unit 16 说课教案(人教版高二英语下册说课) |
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洞头县第一中学 林 琳 一. 教材分析 ㈠. 教学内容 本单元的中心话题是 “美国” ,课文围绕 “美国南部” 及 “美洲平原上的野牛” 展开, 让人感受美国的变迁过程. 本单元有助于培养学生跨文化交际意识,进一步拓宽视野,为终身学习奠定良好的基础. “热身”(Warming up)部分, 给我们提供了三幅画面,有利于我们从宏观上和微观上把握美国地理特征.练习题引导学生从美国的历史渊源,经济等方面认识美国,有利于学生的探究学习. “听力”(Listening) 部分设置了三个练习,由浅到深,层层深入. 练习1不仅有利于我们了解纽约市,而且有利于培养学生在听力中快速捕捉信息的能力. 练习2 和3有助于学生了解美国的背景知识,丰富学生的文化内涵. “口语”(Speaking)部分要求学生根据提示描述一个场所.题目设置贴近学生生活. 教师除了课本所提示的说明处,还可以引导学生描述自己的学校. “读前”(Pre-reading) 部分设计了两个练习.练习1要求学生列一份自己家乡的年表,并列出重要的事件以及变化过程,讨论其前因后果. 练习2 要求学生在年表上填写美国历史上发生的五件大事, 这有利于训练学生的逻辑思维能力,为阅读有关美国历史的课文做准备. “阅读”(Reading)部分 “美国南部” (The American South), 介绍了南部------一部充满灾难的历史, 同时也是一部充满成功与希望的历史.文章重点介绍了美国南部佐治亚亚特兰大市自内战以来的发展和变化. 着重阐述了反对种族隔离制度斗争的美国民权运动, 及其杰出的领袖马丁.路德.金的斗争精神. 通过阅读这篇文章可以了解,美国是个多民族的多元文化国家. 由于文章涉及美国历史的变化, 城市的发展, 需要对比的手法描写, 本篇文章可称得上是一篇对比性写作的范文. “读后”(Post-reading)部分练习1有利于学生通过实例来阐明观点. 练习2 要求学生进行两人小组讨论或者多人小组讨论, 题目强调了语篇意识,设置层次性强,有利于培养学生的思辨能力. “语言学习”(Language Study)部分包含词汇和语法两部份. 词汇学习涉及构词法知识,设计新颖,看似简单,其实灵活, 有助于学生留意某些词加后缀时意义的变化, 有利于避免负迁移. 语法练习2考察学生在语篇中使用非限定动词的能力, 注重学生综合素质的提高. “综合技能”(Integrating Skills)部分包含阅读和写作. 通过阅读 “美洲平原上的野牛” , 人们了解了美国历史上大规模屠宰野牛,破坏美洲草原生物链的教训. 写作部分要求学生写一封电子邮件, 帮助美国学生了解中国.这就需要学生在理解教材的基础上,从面积,人口,语言,民族,重要城市等方面比较美国于中国的区别.这项任务有利于提高学生的语言运用能力.特别是语言概括能力. “学习建议”(Tips)部分指导要求学生开展写对比分析文章,以及学生写作时要注意的相关事项. “复习要点”(Check points) 通过练习引导学生对非限定动词作一次小结,并对要求学生对描述处所的词汇进行一次小结,有利于培养学生的自学能力. ㈡. 教学目标 1. 语言知识 词汇:entry mental physical suffering greedy trader unemployment unrest sacrifice reconstruction former funeral dawn overcome insist plain resist chief afterwards widespread rot wildlife supply chain willing in vain take a chance leave alone insist on put on on sale in turn I don’t mind his being invited. He hate being laughing at She enjoys being interviewed. It is important for lost time to be made up. 功能:描绘场所 What does your hometown look like ? What does the landscape look like ? Are there ? There is in the north. How long/wide/high/tall is the….? It’s .. metres / feet long /wide/high/tall. It looks like ……. 2. 语言技能 听:听两段有关NY的短文,捕捉信息,改正错 说:用恰当的语言描述一个地方 读:掌握skimming scanning generalization taking notes 等微阅读技能。能欣赏对比性写作的文章 写:采用对比性手法写一段文章。 ㈢. 教学重点和难点 重点:课文中出现的重要单词和词组的用法如: insist on / leave alone / supply / be determined to do / be forced to do/resist 非谓语形式的用法 难点:采用对比性手法写作 非谓语形式用作定语的区别 二.课时安排和教学思路 本单元的中心话题是美国。我们将本单元的学习设计成从美国的东部经南部到西部的一次文化旅行。从美国的概况,东部城市(纽约和 Ellis Island),南部城市(Atlanta),和西部大草原(bison)来了解美国, 感受美国的变迁过程。。 Period 1 Warming up &speaking 本节课从一个“猜猜她是哪个国家”的游戏导入。接着通过美国地图和一张表格来了解她的概况。然后是一组图片(包括著名的城市和人物),目的是为听力和阅读做铺垫,降低难度。再做一个对错小测试,增加学生对美国的了解。根据游戏的做法进入口语部分。要求学生写一小段文字描述一个场所,用上useful expression, 让其他学生猜猜是哪里。在写之前先造句,掌握常用句型Are there…? There is …..in the north ..。It is ….metres/ feet long/wide/ high/tall…. It looks like ….. Period 2 Listening &Reading 本节课的中心话题是东部城市纽约和 Ellis Island,通过听力和阅读两个环节完成。先从图片引出纽约城,进入听力。她是美国甚至世界重要的城市,有必要增加一些信息量所以要求学生再阅读一段短文(从高三阅读文章中摘出3小段),增加信息量。通过几个对错判断来检查学生的理解程度。 Period 3&4 Reading 首先播放两小段视频。一是描述美国南部过去灾难和战争的《飘》,另一个是展现Atlanta的现代与富裕。两者形成鲜明对比,自然导入本节课的学习内容。Skimming通过回答问题了解文章的篇章结构和中心内容。Scanning细节理解,主要是通过完成表格,来对比Atlanta的今天和昨天,突出文章重点(明白Atlanta为什么是典型的南部城市及她又克服了哪些困难才成为一个现代的大都市)及对比性写作的特点。听完课文录音后,要求学生完成一个任务设计,编一段对话。。假设你是一个历史系的学生来到Atlanta旅行,你的笔友带你参观Atlanta,你们一起讨论Atlanta的过去和现在。通过对话编写来检查学生对课文的理解掌握,复习所学的内容。最后拓展思维,不同文化背景的人生活在一个城市里,有何好处和不利之处。 Period 5 Language study 由听写导入复习部分词汇。然后复习构词法。接着是复习非谓语的被动形式。最后通过选择题全面检查学生对这语法项目的掌握情况。 Period 6 Integrating Skill 由bison的图片导入阅读文章。通过回答问题。细节理解,对错判断。完成图表,来了解美国西部历史上大规模屠宰野牛,破坏美洲草原生物链的教训.。最后是写作任务。采用对比手法,帮助美国学生了解你的家乡。 三.教学反思 本单元的话题是美国,着重引导学生注意美国历史的变迁。其实美国的文化,建筑,地理特征,名胜古迹,民间传说,民俗特色,政权形式,科学成就都很值得老师引导学生去了解,这对学好英语是有很大的帮助的。 尤其是能够体会领悟美国的社会特征和人文特点,在学生阅读文章时就能够减少好多障碍。但是内容涉及很广,我们不可能在一个单元的时间内让学生都了解,但是应当鼓励学生上网或去图书馆查阅资料,自主学习。同时也应该提醒学生思考中国和美国这两个国家的相似的地方和不同的地方,做一些比较。 四.教学程序 Teaching plan for Unit 16 Period 1 Warming up & Speaking Goals:1. Learn about the USA 2.Practise describing places to train the speaking ability T:Now, let’s begin our class. First, I’ll give you some information about the history of a country. Please guess which country it is. Listen carefully. It is a very young country in the world, which has only a history of 200~300 years. There is a Statue of Liberty in the east coast. It is about 46 metres high. The head office of the UN was set up there. Two World Wars didn’t take place there. Now it is the strongest country of the world. Can you guess it? Ss: Yes. The USA. Step 2 Warming up 1. Show the map of the U.S.A and help the Ss to get a general idea of her. Full name Location Capital city The largest city When was founded population 2. The U.S.A is a beautiful country. There are many beautiful cities and also great people. Let’s see some pictures. Do you know sth about them? (George Washington . The first president Martin Luther King the leader of non-demonstration was killed in 1968 New York the largest city nick name Atlanta in the south the host of the Olympic Game in 1996 Ellis Island Island of Tears) 3. What else have you known about her ? A quiz (Ex1.) 4. What do you want to know ? Step 3 Speaking 1. Learn the useful expression. Make a sentence with each pattern. How long /wide/high/tall is ….? It’s …metres/feet long/wide/high/tall. There is …in the north/south/east/west. It looks like…. 2. Write a short passage to describe a place. 3. Play the Guess game. One student read his short article , the others guess where it is. Home work: Search the internet to find information about New York. Period 2 Listening &Reading( about New York and Ellis Island ) Goal: 1.Do some listening to improve the listening ability. 2. Learn more about New York Step 1 Lead-in Show a picture of NY. T: Can you guess when the picture was taken?(it was taken before the date September 11,2001.)How do you know?(Because in the picture, we can see many skyscrapers. Among them, the World Trade Centre and the Empire State Building are most famous, but now the World Trade Centre has already gone. It was exploded by terrorists.) Step 2. Listening 1. T: Now let’s listen to a radio programme about New York to help Wang Xiao correct the errors in her notes. Turn to the next page. Let’s look at Ex.1 in the listening part. Here are the notes taken by Wang Xiao after he listens to a radio programme about New York. First read it by yourself. Then I’ll play the tape for you to listen. After that, please correct his errors. Do EX1 2.T:OK.Now let’s listen to the tape again and then answer some concerned questions. Before listening, you need to go through with the questions.(Teacher gives the students one minute to read the questions. Then play the tape for the second time. After that, give the students enough time to discuss the answers and check them.) 3.T:Well done. Please listen to Part 2 of the listening material and then choose the best answers to the question in Ex.3. (Teacher deals with Ex.3 in the same way. If necessary, play the tape again.) Step.3 Reading Now let’s know more about NY by read the following material. (adapted from SB3 Lesson 49) New York New York is built on a group of islands on the east coast of the USA at a point where several rivers flow into the ocean. The first westerner to discover these islands was Italian explorer in 1524. In 1626 the island of Manhattan was bought from local Indians, Native Americans, for a handful of goods worth about $24. Today Native Americans express their anger over this business deal. After the War of Independence ended, New York became the capital of the USA for a short time (1789--90) before Washington, D.C. The building of skyscrapers in New York began around the year 1900. Because Manhattan Island is made of solid rock, it is safe to build very tall buildings. A 55-stored building went up in 1913 , and in 1931 the Empire State Building was completed., then the tallest building in the world. It has 102 storeys and 73 lifts. From the top of it, you could see up to a distance of 130 kilometres on a clear day. Today it is no longer the tallest building in the USA, or even in New York. The World trade Centre , an office building for over 1200 firms employing about 50,000 people, is even higher at 411 metres. The twins towers are 110 storeys high, but high-speed lifts controlled by computer take only a minute to reach the top. The towers are further apart at the top than at the base, but this is no mistake. This is because the surface of the earth is not flat but round. But unfortunately the twin towers were destroyed by terrorist attack on Sep11,2001. ……. New York never sleeps. The underground railway runs 24 hours a day, and there are all –night cinemas, bars and restaurants. Some people think that the weather is unpleasant, the city ugly and dirty, the competition fierce and the streets unsafe. It is a city in a hurry, but a very exciting place to be. True or False 1.New York is built on an island on the east coast of the USA. 2.These islands were first discovered by an Italian explorer in 1524. 3. New York became the capital of the USA for a short time after Washington, D.C. 4.About a century ago the building of skyscrapers began in New York. 5.Skyscrapers were mainly built on Manhattan Island. 6. Because of a careless mistake, the twin towers of the World Trade Center are further apart at the top than at the base. Home work: Search the internet to find information about the south of the USA Period 3&4 Reading. Goal: 1.learn about the American south. 2. Improve the reading ability 3. Learn and master the following: suffering unemployment depression reconstruction burn down aim at in honor of in vain take a chance overcome be determined to do step 1 lead-in 1.Play the video of the film “gone with the wind, let the Ss know the hard past of the south 2.Play another video about the city of Atlanta, show the modern and rich of the south 3.Let the Ss know how difference they are. Then tell them they will learn about the history of the south step 2 Pre-reading Put the events below in the correct place on the timeline. 30,000 years ago 1600 1861 1930s 1960s 1. the American Civil War 2.The great Depression 3.The Civil Rights Movement 4.The arrival of Native American 5.The arrival of European settlers Step 3 Skimming(get a general idea of the passage) Ask the Ss to answer the following questions. 1. What kind of story is the story of the south? 2. Which city is the typical southern city.? Step 4. Scanning (Get specific ideas ) Ask Ss to read the passage carefully again and make it clear why Atlanta is a typical southern city. Try to finish the chart below Why Atlanta is a typical southern city ? The past In the war The difficulties the people of Atlanta had to overcome after the war 1. economical _________________ 2. political __________ today The success in 1996 Modern Atlanta Step5 Listening and consolidation Ask Ss to listen to the tape to get more information After that, work in pairs to make up a dialogue. .Task: A Chinese college student who studies history came to Atlanta for a trip. His pen friend showed him around the city They talked about the history and development of the city. Step 6 Further understanding(discuss in groups)People of many different background live and work together in Atlanta .What are the advantages of living together with people who are different from you ? Are there any disadvantages? Homework : Read the passage again and try to Period 5 Language study. Goal: 1.Review the new words appearing in the last period. 2.Do some exercises using the rules of word formation 3. Review Non-finite Verbs Step 1 Word study 1. have a dictation. ( former, greedy, mental, physical, wide spread, chief ) Then do Ex3on page 45 2. About the word formation Do Ex 2& EX1 Step 2 Grammar---Review Nonfinite Verbs(2) 1..: look at the sentences on the screen. (Teacher shows the following on the screen.) It is impossible that lost time can be made up. 2.Rules are made so that they can not be broken. 3.I don’t mind their inviting him. 4.She enjoys their interviewing her. Try to Rewrite the sentences on the screen using the correct non-finite passive form. 2. Before doing them, review non-finite verbs together. (:The verb that cannot be used as the predicate is called the non-finite verb. The “v.-ing, v.-ed or to do cannot act as the predicate, so we call them the non-finite verb.”The passive form of them is separately “being done” “or“to be done”.(Teacher writes them on the blackboard.) 动词--ing形式 不定式 形式 主动 被动 主动 被动 一般式 writing Being written To write To be written 进行式 To be writing 完成式 Having written Having been written To have wtitten 3. Do the exercise and check the answers.. Suggested answers: 1.It is impossible for lost time to be made up. 2.Rules are made to be broken. 3.I don’t mind his being invited. 4.She enjoys being interviewed Step3 Do Ex1&2 Step4. Choose the best answers (B) 1. I learned a lot _________ in the countryside. A. working B. while working C. when worked D. to work (A) 2. It is well known that a tiger looks very ____________. A. frightening B. frightened C. being frightened D. to frighten (B) 3. The little boy got too _________ to move. A. frightening S. frightened C. frighten D. to be frightened (C) 4. It was getting dark. I found a car ______in a pool by the side of road. A. stick B. sticking C. stuck D. to be stuck (C) 5. I have collected the money __________. A. deeding B. need C. needed D. to need (B) 6. The glass of water is too hot. I prefer some cold ________ water. A. boiling B. boiled C. having boiled D. to boil (A) 7. It’s a good idea _______ to the front of the line. A. to push B. of pushing C. pushed D. to be pushed (B) 8. I won’t have you ________up and down all day. A. ran B. running C. run d. to run Home work: Search the internet to get some information about the south Period 6 Integrating Skill Goal: . 1. Learn about the American plain and the bison 2. Write a short passage about your home town 3. Lear and master the following: live by doing in huge numbers make a agreements with die out wide spread be forced to do cut off as a result Step 1 Lead-in Show the picture on the screen. And ask Do you know what the animal is called? (Its name is bison. It is a type of cattle which used to exist in huge numbers on the plains of America) .Would you like to know more about the bison? Step 2 Fast-reading Answer the two questions 1.In what ways did the settlers treat the Native Americans unfairly? 2.What caused a big change in the wildlife on the plains? Step 3 Careful reading Tick the sentences that are true and correct the false ones. 1.( )The first settlers on the plains were farmers. 2.( )Native Americans willingly gave up land to the settlers. 3.( )The settlers did not deal honestly with the native Americans. 4.( )Settlers ended up with better land than the native Americans. 5.( )Later settlers made use of the bison in the same way as the native Americans. Step 4 Post reading Use what your have learned from the text to complete the diagram below Step 5 Writing Imagine that your American pen friend has sent you an e-mail asking for help. He want to know the history and the development of your home town. Write a letter to him or her comparing the past and today of your home town. The following table may help you. The past today Area and population City building Transportation Education and school The people’s living conditions Homework: Finish the writing work. |
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