
中学英语教学资源网英语教案高考复习指导 手机版

Agreement: 主语和谓语在人称、数上的一致,关系代词与先行词的一致。
Ambiguity: 尽量不去使用可能引起歧义的词语或句子。
Brief: 文章"简为贵",要抓住要点,简明扼要。
Coherence: 文理通顺,前后连贯。
Development: 主题的发挥应当充分、合理、正确。
Division: 词汇、句子、段落要分配使用得当,划分要清楚,避免使用重复字句和种子片段。
Figures: 正确合理使用各类修辞格式。
Inflated diction: 不使用做作的语言。
Key: 用适当的关键词突出主题,每段都应有主题句。
Logical: 内容要符合逻辑。
Message: 信息要新鲜、确实、可信。
Omit: 合理删除多余的不必要部分。
Proposition: 主张、观点、论述要清楚肯切、合情入理。
Punctuation: 正确适时使用标点符号。
Relevant: 文章一定要切题。
Sentence pattern: 句型要尽量多样化。
Strait: 开门见山,直来直去。
Style: 文体恰切,适合内容要求。
Tense: 动词时态要正确、一致、变化合理。
Theme: 选题得当,主题突出。
文章一开头,,就交待清楚文章的主题是什么。如“How I Spent My Vacation”(我怎样度假)的开头是:
I Spent my last vacation happily.
Honesty is one of the best virtues.An honest man is always trusted and respected.On the contrary, one who tells lies is regarded as a "liar",and is looked upon by honest people.
在文章的开头,先把人物、事件和环境交待清楚。例如"A Trip to Jinshan" (去金山旅游)的开头:
The day before yesterday my class went on a bus trip to Jinshan. The bus ride there took three hours. The long trip made us very tired, but the sight of the beautiful sea refreshed us.
3. 回忆性的开头
用回忆的方法来开头。例如"A Trip to the Taishan Mountain"(泰山游)的开头是:
I remember my first trip to the Taishan Mountain as if it were yesterday.
即对要在文章中叙述的人或事先作一个概括性的介绍。如“The Happiness of Reading Books”(读书的快乐)的开头:
People often say that gold and silver are the most valuable things in the world. But I say that to read books is more valuable than anything else, because books give us knowledge and knowledge gives us power.
即开头利用自然景物或自然环境引出要介绍的事物。如“An Accident”(一场事故)的开头是:
It was a rainy and windy morning. The sky was gloomy, the temperature was low, and the street was nearly empty. I was on my way back to school. Suddenly, a speeding car came round the corner.
在文章的一开头就交待写作目的,如通过文章要表扬谁,批评谁,或说明一个什么问题等。如 "Pollution Control" (控制污染)的开头:
In this article I shall draw your attention to the subject of pollution control.
在文章的结尾,把含义较深的话放在末尾,以点明主题,深化主题,起到画龙点睛的效果。如"I Cannot Forget Her" (我忘不了她)的结尾:
After her death, I felt as if something were missing in my life. I was sad over her passing away, but I knew she would not have had any regrets at having given her life for the benefit of the people.
结尾回到文章开头阐明的中心思想或主题句上,达到强调的效果。如“I Love My Home Town”(我爱家乡)的结尾:
I love my home town, and I love its people. They too have changed. They are going all out to do more for the good of our motherland.
3. 自然结尾
I caught as many as twenty fish in two hours, but my brother caught many more. Tired from fishing, we lay down on the river bank, bathing in the sun. We returned home very late.
用比喻或含蓄的手法不直接点明作者的看法,而是让读者自己去领会和思考。如“A Day of Harvesting”(收割的日子)的结尾:
Evening came before we realized it. We put down our sickles and looked at each other. Our clothes were wet with sweat, but on every face there was a smile.
虽然形式是问句,但意义却是肯定的,并具有特别的强调作用,引起读者深思。如 "Should We Learn to Do Housework?" (我们要不要学做家务?) 的结尾。
Everyone should learn to do housework. Don't you agree, boys and girls?
结尾表示对将来的展望,或期待读者投入行动。如“Let's Go in for Sports”(让我们参加体育运动)的结尾:
As we have said above, sports can be of great value. They not only make people live happily but also help people to learn virtues and do their work bettter. A sound mind is in a sound body. Let's go in for sports.
在The Right Word at the Right Time的“序言”中,编者对词语选用的重要性作了一个很好的比喻:“Using the right word at the right time is rather like wearing appropriate clothing for the occasion:
it is a courtesy to others,and a favor to yourself-a matter of presenting yourself well in the eyes of the world."
Dictionaries are like watches: the worst is better than none, and the best cannot be expected to go quite true.
Do not write so that your words may be undetstood, but write so that your words must be understood.
著名美国作家马克•吐温说:“用词准确与用词几乎准确,这两者之间的差异就如闪电与萤火虫之间的差异。”(The difference between the right word and the almost-right word is as great as that between lighting and the lighting bug.)
He is in a state of deep depression as a result of his setback latest experiment.
The depression first hit almost all the small and medium-sized enterprises.
Transportation was at a standstill caused by the depressions in the highways after the earthquake in that area.
反之,也常常有几个词语可以表示类似的含义,如心理学上的“depression”也能用melancholia,the blues,the dismal in the dumps,low等词语表示。
要做到准确选择,有必要注意词语的两种意义:“基本意义”(denotation)和"引申意义"(connotation)。前者指该词语的本身,或客观的固有含义,后者指该词语在一定搭配或上下句中出现的其他意义,往往比较含蓄,带有词语使用者的主观态度或感情色彩。如inexpensive和cheap都表示便宜的基本意思,如顾客问营业员:“May I have some thing cheaper?”意思是希望要价钱便宜一点的,当然并不是说质量可以不好,但cheap在其他句式或使用场合可引出“低劣”、“平庸”、“吝啬”、“卑鄙”等多种意思,这类意思正是修辞上的“敏感地带”。
A)Honest labor creates wealth for the society.
B)In the GM contract dispute, labor seeks a five-cent per hour wage increase.
准确性是鲜明度的前提,也是提高鲜明度的基础。然而,鲜明与简练相关。英国文豪莎士比亚的名言“Brevity is the soul of wit”相当于汉语的“言贵简洁”。我们说话、写文章都要以“言简意赅”四字为目标,为此,应从两个方面加以注意:
A.在可以运用较简短的常见词语表达意思时不要用复杂而少的词语,如:do something for(不用perform,
accomplish),用end/finish a letter (不用terminate,conclude)。
mutual aid(to each other)(mutual)aid to each other,(an entirely)complete confidence,repeat the question(again),return(back) from abroad,etc.
1. 明确写作目的和叙述的中心思想,段落叙述始终围绕着主题而展开,避免空间的叙述和与主题无关的内容。
2. 一篇好叙述文需要直接或间接表达以下六个问题,即:when?该事发生的时间, where?该事发生的地点,who?人物角色是谁,what?发生的是什么事,why?该事发生的原因,以及how?事件的结果是如何造成的等等。
3. 一篇记叙文,无论长短如何都应该是一个完全独立的事实,因此,在下笔时必须明确:该从何处开始叙述,该在何处结束叙述,以及应该提供何种事实才能使叙述完整。
4. 写作顺序可以采用“顺叙”、“倒叙”和“穿插叙述”的方法,但初学者最好采用“顺叙”的方法进行训练,以情节发生时间的先后为序。
It was a cold day in winter. An ant was bringing out some grains of corn he had gathered in summer to dry them. A grasshopper, who was very hunger, saw the ant and begged him for some corn, saying that he was dying of hunger. The ant looked at the grasshopper and asked him what he had done in summer and why he hadn’t stored up some grains of corn. The grasshopper told the ant that he had been very busy in summer and he hadn’t stored any corn. The ant asked him once more what he had done in summer. The grasshopper replied that he had sung all summer. The ant angrily said to him that he could dance all winter as he had sung all summer.
1. 记叙文的基本要求
I usually get up early in the morning. Then, I go to the lavatory to brush my teeth and my face. After that, I go to the sports ground to have some exercise. Lunch is at 12:00. After lunch, I take a nap. In the afternoon, I go to the library. When evening comes, I watch TV for a while. Then I listen to the English broadcast, or prepare my lessons in the classroom. I usually go to bed when the close strikes 11.
4) 主次分明,详略得当。对一件事情的叙述不能平均用墨。能够突出主题的情节要详写,不能突出主题的情节要简写或不写。如下面一段文字的主题句是Traveling can have its exciting though frustrating movements.应是突出的重点。从段落中我们可以看到描写这两点的很多细节:司机是如何弄到活鸡送到家中同时又担心拿不到手提箱而赶不上飞机的焦急心情。作者对他们最后怎样到达旅馆、怎样及时到达机场描写得很少,尽管它们也是这个事件的一部分。
Traveling can have its exciting, though frustrating moments. A few years ago I spent a week in America. The week was over, to my surprised, that I had left one of my suitcases at my hotel. Quickly, I jumped into a taxi and explained my situation to the driver. We sped off in the direct of my hotel. Suddenly, the taxi driver slowed down so he could talk with the driver of a truck moving along the road next to us. The truck contained live chicken. Without stopping the taxi, the driver stuck his hand out of the window and took a live chicken, which he neatly stuck under the seat next to him. Meanwhile, I was getting more and more anxious about my suitcase and making my plane on time. Time wasn’t bothering the taxi driver, though. Instead of heading straight for the hotel, he made a detour to drop the chicken off at his home! In the end, however, we managed to get the suitcase and then raced back to the airport. Fortunately, I made it to my plane on time. What started out as a frustrating moment ended up being a permanent memory and a great story.
 1、写作题目:My First Stay at Home
写作要求:请根据下列要求,以My First Stay at Home为题,写一篇100字左右的文章。
1.memorable experience
2.on business
3.take care of oneself.
My first stay at home alone was memorable. When I was twelve, once both of my mother and father were away on business, and I had been all by myself for two days. My parents left early the first day, and I got up soon after they left. In the first evening I was a little scared, so I turned on all the lights. I actually kept the light on in my bedroom the whole night. For fear of getting up late the next morning, I put three alarm clocks near my bed and set the alarms respectively at 6:00, 6:10, and 6:15. In order to prove that I could take care of myself, I washed my own clothes the second afternoon, though I could wait for Mother to do it. I really felt proud of myself and thought I was a big girl.
There are basic differences between large and small enterprises. In a small enterprise, you operated mainly through personal contacts. In a large enterprise, you have established “policies” , “channels” of organization, and fairly strict procedure. In the small enterprise you have immediate effectiveness in a very small area. You can see the effect of your work and of your decisions ground. In the large organization you are normally taught one thing thoroughly. In the small one the danger is of becoming a Jack-of-all-trades-but-master-of-none. In the large it is of becoming the man who knows more and more about less and less.
2) 整块比较
It is easy to be a winner. A winner can show his joy publicly. He can laugh and sing and dance and celebrate his victory. People love to be with winners. Winners are never lonely. Unlike winners, losers are the lonely ones of the world. It is difficult to face defeat with dignity. Losers can not show their disappointment publicly. They can not cry or grieve about their defeat. They may suffer privately, but they must be composed in public. They have nothing to celebrate and no one to share their sadness.
1) As far as political views are concerned, people fall into three categories. First are the conservative people. Conservatives are opposed to sudden or great changes. Second are the liberal people.These people are in favor of progress and reform. But their opinions often seem to idealistic. The third type is the moderate people. The moderates keep everything within reasonable limits. They are more practical in this hard world. In my opinion, most people seem to belong to this group.
2) These are several reasons why I decided tom attend Bingston University . First of all, the tuition is reasonable. Secondly, the university has a deferred payment plan., which lessons the load of peasant families like mine. Another reason is that Bingston has the finest teachers in its graduate program. My chief reason, however, is Bingston’s program in agriculture, my chosen field, which is recognized as the leader in this area.
3) According to Mr. Li, the fifteen students of his class fall into three groups. Seven of them work hard and study well. They always get good marks in examinations and are often praised by the teachers. Li calls them “good students”. The monitor, the secretary of the Youth League, and the captain of the class volleyball team, are quick in finding out what their fellow students are interested in or what they should do as a collective. They always organize proper activities at the proper time. So Li calls them “good organizers”. Four other students are very kind to their classmates, always ready to lend them a helping hand. They help to clean the classroom and the corridor even when they are not on duty. Li says that they are “ good comrades”. “What about yourself?” someone asks him. “I’m a group by my self ——a good observer”.
例证指具体说明人或事物特点、本质及其规律的方法。所用例子需有代表性、典型性。例证型段落的写作方式多为先提出主题再列举事例。在事例之前一般有For example或For instance。例证后面,根据情况还可以加上结论句。如:
In order to prevent non-smokers from being affected, measures must be taken to reduce the chances of smoking. A lot of work can be done concerning this. For example, in some public places, such as in the theatres and cinemas, smoking should be forbidden. Even on the train or plane people should not be allowed to smoke. Doctors, teachers and government leaders should take the lead not to smoke. Above all, the harmfulness and dangers caused by smoking should be made known to all through newspapers, broadcast, or TV programs. Also the growing of tobacco and the production of cigarettes should not be encouraged. If these measures can be taken, we can effectively reduce the chances of smoking.
4 因果
Music is my chief hobby. When I listen to music, good things happen to me. If I am lonely or homesick, I listen to pop music. The quick rhythm, the strong beats of drums lift my sprits. If I am familiar with a song, I will sing alone with it and my depression disappears. When I am bored or very tired, I listen to Mozart. His music makes me feel alive. Music also reminds me of home. Before I came to college, my sisters and I would listen to music and sing songs together and cheer us. Now I enjoy listening to music and singing with my roommates because their smiles make me remember the happy times with my family. For me, music is an excellent escape, and without it, I wouldn’t be so happy.
2) 连环编排法是先讨论一组因果,再一组因果,再一组因果,形成一个锁链。当因果紧密相连,前一果为后一果之因时,经常使用这种方式。
Students shouldn’t stay up so late. Because of the pressure of examinations, many students burn night candles. The next day, they have to get enough sleep. As a result, many of them get sleepy in class. They couldn’t catch what the teacher says. Not having studied their lessons well, they find it difficult to make good performance in examinations. So, it is not worthwhile to stay up late if you want to study well.
My sister is a boyish girl. She has short and straight hair like a boy’s. She likes white, black and grey colors, as most boys do. She never cares for shirts, stockings but loves jackets and jeans. Sometimes she wears a men’s suit and leather shores as if she were a gentleman. Basketball and football are her favorite sports. She also enjoys watching boxing. She always shouts and cheers excitedly when she is watching a football match. When she is with her friends, she always says Ladies first” to other girls. The most interesting thing is that she has been mistaken for a boy many times. And she is pleased with that. She always says that she should be a boy.
Now I will show you around our school. It is one of the largest middle schools in the city. When you step into the gate, you will see a beautiful flower bed before you. In the middle of the flower bed there is a fountain with many colored flowers around it. If you walk along the school road, you will come to the playground, on each side of which are rows of trees. We often read books under the trees. On the right of the playground are two classroom buildings. On the left is the newly-built four-storyed building. I’m lucky to study here. I love my school very much.
The first thing I notice in the bride’s room is the beautiful curtain. This curtain is patchwork in design, and is sewn out of squares of materials of different colors like white, light green, brown and orange. It is made of silk, trimmed with delicate braids. It is about six feet long and hangs from a wooden rail. The curtain matches perfectly with the dark wooden rail and furniture in the room.
1.限制要说明的事物和范围,因为不可能在一篇短文中介绍太多的事物。比如写一篇题为“How to improve your English” 的说明文,就必须引用一些实例来说明。由于题目要求写英语学习方面的进步,就不能列列举其他学科的成绩。
2.有足够多的、确切的例子阐述例证。如写 的说明文时,必须先用一些具体的事例,如老师如何备课堂上怎样使学生在活跃的气氛中学习以课后的辅导等。选例时不宜太多,否会给人以堆砌例证、罗列现象之感,但也不要一篇文章只选一例,因为即使事例较典型,若只选一例其说服力也不够有力。
1、假如你是李辉,参加了1998年7月25—30 日在山东烟台由英语辅导报社举办的全国中学生英语夏令营活动。请根据所给提示,用英语写一篇100—140 字的报导,以便刊登在«英语通»上。
2、参考词汇:1)英语辅导报社:English Coaching Paper Office
2) 1998年全国中学生英语夏令营:1998 National English Summer Camp for Middle School Students (1998 NESCMSS);
3) 辩论:debate 4) 演讲比赛:speech competition 5) 主办:sponsor
6) 英语通: An Express Way to English
1998 National English Summer Camp for Middle School Students
As a lucky student, I attended the 1998 NESCMSS held in the beautiful seaside city of Yantai from July 25 to 30, which was sponsored by the English Coaching Paper Office. Over 100 students all over the country and 30 English teaching experts from home and abroad took part in the activity. All the campers were required to speak English. During the four days, a series of English activities were held including the Second National English Debate for Middle School Students and the Third National English Speech Competition for Middle School Students. We also visited some places of interest. A colourful English evening was held on July 29. The camp provided us with a valuable opportunity to speak English, make friends and exchange learning experience. I found my English much improved at the end of the camp. Never in my life shall I forget the impressive days in Yantai.
中国 美国
学制 三年 四年(大多数)
学生 学习努力,知识扎实 更加活泼,运用知识能力强
学习时间 每天约10小时 每天约8.5小时
课外活动 学校、班级组织的多 学生自己组织的多
其他 班级和教室固定 班级和教室不固定,到老师办公室上课
生词:课外活动 extra curricular
There are differences between high school in China and that in the United States. High school in China lasts three years, while in most US states four years. In China, students are in fixed classes and classrooms. Every day they study hard for about 10 hours and have a solid knowledge. But in the United States, students don’t have fixed classes or classrooms and they go to their teachers’ offices for classes. They spend about 8.5 hours on study a day. They are lively and good at activities organized by themselves. However, in China, the students’ extra curricular activities are mostly organized by schools and classes.
3、写作题目:New Development for Central and Western China

主要情况 范围:9个省,自治区(autonomous regions),一个直辖市(municipality)

实施要点 交通(transportation)建设:修建多余公路,铁路
New Development for Central and Western China
The Chinese government has recently decided to develop central and western China.
This part of China includes 9 provinces and autonomous regions and one municipality, covering an area of 5.4 million square kilometers with a population of 285 million.
The government will pay special attention to their transportation system. Some highways and railways will be built. To protect nature, farmers will return farmland to forest. Also, measures should be taken to prevent pollution. Western China is rich in natural resources, which can be exploited and made full use of. To meet the needs of the development, all kinds of experts and skilled workers are to be brought in.
We have every reason to believe that the efforts of the government will be a great success. As a result of the great project, the central and western regions of China will surely achieve greater and faster development in the new century. The people will have a better life and China will surely be richer and stronger.
书信(Letter)一般可分为事务信件或公函(Business Letter or Offical Correspondence)以及私人信件
(Private Letter)两大类。一般包括以下几个要点:
1) 收信人的姓名和地址;
2) 寄信人的姓名及其与收信人的关系;
3) 寄信人的地址(有时可以省略);
4) 写信的时间;
5) 信的内容。
1. 书信的格式
1) 信头(Heading);
2) 称呼(Salutation);
3) 正文(Body of the letter);
4) 结束语(Complimentary close);
5) 签名(signature)。
2. 书信的种类
1) 邀请信
(1) 非正式邀请信,如;
26 Coventry St.
Sept. 15th, 1999.
Dear Jack,
I am going to the cinema to see the Red River Valley and I have two tickets. Would you like to come? The film starts at 7:30 p.m. Maybe we can meet at the Covent Garden Station at 7:00 p.m. and have a drink before the film starts. Please phone me at home to let me know.
Looking forward to seeing you.
(2) 正式邀请信,如:
Dear Ms. Gupta;
It’s our great pleasure to announce that Jan. 19th is the 3rd anniversary of the founding of our corporation. We have a small party as follows: 7:00p.m.,Jan. 19th, Room No.123, Kunlun Hotel. At this moment, we would like to express our sincere gratitude to our clients for both courtesy and support over the past three years. Please confirm if you plant to attend.
Yours Sincerely,
(3) 介于正式和非正式之间的邀请信,如:
No.4 Middle School
Beijing 100034
April 29th,2000
Dear Miss Katherine,
I am very pleased to write to you. My name is Yu Hong and I am monitor of Class One, Grade Three of the No.2 Middle School of Ji'nan. Last year, you came here to give a speech, which was "Fast Reading". My classmates and I all thank you very much. We will have an English evening at 7:00--9:00 on the evening of May 4th in our classroom. Would you please come and attend the evening party? At the party, we will sing English songs, play games and so on. And we are anxious to invite you to come to sing us an English song. After that we can enjoy the music. We hope to see you soon.
Yu Hong
②写信的目的;(Thank you for…)
Dear Ms. Gupta:
How regretful I must leave you house. Thank you for the many good things you provided. The chess game, tennis match and Mr. Gupta's delicious dishes gave me lots of enjoyment. If you came to Beijing for any reason, please come to my family. The kids are looking forward to seeing Aunt Jean. I believe we will have a very happy time.
Yours Sincerely, Lewis
Ms Li Ling
P.O.Box 231
July 10,1999
Dear sir(s),
I have just read in the newspaper that a secretary of the English language in wanted in your company. I am therefore writing to you to introduce myself. I'd like to get the job. I am a girl college student of 22 years old. My name is Li Ling. I am studying in the language department. I can speak, read and write English very well. As a second language, I can read and speak a little French. I have some work experience as a typist in my spare time at school, and as a tourist guide during summer holidays. The bosses I worked for were all satisfied with my work. I am sure I'll satisfy you as well. You can get more information about my studies and work from the college. I am looking forward to visiting your office at any time for a talk or a test.
Li Ling
No.1 Middle School of Nanjing,
Jiangsu, China
Jan.23rd, 2000
Dear Jack
Thanks for your letter. Yes, I have some difficulty in learning English. For example, I can't tell the difference between written English and spoken English. Sometimes I often make mistakes while speaking to others. I want to improve my spoken English. But I don't know how. Would you please give me some advice? As you say, it is really difficult to write toe Chinese characters, but don't worry about it. Have you considered doing plenty of practice? And I suggest you write them as much as possible. I think it will be of great help. I'm looking forward to hearing from you again.
Best wishes.
Li Ling
April 7, 2002
Mr. Ray Hanks
Manager of Human Resources
Wayne Investments, Inc.
1023 Central Avenue
Tempa, FL 19122
Dear Mr. Hanks:
I am writing to apply for the Client Account Coordinator, which was advertised May 4th with the Career Services Center at Florida State University. I have enclosed a copy of my resume for your review. I believe that I have the training, experience and qualities that you are looking for.
According to the advertisement, your position requires excellent communication skills, computer literacy, and a B.S. degree in Finance. My studies have included courses in computer science, management information systems, speech communications, and business writing. I understand the position also requires a candidate who is team and detail-oriented, works well under pressure, and is able to deal with people in departments throughout the firm. These are skills I developed both in my course work and in my recent internship at Liberty Mutual, Inc. in Orlando, Florida.
Your job description suggests that our relationship could be mutually beneficial. I am confident that I can perform the job effectively, and I am excited about the idea of working for a dynamic, nationally recognized investment management firm.
I look forward to discussing my background and qualifications with you. If you would like to schedule an interview or otherwise discuss my interest in the position, I can be reached at (218) 365-3333.
Tom Sherman
1、 假如你是王林,李明是你的好友,他对Brown先生的公司(firm)感兴趣,打算到该公司谋职(apply for a position)。请根据下面李明的简历表,用英语写一封推荐信,词数120左右。
姓 名 李 明 性 别 男 国 籍 中 国
出生地 山东济南 婚否 已婚 出生日期 1968. 5. 1
通讯地址 济南市人民路148号 电话 6600537
职业 律师 教育程度 大学毕业
外语水平 擅长英语、懂些日语
其他 有三年工作经历,办事认真,待人诚恳,与人和睦相处
Dear Mr. Brown,
My friend—Li Ming wants to apply for a position with your firm. Now, I’d like to introduce something about him to you.
Li Ming graduated from college three years ago and since then he has worked as a lawyer. He is good at English and knows some Japanese. He works hard and is careful in everything he does. He is honest, kind and easy to get on with. As a result, he has become a famous lawyer. He was born on May 1, 1968 in Jinan, Shandong province, China. He is married and lives at No. 148 Remin Road, Jinan city and his telephone number is 6600537. He shows great interest in your firm. If he is accepted, he will do his best. I’m sure he will be fit for the position. If you want to employ him, please phone him or write a letter to him.
That’s all, thank you!
1、 母亲生病在床已有数日,医生叮嘱还得休息几天;
2、 母亲生病,他不得不操持家务;
3、 父亲每天外出做生意,无暇顾及家里,照顾母亲。
Dear Li Ming,
Thank you for inviting me to your birthday party, but I regret to say I cannot come.
My mother fell ill the other day and she has to lie in bed. According to the doctor, she needs to rest for a few more days. So I have to take her place doing the housework these days.
My father is out for business every day. As a result of this, I am the only person to look after my mother.
I hope all of you will have a wonderful time at the party. Please give my regards to the other people I know.
Wish you a happy birthday!
Yours sincerely,
Huang Jingyang
3、国内某家英文报纸设有一个求助信箱(letters to Dr Helper)。请根据一份学生现状中列出的部分信息,以高三学生王勇的名义,用英语给Dr Helper写一封短信。
3.每日课外活动时间 几乎没有
4.每日睡眠时间 不足
1.词数:100左右; 2.信的开头已经给出,不计入要求的词数。
生词:负担过重overload 压力 pressure 期望 expectations
Dear Dr Helper,
I am a Senior 3 student. I am now in great need of your help because I can hardly stand the great pressure.
Every day I have to stay at school for nine hours to have lessons and spend at least three to four hours doing my homework at home . We teenagers are eager to play and enjoy ourselves,but we hardly have any time to do what we want. Besides ,we even don’t have enough sleep .
There seems to be three causes about the overload ;the pressure of examinations ,too much homework and the high expectations from the parents . We are often warned that if we don’t do our best, we won’t have the chance to go to university.
All professors and associate professors are requested to meet in the college conference room on Saturday, August 18, at 2:00 p. m. to discuss questions of international academic exchanges.
Aug. 14, 1997
通 知
Dear Examinee:
As you know, due to unfortunate circumstances, ETS was forced to cancel the scores of the Octorber 1992 TOEFL administration in the People's Republic of China. At that time, you were notified that you would be able to take another TOEFL without charge up through the October 1993 administration. You should be aware that the TOEFL program has a long standing policy of not refunding test fees when administrations are cancelled.
We apologize for any inconvenience that this may cause to you.
Russell Webster
Executive Director
TOEFL Program
Educational Testing Service

一般是在左上角记上当天日期,星期,时间的排列法与书信一致,星期写在日期之后;右上角写上当天的天气情况,表示天气情况的词一般是形容词,如:fine (晴朗的),cold (寒冷的),snowy(下雪),sunny(阳光充足的),rainy(下雨的),cloudy(阴天的)等。日记的小标题写在下一行,也可省略不写。
Thursday Feb 13, 2003
Today is the first day of this new term.
I am very exciting and happy. I saw everything goes well. I am not to get with the school for a while. But in future I will like the school and study hard.
On the first day, I saw a lot of my classmates. They are fine and health. So I am very happy after the Spring Festival.
I must go on studying hard. I understand that study is my duty.
Today I had a cleaning. I was very tired, but I was very happy. I am not mind.
I know I am on my own from now on.
Saturday Feb 15, 2003
Today is the Lantern Festival. It’s also Valentine’s Day in China. On this day, people often hold an exhibit of lanterns. And a lot of people like to guess the riddles written on lanterns. This is a characteristic.
Some of people also like to play fireworks. It’s very interesting and nice. I like it so much. We must have family reunion dinner on that day. We also have sweet fillings in the evening.
But today is the last of the Spring Festival. I feel a little sad. What a pity. I don’t want the Spring Festival over. But it is not possible.

Monday Feb 17, 2003
Today I went to the market to buy some tomatoes.
Tomatoes look like apples and they are as big as apples. When tomatoes are ripe, they are red or yellow. If you touch them they feel smooth and soft. The ripe tomatoes taste sweet and sour. In summer you can buy tomatoes everywhere.
People like to cook tomatoes with eggs. You can also just cut tomatoes into pieces and mix them with sugar. How delicious they are! But remember not to eat too much. In winter, tomatoes are fewer, but you can still buy them on the supermarket.
I like the tomatoes.
1. 归纳法
2. 推理法
3. 对照法
1)It is high time that something was done about the great increase of crime in our neighborhood. From 1989 to 1993, there were only five cases of theft and three burglaries. But during the last four months, we have had two street gunfights, destroying one corner shop completely, three attempted murders, and ten high school girls attacked on their way back home. Reports of small thefts and burglaries are printed every day, and some businesses and citizens have already been planning to move out of the area. So for the safety of our families and homes, and the prosperity of our district, local government should take action at once to change the situation.
2) Some people say that drinking alcohol is evil, because heavy drinking is not only bad for one's health, but often dose harm to others. However, drinking alcohol in moderation is not evil. On the one hand, for some disease, drinking is equal to taking medicine. For example, when you are caught in a heavy rain and arrive home trembling, drinking can help you get rid of the cold. On the other hand, when attending an important dinner party you may drink, and sometimes you must drink, because drinking can make social contacts easier Drinking creates a friendly and lively atmosphere throughout the whole dinner. Drinking, if well handled, can bring laughter and song to your life. It is not evil.
1、人类已进入了一个崭新的世纪,不同的人有不同的幸福观。An Express Way to English (英语通)正在中学生中进行幸福观的讨论,请你根据下表的提示,用英语写一篇短文,以便向该刊投稿。
Students Possessions Benefits
Some Money Buying and doing anything
Some Health Enjoyment
Some Wealth From parents free from work
Ι Knowledge For mankind
Happiness means different things to different people. For example, some students believe that if they have much money or a large number of possessions, they will be happy. They believe that they will be able to do anything they want to if they have money. Some students think that they should be in good health, and enjoy whatever they like. Many students wish to have much wealth from their parents. In this way they don’t have to work hard, and they can have everything. I don’t agree with the above points. We can’t buy many important things with money, such as health, happiness and knowledge. I value knowledge, which makes me happy, for I can do much for mankind with knowledge. Although different people value happiness differently, my “wealth” of happiness is in my study.




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