初二英语第十六单元The seasons of the year

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A.单词 spring春季, summer夏季,autumn秋季,winter冬季,January一月份,hot热的
B.词组last from卼o ?/FONT>从某时持续到某时,National Day国庆节,at this time of year一年中的这个时候,at a bad/good time of year一年中的坏/好时光/季节,be different from与……不同,The way卻peak某人说话的方式,get warm/long变暖和/长了,get ready for?/FONT>准备好(做)某事,turn green变绿了,the next year来年/第二年,go skating/shopping去滑冰/购物,this year今年,in spring/summer/autumn/winter在春/夏/秋/冬季,in January在一月份,take off脱下
2.句型1)Which part of 卍o you come from ?你来自某个国家/城市的哪个地方?
2)I like卋etter than ?/FONT>比起?/FONT>我更喜欢?/FONT>。3)I like卋est.我最喜欢……/
4)It's best to do ??d better do最好……。 5)need to do需要做……
3.日常用语1)What's the weather like? 天气怎样/如何?2)What happen in spring?春天怎么样?
3)It's very cold/ hot today, isn't it ?今天很冷/很热,是吧?
1)You are a student. aren't you? —Yes, I am. /No , I'm not.
你是个学生,是不是? —是的,我是。/不,我不是。
2)—She can swim, can't she ? —Yes, she can/No, she can't .
—她会游泳,是不是? —是的,她会。/不,她不会。
3)—He lives in the next room, doesn't he ? —Yes, he does. /No, he doesn't .
4)—Peter borrowed a bike from Jack, didn't he ? —Yes, he did ./No, he didn't .
5)—They are talking about the film, aren't they ? —Yes, they are ./No, they aren't .
—他们正在谈论那部电影,是不是? —是的。/不,不是。
6)—There wasn't a football game on TV last night, was there ? —Yes, there was .
/No, there wasn't. —昨晚电视里没有足球赛,是吗?—不,有足球赛。/是的,没有。
7)—Your brother isn't going to fly kites, is he ? —Yes, he is. /No, he isn't .
8)—You don't like watching TV, do you ? —Yes, I do. /No, I don't .
—你不喜欢看电视,是吗? —不,我喜欢。 /是的,我不喜欢。
注:对于第一种结构的反意疑问句的肯定或否定回答与一般疑问句的回答方式一样。如例句1)—5)。对于第二种结构的反意疑问句做回答的时候,则要注意它与中文在表达上的巨大差异。只要事实是肯定的,就用yes,如事实是否定的,就用No。切不可按中文的翻译写成yes卬ot./No卛s .等。如例句6)—8)
注:反意疑问句的陈述句中含有never, few, little, hardly, nothing, nobody等具有否定意义的词,后面疑问部分应用肯定形式。例如:
9)You never saw each other before, did you ?你们以前彼此从未见过面,是吗?
10)There are few apples left on the tree, are there?树上没剩几个苹果了,是吗?
11)He has little food to eat, does he ?他几乎没什么吃的了,是吗?
12)She can hardly drive a car, can she ?她还不太会开车,是吗?
13)There is nothing in that box. Is there?盒子里什么也没有,是吗?
14)Nobody came here today, did they?今天没人来过这儿,是吗?
1)—What's the weather like today ?/How's the weather today?
—It's sunny/ windy/rainy/cloudy/showy/fine, today.
2)It's a lovely day, isn't it ?今天天气不错,是不是?
3)It blowed strongly last night.昨夜刮了一夜的大风。
4)I'm afraid it's going to rain.恐怕要下雨了。
5)What a cold day it is !/How cold the day /it is !天气真冷啊!
6)It looks like rain. 看来要下雨了。
7)There is going to be a big rain tomorrow. 明天将要下大雨。
①How long does the second term usually last ?第二学期一般持续多久?
②In China, winter lasts from November to January.在中国,冬季从十一月延续到一月。
③I wanted to be the first to come but I was the last.
④They went to Qingdao last year and they are going there again next year.
⑤Li Lei spoke first at the meeting and meimei spoke last.
4)短语at last, 表示“终于”、“最后”;相对的短语at first表示“开始”。例如:
⑥At first I wanted to go with them. But I stayed at home at last.
3. be different from与……不同
1)The weather in Beijing is quite different from that in Guangzhou.
2)This coat is quite different from that one in style(款式).
注:与其相反的词组是be the same as与……一样。例如:
3)My idea is different from yours. /My idea is not the same as yours.
4)Lucy and Lily Look the same as each other.露西和莉丽看上去长得一样。
4. Thank you /Thanks for sth/ for doing sth意思是“谢谢你的……”或“谢谢你(做了某事)。”例如:
1)Thank you /Thanks for your help.
2)Thank you /Thanks for coming to my birthday party.谢谢你来参加我的生日聚会。
1)As winter comes near, the days get shorter.随着冬季的来临,白天越来越短。
2)It's getting dark and colder.天色逐渐暗了,天变得更冷了。
3)She got sorry when she heard the news. 当她听到那个消息,她难过了。
4)The trees turn yellow in autumn.秋天,树叶变黄了。
5)With the coming of spring. The trees turn green.随着春天的到来,树变绿了。
1)How are you ? —I'm very well, thank you .—你(身体)好吗?—很好,谢谢!
2)He was ill the day before but today he is better.他前天病了,但今天好些了。
3)Li Lei can speak English very well. 李雷英语讲得很好。
4)Do you know the twin very well? 你对那对双胞胎很熟悉吗?
5)I like winter better than summer because I can go skating at the time.
7.get ready for sth/ to do sth
1)They are getting ready for supper.他们正在准备晚饭。
2)My father is getting ready to leave for Chanchun.我爸爸正准备动身去长春。
注:be ready for表示“准备就绪”、“准备好了”,强调状态。例如:
3)We are ready for the class.我们已经准备好了上课。/我们已经为上课做好了准备。
4)Are you ready to help farmers with the harvest?你们准备好了?/乐于帮助农民收获吗?
( )1)talk A. always B. hard C. warm D. park
( )2)aunt A. answer B. autumn C. because D. August
( )3)ready A. really B. great C. mean D. weather
( )4)enough A. count B. touch C. cloudy D. house
( )5)word A. story B. worse C. sport D. forty
( )6)needed A. wanted B. enjoyed C. helped D. worked
( )1)Her sister cleaned the room this morning ?
A. didn't she B. wasn't she C. did she D. was she
( )2)— the weather like today ? —It's windy.
A. How's B. What does C. How does D. What's
( )3)The weather in Harbin is different from in Hainan.
A. that B. it C. the one D. one
( )4)— is spring in China? —About three month from February to April.
A. How often B. How long C. How far D. How much
( )5)—Can you speak French ? —Yes, but .
A. not many B. only a little C. not much D. only a few
( )6)—Is there anything wrong with your car, Peter? — .
A. Yes. I'm afraid to B. No, I'm afraid not
C. Yes. It is . D. No, it isn't .
( )7)He is getting . He'll be enough to get back tomorrow.
A. well, well B. good, good C. better, well D. well, better
( )8)It's best warm clothes in this cold weather.
A. wear B. to wear C. wears D. for wearing
( )9)The rain lighter when I went out.
A. got B. turned C. began D. came
( )10)He never gets to school late, he ?
A. do B. doesn't C. does D. is
1)—How many are there in a year ? —four.
2)In China, it's very warm in , in summer, cool in and in winter.
3)Are they ready have the meal?
4)Thank you very much helping me so much.
5)Which wonth comes Jane ?—July.
6)It comes autumn and lasts November January in China. It is often very and sometimes it snows. Skating is the best in this season What season is it ? .
7) It comes October. New term begins on the day of this .
It is not very hot or very . What mouth is it ? .
A:Which coat would you like ? B:I'm not sure. A:were, ①
B:I prefer green, but this green is too dark A: ② B:That's too light.
A: ③ B:Yes , that's just right. Let me have a look. A:Here you are.
B:Oh, it's nice and soft, too. ④ A:ninety—fine yuan. B:That's dear.
⑤ A:No, I'm afraid not . B:All right. I'll take it.
A. Is this one better ? B. What about this one ? C. Can it be cheaper?
D. How much is it ? E. Which color do you like ?
What is the sky(天空)
What is the sky ? Where is it ? How high is it ? What lies above it ?These questions are difficult to answer, aren't they ?
Is the sky blue ? The sky has no colour. We know that there is air around the world. When planes fly, they need air to lift their wings(翅膀). Planes can not fly very high because when they go higher, the air gets thinner. If we go up above 1,200 kilometres from the earth, we find there is no air. Perhaps we can answer some of our questions now The sky is space. In this space there is only the sun, the moon and all the stars.
1)What is the sky ?
A. It's space B. It's windy C. It's air D. It's nothing
2)The sky .
A. is blue B. has no colour C. is blue and white D. is black
3)Planes can not fly very high because .
A. the flying machine is not good B. the cloud is too thick
C. the sky is too short D. the air becomes thinner
4)If we go up above 1,200 kilometres from the earth we find .
A. there is some air B. there is less air
C. there is no air D. there is nothing
5)In space there is .
A. only the sun B. nothing
C. only the sun and the moon D. only the sun, the moon and all the stars
Tom: Hello, Jack. Come here. Let's talk about what we are going to do tomorrow.
Jack: Tomorrow is Sunday. I like to play football. There is going to 1 a football match
2 the team from the No. 2 Middle School and the team from our school 3 the playground tomorrow afternoon. I'm going to play with them. You want to go and watch the match,
4 you ?
Tom : I like basketball 5 than football. Many of us can play basketball. We are going to
6 a basketball match in the school stadium(体育馆)tomorrow afternoon.
Jack : So you can't go to watch our match 7 the way, there is going to be a film at seven tomorrow evening in the school cinema. I have tickets here. I can let you 8 one.
Tom : 9 . We'd better 10 early.
Jack : All right. See you later.
1.A.be B. is C. have D. has
2.A.at B. in C. with D. between
3.A.in B. on C. for D. with
4.A.do B. aren't C. haven't D. don't
5.A. much B. better C. more D. very much
6.A. is B. has C. have D. be
7.A. On B. By C. With D. Between
8.A. to have B. having C. has D. have
9.A. What's it B. What great C. That's great D. That great
10.A. to get there B. get there C. get to there D. getting there
1. C A D B B A
2. A D A B B A C B A C
3.1) seasons 2) spring, hot , autumn, cold 3) to 4) for 5) after 6)after, from, to , cold ,sport, winter 7) before, first, month, cold, September
4.①E ②A ③B ④D⑤C
5. A B D C D
6. A D B D B C B D C B




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