unit 8 why don't you get her scarf?说课(新课标版八年级英语下册说课)

中学英语教学资源网英语教案说课稿 手机版

1、 教材的地位和作用
2:教学目的: 教学大纲指出要从英语的学科的特点出发,激发培养学生的兴趣,帮助学生树立学习英语的信心,克服学习中产生的畏惧心理和困难,建立语感,掌握语言基本知识和技能。
a. 掌握本课的单词与词组。
b. 掌握情态动词should+动词原形表达征求意见的用法:what should I get? (2)能力目标
c. 学会如何给别人提出建议和意见。 3.重难点
(1).本单元的主题对话是“What should I get ?How about a CD?No,that’s too expensive.”因此,情态动词should+动词原形,why don’t you…?/How about…/what about…./why not….?等句型结构的知识理解和应用,是本节课的重点。
(2)学生在使用why don’t you …?/How about…?/what about…?等句型结构时,对否定性特殊疑问句的理解,How/what anout+名词/动名词的应用,是学习中的难点。
二.说教法 1.图片教学法
通过卡片,图片复习单词和认知实物。 2.情境教学法
通过生日导入新课,学会赠送礼物的句型。 3.听说教学法
通过Groupwork来加深给别人提建议或意见的表达能力。 4.任务教学法
通过Survey.Report 强化所学的知识。 三.说学法 遵循“教为主导,学为主体,练为主线”的教育思想,但教师又要因人而导,对不同能力水平的学生给予不同的要求,从而达到英语学习的目标。 四.情感,态度与价值观:

1. Make one-minute dialogue. Get some pairs to act out their own dialogue.
2. Revise the new words and phrases by cards.
Task 1. What do you think of these gifts?
Show the target languages, using the objects:
--What's this?/What are these?
--It's a… /They're…
--What do you think of it/them?
--That's… /They're…
Step 3. Presentation
1. Point to the picture and say:
Tomorrow is my mother's birthday.
What should I get my mother for her birthday?
How about a dictionary?
No, that's too boring.
How about tennis balls?
NO, they're too cheap.
Why don't I get her a camera?
I think she'll like it.
2. Lead the Ss to drill the conversation.
3. Practice the dialogue in the whole class.
Step 4 Survey
Ss make a survey and fill in the blanks.
According to Mother's Day. Father's Day. Women's Day. Children's Day and Teacher's Day.

Step 5 listening
1. Listen to the tape and number the comments in order you hear .
2. Check the answers.
Step6:1. Play a game.
2. Sum up the main knowledge.
3. Homework
(1) Recite 1b. 1c
(2) Make a survey. Exchange information and fill in the chart.(Page b2)
Unit 8
Why don’t you get her a scarf?
What should I get my sister?
Why don’t you get a camera?
How/What about a watch/buying a watch?
That’s too expensive/cheap/boring.



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