外研新标准book1 module 2 period 6 教案(外研版高一英语必修二教案教学设计)

中学英语教学资源网英语教案教学设计 手机版

Period 6
Teaching Contents: Task + Module File + (WbP: 75 Reading)
Teaching aims:
1.review the whole module
2.finish the task
3.finish the reading on page75
Important Points:
2.adjectives describing people
Teaching Process:
I. Introduction: (prepare for the task)
1.In our text “my new teachers” ,we have learned something about three teachers. Do you still remember them?
Which teacher do you like best? Tell me your reason.
(students may have different answers) eg:
I like Mrs Chen because her teaching is so well organized and clear.
So “ organized and clear” is called a criterion for a teacher.
Do you have more critera(plural form) ? ( sts can understand this word)
( the teacher can collect their answers ) eg:
A good teacher should be patientintelligent kind…..,and so on.( write these critera on the Bb)
2.Choose 3—5 critera for the students to write.( I think it’s not necessary to write 10 critera) . Allow them a few minutes.
3.Then choose two students’ passages and make comments before the whole class.( 可以用实物投影现场点评)
II. WB P75 Reading
1.Leading in: Now as we know,more and more foreign teachers are working in China . What are their life like? Lets read the passage written by Tom Wood on page 75.
2.Before reading: See the 4 questions above
3.Students read it once ,then check the answers to the 4 questions above.
4.Students read again and do the “True or False” on page76
5.If time permits,explain some words or sentences in the passage.
III. Module File:
1.Leading in : Now we have nearly finished module
2.What have we learned ? I think we’d better review the whole module,ok? As we know,if we want to learn English well ,we should often do some revision. Have you got that? Excellent. Now lets look at the Module File on page 20)
3. Allow the students a few minutes to read the module file.
4.Then have a competition like this: Students close their books. The teacher divide them into groups. Then answer the questions by catching chances.
Part one: (words): do translation (English to Chinese and Chinese to English.1 score for each word)
Part two (Function and Everyday English): Ask them to make some sentences using them. Eg:
Teacher: I told you to read the module file, have you got that?
( review others with them,1 score for each one.)
(At the end of the competition, compare the scores of each group and find the winners to reward)
5.Review the grammar rules:
(1).Verbs often used with –ing forms:
admitavoiddelaydislikeenjoyfinishimaginekeepmindpractisesuggestgive uplook forward toe used to e good atcan’t help
(2).often used with “to do”:
6.Can be used with both “-ing” form and “to do”:
rememberforgetegret rystopgo onmean
(Study the following sentences and try to find the differences)
I remember posting the letter for you.
Please remember to post the letter for me.
I regret not having accepted the invitation.
I regret to tell you that you are not chosen.
He tried to speak English to us.
He tried speaking English to us.
You can’t start your car?Try filling the tank with hot water.
This means setting out at once.
He really meant to come.
1.Review the grammar: verbs used with –ing forms
2.Prepare for the new module. ( preview the new words in module
3.Multiple choices (do it after class, print and hand out the papers to the students )
1. ______ to hospital in time, the wounded soldiers were saved at last.
A. Taken B. Taking C. having taken D. To take
2. –How did you get to the airport?
--I got Charlie ______ me there.
A. drove B. drive C. driving D. to drive
3. I’ve got a terrible headache. I tried ______ some medicine but it didn’t help.
A. to take B. having taken C. taking D. to have taken
4. –Why did you sell this old TV at such a low price?
--I did it only because I was made ______ it.
A. do B. to do c. doing D. to doing
5. –What did Vicky think of your decision?
--She ______ to believe that I meant it.
A. found that impossible B. found impossible C. found which impossible D. found it impossible
6. –Would you join us tonight?
--I ______ but I have to prepare for tomorrow’s test.
A. would love to B. would love so C. would love it D. would love
7. The road ______ the two villages is very narrow.
A. joining B. joined C. to join D. to be joining
8. He now regrets ______ harder when he was at school.
A. not study B. not studied c. not studying D. not to study
9. It’s a pity we didn’t visit Tom. I would like ______ him again.
A. seeing B. to see C. see D. saw
10. They now have a good government, ______ by all the people.
A. having supported B. supporting C. supported D. to be supported
11. He let me repeat his instruction ______ sure that I understood what was ______ after he went away.
A. to make, to do B. making, doing c. to make, to be done D. making, to do
12. Once your business becomes international, ______ constantly will be part of your life.
A. you fly B. flying C. your flight D. flight
13. She can’t help ______ the house because she’s busy making a cake.
A. to clean B. cleaning C. cleaned D. being cleaned
14. –What do you think made Mary so upset?
--______ her new bicycle.
A. As she lost B. Lost C. Losing D. Because of losing
15. ______ book of this writer is East and West.
A. known to be the best B. It was the best known C. Known as the best D. The best known
16. On his way home he suddenly heard his name ______.
A. calling B. called C. to call D. call
17. He didn’t keep on asking me the time any longer as he had his watch ______.
A. to repair B. repaired C. repairing D. repair
18. The writer was made ______ to the guest.
A. apologize B. apologizing C. to apologize D. to be apologizing
19. As soon as she entered the room, the girl caught sight of the flowers ______ by her mother.
A. buying B. being bought c. were bought D. bought
20. Who is the man ______ now?
A. operating on B. operated on C. being operated on D. to be operated on
21. He hung up the phone, ______, with a smile on his face.
A. having satisfied B. to be satisfied C. satisfying D. satisfied
22. She looks forward every spring to ______ the flower-line garden.
A. visit B. paying a visit C. walk in D. walking in
23. The little girl has a habit of having her hands ______ before meals.
A. wash B. washed C. washing D. to be washed
24. The little time we have together we try ______ wisely.
A. spending it B. to spend it c. to spend D. spending that
25. Seeing the sun ______ above the surface of the sea, we let out a shout of joy.
A. to rise B. to raise C. rising d. raising

点评:本课堂教学的安排突显复习课的特点,不仅对本模块所学知识做了比较系统的复习,而且根据本模块中出现的较难语法现象,自编练习题目,使学生及时地感知所碰到过的语法现象,得以不断积累。如果第二部分的阅读训练安排成快速阅读活动,并设计更多的考察信息提取能力的练习题,则可将此顺势转到本模块的Task活动,把文章的部分内容做成范本,写成小短文。另外,可以安排学生自学Module File,培养其总结复习的学习能力。




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