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1.in general一般地;大体上
Children in general are fond of candy.小孩子一般喜欢吃糖。
Women in general like to shop for new clothes.女人一般喜欢逛商店买新衣服。
In general he is quite a satisfactory student.
The weather in Florida is warm in general.
2.Forecast n.预测;预报;预言
The weather forecast said it would be fine tomorrow.天气预报说明天会晴朗。
The forecast that they would fail proved true.顶言他们会失败果然是真的。
forecast the weather预报天气
Snow has been forecasted for tomorrow.预测明天会下雪。
The radio forecasts rain for tonight。广播电台预报今晚有雨。
The weatherman has forecasted that汁will be fine tomorrow.
We can hardly forecast what the result will be.我们很难预测结果会变成怎样。
3.energy n.能量;能源;活力;精力
nuclear energy核能
work with energy奋力工作
He is full of energy.他精力充沛。
He is saving his energy for next week's competition.
It took a lot of mental energy to understand his lecture.
He devoted a11 his energies to education. 他尽全力于教育。
4.Ensure vt.保证;担保;保护
常用于ensure sb.sth.,ensure sb.against sth.或ensure
This pill will ensure you a good night's slee.这颗药丸一定会使你晚上睡个好觉。
A job has been ensured(to)her.她获得保证可以得到工作。
His recommendation will ensure me a job.由他推荐,可以保证我找得到工作。
I can't ensure that she will be chosen as May Queen.
We should ensure ourselves against all possible risks.
5.Keep in touch with与……保持联系
He still keeps in touch with his old friends. 他仍和老朋友们保持联系。
They keep in touch with each other by writing regularly
We have kept in touch for twenty years.我们保持联系已达20年之久。
Do keep in touch.务必保持联系。
类似的短语:be in touch with"与……有联系”;get in touch with"与……取得联系”。
Are you still in touch with your parents? 你与你父母仍有联系吗?
1 want to get in touch with the agency.我想与那个代办处取得联系。
6.Remain vi.剩下;(人)留下,逗留
Nothing remained in my room except the old piano.
After the fire nothing remained of the house.大火过后那房子就没剩下什么了。
I didn't remain long in the city.我没在那个城市逗留很长时间。
She begged him to remain at home.她乞求他留在家里。
Link v.保持,仍是;后接形容词、名词、分词、不定式或介词短语等。
This shop remains open till 9 o'clock in the evening。
She remained calm in the face“great danger.在非常危险时,她仍然镇定自若。
John became a judge but Jack remained a fisherman。
The door remained closed.门还关着呢。
She remained standing for an hour.她一直站着,站了一个多小时了。
Whether it will do us harm or good remains to be seen.
The African people remain in great poverty.非洲人仍然很贫穷。
7.cure vt.治愈;治疗
This medicine will cure your headache. 这药能治好你的头痛。
A few days’rest will cure you。 休息几天你的病就会好的。
常构成短语:cure sb.of"治愈某人的……病;改掉某人的……恶习”
The doctor cured him of cancer.医生治愈了他的癌症。
Moving to the country cured her of asthma. 搬到乡下她的哮喘就好了。
He was cured of his habit of drinking.他已改掉喝酒的习惯。
It seems that nobody can cure me of smoking. 似乎没有人能使我戒烟。
His complete cure can't be expected.他完全恢复健康遥不可期。
An effective cure for cancer has not yet been found;
8.In store贮藏着;准备着;就要来到
have/keep/hold…in store贮藏着;准备着
Nobody knows what the future may hold in store. 没有人知道将来会怎么样。
There was a big surprise in store.有一个大惊奇在等着呢。
There was another accident in store for him that day.
The runner kept some energy in store for spurting at the end.
You'd better keep a few pounds in store for a rainy day.
9.on the air在广播中;被广播
The match was on the air last night.那场比赛于昨晚播出。
We'll be on the air in five minutes.我们将在五分钟后开始广播。
He will speak on the air this evening.今晚他将在广播中演说。
比较:in the air"在空中的;在传播中的;未决定的”
Some kites are flying in the air.一些风筝在空中飞扬。
There's a rumor in the air that he is going to resign.谣传他即将辞职。
Their plans are still in the air.他们的计划尚未确定。
10.come true实现;成真;成为事实
His dream came true.他的梦想实现了。
One's dreams do not always come true.人的梦想并不总会实现。
His hope of living to 100 did not come true.他希望活到100岁,但没实现。
He said I should be a lawyer and it has come true.
11. glimpse n.瞥见;一瞥
a glimpse of the morning paper对早报粗略的一看
catch/get/have a glimpse of"瞥见”
I just caught a glimpse of her.我只瞥见了她一下。
I only caught a glimpse of the parcel,so I can't guess what was inside it.
She cast a quick glance at herself in the mirror.她飞快地照了一下镜子。
She caught a sudden glimpse of herself in the mirror.
I glimpsed her in the crowd.我在人群中瞥见了她。
I glimpsed him running through the crowd.我瞥见他跑着穿过人群。
He only glimpsed(at)my new dress and said nothing.
12.deal with
I found her quite hard to deal with.我发现她很难相处。
The man is quite easy to deal with.这人很容易相处。
How do you deal with a drunken husband? 你怎样对待喝醉酒的丈夫?
What's the best way of dealing with naughty children?
There are too many difficulties for us to deal with.有太多的难题要我们去处理。
How shall we deal with this problem? 我们将怎样处理这一问题?
Tom's new book deals with the troubles in Ireland.
This book mainly deals with difficult points in the study of French.
注:deal with常与how连用,而do with则常与what连用。如:
I don't know how to deal with the situation.
I don't know what to do with the situation.




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