Unit 14 Freedom fighters复习提纲(人教版高二英语下册教案教学设计)

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I. Warming up, Listening &Speaking
1.form , vt. 组成、组织,形成、养成习惯,想出(计划,意见等)、
He formed a class for beginners. ( 组织 )
Group activities help to form a child’s character. ( 养成 )
An idea formed in his mind.. ( 想出 )
2.put/throw/send sb. in(into) prison 把…送进监狱
Law-breakers are put in/into prison.
He was put in prison for political reasons.
3.judge vt.&vi. 判断,判定
勿以貌取人_Don’t judge a man by his looks.
judging by/from…. 作独立成分,意为“从…来看”。
Judging from what you said, hey ought to succeed.
4. forbid vt. “禁止,不许,阻止“
forbid + doing/ forbid +sb. to do sth.
我不许你用我的电脑。I forbid you to use my computer.
我们学校禁止吸烟。Smoking is forbidden in our school.___
5. join , join in, take part in, attend
Will you join in the game?
Mr. Zhang will join us in the discussion this afternoon.
He joined the army during the World War II.
I’ll attend an important meeting tomorrow.
Lincoln took part in politics and was strongly against slavery.
II. Reading
6.march vi.进行,行军
战士们向前行军。The soldiers marched forward.
向敌人进军 march against the enemy 长征 the Long March
7. treat vt. 待遇,对待,看待。可与 as, like, as if 等连用。
His mother treated him as a small child.
The old man treated him as if he were his own son.
8. separate, adj. 分开的,单独的,不同的。
vt.把…分开/隔开,将…分类。常与介词 form连用。
n. separation adv. separately 单独地,各自地“
英法两国由英吉利海峡(English Channel)隔开。
English is separated from France by the English Channel.
As we joined the big crowd I got __A_____ form my friends.
A. separated B. spared C. lost D. missed
9. Black children were educated in separate schools and black people had no right to vote in the southern states.
Winning a scholarship gave him the chance to go to a college in one of the northern states.
From then on, all black people had the right to vote.
不定式短语作定语,修饰right 和chance.
你没有理由拒绝此事。You have no reason to refuse this.
那是做这件事的最好办法。That is the best way to do it.
10. fight for , 为争取….而斗争 fight against, 为反对….而战
fight with,和…作斗争/ 和…并肩作战
Who will fight with you for better working conditions?
The slaves were fighting for their freedom.
They fought against the Japanese during the Anti-Japanese War.
England fought with France against Germany in the First World War.
10. set/give an example to sb. 为某人树立榜样
学习某人的榜样 follow sb.’s example/ follow the example of sb.
以某人/某事为例 take sb/sth for example
11. …….,study and work as they wished.
as sb. wishes/pleases/likes 按照某人的意愿/喜欢
你喜欢怎么做就怎么做。Do as you wish
12. demand vt. 强烈要求, 需要, 请求被告知./ n. 要求,请求
They demanded payment today. ( 强烈要求 )
This problem demands immediate attention. ( 需要 )
This is our second demand for payment. ( n. 要求,请求 )
demand sth. of/ from sb. 要求某人某物
demand to do 要求做…..
demand that…..(从句谓语用虚拟语气should+v.)
in demand 非常需要的,很受欢迎的. / on demand 有求必应,随叫随到
After two successful films, that actor is in demand in Hollywood.
She fed the baby on demand.
13. achieve vt. 完成;实现, 达到;获得
n. achievement 成就,业绩 adj. achievable 可完成的
The school has achieved all its goals that year.
14.arrest vt./ n. 逮捕, 拘留, 扣留
arrest sb. 逮捕某人 be arrested for 因…而被捕
(be) under arrest 被捕,被拘留
他因抢劫而被捕.__ He was arrested for robbery
警察昨晚逮捕了那个贼。The police arrested the thief last night.
你被捕了。You are under arrest.
15. vote vi./n.投票, 选举,选举权
vote for/against 投票赞成/反对 vote on sth. 就---投票表决
他对该计划投了反对票。He voted against the plan
Now we will vote on this question.
16.from then on 从那时起
III. Integrating skills
17. of all times 无论何时
18. struggle for 为…而挣扎,努力 struggle with/against 为反对…而挣扎,搏斗
19. in one’s choice 在选择过程中
在选择的时候要小心. Be careful in your choice.
by one’s own choice 出于某人自己的选择
He bought this car by his own choice.
20. start with 以…开始
The party started with a song.
21. abolish vt.废除,废止(法律,制度,习俗等)
22. regardless of 不理会, 不顾 = despite/in spite of
We will persevere regardless of past failures.
23. at first sight 开始 乍一看 一见钟情 _love_ at first sight
二. 单词题
1. __________________(奴隶制) is the system by which some people are owned by others.
2. Fifty years ago, mixed-race ______________(婚姻) were __________________(禁止)。
3. John brown helped many ________________(逃跑的) slaves in the 1950s.
4. Civil rights fighters ______________(要求) that African Americans be treated equally.
5. During the Second World War, from 1937 to 1945, there were many organized _______________(抵制) of Japanese goods al over China.
6. King fought against the ¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬__________________(分离) of blacks and whites.
7. People of different _________________(种族) joined the movement against ____________(种族的) ______________(歧视)。
8. He wants to become a good _____________(律师).
9. Although we enjoy the ______________(自由) of speech, it doesn’t mean that we are free to say whatever we want.
10. The struggles starts with the ideas of the French ______________(革命)and the American War of ______________(独立).
11. Mandela helped to found the ANC ___________(青年) League in 1944.
12. He was forced to go abroad for __________________(政治的) reasons.
13. butler wrote two ________________(章) about the rights of animals.
14. After the war, many rules were ________________(废除).
15. There are still organizations that fight against _____________(偏见).
16. Everybody thought that was ________________(可笑的)..
17. His _____________(灵魂) goes marching on.
18. Martin Luther King was _________________(谋杀) in 1968.
19. They _____________(投票) for Bush yesterday.
20. A new _____________(公民的) Rights Act was passed last year.
21. It was the beginning of more than 200 years for _______________(绝对的,无条件的) rights of all the people.
1. Slavery 2. marriages, forbidden 3. runaway 4. demanded 5.boycotts 6.separation 7.races, racial, discrimination 8. lawyer
9. freedom 10. Revolution , Independence 11.Youth 12.political
13. chapters 14. abolished 15. prejudice 16.ridiculous 17.soul 18. murdered 19. voted 20.Civil 21. unconditional




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