Unit 20 Humour whole unit(人教版高一英语下册教案教学设计)

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Teaching goals
1. Talk about humour and comedians
2. Practice saying tongue twisters
3. Express intensions and plans
4. Learn to use the –ing Form (1) as Atrribute and Object Complement
5. Write a funny story or joke in English
Period 1 Word study
1. Homour/humor
(1) amusement 幽默;诙谐;幽默感
He has no sense of humour. 他没有幽默感。
(2) person’s state of mind; temper 心情,心境
My daughter is in a good humour today. 我女儿今天很高兴。
(3) v. 使满足;迁就
When a person is ill he may have to be humored.
out of humour 不高兴; 心情不好
humourous adj. 幽默感的,诙谐的
2. bitter adj. 苦的; 难过的;痛苦的
The soup is bitter.
His failure to pass the examination was a bitter disappointment.
a bitter pill to swallow 苦药丸;勉强接受的苦事
to the bitter end 到底;拼命
take the bitter with the sweet 甘与苦都接受
bitterly adv. 苦涩地 bitterness n. 苦味
3. comedy 喜剧 tragedy 悲剧
comedian 喜剧演员; 行动滑稽的人
comedienne 喜剧中的女演员;女丑角
He prefers comedy to tragedy.
Comedians often work alone or as a pair.
Song Dandan is a popular comedienne.
4. intend v. ---have in mind as a purpose or plan 打算; 意欲
intend to do sth 打算做…
intend that… 打算;
intend sb to do sth 想让某人做某事
be intended for 是为…设计的
intend to have done sth. 本想做某事(而没做)
intention n. 意图; 目的; 意旨
5. amuse v. = satisfy or excite the sense of humour or cause laughter of 使欢乐; 使发笑
amusement n. 快乐;娱乐;消遣
amusing adj. 引起乐趣的; 娱人的
amusingly adv. 娱人地
feel/be amused at/by/with 对…感到有趣
2. 他的回答使我好笑。
6. appreciate v.
(1)be thankful or grateful for 感激
(2)understand and enjoy the good qualities of
赏识; 鉴赏;欣赏
7. suffer v. =experience pain or difficulty 受…苦/折磨
suffering n. 痛苦 苦难
sufferer n. 受难者;病人
sufferable adj. 受得住的; 禁得住的
When I was in my childhood, I suffered from poverty.
Economy in Iraq is suffering from the war.
I know you have suffered a lot. = I know you have had a lot of sufferings.
8. Operate v.---(cause to) work 开动; 使运转; 使生效; 操作;管理; 作手术
The machine operates continuously.
This law operates universally. 这个规律是普遍起作用的。
He intends Dr Li to operate on him.
The machines are operated by electricity.
This company operates two factories.
Operation n. 工作;操作;生效;手术
Operator n. 操作人员; 电话接线员;
Operative adj. 操作的;运转的;有效的
9. Direction n. 方向;方位; (pl.)指示;说明;倾向;
He drove in the direction of London.
He gave me directions to enable me to find his house.
Our school is under the direction of a good principle.
The enemy ran away in all directions.
directive adj. 指导的
director n. 指导者; 董事
direct adj. 直接的
directly adv. 直接地
10. confuse v. ---mix up; put into disorder 弄糊涂;使混乱;混淆;
The road sign confused the driver.
Don't confuse Austria with [and] Australia.
They asked me so many questions that I got confused.
Confused adj. 混乱的;慌乱的;狼狈的
Confusedly adv. 慌乱地;混乱地
Confusion n. 混乱;慌乱;混淆
Period 2
Step 1 Warming up
1. Show a Chinese tongue twister to Ss and let them speak out as quickly as possible.(slide show)
  “四是四,十是十;十四是十四,四十是四十;谁要把十四说成四十,我就打 他十四;谁要把四十说成十四,我就打他四十。”
2. T: “In fact, not only are there many Chinese tongue twisters, but also there are many English tongue twisters. ” let Ss read the following tongue twister as quickly as possible.
  1. She sells sea shells on the seashore. The seashells she sells are seashells she is sure.
  2. There those thousand thinkers were thinking how did the other three thieves go through.
  3. Picky people pick Peter Pan Peanut Butter. Peter Pan Peanut is the peanut picky people pick.
  4. I wish to wish the wish you wish to wish, but if you wish the wish the witch wishes, I won't wish the wish you wish to wish.
  5. I thought a thought. But the thought I thought wasn't the thought I thought I thought. If the thought I thought I thought had been the thought I thought, I wouldn't have thought so much.
3. T say: “ It is difficult for people to say the sentence without making errors, these types of sentences are called tongues twisters. Tongue twisters are also difficult for native speakers. It can be fun to practise a few and try to see who can say them fastest.”
Step 2 Listening
1. Let Ss listen to the tape the first time, without taking notes. Make sure they understand all the words before listening. Then, ask them to finish Exercise 1.
2. let Ss listen to the tape again and ask them to finish Exercise 2. Then play the tape again to help them finish the Exercise 2
Step 3 Speaking
1. T asks: “Do you like to watch comedies or crosstalk shows?”
  “ Which comedies, little sketches, or crosstalk shows do you like best? ”
  “ Who is your favourite comedian? Why do you like him/ her?”
2. Listen and read the dialogue, then explain some language points in the dialogue.
make sb. laugh act the role of
  tongue twister a couple of intend to
3. let Ss work in pairs, one act as a journalist and the other act as a circus clown and let them make a similar dialogue about interview between journalist and circus, then let Ss act it out in the class.
4. Learn useful expressions to express intensions and plans:
5. Group work (A)
6. Group work (B)
Step 4 Homework
1. Write a story according to the pictures and what you have heard on the tape.
2. TALKING: (Workbook, page 108)
Ask Ss to look at the pictures, make up a funny story about what is happening and say whether they think the situations are funny or not.
Period 2
Step 1 Revision
1. Word list
2. Enjoy the students’ dialogues
3.Read the following sentences as quickly as possible.
1). A skunk sat on a stump and thunk the stump stunk, but the stump thunk the skunk stunk.
•2). Six thick thistle sticks. Six thick thistles stick.
•3). She sells sea shells by the sea shore.
The shells she sells are surely seashells.
So if she sells shells on the seashore,
I'm sure she sells seashore shells.
Step 2 Pre-reading
1. Show some pictures to Ss :
Tasks: “Do you know these people?”
Stan Laurel and Oliver Hardy
The comic duo of the 1930s “Laurel and Hardy.” the thin one is called Stan Laurel, while the stout one is called Oliver Hardy. They are funny because they are each other’s opposites: one fat and one thin; one is clever and one is silly etc.
Mr Bean
Although Mr Rowan Atkinson acts as different comic characters he is most famous around the world as Mr Bean. Mr Bean is funny because he makes funny faces, he acts silly, he seems to be quite stupid, and the things he does are strange.
Dustin Hoffman
Dustin Hoffman in the film Tootsie (1982). In this film Hoffman acts the role of a woman, and many people agree that his performance was so good that you often can’t tell the difference. But in the film of course there all kinds of funny moments.
Ma Ji
Ma Ji is a well-known artist of crosstalk shows in China. His numerous crosstalk shows always make his audience roar with laughter.
2. Read the text and find out the best choice.
1).Why is Dustin Hoffman so famous?
A. He is famous for his works.
B. He is famous for his foreign accent.
C. He is famous for his role acting as a woman.
D. He is good at playing on words.
2). What does a “sketch” mean in the text?
A. a rough, quickly made drawing
B. general outline
C. short, humourous play
D. a piece of writing
3). Comedians and players in a comedy are similar in ______.
A. Their way of playing with words
B. Clothes
C. Crossing-dressing way
D. Foreign accent
4). Choose the main idea of each paragraph.
a.Description of a clown b.What’s a crosstalk show
c.The traditional crosstalk show d.Description of comedians
e.The writers of comedies both at home and abroad
A. 1-e; 2-a; 3-d; 4-b; 5-c
B. 1-e; 2-d; 3-c; 4-a; 5-b
C. 1-a; 2-e; 3-d; 4-b; 5-c
D. 1-e; 2-a; 3-b; 4-d; 5-c
5). Why have crosstalk shows been popular with people? Which of the following is not the reason?
A. They have two speakers.
B. They make people not only laugh, but also think about life.
C. The richness of the spoken language is made full use of.
D. Their talk includes rhythm and rhyming words.
Step 3 post-reading
1. Pair work let Ss describe a clown in their own words.
2. Discussion compare Western and Chinese comedy shows. What do they have in common? How are they different?
3. Exercise finish the exercise 2 in Studentbook, page 53
Step 3. listening True (T) or False (F)
1.Camedies are music plays that make people laugh.
2.Word play is a way to create fun in comedies.
3.Clowns use some words to make people laugh.
4.Both body language and face are important in comedians’ shows.
5.A crosstalk show has two speakers making many jokes and funny conversations.
Step 4 Oral practice
1. Can you describe a clown in your own words?
2. What does a clown look like?
Step 5 language points
•make …funny 使得…有趣
•be famous for 因…而著名
•make fun of 取笑; 开…的玩笑
•roar with laughter 大笑
•make-up n. 化妆
•act out 表演
•have in common with 和…有共同之处
•date back to =date from 追溯到
•a flow of 源源不断的
•make use of 利用
Step 6 translation
1. 西安以兵马俑而著名.
Xi’an is famous for the Terra Cotta Warriors.
Sometimes crosstalk players make fun of themselves to make the audience roar with laughter.
3. 西安古城墙始建于明朝.
Xi’an City Wall dates back to the Ming dynasty.
Nowadays, more and more people begin to make use of the constant flow of information on the internet.
Step 7 exercises
1. He hates to be _____.
A. make fun of B. making fun of
C made fun of D. made fun
2. The castle ____ the 16th century.
A. is dated to B. dates from
C. dated from D. is dating back to
3. It is ____ to have cold drinks on such a hot day.
A. a fun B. funny C. fun D. funs
4. Our losses should be ____ with more loans, otherwise we won’t be satisfied.
A. made in B. made out C. made for D. made up
5. He put his whole heart into ____ ways ____ the quality of the products.
A. think of; of improve B. think up; to improve
C. thinking of; improving D. thinking up; of improving
Period 5
Integrating skill
Step 1 Reading comprehension
1.Which of the following is not mentioned in the text?
A. The writer was on her way to an interview.
B. She braked hard and hit another cyclist.
C. She shouted the driver of a yellow car.
D. The driver of the yellow car was angry with her for being so rude.
2. The driver of the yellow car turned out to be ______.
A.The boss of the office
B.The manager of the company
C.One of her friends
D.The man with whom she had to work together
3. What does she mean by the sentence “the last time we met I did most of the talking”?
A.You listened to me last time we met.
B. I’ll listen to you this time.
C. I shall say nothing about the accident.
D. I think you must be angry with me.
4. Which of the following can be used as another title for the text?
A. An Accident
B. An Interview
C. Tell Him What You Think of Him!
D. A Kind Manager
5. From the text, we can conclude that the manager was ______.
A.A careless driver B. selfish
C. Tolerant (宽容的) D. determined
Step 2 language points:
1.be on good terms with 与某人关系好
2.cut in 插入
3.in the other direction 朝着另外方向
in the direction of 朝着…方向
4. brake hard 使劲刹车
5.go up 上前去
6.lay down 放下
7.drive off 开车走掉
8.knock off 撞掉
9.shout at 冲着…大嚷
10. be on time for 按时
11. in great surprise 吃惊的
12. in (total) silence 一言不发地
13. look on…as… = regard…as… 把…看作是
14. be angry with sb 对…生气
15. make jokes about 拿…开玩笑
Step 3. exercises:
1. 他们把受伤的人放在地上。
2. 我看见他开车向着城里的方向去了。
3. 他对着我大叫大嚷,我很生气。
4. 我和李岩关系一直很好,我把他当作我的最亲密的朋友。
5. 那个司机把一个男孩撞下自行车,却驾车跑了。
They laid the injured man down on the ground.
I saw him drive away in the direction of the town.
I was angry with him for his shouting at me.
I have been on good terms with Li Yan and I look on him as my closest friend.
The driver knocked a boy off his bike but drove off.
Step 4 Homework
Write a funny story or joke in English.
Period 6
Period 7
Exercises in workbook
Period 8
Workbook integrating skills
1. Read the poem and explain the meaning of it.
2. Understand the poem better by going through the explanations on the reading paper.




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