Unit 2 Crossing limits短语归纳(人教版高三英语上册教案教学设计)

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Warming up
1.take possession of 占领,占有
in possession of 某人占有,拥有
in the possession of
2. in the name of sb/sth
3.masses of 大量的
a mass of sand/snow 一堆/团/块
4. be rich/poor in 富含/缺乏
5.do research on 进行调查
6. a state key project
7. dig up 挖掘
8. risk one’s life/health to do sth
10.be equipped with
1.sea routes 海路
2. form the foundation for mankind’s greatest endeavour 形成人们努力(探索世界)的基础
3.inspire sb to do鼓舞某人做某事
4.*the Western Ocean 西洋
5. have contacts with
6.It is well known that …众所周知
7.*the Silk Road 丝绸之路
8.in exchange for 与……交换
9.a central position 中心位置
10.a Chinese ambassador
11.*the East Roman Empire
12.develop into the world’s trading centre 发展成为世界贸易中心
13.lead to 促进,导致
14.be taken prisoner被抓
15.reach out 拓展,伸出
16.cultural relics文化遗迹
17.date from追溯到(没有被动语态)
18.a small bronze statue of a lion 一个小青铜狮雕像
19.the awareness of each other’s existence意识到彼此的存在
20.The time was ripe for a grand meeting. 正式往来的时机成熟了。
21.reach the height of power到达了繁盛时期
22.China prospered under a new dynasty. 中国的新朝代开始繁荣了。
23.treasure fleets 商船队
24.*sail westwards on voyages of exploration下西洋从事探险
25.under the command of …在……的领导之下
26.set sail (to / from / for) 起航
27.renew relations重新确立关系
28.send sb. a royal present送某人贵重礼物
29.send a message to sb. 送信
30.open embassies设立使馆
31.in return作为回报
32.a symbolic meaning 象征意义
33.The exchange for goods had a symbolic meaning far more important than the value of the goods themselves货物交流的象征意义比货物本身的价值要重要的多。
34.base A on B A以B为基础
Language Study
1. a large sum of money一大笔钱
2.*Three Gorges Dam 三峡大坝
3. bring up
4.*the most important Central Asian trade route 最重要的中亚贸易路线
5.with a population of 有。。。人口
(提问用What’s the population of….?)
Integrating skills
1.reach the North and South Poles到达南北极
2 the origins of the world’s major rivers世界上主要河流的源头
3.at such high altitudes 在如此高的海拔高度
4.be not without risk 不无风险
5.apart from除……之外
6.thin air稀薄的空气
7.cause mountain sickness引发高原反应
8.be unable to do 没有能力做某事
9.adjust to these extreme conditions适应极端的环境
10.a couple of days 几天
11.at such a great height 在这么高的地方
12act as guides充当向导
13.honesty and dedication诚实和奉献精神
14.make them ideal companions使他们成为理想的伴侣
15.rely on依靠
16.be up against面对,对抗
17.laugh at嘲笑
18.refer to sth/sb as
19.run out用尽
20.make technological advances in…作出技术的进步
21.make it做成功,达成
make it to +地点 到达某地
22.succeed in doing成功作某事
23.*in attempts to climb the mountain over different slopes尝试从不同的山坡登山
24.in one’s attempt to do 尝试做某事
25.take photos照相
26.a portrait of Chairman Mao Zedong毛主席头像
27.on one’s return返回
28.be praised as national heroes被誉为民族英雄



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