Senior3 Unit3 Integrating skills (人教版高三英语上册教案教学设计)

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By: Xi Yuling Class: Class8, Senior III
Date: Sept. 15th Topic: Unit3 Integrating Skills
Teaching aims and demands:
1) To improve the Ss’ ability of reading comprehension.
2) To enable the Ss to know something about Australia.
3) To enable their ability of finding out main ideas and writing.
Teaching aids:
Multi-media computer and a tape recorder
Teaching procedures:
Step 1 Revision.
1. Ask the Ss to translate some useful phrases orally.
1.由……组成 2.被……所环绕
3.座落于…… 4.一颗七个角的星
8.对……有害 9.结果
10.对……有影响 11.忍受
12.把……转变成…… 13.从……中获益
14.强化权力 15.与……不同
2. Ask the Ss to revise some information about Australia by filling the blanks.
1. Australia consists of six____________ and two ______________.
2. It is surrounded by the________ _________ and the ________ ___________.
3. The national flag shows __________________________________.
4._________ and _________ _________ __________first came to the continent.
5. It was formed in _______. 6. ________ is its official language.
7. After the World Wars, Australians benefited from _____________, and people from about _______ countries moved there.
8. Its English is different in ___________ from American English and British English.
9. _______ is its most famous city. 10. Its capital is ________.
Step 2 Fast reading
Allow the Ss a few minutes to read the passage and try to answer some questions.
1. How many kinds animals are mentioned in the text?
2. Which country is the larger one, America or Australia? How do you know?
3. Why is there a long fence across Australia?
4. How about its climate?
5. What do many Australians do at weekends?
Step 3 Careful reading
Ask the Ss to read the passage carefully and try to find out some detailed information.
Animals: __________________________________________________________
Distance: __________________________________________________________
Size: __________________________________________________________
Population: ________________________________________________________
Agriculture: _______________________________________________________
Natural resources: __________________________________________________
Climate: __________________________________________________________
Sports: ___________________________________________________________
Step 4 Post reading
Ask the Ss to listen to the tape and try to answer the five questions in their Best Design.
Step 5 Useful Expressions
Help the Ss find out useful expressions in each Para.
1. 与…有联系 2.产卵,下蛋
3. 用…喂… 4.以…为生
5. 生… 6.极度危险
7. 整个大陆 8.在面积上
9. 面积约相当于美国 10.一个富裕的国家
11. 使 …不入内 12.躲开,置身于…外
13.将…赶拢, 14.取决于 …, 视…而定
15.整年 16.很高兴去做…
Step 6 Writing
Write a short passage about Australia if time permits.
Homework Reading task of Test 3



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