unit7 的重点词组(人教版高三英语上册教案教学设计)

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I. Warming up
1. care for 喜欢,照顾
2. care about 关心,担心
3. safety measure 安全措施
4. fake food product 假冒食品
5. fake milk powder 假冒奶粉
6. an increasing problem 不断增加的问题
7. social conscience 社会良知
II. Reading
1. want/have a day off = ask for a day’s leave 1 请一天假
2. pick a man’s pocket 掏某人口袋
3. leave sb alone别管他
4. do good to sb对某人有好处
5. bring in profit带来利润
6. be in want/need of急需
7. raise money 筹款
8. make a contribution 捐赠,作出贡献
9. afford to do sth供得起
10. be badly off穷困
11. make it short 长话短说,简而言之
12. close up (尤指暂时)关闭,使靠近
Language study
1. love (n. ) for the poor 对穷人的爱
2. have no eye for 没眼力,没眼光,不关心,不注意
3. far from 远离,远远不,完全不
4. comment on 评论
5. of Dickens’ times 狄更斯时代
6. in favour of 支持,赞成
7. in praise of 表扬
8. in honour of 为纪念,为庆祝
9. in the face of 面对
10. in hopes of= in the hope of = in the hope that 怀着。。。的希望
11. in search of 搜寻
12. in memory of 纪念,追念
13. turn the whole room upside down 把整个房间翻了个遍
14. turn down my suggestion拒绝接受我的建议
15. believe in信任某人
16. admit doing sth承认做了某事
17. end up with 以…结尾
18. as follows 如下
Integrating skills:
1. take one’s place 代替某人的位置
2. have an eye for:有眼力;有眼光;对…感兴趣
3. be content to do 满足于做某事
4. of late 最近,近来
5. on the contrary 相反地
6. toast to 为…举杯庆祝



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