unit 15 The necklace(新课标版高一英语下册教案教学设计)

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任课教师: 任课班级: 年 月 日
Teaching aims and demands
1. Talk about drama and theatre.
2. use the modal verbs must, can/could, may/might
3. Ask for permission
4. Talk about possibilities
5. Write and act a short play
Function Ask for permission:
Could we/I …? May/Can I…? Shall we …?
Is it possible …? Do you mind…?
Talk about possibilities:
It can’t be… It could … He might… They must…
phrases dormitory explain recognize continue call on lovely bring back day and night pay off at most debt precious positive attend earn act out besides surely ball lecture silly author outline
call on bring back day and night pay off at most act out
情态动词(3)---must, can/could, may/might
1. 能够用英语有把握猜测某人或某事物现在的情况—must, can’t
He must stay at home now.
Jim can’t be in the room. You see, the light is out.
2. 能够用英语不十分有把握猜测某人做某事物现在的情况—can, may, could, might.
You could borrow some jewellery from your friend.
He may come to watch the play.
But you may not remember me.
Arrange-ments Period 1: Warming up, listening
2: Speaking
3&4: Reading
5: Language study and grammar
6: Integrating skills-Reading, writing and tips
任课教师: 任课班级: 年 月 日
Title Period 1 Warming up and listening
Teaching objectives To enliven the students’ thinking an make up a story.
To train the students’ ability of listening and let some information about the short play.
Keys and
the new words and phrases
Step 1 Lead –in
T: What do you like doing in your spare time?
S: Watching TV/play; seeing a film
T: Where do you watch a play?
S: At the theatre.
T: What do we call the person who writes a play?
S: A playwright. .
T: What do you know about drama and theatre?
T: Do you like making up a story? Let us open your books on page15.
Step 2 Warming up
I. Let the students discuss them in groups to make up a short play Including the setting, time , place and characters. Teachers show the suggested answers in the CAI.
Setting: It’s a fine day. Two young people are hiking along
the seaside when they meet an old man.
Time: One day in Summer.
Place: Scene 1: near the sea ;
Scene 2: in a cave;
Scene 3: outside a cave .
Characters: 3 persons ( Tom, Jane and an old man )
II. Role-play: Get several groups to act out their plays
A possible story,
Long time ago, two boys happened to find a magic map which showed some treasure hidden in a tower in a giant mountain while hiking in the mountain.
任课教师: 任课班级: 年 月 日
They were full of curiosity and decided to find the treasure. They met an old man on a golden beach. The kind old man showed them the way to the tower and when they were leaving, he also told them there must be a surprising present waiting for them.
Following the map, they continued for two days before they got to the mountain. It was a beautiful place. But they can’t wait to find the treasure. They found the tower and got in. When the door opened, they were astonished by the numerous treasures in it.
They were busy enjoying the beautiful necklaces and diamonds, but didn’t know a terrible thing was going on. A monster, a dragon was over looking them. The dragon flew down and attacked them. When the two boys realized it, it was too late….
Step 3 Listening
I. Pre-listening: Go over scene 1,2,3 and guess which is the correct answer.
II. While-listening:
1 ). Listen to the short play on the tape on t he tape
and choose the correct answers.
2). Listen to the tape for a second time and get the
information needed in the form below
III. Post-listening:
Let the students discuss the following questions
1). Who could steal Mary’ necklace and cell phone
2). How can you solve the mystery?
If possible, let the students retell the short play according to the form above or finish it in the morning class.
Step 4 Homework
Write a short story about the pictures in warming up. (p.15)

任课教师: 任课班级: 年 月 日
Title Period 2 Speaking
Teaching objectives 1. To help the students know something about the drama and the theatre
2.To learn how to create a short play and act it out
Keys and
How to create a short play.
Step 1 Revision
Let some Ss read their stories loudly, and let the others enjoy their stories.
Step 2 Pre-speaking
. Talk about famous playwright.
1. Talk about some playwrights both in China and abroad.
2. Whose drama have you watched?
3. What do you think of his drama?
II. Ask the students more questions about dramas
1) Can you think of some words which are related to the word “drama” ?
Possible answers:
theatre, lightsplot Line, wig ,Maskcomedydirector actor/actress stage, stage directions performance setting, dress/costume
2) Do you know how to rehearse a drama ?
Write: play ( time, Place, Characters, scenes , stage directions )
Drama: Direct: direct how to act the play.
Act: remember lines and understand feeling ( facial expressions and body languages)
Step 3 Speaking .
1. Work in groups. Read the situations below and choose one of the situations to create a short play. Then act it out.
2. Comments of their performance
Step 4 Homework Preview the reading part.
任课教师: 任课班级: 年 月 日
Title Period 3&4 Reading
Teaching objectives 1. To develop the students’ reading ability
2. To arouse the students interest in learning the drama
3. To learn some useful expressions of asking for permission and asking about possibilities.
Keys and
Difficulties Some words and phrases.
How to analyze a short play.
Step 1 Lead –in
T: Have you ever acted in a play? What role did you play?
Have you ever tried to write a play?
What kind of plays do you like: funny plays, serious plays or sad plays?
Step 2 Reading
I. T: Today we are going to read a play about a necklace. The play is from the famous short story The Diamond Necklace. Who wrote it?
S: Guy de Maupassant (Continue to talk about his birth, nationality, and his writing)
T: The necklace is a short play. It is the first for us to learn plays. What should be included in a play?
S: Time, place, characters, stage directions.
T: Well, let us read The Necklace and try to find it.
II. Fast reading
Give each scene a title.
Scene 1 : Meeting with an old friend
Scene 2: An invitation to a ball in the place.
Scene 3: The story of a lost necklace
III. Analyze how the plot develop.
Getting the invitation-----borrowing a necklace-----losing the necklace----buy a new necklace---- returning the necklace----learning the truth
IV. Analyze the characters
Mathilde: a young lady, pretty but vain
Pierre: a government worker, not rich but ambitious
Jeanne: a young lady, rich but warm-hearted
Step 3 Post-reading
I. Retell the story by using your own words
II. How many characters are their? What’s their relationship?
Who do you like best? State your reasons.
Why did Mathilde need to borrow a necklace?
What’s her husband’s attitude towards this? What does it tell us?
Why does the play go like this? What was the main idea of the story?
任课教师: 任课班级: 年 月 日
III. Let the Ss act the play out.
Step 4 Language points
1) mystery 神秘的事
How the Pyramids were built is still a mystery.
不可数名词, 神秘状态,神秘处
The lady’s mystery makes her charming.
mysterious a mysterious look/action
2) but I don’t think I know you
I don’t think you are right.
I don’t suppose I shall be back until 8 o’clock.
3) That is because of hard work
It was all because of that necklace.
Mother got angry because of what you did.
He cried because of the pain in his arm.
4) an evening dress a full dress 大礼服 (妇女的连衣裙)
[u] 服装,男女服装的总称,尤指外衣
He doesn’t care much about dress. 他不太在意衣着。
In this play old play, the actors wear the dress of 200 years ago.
5) after all 毕竟,终究,到底
a. 要知道…, 别忘了…(句首) 表示说话人对别人的态度,用来说服或提醒对方,引出听话人似乎忘记了的某个重要的论点或理由。
I think we should let her go on holiday alone. After all, she is fifteen; she is not a child any more. (要知道…)
Why is he not allowed to stay here? After all, it is his home.
  b. 表示说话人意思的转折, 虽然…,但毕竟…(句末)
  Mathilde thought it was a diamond necklace, but it wasn’t a real one after all.
Although they met with difficulties, I hear that they have succeeded after all.
6) marry
Her daughter married a handsome man.
They love each other, but still don’t marry. (不及物)
He got married last year. (be/ got married with)
Is John married?
7) call on/upon
Last night I called on Mr.Black and had a long talk with him.
The salesman calls on our company twice a month.
8) Mr. White and I were invited to the ball. (谦逊)
I and Mary are to blame. (勇于承认错误)
9) Did 用语肯定句中表示强调,带有感情色彩,意为,真的, 的确等词语,其后动词用原形。
You do look nice today.
He does speak well.
We did need help those days.
10) He paid off all the debts on time. 还清债务 pay off one’s debt
He paid 10 yuan for the pen. 付…款
We must pay the money back to you tomorrow. (偿还,还给某人
11) be worth + sth/doing
A: How much is the necklace worth?
B:It is worth 300 US dollars.
The museum is worth visiting/ a visit.
His suggestion is worth consideration/considering.
Don’t lock the door, it isn’t worth it.
Step 5 Homework
Retell the story in your own words.

任课教师: 任课班级: 年 月 日
Title Period 5 Language study
Teaching objectives 1. Consolidate the important new words and phrases in this unit.
2. To enable the students to use the modal verbs in the context.
Keys and
Modal verbs, must, can/could, may/might
Step 1 Revision
Let some Ss retell the text about the necklace.
Step 2 Word study
I. Guess the words.
II. Choose the right phrases for each of the blanks.
Step 3 Grammar
Get the Ss to know how to use the modal verbs, must, can/could, may/might.
I. Do exercise 1 on Page 19.
II. Fill in the blanks with the proper modal verbs to complete the dialogue.
**Must, can could, may, might, would
肯定句中用must, could, may, might, would + do 表示对现在情况推测, + have done 表示对过去情况推测 [must 完全肯定(一定是,想必是), could, may, might表示可能或者肯定程度依次递减。]
e.g Mary must have some trouble; she keeps crying over there.
His brother must have taken the magazine away.
**Can 用来表示现在的可能性,只用语疑问和否定句(不可能)
Who can it be at the door? Can it be your sister?
What he said can’t be true.
** can 间或用语肯句,指理论或逻辑上的可能性。对当前发生的事推测,“可能是,也许会,会” It can be true. Playing football can be exciting.
Anyone who wants to try can be successful.
**can’t have done 对过去的推测
He can’t have finished the reading. 他不可能读完的。
**could have done 表示非事实或者并未实现
You were stupid to go skiing there. You could have broken your leg.
** would 用语肯定句,指说话人主观上认为的不是很准确的推断。
The project would be completed by the end of this year.
Step 4 Homework
Do Exe.1 on Page 79.

任课教师: 任课班级: 年 月 日
Title Period 5 Language study
Teaching objectives 1.To learn to write a short play
2.To help the students to reflect on how and what they have learned from this unit.
Keys and
New words and phrases
Step 1 Revision
Check the answers of Exe.1 on Page79.
Step 2 Reading
I. Let the students the short passage in Integrating skills on
( p 20-21) and then describe what they think the stories are.
II. Learn how to write and perform a short play
What should we pay attention to when we write it ?
Now let’s look at the“ TIPS”
Step 3 Group work.
I. Show the Ss 4 scene and then let them write a short play.
Scene 1
Place: on the way to her grandmother’s
Time: one morning
Characters: a girl, an alien
Place: on the spaceship
Time : in the future
Characters : a girl, an alien
Scene 3
Place : at the girl’s grandmother’s house
Time: in the evening.
Characters: a girl and her grandmother.
II. Act it out
III. Make comment on it.
Step 4 Homework
Review the whole unit.
Preview next unit.

1. —It’s many years since I last saw you. I ______you at first.
—I wouldn't have, either, if someone hadn't called you by name.
A. didn’t know B. didn't recognize C. knew D. recognized
2. —I'd like to buy a new computer.
—Well, we have several models ______ .
A. to choose from B. to choose C. for choosing D. for choice
3. The young lady ___a Frenchman ___ a firm.
A. married, for B. married, with C. has married to, with D. was married, with
4. He told me he had _____ your present, but he would not _____ it because it was too expensive.
A. accepted; receive B. received; accept C. accepted; accept D. received; receive
5.I hope to call _____ the manager _____ his office at two o'clock this afternoon.
A.at; in B.on; at C.on; on C.at; at
6. “We must pay the money _____ to the company before they notice that it's missing.” said Peter.
A. for B. off C. back D. in
7.A person with good manners often helps those who are in trouble _____ laughing at them.
A. instead of B. instead C. never to D. not
8. 7.—You look beautiful ______________ the red skirt.
—Thank you, and it surely looks wonderful ______________ you.
A. on; in B. in; on C. with; with D. at; at
9.This book is not interesting. In my opinion, it is really not worth ______.
A. reading B. to read C. to be read D. being read
10.Do you remember the days 20 years ago ______ we spent together?
A. while B. when C. that D. where
11..It's not surprising that you are tired. ______, you were up until 11 last night.
A. Instead B. In fact C. After all D. What's more
12.—He got the first place in the examination.
—That's ______________ his parents are so pleased with him.
A. when B. because C. why D. how
13..—You haven't been to Beijing, have you?
— ________.How I wish to go there!
A. Yes, I have B. Yes, I haven't C. No, I have D. No, I haven't
14.Just a minute while I get a pen, to write down your phone number.
A. hold on B. get on C. turn on D. keep on
15. We are when we heard the news.
A. more than happy B. much more happy C. happier D. happiest
16.Have you ever dreamt an actor?
A. being B. to become C. that you become D. of becoming
17.The first thing that an actor must have is the desire an actor and the belief he can acts well.
A.of becoming; that B. to become; that C. of becoming; which D. to become; which
18. Becoming a good actor is often a of personal development at the same time.
A. thing B. matter C. key D. question
19. He you more help, even though he was very busy.
A. might have given B. might give C. may have given D. may give
20.─ I help you with some shoes, madam?
─ Yes, I would like to try on those brown ones.
A. Will B. Should C. May D. Must
(二)Grammar ---常用情态动词can /could, may/might,must用法
  常用情态动词can /could, may/might,must用法
  He can speak five languages.
  区别:be able to
  be able to 表人的行为能力,较具体。而can 为一般行为能力,主语为人、物皆可。
  2)表许可,意义接近于may. You can go now.
  3)表建议和请求,用于疑问句式。 Can you open the door for me ?
   ---who is the man over there ?
   ---It must be our master.
   ---It can't be him. He left for Shanghai this morning.
  1)能力,为can 的过去式。 2)建议和请求,较can 委婉。 3)表可能,语义较弱。
  It could be quite cold when you get to Cairo.
  注意: —Could I use your computer ?
   —Yes, you can .(此处不用could)
  1)表许可,意同can (2)。 2)表建议和请求,意同can (3) 3)表可能,推测。(用于肯定或否定)
He may be home now.
NMET 2002 ,25 ---Is John coming by train?
---He should ,but he may not .He likes driving his car.
Might 1)表许可,较may 委婉。 2)表请求,较may 委婉。
3)表可能,推测,较may 语气弱。
  1)表必须、应该 You really must stop talking.
  2)表示禁止。 You mustn't only think of others.
  3)表推测。用于肯定句,“一定,准是” He must be waiting for us at home.
   —Must I do it now ?
   —Yes, you must.(No, you needn't )
  肯定句中可用:must , may ,might, etc. must语气最强
  否定句式中可用can not , could not , may not ,might not. can not 语气最强,不可能
  2.情态动词后的不同形式 1)情态动词+原形 2)情态动词 be doing
  He may be playing football on the playground. 表一种动作的进行性
  3)情态动词+完成体**** 这是高考频现点。
  NMET 2001 33
  —I was really anxious about you. You_________home without a word.
  A. mustn't leave B. shouldn't have left
  C. couldn't have left D. needn't leave
  20. Sorry I'm late. I ________ have turned off the alarm clock and gone back to sleep again. (春考2000)
A. might     B. should      C. can       D. will
  可简单归纳如下: 情态动词+完成体一般表过去时间,有时可表现在完成的概念。
  needn't have done 本不必
  should(n't) have done本(不)该
  could(nt) have done 本(不)能够
  must can may +have done 表对过去或现在完成时间的推测。
 Exercise: Task1: 单选:
1. —You know that you were driving 100 km. an hour, don't you?
   —No officer, I . This car doesn't do more than 80.
   A. may not have been B. couldn't have been
   C. mustn't have been D. shouldn't have been
  2. I think he could have joined us, but he .
   A. doesn't B. did C. didn't D. couldn't
  3. I have written to him because he phoned me afterwards.
   A. ought to B. must C. couldn't D. needn't
  4. You phone him if you want to, but you . He'll surely phone you.
   A. may, mustn't B. have to, needn't C. might, won't D. can, needn't
  5. —Where shall we meet tomorrow?
   —Well. I _ _ come to your house if you like.
   A. could B. might C. should D. would
  6. The line is busy. Someone _ __ the telephone.
   A. may be using B. may have used C. must have been using D. must be using
  7. —Did you visit the famous museum?
   —No, we _ _, but we spent too much time shopping.
   A. could have visited B. must have visited
   C. can' t have visited D. shouldn't have visited
  8. —You must phone us every week.
   —Yes, I .
   A. must B. have to C. will D. should
  9. English is a language that many people around the world _ _ not speak perfectly but at least understand.
   A. may, can B. would, might C. will, must D. could, might
  10. —Shall I book a table for the dinner?
   — . The restaurant won't be full this evening.
   A. Yes, you may B. No, you mustn't C. No, you needn't D. No, you can't
  11. He was taken away by the police. He for a robber.
   A. must be mistaken B. was being mistaken
   C. must mistake D. must have been mistaken
  12. There are only eight photos here. I twenty-two.
   A. ought to have been B. ought to be C. ought to have D. ought to have had
  13. —I wonder if I smoke here.
   —No, you . Could you see the sign "No Smoking" there?
   A. can, needn't B. shall, won’t C. must, can't D. may, mustn't
  14. —I haven't seen Mr. White for weeks. —What to him?
   A. must have happened B. may have happened
   C. can have happened D. may happen
  15. —I didn't go to work yesterday afternoon because my car broke down.
   —You mine. I wasn't using it.
   A. might borrow B. could have borrowed
   C. can have borrowed D. ought to borrow
 16. —Is there a flight to Paris this evening?
   —There _ _ be. I' 11 phone the airport and find it out.
   A. must B. would C. might D. can
  17. —Tom, would you like to our dinner party? — .
   A. Yes, I would B. Yes, with pleasure C. No, I can't come D. Yes, I may
  18. Considering that Tom always did well in all his subjects, he in the final exam.
   A. mustn't fail B. couldn't have failed C. ought not to fail D. mustn't have failed
  19. My sister met him at the Grand Theatre yesterday afternoon, so he your lecture.
   A. couldn't have attended B. needn't have attended
   C. mustn't have attended D. shouldn't have attended
  20. —It rained so heavily that I had no choice but to stay at home.
   —Anybody in your position _ _. the same.
   A. does B. will do C. has done D. would have done
1. B C D D A 6. C AC A C 11. D C D C B 6. C B B A D




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