新课标初一 unit3 period4(新课标版七年级英语上册教案教学设计)

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(The 4th period Section B 3a—4b)
Teaching aims(教学目标):
Language points (语言点):
1. 要求熟练运用以下句式: This/That is……
These are …
Yes, she/he is. No, he/she isn’t.
2. 要求掌握以下句式: Thanks for…
3. 要求掌握以下词汇: thanks for, dear, great, photo, here
4. 要求掌握简单的书信格式
Difficulties (难点):
Teaching steps (教学步骤):
1. Warming up and revision (课堂热身和复习)
(1) Daily greetings to the students ( 日常问候)
T: Good morning/afternoon.. Glad to meet you.
S: Glad to meet you, too.
T: How are you today?1
S: I’m fine/OK/very good, thank you .And you?
T: I am great. How is your mother/father/grandmother/…?1.
S: She/He is fine/OK/very good/great.2
T: Thanks for your answer.2.
(2) Revision (复习)
T: Please show me the photo of your family.3
(Let me look at the photo of your family. May I have a look at your family photo?)
Is this/that your father /mother/…?4
S: Yes, she/he is. No, she/he isn’t.
T: Great! Thanks for your answer.5
2. Presentation (呈现新知识)
T: I have seen your family photos. Do you want to see my family photo?
Here is my family photo.6
This is my husband, Mr. Zhang. This is my daughter, Weiwei. These are my parents.
3. Work on 3a
T: This is a letter from Emma to Mary. Let’s read the letter together. 7
Draw a picture of Emma’s family .Let’s see who is winner?
4. Work on 3b
T: Just now, we drew a picture of Emma’s family.
Now, here is a photo of Mary’s family. Who is Mary? 8
S: Emma’s friend.
T: Yes, Mary is Emma’s friend. Please Look at the photo and write about the people in the picture.9
T: Please read your article to your partners.10
5. Work on 4a
T: Now please write a letter to Emma to introduce your family photo. 11
6.Work on 4b
Divide all the students into 4 groups. Each group put their photos and letters on the board. (They must put the letters and photos in different places) Ask other groups to match the letters and the photos.12
7. Follow up
T: Now it’s your turn to give a report. Introduce your favorite teacher/friend/sports player/ film star/… to us.
Hello, everyone. Now it’s my turn to report. This is my …13
8. Homework
1)Oral work:
a) Read and recite 3a.
b) Read and recite the new words in Unit 3.
2)Written work:
Write a letter to your English teacher to introduce your favorite person.(You must put the person’s photo on the letter.)
1. 这两个问题是为了复习本单元的词汇mother, father, sister, brother, grandmother,
Uncle, aunt, cousin, parent.
2.建议让多个学生作答,鼓励他们用不同的形容词.若回答雷同,T可在S反问And you?时,可以给出不同回答,在合适的情景下带出将要学习的词汇great,并引出Thanks for…这个句式.板书新单词和句式.
3. 课前要求学生准备好自己家庭成员的照片.此句是为了引出本课的重要词汇photo, 板书该词.
4. 通过对照片的谈论复习本课的句式Is this/that…?
5. 此句再次巩固刚学的单词thanks for… great
6. 引出新词here,并板书.
7. 此处教师可用中文简单介绍书信的格式.
8. 此问是为了检查学生是否理解前面的信的内容.同时使前后两个任务有了联系.
9. 因为照片中没有注名,所以这个任务是开放式的,学生可以自由发挥.
11.这个任务可以让学生模仿3a部分完成. 当学生完成后, 选择程度较差的学生的信进行讲评,由学生自己找错,订正.然后再选择优秀作品进行展示,帮助学生学会评价,欣赏.



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