
中学英语教学资源网英语教案高考复习指导 手机版

备课时间:2005年5月18日 总第 课时
课题 非谓语动词的运用
Teaching Aims: 1. How to use The forms of “To do/V-ing/V-ed” in writing.
2. Improve the Ss' writing ability.
Important points: 1. Master the use the forms of “To do/V-ing/V-ed”.
2. Master the ability of writing.
Difficult Points. 1. How to use the forms “To do/V-ing/V-ed”
2. How to write a short passage with the forms of“To do/V-ing/V-ed”
Teaching Methods: 1. Help the Ss to go through the The forms of“To do/V-ing/V-ed”.
2. Help the Ss master the use the forms of “To do/V-ing/V-ed”.
3. Pair work or individual work to make every student work in class.
Teaching Aids: 1. a projector
2. the blackboard
Teaching Procedures:
Step I.Greetings 设计及活动意图
Greet the Whole Class as usual.
StepⅡ.Revision and Lead-in
Asking Ss to tell the difference of“To do/V-ing/V-ed”(Showing): Action 1
S1:To do S2:V-ing S3:V-ed 学生总结归纳“To do/V-ing/V-ed”的形式、作用以及与动词的关系,以利理论巩固。
[要点提示] 使用非谓语动词时应注意以下几点:
1)过去分词不作主语和宾语; 2)与谓语动词的搭配(作宾语和宾补);
1)主谓关系 2) 动宾关系 3) 无关系(用于复合结构);
1)同步或几乎同步 2)非谓语动词先于谓语动词;
StepⅢ.Practice Action 2
1. (give)more attention,the trees (plant)last spring 非谓语动词巩固训练为写作奠基。
could have grown better.
2.European football is played in more than 80 countries, .
(make)it the most popular sport in the world.
3.The patient was warned not (eat)oily food after the operation.
4.Charles Babbage is generally considered (invent)
the first computer.
5,The computer centre, (open)last year, is very popular 学生主体活动后,相互校正答案。
among the students in this school.
6. (walk)is a good form of exercise for both young and old.
7. (hear)the bad news,she couldn’t help (cry).
8.Rather than (ride)on a (crowd)bus,he always
prefers (ride)a bicycle.
9.The hare was lucky that it just missed (catch).
10. I can't go with you (see) the film,for I have
lots of clothes (wash).
11.Don't touch the (boil) water;the (boil)
water is over there on the table
12.I feel like (swim) this afternoon.Would you
like (go) with me?
13.We watched him (get)into the car and (drive)away.
14.Mary suggested our (have)an interview with the
teacher about the study of English.
15.He regretted (miss)the (interest)speech
(make)by Professor Wang.
1. Given; planted 2. making 3. to eat 4. to have invented
5.opened 6. Walking 7. Hearing; crying 8. ride; crowded; to ride
9. being caught 10. to see; to wash 11. boiling; boiled
12. swimming; to go 13. get; drive 14. having
15. missing (or having missed); interesting; made
Step Ⅳ.Practice Action 3
A.【要点提示】“应用较多的语法结构和词汇”和“使用较复杂结构或较高级词 学生分组讨论。明确高考对语法、词汇、较复杂结构等的要求。
B.Ss have a Discussion of the following in groups.
1.The conflict(冲突)spread everywhere,into villages,as well as
into the cities.(①both…and; ②not only…but also)
2.They were afraid to take even a drink of wine.
(①fear; ②dare)
3.I’m tired of the same old breakfast every morning.
(①be fed up with; ②be sick of)
4.Don’t have him for a friend;he’s only a cheat.
(①nothing but; ②no more than)
5.I received a letter from John yesterday morning.
(①hear from; ②reach)
6.The girl is a good student except that she doesn't often go to
school on time.(①be late for; ②be on time for) 强化对语法、词汇和句型结构的分析与巩固训练。
7.Last Sunday,we spent our time happily on the beach.
(①have a…time;②enjoy oneself)
8.It is not good to consult a dictionary too often while you are
doing some reading.(①refer to; ②look up…in)
9.Nowadays parents spend more than one thousand yuan a year on
their child’s schooling.(①pay; ②cost)
10.China is a country with a very large population composed of
many nationalities. (④make up off ②consist of)
11.He went to bed drunk,and when he woke up he found that he
still had his jacket. (①wear; ②in)
12.The little girl travelled from London to New York alone.
(①on one's own;②by oneself)
13. The old nam did not to smoke or drink any longer.
(①determine; ②make up one's mind)
14.The driver was just going to start his car when a policeman
came up and stopped him.(①be just about;②be on the point of)
15.Until this month we have covered ten lessons in the textbook.
(①as far as; ②up to)
参考答案(Showing on the screen):
1. The conflict spread everywhere, both into villages and into the cities.
The conflict spread everywhere, not only into the cities but also into
2. They feared to take even a drink of wine They didn't dare to take even
a drink of wine. They dared not take even a drink of wine.
3. I'm fed up with the same old breakfast every morning.
I'm sick of the same old breakfast every morning.
4. Don't have him for a friend; he's nothing but a cheat.
Don't have him for a friend; he's no more than a cheat.
5. I heard from John yesterday morning.
John's letter reached me yesterday morning.
6. The girl is a good student except that she is often late for school.
The girl is a good student except that she isn't often on time for school.
7. Last Sunday, we had a good time on the beach.
Last Sunday, we enjoyed ourselves on the beach.
8. It is not good to refer to a. 'dictionary too often while you are
doing some reading.
It is not good to look up every new word in a dictionary while you are
doing some reading.
9. Nowadays parents pay more than one thousand yuan a year for their
child's schooling.
Nowadays it costs parents more than one thousand yuan a year to
send their child to school.
10. China is a country with a very large population made up of many
China is a country with a very large population consisting of many
11. He went to bed drunk, and when he woke up he found that he was still
wearing his jacket.
He went to bed drunk, and when he woke up he found ,that he was still
in his jacket.
12. The little girl travelled from London to New York on her own.
The little girl travelled from London to New York by herself.
13. The old man was determined not to smoke or drink any longer.
The old man made up his mind not to smoke or drink any longer.
14. The driver was just about to start his car when a policeman came up and
stopped him.
The driver was on the point of starting his car when a policeman came up
and stopped him.
15. As far as this month we have covered ten lessons in the textbook.
" Up to this month we have covered ten lessons in the textbook.
Step Ⅴ.Reading (范文阅读) (Showing on the screen): Action 4
" A.[要点提示] 写议论文有以下几点基本要求:
☆主题明确:主题句常为文章或段落的开头句.且常用简单句; 范文阅读,文体专项训练,明确议论文写作基本要求。先由学生个体活动,然后集体讨论总结。
适当增加过渡句等 3)论据要典型、可靠;
☆语言正规:1)多用一般现在时 2)避免口语语体 3)用词确切。
B. Ss read the short passage and pay attention to the 1st
Sentence and block words.
It is not very necessary to spend much time on grammar if we want to learn English well. What is the purpose of mastering a foreign language? To know a lot of grammar rules? Certainly not!Grammar helps us understand well or use the language correctly,but it cannot replace listening,speaking,reading or writing.What do you suppose will happen if you meet a foreign friend and are asked the way to the hospital, but you don't know how to answer him in English? Therefore we should spend more time on practice.Only through practice,that is to say,through listening more,speaking more,reading more and writing more,can we gain the ability to use English for communication.

StepⅥ . Copying (仿写) (Showing on the screen): Action 5
Ss finish writing a short passage according to the following:
" 根据提供的主题和论据,模仿范文,写一段100—120词的段落。
4)有 些 电视内容对学生不宜:5)其他。
①过长时间看电视不好; ②占了大量学习时间; ③减少了户外活动;
④伤害视力; ⑤有些电视内容对学生不宜; ⑥控制看电视的时间;
4)审读短文,修改文字,调整布局。" 写作训练,学生安要求进行写作练习。教师分步指导。 1:总体规划:①确定文体;②时态;③段落;④衔接;⑤句型;⑥词汇 2:写初稿; 3:修改初稿 4:誊写定稿
1. Chose Key Phrases for sentences.
① not right to spend too much time on TV
② waste a lot of time that should be spent on learning;
③reduce outdoor sports;
④ do harm to eyesight;
⑤ Some programs are not suitable for young students ;
⑥ control the time for watching TV;
2.Make Sentences for the writing passage.
①It is not right for students to spend too much time on TV.
②Watching TV a lot will waste much time that should .be spent
on learning.
③Spending too much time on TV will reduce outdoor sports.
④Staring-at the screen too long will do harm to one's eyesight.
⑤Some TV programs are not suitable for us young students to watch.
⑥We should control the time for watching TV.
One possible version:
Nowadays students spend much time on TV after school or on holiday. I don't think it is right. As students, our main task is to study. Watching TV a lot will waste much time that should be spent on learning. Besides, we are building up our bodies, and we need enough outdoor sports. And TV can not take the place of exercise. On the contrary, staring at the screen too long will do harm to our eyesight. Besides, some TV programmes are not suitable for young students, for there are full of terror, violence, murder and sex. We should remember to choose proper programmes when we turn on TV and control the time for watching TV.
StepⅥ.Summary(Showing on the screen): Action 6
1、三种非谓语动词形式的作用与区。 小结:由学生总结本节课所复习的主要内容。
Record after Teaching(教学反思):
高三加强学生书面表达基础知识与技能训练很有必要,通过实践 ,能较好的完成预定训练目标。
学生课堂活动的时间充裕,体现了自主学习;对非谓语动词和议论文的专项训练能收到良好效果 。




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