教学设计Unit 3 What are you doing for vacation(新目标版八年级英语上册教案教学设计)

中学英语教学资源网英语教案教学设计 手机版

教材分析 (教学要求)
重点1 节日知多少
任务I 陈美交了一个美国的笔友( pen pal )。他们在第一封通信中互相介绍了彼此国家的节日。你能帮他们将节日的单子补充完整。
Spring Festival 新年 Lanterns’ Day 元宵节May Day 中秋节 National Day
*The United States
Thanksgiving Day, Christmas Day, New Year’s Eve, Easter ,Valentine’s Day, National Day
重点2 如何度假
1. 1. “想去吗?”的问题
eg. --Do you want to take a vacation? -- Yes, I do.
eg. – Where are you going? -- I’m going to Hawaii.
3. “什么时候去?”的问题
eg. --When are you going? -- I’m going on Friday.
eg. --Who are you going with? --I’m going with my parents.
eg. --How are you going? --I’m going there by airplane.
eg.--What are you doing there? -- I’m visiting my grandmother.
7. “去那儿呆多久?“的问题
eg. –How long are you staying? -- I’m just staying for a week.
任务I. 你是学生会 ( student union )的组织委员。这个国庆节,学生会将准备组织全体初二的学生度假。请先列出几个参考的度假地点,让同学们投票挑选。
_______Japan__________ _____________________ ____________________
______________________ _____________________ ____________________
______________________ _____________________ ____________________
任务II. 关于这项活动的具体安排,比如出行方式、旅行活动等,组织部正在网上征求大家意见。请踊跃参加吧
1. 出行方式及理由 transportation*reason
2. 旅行活动设计Activities
任务III. My Ideal Vacation Plans!
任务IV. 量身定造
根据同学们网上的投票,学生会组织的国庆旅行计划基本定下来了,时间为October 1st ~ October 5th , 地点是 Hawaii。并找了一家旅行社 ( traveling agency ),商榷出行事宜。下面是旅行社为你们量身定造的计划书 ( schedules for tourists )。请帮忙填写完整。
Time*Transportations & Activities
October 1st *You are going to Hawaii _____________1_____________.
You are going to the hotel ____________2____________.
You are going to ______3______ videos and stay ________4________ at night.
October 2nd *In the morning, you are going to _________5__________ with the students from
Lauriston School.
In the afternoon, you are ______6_______ their school.
October 3rd*In the morning, you are going ___________7____________.
In the afternoon, you are ______8_______the museum.
October 4th*In the morning, you are ________9_______ your friends.
In the afternoon, you are _________10_________.
October 5th*In the morning, you are going __________11_________.
In the afternoon, you are going to ________12__________.
任务V. 跟朋友辞行
在从学校回家的路上,你碰到了你的朋友Tony。他 知道你们学校要组织你们旅行的事情。请帮助完成下列对话。
Tony: _________1_________?
You: Fine. Thanks. ___________2___________?
Tony: I’m fine too. The National Day is coming. ____________3____________?
You: I’m going to Hawaii.
Tony:___________4____________. _______________5__________________?
You: Well, I’m going to there together with my classmates in National Day.
Tony: Really? __________________6__________________?
You: I’m swimming there.
Tony: That sounds relaxing. _____________7___________?
You: ___________8____________. I don’t like going away for too long.
Tony: Well, have a good time. _____________9___________ when you get back.
You: No problem. I will be a new man when I return to Beijing. See you then.
Tony: ___________10____________.
China:Spring Festival 春节New Year’s Day 新年Lanterns’ Day 元宵节May Day 劳动节Mid-autumn Festival 中秋节 National Day 国庆节
*The United States:Thanksgiving Day 感恩节Christmas Day 圣诞节New Year’s Eve 新年Easter 复活节Valentine’s Day 情人节National Day 国庆节
Shanghai, Qinghuangdao, Hainan, Australia, New Zealand, England, Singapore, Canada, South Korea
by plain*Because it’s very quickly.
by train*Because it’s very interesting.
by school bus*Because you can talk with your classmates all the time.
go bike riding*Because it’s relaxing.
on foot*Because it’s good for my health.
1 going swimming 2 going hiking 3 going shopping 4 renting the videos 5 going camping
I’m going to take a vacation to Hawaii this National Day. I’m going to stay there for almost a week. I’m going there with my classmates. I’m going there by plane, because it’s too far. I will enjoy myself there. ( 玩得尽兴 )
1.by plane, 2. by taxi 3. rent 4. in your room / at the hotel5. have a welcome party 6. visiting 7. to the beach8. visiting 9. visiting / meeting 10. swimming11. shopping 12. get back




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