which C. where D. that
3). 带破折号的句子
例. _____ some of this juice--- perhaps you’ll like it .
A. Trying B. Try C. To try D. Having tried
4). 并列句
例. ______ several times, but he still does not know how to do it properly .
A. Being shown B. Having shown
C. Having been shown D. I have shown him
5). 非谓语动词
例. 1. _____, we all went out for a picnic .
A. Being a fine day B. As being a fine day
C. It was a fine day D. It being a fine day
2. 语序
1). 宾语从句
例. ____ can anyone be sure ______ look like in a million years ?
A. What; man will B. What; will man
C. That; man will D. That; will man
2). 定语从句
例. 1. Yu Gong talked of the difficulty he _____ the mountains in front of his house .
A. had removed B. had removing
C. removed D. had to remove

2. In my opinion, it is the best use _____ could be ______ this money .
A. what; made of B. as; make of
C. which; made from D. that; made of
3). 强调句型
例. It was in the lab ____ was taken charge of by Drof. Havries ____ they did the experiment .
A. which; that B. that; which
C. whom; that D. which; where
4). 状语插入固定词组中
例. She looks forward every night to _____ American to study .
A. fly to B. flying to
C. visit D. visiting to
5). 倒装
例. ____ we had been looking forward to .
A. After Kate stands the new teacher
B. Before Rose the new teacher stood
C. Then came the hour
D. When the hour came
6). 主语,表语从句
例. It was said ____ was ____ the Chinese raised silkworms .
A. that that; what B. what that; how
C. that that; how D. that what; that
二. 语境分析
例.1. --- Do you have any letters _____ , sir ?
--- Thank you . I have had them _____ .
A. typed; typed B. typing; typing
C. to type; type D. to be typed; typed
2.--- Do you have many exercises ______ tonight, Tom ?
--- Yes . Our teachers give us lots of exercises every day .
2. 从问答中找信息:
例. 1.--- Didn’t you pass the exam ?
--- _____, or I couldn’t _____ by my parents .
A. No, I did; be scolded B. No, I didn’t; have been scolded
C. Yes, I do; have scolded D. Yes, I did; have been scolded
2.--- Can I have _____ orange, Mum ?
--- Oh. Your sister has had it .
A. another B. an C. one more D. the other
3. 从谓语动词的时态来判断:
例. 1. The students feel happy that the building _____ is for the teachers, though there is much noise .
A. being built B. to be built
C. built D. having been built
2. He must ____ a shower, for I can hear the water ______ .
A. have; run B. be having; run
C. have; running D. be having; running
3. The price _____, but I doubt whether it will remain so .
A. went down B. will go down
C. has gone down D. was going down
4. 从句中的时间状语来判断:
例. 1. The house _____ are for the teachers and construction work will begin soon .
A. built B. to be built C. to build D. being built
2. The teachers have moved into the new houses ______ last term .
A. built B. to be built C. being built D. having been built
3. The houses ______ now near the school are for our teachers .
A. are being built B. being built
C. to be built D. built
根据某些语法规则及对话体, 句中的某些成分是可以省略的。而出题的人往往采用省略。
(一). 状语从句
1. 时间状语从句
例. 1. People shake hands and say “ How do you do ?” when ______ to each other .
A. being introduced B. introducing
C. to introduce D. introduced
2. When _____ some questions about the accident, the manager of the coal mine kept silent .
A. ask B. being asked C. asked D. asking
2. 条件状语从句
例. If _____, the material will give ______ an unpleasant smell .
A. burning; out B. burned; up
C. burning; off D. burned; off
3. 比较状语从句
例. 1. An apple is _____, if not better than , an orange .
A. as well as B. as good as
C. so better as D. so good as
2. Of course they were later than ______; but _____ they were in time to start the game .
A. expected; at all B. expecting; in all
C. we expected; after all D. expected; after all
例. This is the first film ______ I have seen in my life .
A. which B. where C. what D. /
例——Mum, why do you always ask me to drink a glass of milk every day?
-----------______enough protein and nutrition as you______
A . Get, grow up B. Getting, grow up
C. To get, are growing up D. To be getting, are growing up
例1.-----What do you think makes Jane so sad?
--------______ the news that her father died yesterday.
A. Because she heard B. She heard C. Hearing D . Heard
2.We should do all ____ we can ______ the poor children in the western area
A. what .help B. that , to help C. what, to help D. that, help
非谓语动词作状语相当于一个状语从句, 故被看作状语从句的简化
1. 原因
例.With lots of trees and flowers _____ here and there, our school looks very beautiful.
A. having planted B. planted C. having been planted D. to be planted
2. 时间
例.______ the yard ,I found it_____ with lots of ______ leaves.
A. Entering, covering, falling B. Entering, covered, fallen
C. Entering , covering ,fallen D. Having entered, covered, falling
3. 条件
例.___________,it wasn’t a dad holiday.
A. Considering everything B. Considered everything
C . Considering anything D. Considered anything
(一) 逻辑上的主谓关系
例.Without the teacher_______ us, none of us tried our best in the running
A. times B. timing C. timed D. time
例.1. The old scientist often has his light ______ all night long
A. burn B. burned C. burning D. to be burned__
2.The boy lay on the ground, with his eyes_______ straight upward, and his teeth_________
A. looking, setting B. looked ,set C. looking, set D. looked, setting
(二) 逻辑上的动宾关系
例.1.Never_______ faith in himself, the scientist went on with his research
A. losing B. to lose C. lost D. to be lost
2. _______ in thought , Einstein knocked into the tree
A. Lost B. To lose C. Losing D. To be lost
例. _______ great help, I could get rid of all the difficulty and succeeded
A. Offered B. Having offered C. Being supplied D. Having supplied
例.The Yellow river, ______ “the mother river”, runs across like a huge dragon
A. calling B. called C. being called D. to be called
1. 疑问句
例.Is this hotel_____ you said we could stay in your letter?
A. the one B. which C. where D. that
2. Who has the manager_______ the machine?
A. repaired B. have repaired C. had repaired d. to repair
2. 强调句
例.It was with great courage________ the boy told the truth_______
A. which, that B. when, that C. as, that D. that, that
3. 插入成分
例.The scientist has developed a new kind of plant, _____ of great value to farming.
A. which he thinks is B. which he thinks it is
C. which he thinks it D. he thinks which is
4. 被动语态
例.The young man, who was caught______ the lady’s purse in the shop, was taken to the police station.
A. steal B. to steal C. stealing D. stole
例.1. They are talking about the difficulty the kind old man_______ a hope school for the children.
A. has set up B. has to set up C. setting up D. has setting up
2. Hearing the news, he rushed out, ____ the book____ on the table and disappeared.
A. left, lain upon B. leaving, lying upon C. leaving, lie upon D. left, lay opened
例.Salesmen are so smart that customers can’t help_____ to buy something they don’t really need.
A. to be persuaded B. persuading C. being persuade D. be persuaded
例.The old scientist is considered______ the mobile phone.
A. inventing B. to invent C. to have invented D. having invented
例.1. She left a child,______ home as an old woman.
A. and returned B. returning C. to return D. returned
2. It was a matter of _____ would take the position
A. who B. whoever C. whom D. whomever




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