unit 17 disability reading(人教版高二英语下册教案教学设计)

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Disabled? Not me?
Teaching Aims:
1 Learn and master the following words and expressions: disability, guidance , gifted, assist, cooperate, etc.
2 Train the students’ reading ability.
Teaching important points:
1 Improve the students’ reading ability.
2 Enable the students to understand the text better.
3 How to master the useful expressions.
Teaching difficult points:
Let the students understand the real meaning of “disability”.
Teaching Methods:
1 Use multi-media to help the teaching.
2 Fast reading to get the general idea.
3 Competitive activity to get the detailed information.
4 Pair or group work to make every student work in class.
Teaching Procedures:
Step 1 Lead –in
Show the students the programme“Qian Shouguanyin”(a video) 3 minutes before class.
Enjoy and ask: * Are they dancing well?
* Can they hear people’s warm welcome?
(transition) They are disabled, “Disabled people” mean the people who can’t see/hear/speak/walk. etc.
Step 2 Pre-reading
Two simple questions to lead them.
Q1: Do you know of any famous people who are disabled?
( show the students a video about Zhouzhou and Steven Hawking )
Q2: How many kinds of disabilities do you know in your daily life?
( transition ) Now let’s move on to the next picture—a girl sitting in a wheelchair. Ask the students to guess who she is.
Step3 While-reading
① Questions to get the general idea.
Q1: What’s the trouble of Zhong Xiaowen?
Q2: How does she get around?
Q3: What’s the teacher’s aim in the special college?
Q4: How does Ye Zijie like the magazine?
② Games—playing
In this part, there are 3 rounds. Give each group his name and let them have a competition.
Round 1 Word—guessing
Show clues ( the explanations and paragraph numbers ) about the words.
* that may happen , possible ( para 2 ).
* guiding or being guided ( para 3 ).
* feeling of pity ( para 3 ).
* having a talent / an ability ( para 3).
* damaged or weakened ( para 5 ).
* inspire , lead to do sth ( para 5 ).
Round 2 Listening and note-making ( para 4-5 ).
A magazine
best-known reader
Round 3 Choice-making
There are 5 exercises in this part.
( transition ) Give congratulations to the winner and go on to the next period— Post-reading.
Step 4 Post reading ( pair work ).
Read again and discuss in pairs about the following questions.
Q1: What are some of the difficulties Xiaowen and other disabled students have to overcome?
Xiaowen and others
people’s attitudes
their bodies

Q2: Compare Xiaowen’s case with the other two pictures. What do you think of them?
( transition ) Anyhow, we should show our love and care to the disabled people. Since they have so many difficulties, let’s move on to the designing part.
Step 5 Designing
& Ask them to design products for helping disabled people and show them their love to them.
& Show the students one example.
Step 6 Doing gestures together.
Students can show their love to disabled people.
Step 7 End with quotations.
① We should love our body, love our life.
② It is not frightening if you are disabled in body, but it is so if you are not healthy in mind.



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