Unit 4 Useful expressions and Structures(人教版高二英语上册教案教学设计)

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Useful expressions and Structures
I. Useful expressions
get through fill in the chart in the collections of poetry
human feelings be interested to do sth real passion
stand out in the halls of glory follow special patterns of rhythm and rhyme
around the time of William Shakespeare well-known for his expert advice
at a very young age light sth up United we stand, divided we fall.
Journey to the West fire at come into being
translate …into by the light of a candle recommend sth/sb to sb.
contribute …to sth a devoted daughter in charge
fall into the rhythm, the rhyme and the sounds of the words read sth aloud
II. Structures
1.More than any other form of literature, poetry plays with sounds, words and grammar. That makes poetry difficult to write, but very interesting to read.
2.1)Poetry also calls up all the colores, feelings, experiences and curious images of a dream world.
2)The sound of happy laughter calls up memories of his childhood.
3)Can you call me up this evening?
4)be called up for military service
3.China has a long history during which many of the world’s greatest poets were active.
4.1)When you have read some Chinese poems, you will have seen and heard some of the features that all good poetry shares.
2)The satellite will have circled the earth seven times by 8 o’clock tomorrow morning.
3)He will have finished the work by the time his parents get home.
5.Shakespeare is most famous for his plays.
6.Chinese readers admire his works because of his use of surprising images that reminds them of the works of poets such as Su Dongpo.
7.In the eighteenth century it was Alexander Pope who wrote the finest poetry in England.
8.The style and atmosphere in their poems has often led to comparisons with poets such as Du fu and Li Bai.
9.The introduction of English poetry to China came late.
10.Besides, no matter how well a poem is translated, something of the spirit of the original work is lost. Reading poetry in English also opens the door to finding new ways of expressing yourself in Chinese.
11.Reading poems takes a bit of work, but it is well worth the effort.
12.Poetry contributes to a higher quality of life.
13.It was not until the twentieth century that modern poetry developed.



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