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内容 一、教法建议 【抛砖引玉】 义务教育初中英语教科书第二册吸取了世界上现代的语言教学方法,同时又结合我国国情继承了传统的行之有效的教学方法,具体体现在以下几方面: 〈一〉义务教育初中英语教科书要教会学生如何使用英语,而不是懂点英语知识。 〈二〉教科书非常重视母语为汉语的学习者在学习英语中的特有的困难和问题。 〈三〉遵循英语教学规律,寓思想教育于语言教学之中。英语教学的任务是通过基本训练培养学生为交际运用英语的能力。只有按照英语教学规律的要求编选教材进行教学,才能有效地讲解基础知识进行基本训练和培养听、说、读、写能力。教学内容要渗透思想道德因素,要寓思想教育于语言教学之中,随着学生知识、技能和能力的不断增长,其思想品德也受着潜移默化的熏陶。因此要帮助学生树立正确的思想,培养良好的品德。正确认识世界,增强对英语国家文化的了解。 〈四〉本单元是交际英语的典范。帮助学生找到自己要去的地方,在交际过程中,要注重用英语来表达怎样行走到达目的地即如何用英文表达方向这正是本单元的交际重点。 〈五〉结合本单元交际性强的特点,可以通过图片、电视、幻灯等电教手段创设良好语境,从而帮助学生利用这些教学手段,编制有关问路的对话,可以竞赛的形式出现。以便激发学生的学习积极性。 〈六〉在讲授本单元词汇部分时,应采用多种形式,即词性转变、构词法、近义词。 ②police警察(总称) eg. a policeman一个警察;three policemen三个警察 ③look for,find的区别:前者意思是“寻找”,强调找的动作,不强调动作的结果。find意思是“找到”强调结果,是找到或没有找到。 ④need,must的区别:两者都是情态动词。need本身还有实义动词的功能。need的意思是“需要”而must表示主观上必须要做某事。 ⑤street,road的区别:street指一般城市中的“街道”,“马路”,旁边一般要有房子。road“道路”普遍指乡间的道路,两侧没有房子。一般说法是in the street , on the road。 【指点迷津】 教学活动是师生间的双边活动。在教学过程中,教师的指导作用主要是引导和帮助学生学习英语。要善于根据学生的年龄特征采用科学、有效的教学方法,排除他们在学习上的心理障碍,以调动他们的主动性和积极性。对学生的点滴进步要及时鼓励,使他们树立信心。对学生在口语实践中出现的小错误,不要有错必纠,以免挫伤他们的积极性。 〈本单元语法知识〉:本单元语法知识不多,但实用性强。 〈1〉表示需要: ①He needs some help.在本句中,need是实意动词,后可接宾语。②He need do it like this.在本句中,need是情态动词,后必接动词原形,表示一种意愿。 〈2〉询问方向和指点方向: ①Is there a post office near here ? Where's the nearest hospital , please ? ②Go along this road ③Taking the first turning on the right ④It's next to the hospital . ⑤It's in front of the bus stop . ⑦It's about six kilometres away . 二、学海导航 【学法指要】 为了帮助学生巩固本单元所学知识,精选出以下几道不同类型的题仅供参考: A:We are new here . It's difficult for us 1 different places in the city . We'd better 2 a street map of the city . 题意解析: 1.该句意思是“我们很难找一些不同的地方。”英语表现“找;寻找”等概念时,体现动作或结果的用词是不同的。表示动作用look for;表示结果要用find。 2.We'd better是we had better的简略形式,表示建议或劝告,意思是“最好…”“还是……得好”常用在口语中,后接不带to的动词原形。注意:学习运用该句型应注意以下三点:第一,'d是had的缩写形式,不是would的缩写形式;第二,该句型的否定式要在better后加not,第三,had better后接动词原形。 B. Good idea ! But I can't 3 maps . A. I'm good at it . Let's get one . 题意解析: 3.汉语中“看”字的意思很丰富,如“看小孩”、“看电视”、“看书(报)”等。而译成英语时,却要用不同的词来表达,“看”字的不同含义。“看小孩”英语说look after a child /children;“看电视”,为watch TV,而看书(报)则是read a book ( a newspaper )。因此,学习英语一定要注意其习惯表达。 B:First , Let's find a fruit shop . I want to buy some 4 . A:The map doesn't show us where the fruit shop is . We'd better ask . B:Excuse me . Is there a fruit shop near here ? 题意解析: 4.fruit“水果”通常作集体名词,无复数形式。当fruit作“一种水果”讲时,是可数n. eg. It's a kind of vegetable , not a fruit . C:Yes , there is . It's a long this read on the right , about two hundred metres 5 . B:Thank you very much . C:You are welcome . 题意解析: 5. about two hundred metres away意思是“约200米远”。away在该句中是“距离…多远”。 B. Now , 6 the map . Where's the zoo ? A. Oh , dear . It's far from here . I 7 can walk there .We must 8 . 题意解析: 6. have a look和look都是“看;瞧”的意思。当后面接有宾语时,要加介词at即have a look at … 7.A项和C项和上句句意不相符。B项汉语意思是“我不知道我们能步行去。”言外之意是我们能步行去,其含义和上句“很远”也不相符。C项“我想我们不能步行去”为正确答案。 8.四项中的答案都是“坐公共汽车”的意思。但是前三项答案均为介词。介词短语不能作句子的谓语,在运用中要加动词。 B:What bus do we need ? A:Well , we need 9 . Look ! The bus stop is on the other side 10 road . B:Quick ! The bus is coming . 题意解析: 9.该句的意思是“我们需要坐哪路公共汽车?”嗯,我们需要坐8路公共汽车。 10.on the other side of…属于习惯用语,意思是“在…另一面/边,在…对面。” 1. A. find B. to find C. look for D. to look for 2. A. buy B. to buy C. to get D. to find 3. A. see B. look C. look at D. read 4. A. banana B. pear C. fruit D. fruits 5. A. away B. pear C. near D. along 6. A. have a look B. have a look at C. look D. see 7. A. are sure B. don't know C. think D. don't think 8. A. by bus B. in a bus C. on a bus D. catch a bus 9. A. No.8 the bus B. bus No.8 C. a number 8 bus D. 8 Number bus 10. A. on B. of C. at D. in 【妙文赏析】(思路点拨) 本文是一个发生在师生之间的小故事,对人物的内心刻画生动,是一篇比较适合学生阅读佳作。 “Doing…”the alarm of the clock woke me up . I opened my eyes and looked at the clock . “Oh , my god ! It's seven o'clock ! I'll be late for school again , ” I thought . I jumped out of bed , washed my face , then hurried to school without breakfast . On my way to school , it began to rain hard . When I got to the door of our classroom , I was all wet and shivering with cold . Our English teacher had already begun his lesson . It was Mr.Wu . He was about fifty years old . I was a little afraid of him . I hesitated for a moment before I pushed the door . 'I am very sorry , Mr.Wu . I am late again , ' I said with a red face . I went to my seat with my teacher's jacket . It was a bit big for me but I felt very warm in it . I found , for me but I felt very warm in it . I found , for the first time , English was so interesting and how well I could understand it ! 〈1〉When Xiao Ming got up , it was . A. seven o'clock B. six o'clock C. in the afternoon D. time for class 〈2〉He When he went to school . A. ate his breakfast B. ate some rice C. didn't eat anything D. had a cup of milk 〈3〉He was shivering because A. it was very cold in winter B. it was raining and he was all wet C. he got ill D. he caught a bad cold 〈4〉Mr.Wu was his . A. Chinese teacher B. maths teacher C. old teacher D. English teacher 〈5〉Xiao Ming was a little afraid of his teacher because his teacher . A. was strict with his students B. was often angry at them C. often hit him on the head D. was not good to them 【解析】 本题只要认真阅读答案就在原文中,在做本题时应先读题,然后根据问题去读短文。 【思维体操】 按照语言学习的规律,学生必须吸收相当数量的语言材料和经过一定量的语言实践,才能获得为交际运用英语的能力,因而,从开始就应加强听力训练。教师还应逐步引导学生进行不同内容的阅读训练。加强听读训练,即能增加吸收语言材料的量、扩大知识面,又能加深理解、巩固所学语言知识、提高听、说、读、写能力,启发兴趣和发展思维能力。 1. What animal is the biggest in the land ? A. A panda B. A tiger C. An elephant D. A monkey 【提示】 本题需考生要有一定的地理、生物方面的常识。 2. Joan is fourteen . Kate is fourteen , too . Joan is old Kate . 【提示】 本题要培养学生联句及同意句转换的能力,明确as…as的用法。 3. John is the tallest in his class . John is any in his class . 【提示】 本题是比较级与最高级转换典型题,应注意than后的any other student . 三、智能显示 【心中有数】 在英语教学中,要教给学生语言、词汇和语法的基础知识,加强基本训练,使学生掌握英语的基本结构。获得听、说、读、写基本技能和能力。英语教学要着重培养学生综合运用语言、词汇、语法进行听、说、读、写的交际能力。因此,在训练的过程中,不要过多地做语言形式的练习,要使语言形式与语言意义相联系。要使语言形式与学生的生活实际相联系,从而使言语技能发展成运用语言形式与学生的生活实际相联系,从而使言语技能发展成运用语言进行交际的能力。为此,要结合学生的实际编写有助于开展交际活动的材料。我们教师应做到心中有数,要设法结合学生生活实际创造交际活动情景,以增强学生学习的兴趣,使他们能积极参与言语实践活动。 〈1〉怎样问路与指路 ①Excuse me . is the nearest bus stop , please ? ②Could you please me to get to the railway station ? ③Go down this street , then right the second crossing . 【动脑动手】 1.“What's the most important thing in the world ? , because it is first in everything and everybody . A. The letter E B. The letter V C. It's man D. I don't know 【提示】 本题是一道智力题,但只要同日常生活相连,就不难做出回答。 2. She prepares food in the kitchen for the students everyday . She has to go shopping in the mornring . She is a . A. farmer B. soldier C. doctor D. cook 【提示】 本题是一道生活常识与语言知识相结合的一道综合题。 3. Is twenty divided by four more than twenty divided by five ? A. Yes , Five is more than four . B. No , four is more than five . C. No , It's just the same . D. No , I don't think so . 【分析】 本题是一道融知识性与趣味性于一体的综合题。既要懂得be divided by的用法,同时还要进行数字的比较及计算。 【创新园地】 (一)书面表达 It took Tom many months to save up seven pounds . He wanted to buy a new model plane and meat to the shop with the money . On the way , John saw a little boy crying on a corner of the street .“Why are you crying ?”John asked . “These big boys took away four pounds just now ,”the boy said .“I was on my way to buy some exercise-books , but I can't .” John thought of the seven pounds in his pocket . He thought of the model plane and the poor boy . John fet happy . Do you know why ? He was happy because the little boy was happy . 【分析】 本篇文章既通俗易懂,又不乏趣味,但要有次序阅读,其体材为记叙文。 (二)交际配伍 ( )1.Who's on duty ? A. I am ( )2.What day was yesterday ? B. You're welcome ( )3.What's the time ? C. Nothing much ( )4.Thank you for lending me stamps D. It was Tuesday ( )5.What are you going to do tomorrow ? E. Certainly ! What is it ? ( )6.May I ask you a questions ? F. It's seven thirty . (三)补全对话 A:Look at these people 1 the boats ! B:Yes! They're having a time . A:Do English people like ? B:Yes , many people like it . And 4 are very good 5 it . A:Look! What 6 that boat look like ? B:It 7 like a chicken . But I 8 think chickens can swim ! A:No , it's a 9 , not a chicken . Oh , we are near to the 10 . Do you wait to go there and see the animals ? B:Yes , I'd love to . Let's go . 答案 二、学海导航 【学法指要】 1.B 2.A 3.D 4.C 5.A 6.B 7.D 8.D 9.C 10.D 【妙文赏析】 1.A 2.C 3.B 4.D 5.A 【思维体操】 1.C 2.as…as 3.taller then other student 三、智能显示 【心中有数】 1.Where 2.tell , the way 3.turn , at 【动手动脑】 1.A 2.D 3.A 【创新园地】 (二)交际配伍 1.A 2.D 3.F 4.B 5.C 6.E (三)补全对话 1.in 2.good 3. boating 4.they 5.at 6.does 7.looks 8.don't 9.duck 10.zoo |
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