Unit 2 My day(译林牛津版七年级英语上册教案教学设计)

中学英语教学资源网英语教案教学设计 手机版

Teaching content : New words
Teaching aims: grasp the pronunciation and the writing of the words
Teaching emphases and difficulties:
the usages of the following words “fun, spend, e-mail, other, walk, both, forget, would like, enough”
Teaching aids: CAI
Teaching procedures:
Step One Free talk
Step Two Presentation
A. Listen to the song “Days of the week” and then learn the words “Sunday, Monday, Tuesday….”
B. Look at the calendar and teach the words “ yesterday, tomorrow”
Today is Monday. It will be Tuesday tomorrow. It was Sunday yesterday.
C. Show the pictures and learn the underlined words. You may learn them by asking and answering the questions
Picture 1 do homework(un) at eight p.m..
spend more than two hours doing/on his homework
Picture 2 buy snacks would like to buy something
Picture 3 play volleyball all the time/the whole day play it better
Picture 4 a good swimmer
Picture 5 see/ watch a film
Picture 6 e-mail sb./ send an e-mail
Picture 7 make model planes
Picture 8 read newspapers at seven a.m.
Picture 9 walk the dog
Picture 10 an interesting / fun book
Picture 11 Pingping and Yangyang are both busy.
Picture 12 meet up with her friends chat with her friends
Picture 13 ask questions
Picture 14 the head of our school
Picture 15 the China Space Museum You cannot get some information (un)about it.
Picture 16 have a trip
Picture 17 a library
Picture 18 It is very hot today.
Picture 19 nice / enough/ all kinds of food(un)
Picture 20 the answer to the question
Picture 21 forget to bring my homework
Picture 22 go to sleep
Picture 23 This door is closed. The other (one) is open.
Step Three Reading
SB page 112—113. Read after the teacher. Then read and recite them by themselves.
Make sure all of them can read .
Step Four Practice
A. Let the Ss ask and answer the pictures above
B. Wb page 20. Let the Ss complete their conversation.
Step Five Homework
Read and recite the new words of Unit Two
Write a diary with your own daily activities
Period Three
Teaching content: Unit 2 Welcome to the unit
Teaching aims:
1.Make the students master the following new words and phrases:
just, sleep, wake up, have fun, get up, p.m , have assembly, do after-school activities, do homework
2.Make the students grasp the following new expression:
Is it time for breakfast?
3. Make the students understand Millie’s day at school.
4.Make the students use the simple present tense to describe their days at school.
5.Make the students love their school lives better.
Teaching emphases:
1.Make the students master the new words, phrases and expression.
2.Make the students understand Millie’s day at school.
Teaching difficulties:
Make the students use the simple present tense to describe their days at school.
Teaching aids: Tape, CAI
Teaching procedures:
Step One Free talk.
T:Do you like watching TV? S1:Yes, I do.
T:Do you like playing football after school? S2:Yes, I do.
T:What do you like to do after school? S3:I like swimming.
Step Two Presentation
Learn the new word “p.m” and expression.
T:Is it time for swimming now? S3:No, it’s not.
T:It’s time for our lessons. Look, here are four pictures. Look at the first one, what time is it?
S4:It’s 5:30 am.
T:Is it time for breakfast? S4:No, it isn’t.
T:It’s time to get up. What time do you usually get up? S5:At six.
(S5 asks S6, then go on)
T:Who wakes you up? S9:My mother does.
T:Can you show us how your mother wakes you up? S9: Yes. She often says: Wake up,, S9.
Good. And my clock often wakes me up in the morning, it says: Time to get up.
Pay attention to these patterns:
It’s time to do sth.=It’s time for doing sth.= It’s time for sth.
Would you please talk about the other three pictures in pairs, using what we learned?
(the other three pictures are: 6:30a.m—have breakfast, 6:00p.m—play tennis, 9:30p.m--go to bed)
Step Three Practice
Practise the new pattern according to the pictures.
Step Four Presentation
Learn the new word and the dialogue..
T: Look at the last picture: It’s time for bed. We can also say: It’s time to sleep.(Do the action)
Do you like sleeping? S17:Yes.
T:Me too. How about our friend Eddie? Let’s listen to the tape.
(After listening to the tape)
T:Does Eddie love sleeping? Ss:Sure.
And Hobo thinks Eddie just doesn’t know how to have fun, right?
Do you know how to have fun after class? S18. Yes, I usually listen to music.
T:How about you, S19? S19: I often dance...
T:We can’t listen to music or dance in class.
We can do them after class. So we call them after-school activities.
Where do you usually do after-school activities? S20:On the playground..
T:Does Eddie do any activies? S21:No, he doesn’t. He only wants to sleep.
Step Five Practice
Act out the dialogue.
Step Six Presentation
T:We know Eddie spends a day sleeping. How about Mille’s day at school.
Look at the table below. Present “A day at school”.
Step Seven Practice
1.Try to do “T” or “F” questions according to the table.
(1) Mille has assembly at 7:30.
(2) Mille has lessons at 8:25 a.m and 1:30 p.m.
(3) Mille does after-school activities at 3:30 p.m.
(4) Mille goes to bed at 10:00 .
2.Make up dialogues according to the table.
3.Complete the table of “My day” and ask some of the students to show their tables .
Step Eight Production
1.Complete a happiness chart and have a chat with friends. (Practise in fours)
My happiness chart
2.Suppose you’re a reporter from Shanghai TV Station.
There are many famous people in your class, for example, Yang Liwei, Zhou Jielun, Yao Ming, etc.
Make a group of six. Choose five famous persons as your interviewees and talk about how they spend
their days.
Step Nine Homework
Send an e-mail to your friend to know something about his or her school life.
Period Four and Five
Teaching contents: Reading of Unit2(P20-P22)
Teachng aims: 1、To use English to describe school activities.
2、To use verbs and nouns to talk about leisure activities.
Teaching importance: To use verbs and nouns to talk about students’ leisure autivities.
Teaching period:2(two teaching plans)
Teaching tools: Recorder slides computer console pictures.
Teaching procedure:20分钟
Task one Free talk (To make a dialogue between the teacher and students)
T:when do you get up on weekday mornings?
SS:At 6.00 am
T:What do you do then?
SS:Wash faces and brush teeth.Read English in the open air and then have breakfast at 7.00or so,next go to shool.
T:What do you ofter do at the school?
SS:We do some reading and the have classes.
T:What do you do after school?
SS:We play ball games and video games.
T:Do you have any homework?
SS:Yes,we do.
T:Do you buy snacks from the tuck shop?
T:Do you buyoften have a meeting at school assembly?
SS:No,not often.
T:By the way,do you often send e-mail to you penfriends?
SS:Yes,quite often.
T:Do you know millie?She is a girl in class 1 grade 7,from Beijing sunshine secondary school.Oh,you’re in thd same grade.
T:Millie just knows a new penfriend.She sends an e-mail to hernew friend,Tommy.She tells him something about her school life.Ok,let’s know something about millie’s school life.Please open your books at page 20.Loot at Millie’s e-mail to her new frined tommy.Now please scan the passage and underline the new words,then guess the meaning.First group do paragraph 1 and 2.Second group do p3.Third grop do p4.Fourth group do p5.Then I’ll ask one student from each group to write down the new words and their meanings on the blackboard.I’ll give you 5 minutes let’s go.
T:Ok,let’s check the result(教师和学生一起检查生词翻译和朗读情况,纠正共性错误,领读生词直到熟练)
Task Two Words practice 5分钟
To do B2 match the words with the meanings(P21)
Task Tree Paraphrase the passage 10分钟
To read Millie’s e-mail while the students follow the text in the book.
Teacher explain the language key and difficult points:
1、It is called Beijin sunshine secondary school.(它)叫做北京阳光初级中学
2、more than+数字=over+数字 多于…
3、lots of…=a lot of …许多(接可数名词复数和不可数名词)
4、each other 彼此、互相
5、principal与principle practise与practice拼写的异同
6、the whole+noun 全部…
7、I spend about an hour a day doing my honework.我每天花大约一小时做家庭作业。
Spend time on sth(doing sth)
Homework(uncountable noun)
Task Four To come to know the passage 5分钟
To do B1 write the correct answers under the picture(P21)
Task Five passage warm up 5分钟
1、Students listen to the tape of the passage and answer the following questions.(on slides)
1)Is Beijin sunshine secondary school a big school?
2)How big?
3)Does millie like her school?Why?
4)When is assembly?
5)What school activities does Millie take part in?
6)Who is Millie’s new e-mail friend?
7)Who is the pricipal of the school?
8)Is Milie a member of the swimming club?
(To check the answers to the questions and clarify the common errors)
Task Six the activities after class
1、To practies the new words and expressions.
2、To discuss Milley’s school life.
3、To compare Millie’s school life with yours.
After teaching:
Bb contents:
Period Six
Teaching content: Personal pronouns(subject form)
Teaching Aims
1. Revise nouns and verbs.
2. Learn the usage of the subject forms of personal pronouns.
Teaching importing points:
How to correctly use the personal pronouns to replace people or things.
Teaching procedures
Step One: Greetings.
Greet the whole class as usual
Step Two:Revise and check for understanding of nouns and verbs
T:Please look at the slide, I’ll give you some words ,tell us which is a verb and which is a noun.
Step Three:Presentation:
T: Boys and girls, do know the following words?Are they nouns or are they verbs?
Ss: No,they are personal pronouns.
T: You are right But how to use them , I’d like to give you some examples .Please look at the following :(Show them on the screen)
Here in sentence one “I” refers to “Tom”. In sentence two “he” refers to Xiaowang”. In sentence three “it” refers to “the news”. Do you understand?
T: Good, now open your books at page 24, read the table then draw a line from the pronouns to the nouns they refer to.
T:(After the students finish ) OK ,who can read the table and give us your anwers?
SA: I can. -----------.
T:Very good ! Now please look at the answers on the slide ( present the table and the answers on the screen) -----------.
T:Here “I, you, he,,she, it, we, they.”are all subjects in the sentences , and they are also subject forms . We can only use subject forms to replace the people or things they refer to
Step Four.Practice.
A1: What are they talking about?
T:Please look at A1, Simon and Daniel are talking about their classmates In the blanks,try to fill in the right pronouns to help them finish the dialogue.
T:(After a while) Are you ready?
Ss: Yes .
T: OK, I’ll ask two pairs to act out in class.(Two pairs act out in class with the answers)
T:Very good In blank 1 when Simon talks about himself ,he uses “I”,Then in blank2 why we use “it”
SB: Because “it” refers to “the news”
T:What about blank3? Why we use “He”?
SC:Because “He” refers to “Peter”.
T:Then,what about blank4?---------------blank7
T:Now I’d like to divide the class into two parts then practise A1 together. Are you clear?
Ss: Yes.(Students practise A1 in two groups)
T:I’d like to show you some language points please read them then try to put the next sentences into English.
walk 后加某种动物,意思是“使走;使步行”。
例:1.Let’s walk the horse.
3. My mother often walks our dog in the morning.
win the first prize.意思是“赢得第一”win 的意思是“赢,获胜”, 一般不以人为宾语。如要以人为宾语, 一般用beat 表示“击败”
例:We won the footballmatch.
They beat us 4:3. all the time 表示“一直,始终”
例:The baby is crying all the time.
He is watching TV all the time.
T:Can you understand the words and phrases?
T:Good, now please put the following sentences into English.
T:Turn to page 20,look at the e-mail, try to underline all the pronouns and speak out the people or things they refer to.
A2: Fill in the blanks with the correct pronouns.
T:Millie has some pictures showing her school life . She wants to sent them to Tommy. Help Millie fill in the blanks with the correct pronouns.on A2.(After they finish, ask two Ss to read them to the class with the answers.)
A3:Finish the article with the correct pronouns.
T:Amy is writing an article about her friends for the E-friendship Club. Help her complete the article. Fill in the blanks with the correct pronouns.
(Check the answers with the class one bye one when they finish) .
Now please look at the following.Try to catch the meanings of each phrase.
1. from---to ---意思是“从 ------到------”。
She can count from 1 to 100.
Tom walks from 2,00 to 4.30.
2. meet up with sb means plan to see sb at some place at a certain time
Let’s meet up after school.
Mary often meets up with Tom after work.
3. have (no)time to do some thing .意思是“有/没有时间做某事 ”
I have no time to watch TV.
Amy has some time to do her homework.
4. chat with sb.意思是“与某人闲谈, 聊天”。
She likes to chat with his friends on the phone.
They often chat with each other .
Step Five. Talking and writing
Ask Ss to say what they often do on weekdays then write an article about himself or herself according to Amy’s article.And this is also their homework.
Period Seven
Teaching Content: Asking questions with the verb “to do”
Teaching Aims:
1. Revise “Asking questions with the verb ‘to be’
2. Learn “Asking questions with the verb ‘to do’
Teaching difficulty and emphasis:
How to ask questions with the verb “to do” correctly.
Teaching Aids: CAI
Teaching procedures:
Step One: Greetings.
Greet the whole class as usual.
Step Two:Revise “Asking questions with the verb ‘to do’
T: Look at the slides, put them into questions, then answer them .
Step Three.Presentation.
T: But how to ask questions to the following sentences.(Show the slide).
First please read the table on page26.
T:(After a while)OK, I’ll ask some of you to read the table in pairs in class.
T:(After reading) Who can tell me how to ask questions to this kind of sentences
SA: We use “to do”/ “do or does” to ask questions to these sentences.
T: Right,but we do not use “do or does” to ask questions when the main verb of the sentence is “to be”(give some explanations to the table)
T: (Ask a student to stand up) He likes swimming. (pause a while and ask) Does he like swimming?
Ss:Yes,he does.
T:(Ask another student to stand up) He lives in Huaian.
Ss:Does he live in Huaian? (Point to one group students) Yes, he does.
T: Does he live in Nanjing?
Ss:No, he doesn’t
T:(Point to two students) They take a bus to school every day.
Ss:Do they take a bus to school every day?(one group) Yes, they do.
T: Do they walk to school every day?
Ss: No, they don’t.
(Do like this until all the students catch the structure)
T:Now, can you ask questions to the sentences on the slides I gave you just now? (sentences at Step Three. then ask two Ss to write them down on the blackboard and check them in class)
Step Four: Practice .What do they like to do?
B1.Finish the questions and answers.
T:Mr Wu wants to know his students better. He asked them to write their names under the activities in the table on B1.Here is the table , please finish the questions and answers.
(Students try to finish the questions and answers on B1 while the teacher walks around in case there might some questions to answer. Try to help the less able students)
T:Are you ready?
Ss: Yes.
T: OK, I’ll ask you to read them in pairs in class.
B2.What does Millie like to do?
T:We know Millie wrote an e-mail to his e-friend Tommy and told him something about himself Tommy wrote back to Millie and ask her some questions about her life in Beijing.Read the table on page27 and help Millie answer the questions.
T:(Make sure most students have finished) Are you ready?
Ss: Yes.
T:OK,I’ll ask four students to read the questions and answers
T:(After the acting) Now please look at the table I want to say something about the
“I’d like to do something” means “I want to do something” but it’s more polite
For example:
1. I’d like to have a cup of tea.(I want to have a cup of tea.)
2. I want to show you my pictures. (I’d like to show you my pictures.)
Send somebody something= send something to somebody.把某物寄/送给某人。
For example:
1. Please send a letter to me.
2. I’ll send some money to you.
T:Please put the sentences into English .
(After the students finish, ask one or two students to give us their answers)
B3. Help Tommy write the questions.
T: Just now we read Millie’s reply, but Tommy still wants to know more about Millie’s life.Look at the pictures on B3 and help Tommy write the questions.
(After the students finish these, answer the questions in class)
Step Five: Talking and writing.
1:Ask the students to write an e-mail to one of their classmates, try to ask questions with do/does, try to use the subject forms of personal pronouns.
2:Say something about yourselves in turns .Use the following form
Sports and activities Daniel plays tennis. He doesn’t play football.
School Millie likes Chinese. She doesn’t like dancing.
Home Simon watches TV. He doesn’t wash dishes.
Homework: Try to ask partner questions with the verb “to do”
Fish A2 ,A3,A4 on Workbook.
Period Eight
Teaching content: Integrated skills
Teaching aims:
1. To listen for specific information about opening house.
2. To express wishes and make requests about a clean trip.
3. To present information about opening days, opening houses, prices& locations.
Teaching emphases:
To express wishes & make requests about a class trip.
Teaching difficulty:
To listen for specific information about opening house.
Teaching aids: CAI
Teaching procedures:
Step one: greeting.
Step two: Tell the Ss that Mr Wu is taking the class 1 Ss on a school trip.
Step three: Point to the posters to show Ss the three possibities.
Step four: Ask one or more Ss to find out more information about each of the three places.
Step five: spend a little time talking about outing in Beijing or other places in China.(Ask Ss to bring some places to school & put them on the wall.)
Step six: Ask Ss to read Mr Wu’s poster & identify the three attactions in the note &write them under the correct posters.
Step seven: Encourage the Ss to guess the meanings of unfamiliar words from the content.
Step eight: Ask Ss to use the information on the posters to complete the first four columns of the table in Part A2.
Step nine: Play the recorder & ask Ss to listen for the opening house to complete the table.
Step ten: Ask Ss to check answers in pairs in pairs, then check answers as a class.
Step eleven: Give help & informations if Ss have problems. Play the recorder again if necessary.
Step twelve: Help Millie usse the information in PartA2 to complete her note to Mr Wu in PartA4.
Step thirteen: Refer Ss to the Tip box at the bottom of Page29 forguidance. Go through each of the three pictures ini PartB2 & ask Ss if they would use ‘can’ or ‘May’ in each of the three situations.
Step fourteen: Ask Ss to complete PartB2. Let the Ss read out the sentences & give reasons for their choices. Explain the usage of ‘can’ & ‘May’.
information. 不可数
There is some good ~ about health on the Internet.
A piece of ~.
Thank sb for (doing) sth.
Thank you for helping me.
Thank you for coming.
Look forward to (doing) sth.
I look forward to the holidays.
He looks forward to seeing her again soon.
May I turn on the light?
Turn on----- turn off(反义词组)
Period Nine
Teaching Contents: Main Task & Checkout
Teaching Aims: 1.Complete a happiness chart, and discuss likes and dislikes.
2.Write an e-mail to your e-friends about your school life.
3.Identify the differences between the Simple Present Tense and the Present Continuous Tense
Teaching Emphases: 1. Parts B&C on P31 &32;
2. Write an e-mail;
3. Complete Parts A&B on P33.
Teaching Difficulties: Complete a happiness chart, and discuss likes and dislikes.
Teaching Aids: CAI
Teaching Procedures:
Step One. Greetings & Free talk
Greet each other & Ask the Ss to have some free talks with:
1. “Can I / you …?” and “ May I / you …?”
2. … like / likes … … don’t / doesn’t like …
And then introduce the word “dislike”
Step Two. Presentation
Ask the Ss to make some sentences about their likes or dislikes.
Let some Ss draw faces on the Bb to express their feelings, such as, love, like and dislike
Ask the Ss to say something they like or dislike and say WHY
Step Three. Complete “My happiness chart” in Part B
Just ask the Ss to draw faces like the ones in Part A according to their likes and dislikes
Step Four. Look at Part A on P31
First look at Millie’s chart, and then read about Millie’s likes and dislikes in the table below.
Pay more attention to Millie’s REASON
Notes: 1. happiness (n) happy (adj) happily (adv)
2. like like sb / sth / doing sth / to do sth
like sb to do sth
3. dislike like (opposite ) --- dislike dislike sb / sth / doing sth
4. enough adv …enough to do … / not …enough to do …
adj enough + n
5. learn learn sth learn to do sth
learn about sth learn … about …
learn from sb learn … from sb
learn more / much / a lot about … from …
6. It’s fun to do sth.
It’s adj to do sth. = To do sth is adj.
(to do sth是真正的主语,而it是形式主语)
7. reach reach the basket (够到,伸手够到)
reach Beijing / home (抵达,到达)
Step Five. Complete the table in Part C
1. Ask the Ss to complete the table in Part C, using the information from their happiness chart
in Part B on P31. Tell them to use Millie’s sentences if necessary.
2. Ask the Ss to work in pairs to discuss the reasons why they like or dislike certain activities.
3. Check the answers of some students and correct the mistakes
Step Six. Complete the e-mail
1. Ask the Ss to read the e-mail frame first, and then write a draft using the frame
2. Students read, check and correct each other’s drafts
3. Tell them to use the information in the table to complete the e-mail.
Notes: some … others … ≠ some … the others…
Step Seven. Part A on P33 What are they doing?
Work in pairs and complete their conversation. Ask the Ss to read the conversation in pairs.
Notes: 1. the answer to Number Two the key to the bike the tickets to the film
2. have trouble with their English homework
3. in the library
Step Eight. Part B on P33 What do people do?
Look at the pictures below and complete the sentences. You can use some of the words more than once.
watch TV write a letter read newspaper
make model planes listen to music play badminton
listen to the radio
Step Nine. Homework
1. Ask the Ss to send their e-mails to their e-friends on the Internet if possible
2. Preview the Workbook.
Period Ten
Content: All the language points and exercises in this unit.
Teaching Aims:
1.Ask students to use vocabulary in this unit to talk about leisure activities.
2.Say why you like or dislike something.
3.Grammar: Use personal pronoun (Subject forms) to avoid repetition
4.To ask questions and make statements with the verb “to do.”
Teaching Emphases;
To let the students master the usage of Personal Pronouns. (Subject Form)
To ask questions and make statements with the verb “to do”
Teaching Difficulties: The same as above.
Teaching Aids: CAI
Teaching procedures:
Step One: Revision
1. Fill in the blanks with the appropriate words according the content in this unit.
Millie is a ______ at Beijing Sunshine Secondary School. She is _______ Class 1,Grade 7. She ______ her classroom because she can ________ the playground. Amy is her ______ friend. They often talk to _________ ________ or play games. Mr. Tang is their ________ .He talks ________ the whole school at 8:00 a.m. every day in the Assembly Hall. After assembly they ________ lessons. Millie’s ________ lessons are Chinese and English. After school she _________ to the Reading Club every Tuesday and Friday. She has _________ ________ things to do at her school.
(Ask some students to read the short passage, and then check the answers one by one)
Step Two: Presentation
1:Personal Pronouns. (Subject Form)
We can use personal pronouns to replace nouns for people/things. Then we do not need to repeat the nouns. We use the subject form when the noun we are replacing is the subject
First Personal Second Personal Third Personal
Single I you he/she/it
Plural we you they
Step Three: Practice
Fill in the blanks with appropriate personal pronoun.
1.My name is Millie. Are ________ Simon?
2.Who is the girl? Is ________ Amy?
3.Hobo is an e-dog. ________ is a nice dog.
4.Tommy likes playing badminton. Daniel likes playing badminton, too. ______ both like playing it.
5. ________ am Jack. ________ is Peter. ________ are in Class 3,Grade7.
6.Do Exercises B1, B2, B3, in students’ workbooks on Page 25.
Step Four: Presentation
Asking questions with the verb “to do”
Do I/you/we/they like running?
Does he/she/it
Yes I/we/they do
he/she/it does
No I/we/they don’t
he/she/it doesn’t
Attention: We do not use do/does to form questions when the main verb of the sentence is the verb “to be”
Step Five: Practice
1.Fill in the form according the fact. (Ask some pairs to ask and answer the questions in class, then complete the form and following sentences.)
love like dislike
watch TV
read books
play football
listen to music
do homework
I love _________________________________________________________________________.
I like _________________________________________________________________________.
I dislike _______________________________________________________________________.
2.Do Exercises A2 ,A3, A4 in students’ workbooks on Page 25. (pair work)
Step Six: Presentation (Listening)
1.Do Exercise B in students’ book on Page 31.
Kristy Allan is a supermodel. Listen to her talking about a day in her life. Then complete the “Time” column below.
things she does time
gets up
goes running
goes to work
goes to bed
2. Do Exercise C in students’ book on Page 31.
Listen to Kristy talking about what she eats. Write “always”, “usually”, “sometimes” or “never” below the correct picture.
Step Seven: Production
Review the important new words and phrases in this unit. Ask students to write down all the expressions of activities in this unit. Such as: have assembly, play badminton, listen to the radio, have fun, spend …on /doing something do one’s homework, play games, read newspaper, write e-mail, watch a film, make model planes, watch a football match, go on a school trip,
4You are Amy’s pen friend, write a letter to her and tell her about your school life. Using the words and phrases above.
Dear Amy:
Hello, my name is _______ , I ________ my school. It is ________ WengTong Middle School, It is very big, I’m in ___________________, I am ________ years old. I ________ many friends here, They are all friendly, We always _______________ or ___________.
At 8:00 a.m. from Monday to Friday, we __________in the Assembly Hall. After Assembly, we _________. We have six classes a day, four in the morning and two in the afternoon. School is _________ at 4:30. I _______ an hour in ________my homework every evening.
I like sports. Every day I ____________with my friends after school. Sometimes in the evening, I _________. At about nine, I ____________. Please write to me soon.
Sign your name here(xxx)
Step Eight:Homework:
1. Write a letter to one of your pen friends to introduce you and your school life. You may take Millie’s letter as an example.
2. Review the grammar items and the new words and expressions in this unit.




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