
中学英语教学资源网英语教案教学设计 手机版

:(每空1分) 2005、6
1. 她以前从没到过这么大的地方。
She had never ______ ______ in a place as grand as this before.
2. 他靠教书为生。
He _____ _____ _____ by teaching.
3. 他当飞行员的梦想实现了。
His dream of being a pilot has _____ _____.
Are you serious in ________ ________ such a view?
5. 我们一定要靠自己的努力。
We must ________ ________ our own ________.
6. 老师的言行对学生有很大的影响。
Teachers’ words and deeds _______ a great _______ ______ their students.
7. 这个印刷错误造成很大的混淆。
This misprint ______ ______ great confusion.
8. 很可能他会成功。
It ______ highly _______ that he will succeed.
9. 现代科学的发展已使这个问题明朗化。
The modern scientific development has ________ ________ ______ this question.
10. 这个理论被证明是错误的。
This theory _______ ______ ______ ______ wrong.
11. 这些学生的年龄自7岁到14岁不等。
The pupils’ ages ________ ________ seven to fourteen.
12. 当我见到他的时候他全神贯注于书本。
He _______ ________ ¬¬¬¬¬______ the book when I saw him.
13. 他在课堂上充分利用了多媒体。
He ______ ________ ______ multimedia in the class.
14. 那小女孩对温度很敏感。
The little girl is very _________ ________ temperature.
15. 成功是靠努力获得的。
Success is _________ _______ hard work.
16. 他违反了法律,所以被关进了监牢。
He broke the law, and therefore was ______ ______ ________.
17. 在这个国家经常举行反对种族歧视的非暴力的示威游行。
In this country, there are many nonviolent demonstrations against _______ ________.
18. 谢谢你提醒我和琼斯会面。
Thank you for _________ me _______ meeting with Joens.
19. 她厌倦了给家人做饭。
She _______ _______ ______ cooking for her family.
20. 看花展是件赏心悦目的事。
The flower exhibition was a ________ _______ _______ _________.
21. 我保证付清他的债务。
I _________ ________ pay off his debt.
班别______ 姓名_________ 学号_______ 成绩________
22. 时间还早,你不需要着急。
Time is enough. ________ ______ ______ _______ for you to hurry.
They gave a banquet _____ ______ _____ the delegation.
24. 昨天晚上他怎么也睡不着。
He tried _______ _______ to sleep last night.
25. 他已完全康复。
He has completely ________ _______ his illness.
26. 她要求在她的房间里要安静。
She ______ ______ quietness in her room.
27. 这些动物已经绝种。
These animals have already _______ _______.
28. 我们该如何处理这个问题呢?
How shall we _______ _______ the problem?
29. 为了实现梦想,他们日日夜夜工作。
In order to _______ _______ _______, they worked day and night.
30. 你得花点时间来适应新环境。
It will take you some time to _______ _______ the new surroundings.
31. 昨天我把我的午餐跟他一起分享。
I _______ my lunch _______ him yesterday.
32. 老师在教学中起重要作用。
The teacher _______ _______ important _______ in teaching.
33. 不管你怎么读,这个句子都讲不通。
No matter how you read it, this sentence doesn’t ______ (any) _______.
34. 他说话时的样子,好象他已经知道那个秘密了。
He talks _____ _____ he had known the secrete.
35. 这种人不好对付。
Such people are difficult to ______ ______.
36. 我们必须考虑到公交车会晚点,它一向如此。
We must _______ ______ the bus being late—it always is.
37. 改掉习惯是很困难的。
It is difficult to _______ _______ _______ a habit.
38. 吸烟者很清楚吸烟会对他们自身的健康造成种种危害。
Smokers ______ well ______ ______ the dangers to their own health.
39. 科学家们会想出增加世界食品供应的新方法的。
Scientists will _____ ____ ______ new ways of increasing the world’s food supply.
40. 医生们说抽烟与肺癌有关系。
Doctors say there is a ________ ________ smoking and lung cancer.
Suggested answers:
1. set foot 2. makes a living / earns his living 3. come true 4. putting forward
5. rely on, efforts 6. have, effect on 7. led to 8. is likely 9. thrown light on/upon
10. turned out to be 11. range from 12. was absorbed in 13. took advantage of
14. sensitive to 15. achieved by 16. put into prison 17. racial discrimination
18. reminding of 19. got tired of 20. feast for the eyes 21. guarantee to
22. There is no need 23. in honour/honor of 24. in vain 25. recovered from
26. insists on 27. died out 28. heal with 29. realize their dreams 30. adjust to
31. shared with 32. plays an... role 33. make sense 34. as if 35. deal with
36. allow for 37. break away from 38. are aware of 39. come up with
40. connection between
Suggested answers:
1. set foot 2. makes a living / earns his living 3. come true 4. putting forward
5. rely on, efforts 6. have, effect on 7. led to 8. is likely 9. thrown light on/upon
10. turned out to be 11. range from 12. was absorbed in 13. took advantage of
14. sensitive to 15. achieved by 16. put into prison 17. racial discrimination
18. reminding of 19. got tired of 20. feast for the eyes 21. guarantee to
22. There is no need 23. in honour/honor of 24. in vain 25. recovered from
26. insists on 27. died out 28. heal with 29. realize their dreams 30. adjust to
31. shared with 32. plays an... role 33. make sense 34. as if 35. deal with
36. allow for 37. break away from 38. are aware of 39. come up with
40. connection between




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