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Lesson 41 Snow! It's Winter
1. put on 穿,表动作 wear 穿(着),表状态
put 过去式与动词原形相同
He quickly put on his coat.
反义词:take off
Put it on. take it off
Please take off your shoes.
2. snow  snowy rain  rainy
ice  icy fog  foggy
snowball snowfall snowman
3. Snow is falling.
fall  fell (注意过去式的变化)
Leaves fall in autumn.
The rain is falling outside.
He fell into the river.
fall asleep 入睡 fall behind 落后
fall off --- 从---掉下来
The cup fell off the table and was broken. 茶杯从桌子上掉下来,摔碎了。
I fell off my bike yesterday. 我昨天从自行车上摔了下来。
4. in winter/in spring/in summer/in autumn
5. teach sb. to do sth. 教某人做什么
learn to do sth. 学(会)做什么
know to do sth. 知道做什么
6. It's snows a lot/a little in winter.
7. cold  hot cool  warm
8. catch/have a cold 得感冒。
9. 关于“也”的英语表达:
She likes English. I like English, too.
I also like English.
否定句中要用:either []
He doesn’t like English, I don't, either.
look after look out of look for 寻找
look like 看起来像
11. 两种感叹句:What和How感叹句
How cold it is!
How interesting the book is!
How fast he runs!
What an interesting book it is!
What good students they are!
What bad weather it is!
12. be/get ready for sth. be/get ready to do sth.
I'm ready for class.
I'm ready to have my class.
Lesson 42 Winter Fun
1. another & other
两个事物中 “一个 --- 另一个 --- 用
one --- the other.
I have two brothers. One is a teacher, the other is a worker.
other 表示“别的,其他的”后常跟复数。
What other things can you see in the picture?
In Miss Gao's class, one of the boys is English, others boys are Chinese.
another ship; another cake
Would you like another apple?
I don't like this coat. Would you like to show me another?
2. look out of 向 --- 外面看
look out, be careful & take care 三词都是 “小心” 的意思。
Look out! A car is coming.
Look out! I have a knife.
Be careful! The pot is hot.
Take care! The road is icy.
3. fun  interesting
have fun 玩得开心。 have a good time
have fun doing sth. 开心(高兴)地玩 ---
The story is fun.
4. make a snowman
make faces make a noise
make up one's mind make use of
5. first second third fourth fifth
sixth seventh eighth ninth tenth
-----  last
6. put --- on --- 把 --- 放在 --- 上  put on
Put on your jacket, It's cold outside.
Put the books on the table.
7. on the top of --- 在 --- 的上方
top  bottom
8. throw []  threw []
throw --- at --- 把 --- 投向 ---
throw out of throw off throw away
9. inside: Let's go inside. 我们到屋子里去吧!
inside the car/house/my mouth
10. I have some little rocks for his mouth and eyes.
在本句中 little 是“小”的意思,而不是“少”。
a little dog a little cat a little bird
但是,little 还有“少”的意思:
I have only a little water. 我只有一点水。
for: 在汉语中是“当作”的意思:
Put a circle for always.
画一个圆表示(当作) "always".
I have a carrot for his nose.
Lesson 43 Christmas is coming
1. people: 本身就是复数形式
There are many people here.
On a holiday, people don’t work.
2. invite sb. to do sth.
We invite my friends to my house.
类似的用法还有:ask sb. to do sth.
tell sb. to do sth.
但是:let sb. do sth. help sb. do sth.
make sb. do sth. 不用 "to"
3. give sb. sth. = give sth. to sb.
宾语是代词时只能用 give sth. to sb. 的形式。
如:Give it to me. 不可说:Give me it.
4. why 与 because往往同时出现:
--- Why are you late?
--- Because my bike is broken.
但是:because 与 so 却不同时出现,只能用其中的一个。
Because he is ill, he can't go to school today.
He is ill, so he can't go to school today.
He didn't go to school yesterday because he was ill.
5. a merry man in red clothes
6. Merry Christmas
7. --- Happy/Merry Christmas
--- Thank you. The same to you.
8. Christmas is a western holiday
圣诞节是个西方节日。western food
west  western east  eastern
north  northern south  southern
9. Christmas is coming.
He is going to Beijing.
They are leaving for Canada.
Danny is flying to New York.
The train is arriving at the station.
10. go to --- for one's holiday
去 --- 度假
be on holiday 在度假
I'm going to Beijing for my holiday.
Tom is on holiday now.
11. bring  take
bring 是拿来 take 是拿走
bring  brought  bringing
take  took  taking
Bring your books tomorrow, please.
Take your umbrella, It's raining.
bring sth. to sb.
给某人带来 ---
bring gifts for my son.
12. wonderful beautiful都是非常有用的词越早忆住越好。
The book is wonderful.
The Christmas tree is beautiful.
Lesson 44 Christmas Cards
1. be going to (do sth.) 也表示将来时,通常翻译成“打算”做 ---
He is going to walk to the park.
He is going to work hard this term.
2. help sb. do sth.  help sb. with sth.
I often help my mother with the housework.
3. buy sth. for sb. bought sb. sth.给某人买 ---  bought
I'm going to buy a Christmas tree for him.
He bought my some chicken yesterday.
4. put up, 建起,装点, 举(抬)起
The workers are putting up a building.
They are putting up the Christmas tree.
Please put up your hands.
 put down, 放下,忆下  put on 穿上
5. talk with sb. play with sb.
write with a pen 用钢笔写
a card with Santa Claus
6. get ready for get on a bus/get off a bus
get into a car/a taxi
Lesson 45 Christmas Gifts
1. want to do sth.
2. buy something for sb.
He goes to London for Christmas.
The flowers are for you.
It's time for class.
He is going to leave for Canada.
3. ask sb. a question
ask sb. to do sth.
ask for something.
4. something special something new
something important something wonderful
something, anything, nothing, somebody, anybody等不定式代词用形容词修饰时,务必把形容词放在不定代词的后面。
5. What would you like for supper?
What would you like for Christmas?
6. fun  funny
7. family/house/room/home
family指家庭、一家人或全体成员,与居住无关。Her family are all friendly.
house 指家庭住宅,侧重于“房屋”的概念。 There is a river near the house.
home指家人共同生活的地方,有时也指出生的城市或国家。My home is in Shijiazhuang.
Lesson 46 It's Christmas Morning!
1. give sb. sth.  give sth. to sb.
I give the book to her. = I give her the book.
2. ask sb. to do sth.  ask sb. not to do sth.
My mother often asks me to clean my room.
The teachers ask the children not to play on the road.
3. come from  be from
Jenny is from Canada. = Jenny comes from Canada.
4. bring  brings  brought  bringing
5. open:
open a window 开窗 open a box打开箱子
open a shop 开一家店
6. clear  clearly quiet  quietly
slow  slowly careful  carefully
7. This is for you. 这是给你的。
8. 常见跟双宾语的词:
bring, give, teach, lend, tell, show, buy
give/teach/lend/tell/show sth. to sb.
bring/buy sth. for sb.
9. take photos/take pictures 照相
10. another & the other
another pen 另一枝笔 the other pen (两枝笔中的)另一枝笔。
another girl another ship
Lesson 47 Seasons
1. Winter, spring, summer and fall.
In winter  in the winter of last year
I like to skate in winter.
I lived Canada in the winter of last year.
2. warm  cool
a warm teacher give sb. a warm welcome
a warm heart a warm discussion
3. rain  rainy
4. bloom: in bloom
5. What a tall boy (he is)!
How tall the boy is!
6. blow  blew leaf  leaves
The window blew open. blow ones nose
The wind blows the leaves off the trees.
wife  wives knife  knives
life  lives thief  thieves
He jumped off the horse.
Keep off the grass. Keep your dog off.
take off  put on
7. why  because
--- Why are you late?
--- Because my bike was broken.
8. love  hate
You love English, but I hate it.
9. lovely  beautiful
A: A lovely flower, isn’t it?
B: Yes, very beautiful.
10. fly  flew
Some birds are flying in the air.
The boys are flying kites in the park.
I flew a kite yesterday.
fly away fly a kite
Look! There is a fly in my soup.
11. favourite:
My favourite sport is swimming.
12. I don’t like to swim in winter.
I like to walk in the rain in spring.
13. sun  sunny snow  snowy
rain  rainy wind  windy
cloud  cloudy fog  foggy




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