
中学英语教学资源网英语教案教学设计 手机版


模块(1)Unit 1
1. 重点单词:add point upset ignore calm concern loose cheat reason list
share feeling German series outdoors crazy nature purpose dare thunder entirely power trust indoors suffer teenager advice questionnaire quiz situation editor communicate habit
2. 重点词组: add up calm down have got to be concerned about walk the dog
go through hide away set down a series of on purpose in order to
face to face according to get along with
3. 交际英语:1)----Tomorrow the boss will agree to the project.
----I think so(I don’t think so)
2) ---Will you go picnic with us?
---I’m afraid not.
4. 重点语法: 直接引语----间接引语
模块(1)Unit 2
1. 重点单词:include international native elevator flat apartment rubber petrol gas modern
culture AD actually present rule vocabulary usage identity government Singapore
Malaysia Spanish eastern southeastern recognize northwestern accent lightning
Direction ma’am subway block
2. 重点词组: play a role in because of come up such as play a part in
3. 交际英语: ----Hi, the subway will begin on the 28th of December and let’s take it.
-----Sorry, I can’t follow you. (Could you speak it again?/ I beg your parden?)
4. 重点语法: 祈使句---间接引语
模块(1) Unit 3
1.重点单词:journal fare transport Vietnam finally cycle persuade stubborn insist
proper properly determine determined altitude valley attitude shorts camp record topic familiar brave
2.重点词组:change one’s mind give in be familiar with sth.
3.交际英语1)------Have a good day!
----- The same to you/ you, too
2)-----Have a good journey!
-----Thank you.
3)------Merry Christmas to you!
-----The same to you.
4) -----Happy birthday to you!
-----Thank you.
5)-----Enjoy yourself!
----Thank you.
4.重点语法: 现在进行表将来
1) ------Where will you go?
-----I ________Paris tomorrow.
A. am leaving for B. am going to leave for.
2) He ______(is coming, is going to come) soon.
3) They_____( is going/ is going to go)to the zoo this afternoon.
模块(1)Unit 4
1. 重点单词:shake well(n.) rise smelly pond pipe burst canal steam dirt ruin
injure destroy brick dam useless steel shock rescue electricity disaster army organize bury coal mine shelter fresh percent speech judge honor prepare Europe
2.重点词组: right away at an end dig out a number of give out thousands of
4.重点语法: 定语从句 that which who whose
1) This is the survivors ______home has been destroyed (whose)
2) The people_____ died in Tailand reached about 22,000. (who)
3) He stayed in Shanghai, ______is very far from here. (which)
4) The persons and things happened in my old school made me very impressive (that)
模块(1)Unit 5
1.重点单词:hero quality willing active republic principle fight peaceful prison
prisoner period law advise continue fee gold youth league stage
vote position accept violence equal blanket degree guard educated
terror fear cruelty reward right(n) criminal leader president sincerely
2.重点词组: lose heart in trouble worry about out of work Youth League blow up
as a matter of fact put…in prison come to power set up be sentenced to
3.交际英语:1)----What do you think of the film last night?
-----I think it’s interesting
2)-----What about having a rest here?
-----Good idea!
3) -----What’s your opinion about taking a train?
-----In my opinion, taking a bus is cheaper.
4.重点语法: 定语从句(where, when, why, 介词+which, 介词+whom)
1) This is the park _____I had a good time
2) I was born in 1988 ______my father ran a big company
3) The reason ____he didn’t come was that he was ill
4) The room, ____he lived, is very comfortable.
5) The poem ______ ______we talked is very instructive.
6) The people ______ ______we went to visit the Great Wall are from Japan.
模块(2)Unit 1
1.单词:cultural survive remain state rare dynasty vase belong gift ton stone heat design fancy style jewel king reception light mirror wonder(n) remove furniture secretly wooden doubt apart trial consider opinion evidence prove pretend maid castle sailor treasure besides.
2.重点词组:look into belong to in search of in return at war take apart think highly of
do with serve as get sth. done there is no doubt that be of the style/size/height
be careful with tell the truth
3.交际英语:1)----Are you sure you will come tonight?
-----Why not?
2)--- I don’t believe that he will agree with me, because he is angry with me.
----It is a fact(that can’t be true).
4.重点语法: 定语从句
1) I have no problems _____(that/where) will be solved by you.
2) I got a nice present, _______(which/ that) was given by my uncle.
3) Do you have anything _____(that/which) you don’t understand?
4) All______(that/which) you said is obviously wrong.
5) The persons and things ______(that/which) I remembered are very clear.
6) The reason____(that/why)I am late is that I got up very late this morning.
7) The park ____(that/where) I played last week is very fantastic
8) The park ____(that/which) I visited last week is very nice.
9) The room_____(that/where) he lives is very wonderful.
10) He bought the same book_____(why/as) I bought last year.
11) ____(That/ As) we know, he is very funny.
12) ____(That/As) is very clear, we should be honest to others.
5. 短语翻译:
1)文化遗产 2)调查;向…里面看
3)属于 4) 迷路、丢失
5)处理、利用 6)寻找
7)艺术品 8)作为报答
9)充当、用作 10)接待室
11)添加……到 12)世界奇迹
13)和….处于交战状态 14)少于
15)关心 16)对…小心
17)看中,器重 18)说实话
19)不只一个 20)以便于
模块(2)Unit 2
1.单词: honest ancient compete competitor medal host Greece Greek magical interview athlete admit set(n) slave stadium gymnasium replace prize sliver physical root relate sail poster advertise foolish promise golden
2.重点词组: take part in a set of as well as one after another used to join in
every four years play a role as well as for the honor of what about doing
be married to hear of change one’s mind pick up at first one after another
become good at carry out be active in get turns in in this way
3.交际英语:1) ----What are your hobbies?
-----Playing basketball, tennis and so on.
2) -----I think he is very smart.
----There is no doubt that he can work out this math problem.
3)----Do you think that he will go to the party?
-----I am not sure whether he will have time or not.
4.重点语法: 将来时被动
1) ---When will the film begin?
---The film will be shown in half an hour.
2) --- What will happen in 2006 in Italy?
----- The 2006 Winter Olympics will be held in Du Lin .
3) A new stadium _________(set up) at the end of this month.
A new road _____(rebuild) next month.
The trees ______(plant) next week.
The house ______(repair) this afternoon.
A big party _____(hold) this evening.
His new works of art ____(publish) tomorrow.
1)奥运会 2)冬运会 3)夏运会
4)参加、参与 5)金牌 6)银牌
7)铜牌 8)获得第一名 9)过去常常
10)每四年 11)一套 12)为了….荣誉
13)扮演角色 14)也,又 15)事实上
16)为了 17)在旅途上 18)弄懂关于
19)当今 20)参加(活动) 21)与…结婚
22)改变主意 23)一个接一个地 24)起初
25)完成、贯彻 26)检起 27)爱神
28)擅长 29)听说 30)在…积极/活跃
模块(2)Unit 3
1.单词: calculate calculator PC notebook common analytical simple simple-minded technology technological revolution universal mathematical artificial intelligence anyway totally network truly race birth IT advantage type disagree choice material personally create coach move arise brain mop wander
2.重点词组:have …..in common in one’s opinion go by so…that deal with
human race share with connect…to communicate with close to
in a way make up after all with the help of watch over make one’s decision
bring… into begin as quicker and quicker get together in a way
allow sb. to do after all watch over take turns to do sth. join….to
in my opinion
3.交际英语:1)----What do you think of this novel?
----In my opinion, it is very interesting.
2) ----I believe you can go abroad to study.
----I’ve decided that I will leave for France next month.
3) ---The advantage of playing computer is to make us learn more about the world.
---Why do you think so?/ What’s your reason?
4.重点语法: 现在完成时的被动语态
1)---What is Shenzhen like?
---It has been changed to a modern and international city.
2) ----How is the subway of Shenzhen going on i?
----It has been completed.
13) The composition _______(already prepare).
The fish _______(already eat) by the mouse.
The car ______(already pull) by the traffic police.
The dog_____(train) as a smart police dog.
The cup ______(empty) by the waitress.
1)听起来简单 2)技术革命 3) 人工智能 4)作为…开始
5)解决问题 6)一个头脑简单的人 7)数学问题 8)被完全改变了
9)与..信息共享 10)为人类服务 11)处理 12)老百姓
13)常识 14)在我看来 15)公共舆论 16)分析法
17)与…共居一室 18)与….有关 19)(从….旁)走过 20)使生效
21)作出决定 22)聚集 23)毕竟 24)在…帮助下
25)弥补,编造,化妆 26)依照某人的观点
27)私人信件 28)看守,监视 29)玩得愉快 30)一年一次
31)允许某人做某事 32)建筑材料 33)事实上
34)创建一幢新楼 35)在某种程度上
模块(2)Unit 4
1.单词:wild wildlife protection enemy loss reserve area hunt zone peace fur stomach apply suggest thick rub mosquito insect contain powerful drug affect attention whale bite effect butterfly dust recently fierce unlike lazy shame
2. 重点词组: as a result die out in peace in danger protect …from pay attention to
come into being feel like doing intend to do mean to do would rather not do
tens of millions of years not long ago in the same way long before
would rather not do
3. 交际英语:1)----Would you like to have dinner with me?
---Sorry, I feel like going to the film.
2)----Would you like to go outing with me?
-----Yes, I’d like to
3) ----What do you prefer to see a film or watch TV?
-----I would rather not see a film.
4) -----Where do you mean to do in the holidays?
-----I mean to go home.
5) ----Can I give you a hand to carry your baggage?
-----It is very kind of you, but I can do myself
6) ----I am so sorry that I broke your cup.
----Never mind.
4.重点语法: 现在进行时被动
1)---How many kinds of animals are there in this hill?
----Now so many, Because many animals are being hunted by the farmers.
2) ----How is the environment in Shenzhen?
----It is very nice, but it is being destroyed now.
3)-----Don’t enter the room. The door is being painted and it is not dry.
4). The room ____(clean) now.
Now the new film ______(show) in the cinema.
The baby ______(bite) by the dog now. Please go and help her.
Look! He is _____(rob)of by the thief.
Be careful! The road ______(rebuild) there now.
Look! The play ______________(perform)
Look! The big stone _____(remove).
Be careful! The soup ______(heat) on the stove.
1)结果是 2)死光、灭绝 3)濒危物种 4)处于险境
5)注意,留心 6)穿衣、着装 7)飞离 8)照相
9)过去常常干某事 10)保护动物 11)飞行椅 12)三年以后
13)旅游公司 14)醒来 15)一头激动的大象
16)居住在地球上 17)成千上万年 18)形成,产生 19)许多不同的物体
20)从地球上消失 21)与某人交朋友 22)传递 23)从岛上逃脱
模块(2)Unit 5
1.单词:roll rock ‘n’ roll folk jazz musician clap form(v) passer-by earn extra loosely advertisement actor attractive fan instrument hit(n) sort frog afterwards perform stick(v) ability saying reputation unknown favorite
2.重点词组: dream of be honest with play jokes on or so break up by chance sort out
stick to above all enjoy doing sth prefer to do prefer doing to doing
be fond of doing as well as be confident of/about sth as if
3.交际英语:1)-----What about having a picnic?
----That’s a good idea.
2)----Should we spend our weekend by the sea?
----I think we should spend it in the warmer area.
3)---What if we learn English in night school?
----OK, let’s go next week.
4)----Why do you prefer having coffee to tea?
------I like it because it can make me very spiritual
5)-----What is your favorite sport?
-----I enjoy listening to pop music.
4.重点语法: 介词+定语从句
1) He is the man_____ _____I went to the cinema.
2) That is the man ____ ______I talked last night.
3) This is the film ____ _____ I am interested
4) In our class there are 56 students, 80 percent _____ ____ are from the north.
5) This is a nice house, in front of _____there is a boy sitting.
6) I like Hong Kong, _____ ______ I often go shopping crazily.
7) This is the girl ____ _____they like to play joke.
8) The spy ____ _____ they are watching is from America.
1)古典音乐 2)梦想 3)开某人玩笑 4)解脱
5)发行新专辑 6)三个过路人 7)演奏音乐 8)偶然
9)在报上登广告 10)给某人机会赶某事 11)在音乐会上 12)实现
13)从车里出来 14)一个非常受欢迎的乐队 15)停在我面前
16)朝不同的方向 17)搅拌在一起 18)向某人问路
19)太激动而说不出话 20)梦想当电影明星




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