Unit14 Freedom fighters teaching plan(人教版高二英语下册教案教学设计)

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The 1st period
I. Learning aims:
1. To learn the new words and expressions
2. To make sentences with some key words and useful expressions
3. To know about some famous freedom fighters
II. Teaching important points:
Teach the students the new words and expressions
III. Teaching difficult points
How to use the 4skilled words and useful expressions
IV. Teaching procedures:
Step1 Greetings
Step 2 Lead-in
1. Brief statements based on the unit
2. Teaching goals
1) Talk about civil rights and freedom fighters
2) Express logical relation
3) Review the Passive Voice
4) Practice argumentative writing
Step 3 New words and expressions
1. Freedom, free ,freely, free from
(1)The children enjoyed the freedom of the school holidays.
2. civil, civil war, civil rights, civil servant
3. murder, murderer
4. youth, young, youthful
5. prison,prisoner, put /throw。。。 in prison
(1)The thief was sent to prison for a year.
(2)Whoever refused to bow was thrown into prison.
6. Revolution,revolutionize,revolutionary
e.g. The revolution broke out in 1941.
e.g. The invention of the television caused
a revolution in our daily lives.
The revolution of the earth round the sun.
Sixty-five revolutions a minute
revolutionary adj. revolutionist革命者
7. Join hands, join sb. in doing, join up
8. slavery, slave, slave owner
9. runaway, run away
10. Soul, heart and soul
11. arrest, arrestment
12. separate, separate… from, divide…into
13. race ,racial
(1 ) n.人种,种族
a man of ancient race
e.g. I had a race with him.
A race for the championship
(3 )v.和……赛跑
e.g. In the story a rabbit raced with a tortoise.
e.g. He raced along the street on his bike.
racial adj. racially adj. racialism n.
14.marriage, marry
(2)They___ ____ ____ for 50 years.
(3)The priest married John and Mary.
15.forbid, ban
forbid (forbade ,forbidden)
forbid sb. to do sth. forbid doing
(1)Smoking is forbidden in our school.
(2)If you want to go, I can’t forbid you.
(3)I forbid you to use my tape recorder.
(4)I forbid walking in the fields.
forbidden adj.被禁止的 the Forbidden City
forbidding adj.难以接近的
forbiddingly adv.难以接近地
16.vote, vote for, vote against
vote: v/ n选举;投票;选举权
(1)You are too young to vote.
(2)The picnic was voted a success.
(3) Most of them voted for the law.
17.political, politics
 political crises /prisoners 政治危机/犯
politically adj.
politics n.政治学,政治看法(信仰)
(1).He left his own country for political reasons.
(2).Politics is much more difficult than physics.
(3).What are your politics?
18. set an example to sb。
set an example 树立榜样
e.g. Comrade Lei Feng set /gave a good example to us.
take sb. as an example以某人为榜样
take sb/sth. for example以某人某事为例
for example   例如
without example 没有先例
19. demand, demand to do, demand sth of sb,demand that S+(should)+V
(1).The workers are demanding better pay.
(2).I demand that John (should )go there.
(3).It is impossible to satisfy all your demands.
(4).The workers ’demands for high pay were refused by employees.
in demand 非常需要的,受欢迎的
on demand一经要求
20. Lawyer, law, break law , follow the law
1.Law and order is necessary for a peaceful society.
2.It is against the law to steal.
Newton’s law 牛顿定律 
the laws of nature自然规律
the law of gravity地心引力定律
the laws of grammar语法规则
lawyer n.律师
21. act, act as act out
22. religion, religiously
23. start with, begin with, end with
(1).The speech started with a song.
(2).The teacher started his lesson with some questions.
(3).Our school started with 400 students; now there are double that number
(4).The war ended with their failure.
24. abolish, abolition
25. regardless of
(1).Regardless of wind or rain, he comes to school on time.
(2). Regardless of the result, they still did the experiment.
(3).Regardless of party affiliation ,we all work for the people.
26. ridiculous, ridicule
27. at first sight, at the sight of ,out of sight, catch sight of
(1) They fell in love with each other at first sight, which is often the case these days.
(2) At the sight of a snake, the girl cried.
Step 4.Word study
1. Complete each of the sentences with the proper word from the unit。 The first has been given
Slavery,forbidden, arrested, demanded,boycotts
2. Choose the right words to fill in the blanks
Separate, separate separation, politics, political,race,racial,law,lawyer,freedom,free
Step 5. Vocabulary
1. Fill in the chart with the proper form of the words
2. Choose the correct group of letters to spell the following words
3. Complete the following sentences with their correct form.
4. Complete the following sentences using the phrases
Regardless of, join hands, in part, set an example, From them on, put into prison
Step 6 Exercise
Translate the following sentences into English:
7.伊拉克要求美国兵从伊拉克撤退.(Iraqi, get out of)
10. 不管皮肤颜色如何,黑人和白人要联合起来.
1.I like this jacket because it gives me more freedom.
2. He has been in prison for 5 years.
3. He forbids smoking during office hours.
4.They set an example of plain living.
5.England is separated from France by the English Channel.
6. The bandits murdered the man for his money.
7.The Iraqi people demanded that the USA soldiers should get out of Iraq.
8.His illness started with the slight cold.
9.At the sight of me, he always smiles .
10.Regardless of skin color, blacks and whites should join hands.
Step 7 Summary and homework
1. Learn the new words and useful expressions by heart
2. Make sentences with the key words and useful expressions
3. Preview warming up
The 2nd Period
I. Learning Aims:
1.Learn and master the new words and expressions in this period.
2.Talk about civil rights and freedom fighters to improve the students’ speaking ability.
3.Do some listening practice to improve the students’ listening ability.
4.Learn about some freedom fighters.
II. Teaching Important Points:
1.Talk about a favorite topic to improve the students’ speaking ability.
2.Enable the students to grasp the main points in a listening material.
III. Teaching Difficult Points:
1.Help the students to improve their listening ability.
2.Help the students to express their own opinions and ideas.
IV. Teaching Procedures:
Step Ⅰ Greetings
Greet the whole class as usual.
Step Ⅱ Lead-in and Warming Up
T:(Walk to one boy)Wang Bing, what do you usually do on weekends?
S:I sometimes play basketball with friends. I like basketball very much.
T: Then you must know this man.(Show the picture or play a short video program of Jordan—a famous basketball player who is a black man.)
T: Do you know who he is?
S: Of course I do. He is Jordan, my idol. He is the best basketball player in the world .I have many pictures of him.
T: Yes, you’re quite right. He is very famous and many people all over the world worship him. But do you know that it was not until about one hundred years ago that the blacks got their freedom and were treated as equal citizens?
S: Yes, we learnt about this in our history classes. The blacks were first brought to America as slaves. They were treated badly and they had no rights.
T: That’s right. But we all know that things are different now. Do you know how they could have the same rights as the whites?
Ss: We don’t know much about this. Please tell us more.
T:OK. Many people devoted themselves to this. Some were put into prison and some even lost their lives .Look at the two pictures and read the notes about them. Then have a discussion in groups of four. Try to explain why they are great men and in which way struggle was an important part in the lives of these men.
(Show the following pictures on the screen.)
Martin Luther King, Jr.
Born in 1929
Graduation in 1955
Worked in a church
Organized his first actions in 1955
Formed an organization for black leaders to work together in 1957
Gave speech “I have a dream” in 1963
Received the Nobel Prize in 1964
Murdered in 1968
马丁•路德•金(Martin Luther King, Jr,1929~1968)美国黑人民权运动领袖,牧师。1954年参加美国有色人种协进会的活动。1955年在亚拉巴马洲蒙哥马科城发动抵制该市公共汽车的种族隔离制度,迫使汽车公司取消这种制度,并同意雇佣黑人驾驶员。1957年被选为南方基督教领袖会议主席。1958年在南方21个主要城市组织集会,发动黑人争取公民权利。1963年8月在华盛顿特区组织了一次25万人集会,反对种族歧视,要求种族平等。1964年迫使约翰逊总统签署民权法案。他一贯主张非暴力主义,但仍多次被捕入狱。1968年3月被种族主义分子枪杀。
Nelson Mandela
Born in 1918
First actions while still at university in 1940
Graduation in 1942
Helped to found the ANC Youth League in 1944
Led many peaceful actions during the 1950s
Put in prison from 1962 to 1989
Received the Nobel Prize in 1993
Became the first black president of South Africa from 1994 to 1999
MANDELA, Nelson (born 1918). A folk hero for South African blacks, Nelson Mandela led the armed struggle against their homeland's separate policies. Scared by the obvious failure of nonviolent resistance, he was an outlaw for 18 months often wearing disguises to cheat the authorities. Finally he became a worldwide symbol of victory against racial separation when he was freed from a life sentence in prison.
Nelson Mandela was born on July 19, 1918, near Umtata, Transkei. To pursue a political career, he gave up his right to succeed his father as chief of the Tembu tribe. He studied law by correspondence. In 1944 he joined the African National Congress (ANC) and helped found its influential Youth League. His first jail sentence was for the ANC's 1952 Defiance Against Unjust Laws Campaign.
After the 1960 butchery of thousands of unarmed pass-law protesters, Mandela became an outlaw. Security police caught him in 1962. In 1964 he was convicted of acts of destroy while leading an underground wing of the banned ANC. As his legend grew, a campaign for his freedom strengthened in the 1980s. Mandela was set free on Feb. 11, 1990. He shared the 1993 Nobel peace prize with South Africa's president, F.W. de Klerk.
(Give the students a few minutes to discuss the questions. Then ask some of them to say their answers.)
T: Are you ready?
Ss: Yes.
T: Good. Now, who would like to tell us why these two men are great?
S :Let me have a try .I think Martin Luther King, Jr. is great. He worked for the freedom of all the blacks .He was born in 1929.After he graduated in 1955,he worked in a church and he organized his first actions in the same year. Two years later, he formed an organization for black leaders to work together. In 1963,he gave the famous speech “I have a dream”. Because of his success in his work, he received the Nobel Peace Prize in 1964.Unfortunately he was murdered in 1968.
T: Very good. Now, who can tell us something about Nelson Mandela?
S: He was the first black president in South Africa from 1994 to 1999.He was born in 1918.He worked for the equal rights for the blacks of South Africa for many years. As early as in 1940,while he was still at university, he took his first actions. In 1944,he helped to found the ANC Youth League. During the 1950s,he led many peaceful actions .He was hated by his enemies and he had been kept a prisoner from 1962 to 1989.But he never gave up the struggle for the freedom of all the blacks, so he received the Nobel Peace Prize in 1993.After he left his office, he has done much for the poor, especially the children. He also works for the equal rights of all the people and he wants a world without hunger and war.
T: Very good. You know a lot about them. Who can explain in which way struggle was an important part in the lives of them? Li Yan, would you like to have a try?
S:OK.I think struggle for the equal rights of all the blacks was an important part in the lives of them. They both achieved their goals by peaceful revolution.
T: Who knows how the situations are in their countries now? Has the situation been improved?
S: Things are different now .In the USA, the blacks and the whites have equal rights. They can both be elected leaders of their country.
T: Good. Who has anything else to say?
S: The same is in South Africa. After Mandela ,there is a second black president. No matter who breaks the law of the country, he will be punished or put into prison.
Step Ⅲ Listening
T: Well done. From the discussion we had just now, we know that in 1993 Martin Luther King, Jr. gave a famous speech—“I have a dream” .Have you ever listened to it?
Ss: No, we’ve only read about it in some magazines.
T: What a pity! But now I will give you the chance to listen to it. Before you listen to the tape, you should go through the exercises on Page 25 and Page 26 first.
(Allow the students a couple of minutes to prepare.)
T: Are you ready? Please listen to the tape carefully when I play it for the first time. The second time I play it, you should write down the answers quickly. After that, check your answers when the tape is played a third time. Finally you may have a short discussion in pairs. Are you clear?
Ss: Yes.
T: OK. Let’s begin.
(Play the tape for students to listen and finish the exercises. At last, check the answers together with the whole class.)
Step Ⅳ Speaking
T: Just now, we talked about two great men, and now we will talk about two other famous people—John Brown and Harriet Tubman.
John Brown (1800-1859)is remembered in the well-known marching song John
Brown‘s Body. In 1855 he moved from Ohio to Kansa where he became the
leader of the anti-slavery movement. He believed that all men were equal and that
slavery was a bad thing. In 1959 he tried to start a revolution to free the black
people. He was arrested and killed the same year.
Harriet •Tubman (1820 年- 1913 3月10 日), 亦称 黑人Moses, 是一位African-American 废除主义者和最好抵抗运动领导, 她被看待美国的最了不起的英雄的当中一个。
Please turn to Page 26 and read the notes about them. Work in groups of three. Discuss the lives of them and talk about the reason why certain things happened and how they changed history. The useful expressions will help you.
(Write the following on the blackboard and allow the students enough time to practice their dialogues. Finally ask a pair to act out their dialogue.)
Useful Expressions:
What happened first was that…
…happened as a result of…
You could expect…because…
That led to…
One of the reason why…is…
…is often followed by…
Sample dialogue:
(A—student a; B—student b)
A: Have you read about John Brown?
B: Yes ,I have.
A:I have heard of him, but I know little about him. Please tell me something about him. I want to know more.
B:OK. He was born in Connecticut 康涅狄格〔美国州名〕and was brought up in Ohio俄亥俄〔美国州名〕. He hated slavery. What happened first was that he helped the black slaves escape from the USA to Canada. You could expect that led to the slave owners against him. Then he took up his arms to fight against his enemies. One of the reasons why he did this is that his enemy wanted to kill him. One night a battle took place. As a result of it, he was caught and ten men, including his two sons, were killed in the battle. Later, he was killed ,too .Encouraged by his bravery, the whole country soon united and fought against the slavery .A few years later, the American Civil War broke out and in the end the blacks won.
A: What a moving story!
T: Great !Do you know that there is a song about John Brown ?It is one of the most famous songs in America and is still sung by American soldiers. Do you want to listen to it?
Ss: Of course.
T:OK. Listen carefully and try to sing along with the tape.(Play the tape for students to listen.)Do you like it? You can sing it to your friends after class. And try to find out the meaning of it.
During the American Civil War the song John Brown’s body became the most popular marching song of the Federal armies. The author of the song is unknown, but it is believed to have been written by Thomas B Bishop. The song is still a popular marching song.
Step Ⅴ Summary and Homework
T: Today, we’ve talked about two great men—Martin Luther King, Jr. and Nelson Mandela. And we have also listened to the famous speech—I have a dream. Besides ,we’ve talked of two other great people—John Brown and Harriet Tubman. After class, you should talk more about civil rights and freedom fighters, using the new words and expressions we’ve learnt in this class. Don’t forget to find out the meaning of the song. That’s all for today!
The 3rd and 4th Periods
I .Learning Aims:
1.Learn and master the new words and expressions in this period.
2.Read the text and grasp the main idea of it.
3.Learn the fine qualities of Martin Luther King, Jr.
II. Teaching Important Points:
1.Master the usage of some useful words and expressions.
2.Improve the students’ reading ability.
III. Teaching Difficult Points:
1.How to grasp the main idea of a text or a passage.
2.How to use some words and expressions freely.
IV. Teaching Methods:
1.Fast reading and careful reading to improve the students’ reading ability.
2.Pair work or group work to make every student work in class.
3.Discussion to help the students grasp the detailed information.
V. Teaching Procedures:
Step Ⅰ Greetings and Revision
(Greet the whole class as usual.)
T:In the last period,we listened to a song. Can you sing it?
T: OK.Let’s sing the song together.(Teacher and the students sing the song together.)Very good. You are all good at singing .Have you found out the meaning of it?Guo Li,you please have a try.
S:It means that though John Brown has died,and his body lies there in the grave,our task has not been finished. Inspired by his spirit we will continue it until we succeed.In order to get the slaves free,John Brown devoted his life.But his soul still marches on with us.If the stars in the heaven are looking kindly down,they must see us struggling on until all the slaves are set free.
Step Ⅱ Pre-reading
T:Very good.Today,we’ll read more about freedom fighters.Turn to Page 27 and have a look at the pictures.Have a short discussion in pairs and describe what you see to each other.
(Students practise for a moment and then teacher asks some of them to describe the pictures.)
Description of the first picture:
The first picture shows us a terrible scene.In the picture we can see the Nazi soldiers arrest a large group of people. This happened between the year 1933 and 1945.During that period,Adolf Hitler controlled Germany. He invaded some countries and killed as many as twelve million persons, most of whom were Jews, captured soldiers and common people.
A group of prisoners, consisting of men, women and children, are being led away by armed soldiers. In the back ground we can see that there is a fire in the city.
From 1933 to 1945 the Germans in Nazi Germany said that Jews were the cause of the bad economy in Germany. Jewish people were discriminated, caught and murdered. More than 6 million Jewish were murdered during these years.
Description of the second picture:
The second picture is about the Southern States in the USA, during 1900~1968.Though slaves in the USA were set free in 1865,they didn’t get equal rights until 1965.Before that, they didn’t have the rights to vote and were treated unfairly. The blacks and whites couldn’t go to the same schools. There were separate sections for blacks in public places.
We can see a bus conductor who puts up a sign that the waiting room for bus passengers is only for white people.
From abolishment of slavery in the USA, in 1865, until the passing of the Civil Rights Act in 1964, black people in the United States did not have the same right as white people, although the Declaration of Independence said that all men were equal. For more than 100 years, black free people had to suffer all kinds of discrimination.
Description of the third picture:
The third picture is about South Africa .In 1990,Mandela was set free and was elected the first black president of South Africa in 1994.Before that, the local people there had no equal rights. They were ruled by the whites and were looked down upon.
In picture 3 we can a black man who shows his passport.
Until 1990, South Africa was a country in which the vast black majority was ruled by a small white majority. Not only did this white minority govern the country, it is also discriminated the millions of black people in their own country.
T: Now, imagine that there were laws in our country that you wear a sign ,and only allowed you to go to special shops, restaurants ,and schools or separate parts in parks ,on buses ,subways or trains because you were different ,how would you feel?
S:I would be angry and struggle for equal rights.
T: But what would you do and how would you fight for your equal rights?
S:I’m not sure about this.I think I’ll think about it afterwards.
Step Ⅲ Fast Reading
T: After you read the passage ,I think you will learn a lot from it. Now,read the passage quickly and decide which of the sentences on the screen are true.
(Show the following sentences on the screen and give the students several minutes to finish the task.)
Decide which of the following sentences are true.
1.Martin Luther King, Jr. was born in 1865.
2.Black people refused to take buses for more than 18 months.
3.Black girls could not marry white boys.
4.King spent some time in prison.
5.Martin Luther King, Jr. died of cancer in Washington.
T:Look at the first sentence,please.Is it true?
S:I think it is wrong,because Martin Luther King,Jr. was born in 1929.
T:How about the second sentence?
S:It’s wrong,because black people refused to take buses for 381 days and that is less than 13 months.
T:Very good.Now,who can tell us which of these sentences are correct?
S:I think the third sentence and the fourth sentence are correct.
T:Do you agree with him/her?
Ss:Yes,we do.
T:OK.Now,look at the last sentence.Who’d like to have a try?
S:I’d like to.This sentence is wrong,because he was murdered in 1968 in a hotel in Memphis Tennessee.
T:How do you know this?The text doesn’t tell us where he was murdered.
S:I learnt this from the Internet.Last night I turned on my computer and got a lot of information about him.
T:That’s a good way to get some detailed information.Keep on doing that,you’ll know a lot that you can’t learn from our textbooks.
#.Fast reading and then fill in the table
Time Events of Martin Luther King. Jr
1929 was born
1944 went to college

1955 led a boycott of the bus company, lasted 381 days, won at last

1963 gave a speech “I have a dream”, become world famous
1964 receive the Nobel Prize for peace, Civil Rights Act was passed

1965 Voting Rights Bill became law

1968 was murdered
#.In how many sides were the blacks different from the whites according to the text ?
a. in marriages: were forbidden by law
b .in public places: There were separate sections in…
c. in education: Black children were educated in separate school
d. in politics: The blacks in the southern states had no right to vote
Choose the best answer
1. Martin Luther King. Jr. won the Nobel Peace Prize in 1964 because ____ .
A. he did his best to fight for political rights for black people in the USA
B. he was an important leader in the liberation of the blacks
C. he believed that black people should be treated as well as other people
D. all of the above
2.The separation of blacks and whites ____ in the southern states even in the 1950’s.
A. was allowed by law B. was forbidden by law
C. Was not permitted by law D. was not allow by law
3. Martin Luther King, Jr. thought that it was right and necessary to fight for equal civil rights by _____.
A. peaceful revolution B. marching
C. talking to the government D. all of the above
4.For the text we can infer that black people’s children received ____ in the past.
A. Less education than white children
B. More education than white children
C. As much education as white children
D. As little education as white children
Step Ⅳ Reading and Understanding
T: Now, read the text again and discuss the questions on the screen with your partner.
(Show the following on the screen.)
Discuss the following:
1,What was the situation for the blacks in the southern states at that time?
2.Explain in your own words what the first paragraph is about.
3.Martin Luther King,Jr. fought for the civil rights of black people in America.
Which civil rights did he want black people to get?
4.King believed that he could reach his goal through peaceful actions,
not through violence.Give examples of such peaceful actions.
(Students practise for a few minutes and the teacher may join in their discussion and help them.Finally ask some students to answer the questions one by one.)
Suggested answers:
1.Blacks were not treated equally.The South had its own laws to continue the separation of blacks and whites.Mixed-race marriages were forbidden by law.There were separate sections for blacks in public places.Blacks were not allowed to get into hotels,schools or libraries.Black children were educated in separate schools.Black people had no right to vote.
2.It tells us that thousands of black people marched on Washington D.C.,the capital of the USA in the summer of 1963,when Martin Luther King,Jr. spoke to them at a meeting.His speech—“I have a dream”—spoke out the minds of the black people.Inspired by his speech,people continued to struggle and succeeded in the end. Soon he and his speech became known to the people all over the world.
3.He wanted black people to be treated equally as the whites. Black people should not be separated but should be treated with respect in the same way as other people.They should have the right to vote.
4.In December 1955,King organized a boycott of the bus company and succeeded after 381 days. Later he led a new revolution to improve the housing condition for blacks in Birmingham. In 1963,he led the march on Washington D.C.As a result of that in the following year a new Civil Rights Act was passed and in 1965 a new Voting Right Bill became law.
#.Find out the main idea for each paragraph.
Pa Main idea Key points
1 Introduce the topic
1963, Washington DC, “ I have a dream”
made him world famous
2 Separation of blacks in the south
forbid mixed-race marriages
separated sections in many places
educated in separate schools
had no right to vote
3 King set a good example for political rights
Fought for political rights for black people
Treated the same with other people
4 King’s beliefs as a freedom fighter
Went to college in the north
Achieve goals by peaceful actions
5 King led the boycott of the bus company
a. Rosa Parks was arrested
b. Led a boycott of the bus company
c. Government lawyers declared the company wrong
6 King led non-violent demonstrations
Demonstrations against racial discrimination & the Vietnam War
Fought for the right for blacks in Birmingham
7 The influence of his speech
Inspired people of all races for equality
received the Nobel Peace Prize
Two laws were passed
8 King’s dreams came true
Murdered in 1968
The blacks started to enjoy equal rights
T:To help you better understand the passage, I will explain some words and expressions to you.Look at the screen,please.
(Show the following on the screen,and explain them to the students.)
Useful words and expressions:
e.g. I forbid you to stay out after midnight.
He forbids smoking during office hours.
2.set an example to
e.g.Tom worked hard and set a good example to his classmates.
e.g.He demanded to be told everything.
They demanded that the right to vote (should) be given to every adult man.
e.g.achieve some victories,success,one’s aims/purpose/goal;
achieve a lot,little,nothing,a great deal,etc.
Step V. Post reading
1. The paragraph tells us something about Martin Luther King Jr’s most famous action.
2. If paragraph should be moved, it would best fit in between para 6 and para 7.
3. Martin Luther King wanted black people to have the right to marry white people, to be allowed to go into any section of all shops, restaurants, hospitals and on the buses and trains, any hotels, schools or libraries. He also wanted black people to given the full right to vote.
4. Marches, speeches, boycotts
5. 1) Black people do not share the same rights as white people. Black people often live under poor housing conditions.
2) Black people have no right to vote. There are many places where they are not allowed to go.
3) Black people want to be given the same rights as white people.
4) The boycott is a non-violent action to protect against the discrimination .
5) The housing conditions for black people in Birmingham, Alabama are bad and there are too few jobs for black people.
6)Why can’t black people wait a bit longer?
T:Please read the text again and see if there’s anything that you don’t understand.
(Teacher goes among the students and answers the questions they raise.)
Step ⅤI. Listening and Reading aloud.
T:Now,let’s listen to the tape.I’ll play it twice for you.When I play it for the first time,listen carefully and pay attention to the pronunciation and intonation.When I play it for the second time,you can read after the tape.Then read the text aloud by yourselves.Are you clear?
T:OK.Let’s begin.
(Teacher plays the tape and helps the students with their pronunciation.)
I say to you today my friends - so even though we face the _________ of today and tomorrow, I still have a _____. It is a dream deeply ______ in the American dream.
I have a dream that one day this ______ will rise up and live out the true meaning of its creed: "We hold these ______to be self-evident, that all men are created _______."
Difficulties, dream, rooted, nation, truths, equal
Village, state, city, children, join, Free, Free
Step ⅥI. Summary and Homework
T:Today,we’ve learnt a text “I have a dream”.From this passage we’ve got a lot of information about a famous freedom fighter—Martin Luther King,Jr.Now,please look at the blackboard.Make notes about him in the listed years and tell his belief and success. (Teacher writes the years on the blackboard and gives the students some time to finish the task.Then asks some students to write their answers on the blackboard.(Cf:The Design of the Writing on the Blackboard.)
T:You’ve done very well.After class,finish Exercise 5 in Post-reading on Page 29,and make a dialogue with your partner.OK.That’s all for today.See you tomorrow!
Ss:See you tomorrow!
Step ⅦI The Design of the Writing on the Blackboard
Unit 14 Freedom fighters
The 3rd and 4th Periods
Notes about Martin Luther King,Jr.
1929:Martin Luther King,Jr. was born.
1944:won a scholarship and went to university
1955:organized a boycott of a bus company and succeeded in the following year
1963:during the March on Washington D.C, he gave the speech “I have a dream”
1964:received the Nobel Prize for Peace
1968:Martin Luther King, Jr. was murdered
Belief: demand equal rights as the whites and achieve that goal by peaceful actions, not by violence
Success: changed the whole society in the USA; black people started enjoying the rights

The 5th period
I. Learning aims:
1.Summarize and review the different forms of the Passive Voice in the Present Indefinite, the Past Indefinite, the Future Indefinite and the Present Perfect.
2.Help the students master how to turn the Active Voice into the Passive Voice.
3.Make sure the students know how to change sentences with modal verbs into the Passive Voice.
II. Teaching important points:
Help the students to use the Passive Voice in the Future Indefinite and the Present Perfect correctly.
III. Teaching difficult points:
1 How to use the passive voice
2.How to make the students know how to change the verbal phrases from the Active Voice into the Passive Voice correctly.
IV. Teaching procedures:
Step 1 Greetings
Step 2 Revision
1.Ask the students to tell us something about Martin Luther King according to the text “I have a dream ”
2. Ask the students to act out their dialogue according to the following questions ( one is a reporter and the other is Martin Luther King)
1).What did/do black people want?
2).Why did he organize the Alabama bus company boycott?
3).Which problems did black people have in Birmingham, Alabama?
4)Why can’t black people wait a bit longer?
5).Which Nobel Prize did he win?
6)What did he do with the prize money?
Step3 Grammar
The Passive Voice
The Present Indefinite—am/is/are+p.p.
The Past Indefinite—was/were+p.p.
The Future Indefinite—shall/will be+p.p.
The Present Perfect—have/has been+p.p.
The Past Perfect—had been+p.p.
The Present Continuous—am/is/are being+p.p.;
can/may/must be+p.p.
The classroom is being cleaned by students.
She is being taught computer.
3.表示一种经常的被动行为,常和always, constantly等词连用
He is always being praised by the leader.
She may be being interviewed at the very moment.
1.The book sells well.
2.This kind of cloth washes very well.
3.This pen writes quite smoothly.
4.The fish tastes good.
5.This flower smells very sweet.
6.Her cloth feels smooth and soft.
Step 4 Practice
Suggested answers:
1.They are not treated as equal citizens in the southern states in the 1950s.
2.They were separated from white people in shops, restaurants, hospitals, buses, trains, etc.
3.They were educated in separated schools.
4.They were given no right to vote.
.A new Civil Rights Act was passed in 1964,enabling black people to vote.
1. Flowers were painted on the cars in the street by a group of civil rights activists.
2. Speeches were being made in front of the city hall.
3. A statement was read by one speaker which said that rules are unfair.
4. More than 100 demonstrators were arrested by the police.
5. The civil rights activists were put into prison by the police.
6. This day will never be forgotten by the people of the city
1. Women should not be discriminated against.
2. He left school and was employed in a shoe factory
3. The famous poem Dying for a Just Cause was written by Xia Minghan in prison.
4. Lei Feng is greatly respected by people all over China.
5. Who was voted as monitor in this election.
6. It is clear that he did not die by accident; he was murdered.
Turn the following into the Passive Voice:
1.He washes his clothes every week.
2.I repaired my bike yesterday.
3.We shall discuss the question at our next meeting.
4.They have done everything to make the work easier.
5.The driver is repairing the car.
6.You must keep the book clean.
Suggested answers:
1.His clothes are washed every week.
2.My bike was repaired yesterday.
3.The question will be discussed at our next meeting.
4.Everything has been done to make the work easier.
5.The car is being repaired(by the driver).
6.The book must be kept clean.
Suggested answers:
1.are washed
2.was repaired
3.will be discussed
4.has been done
5.is being repaired
6.must be kept
Turn the following sentences into the Passive Voice:
1.We speak Chinese here.
2.I finished my homework in two hours.
3.They were making a model plane.
4.They have finished the work.
5.We can change water into ice.
6.You ought to ask for his advice.
7.When will you paint the wall?
8.Have you found your book?
Suggested answers:
1.Chinese is spoken here.
2.My homework was finished in two hours.
3.A model plane was being made.
4.The work has been finished.
5.Water can be changed into ice.
6.His advice ought to be asked for.
7.When will the wall be painted?
8.Has your book been found?
Turn the following into the Passive Voice:
1.We have never heard of such things before.
2.They listened to her with great interest.
3.A peasant woman brought the child up.
4.They often made fun of him in school.
5.I’ll look after your baby well.
6.We must take down the notice quickly.
Suggested answers:
1.Such things have never been heard of before.
2.She was listened to with great interest.
3.The child was brought up by a peasant woman.
4.He was often made fun of in school.
5.Your baby will be looked after well.
6.The notice must be taken down quickly.
Correct the mistakes in the following sentences:
1.This kind of machine is sold well.
2.That child was taken good care.
3.English is spoken by many countries.
4.The bike needs to repair.
5.The music is sounded beautiful.
6.The story was happened last year.
7.Does a lot of work done by him every day?
8.When will the sports meet held?
Suggested answers:
1.is sold→sells
2.good care→good care of
4.to repair→to be repaired
5.is sounded→sounds
6.was happened→happened
8.held→be held
Step 5. Multiple choice
1.The company going from bad to worse, the workers____ hardly enough to make a living.
A. are paid B. are paying C .have paid D. paid
2.----What _____over there?
------A boy ___run over by a car a moment ago.
A. was happened ;was to be B .happened; was seen to
C. had happened; was seen to D. happened; was seen to
3.The boat sank quickly but fortunately everybody_____.
A. rescued B. had rescued C. are rescuing D. was rescued
4.would you like to go to Shanghai?
Yes. In the last ten years ,great changes ________in shanghai.
A. has taken place B. have happened
C. have taken place D. have been taken place
5. The pupils here ______all kinds of exercises every day in past four weeks.
A . kept busy doing B. keep on doing
C. have kept busy doing D. have been kept busy doing
6. What’s wrong?
Do you think the cake ______a bit funny?
A. is smelling B .smelt C .smells D .is smelt
Answers: ADDCDC
Step 6 Summary and homework
In this class, we’ve reviewed the usage of some useful words and we’ve also done some exercises to review the Passive Voice. You should pay attention to the verb forms in the Passive Voice and learn them by heart. After class, you need to practice as much as possible to use them freely. Practice makes perfect, you know. Today’s homework: find as many useful words and expressions as you can in the text and make sentences with them.
The 6th Period
I.Learning Aims:
1.Read the text and grasp the main idea of it.
2.Do some exercises to master what they’ve learnt.
3.Learn to write an essay.
II.Teaching Important Points:
1.Improve the students’ reading ability by reading a text.
2.Improve the students’ writing ability by reading and writing.
III.Teaching Difficult Points:
1.How to improve the students’ integrating skills.
2.How to write an essay.
IV.Teaching Procedures:
Step Ⅰ Greetings and Revision
T:(Greet the whole class as usual.)In the last period, we’ve learnt some useful words and expressions. Now, let’s do an exercise to revise them .Look at the screen, please. You may have a discussion, if you like.
(Show the following on the screen and let the students prepare for a moment. Finally, ask some students to say their answers and correct their mistakes ,if any.)
Choose the proper words to complete the following sentences, using the proper forms:
prison housing peaceful march murder forbid set a good example demand
1.Too many people are living in bad ______ conditions.
2.If some people are on a ______,they walk together in a large group through the street to express their ideas.
3.Black people in Alabama ______that the bus company should not separate blacks from whites.
4.Lei Feng ______ to us in serving the people heart and soul.
5.In the American history ,two former presidents Abraham Lincoln and John F.Kennedy were ______.
6.Smoking is ______ in our school now. Our school is a non-smoke school.
7.The man who robbed a bank of our city was caught last Sunday and put in ______now.
8.When I arrived in Qingdao, the sea there was ______ and beautiful. Many people jumped into it and had a bath.
Suggested answers:
4.set a good example
Step Ⅱ Fast Reading
T: Well done!(Show the questions on the screen.)Now, we’ll begin a new text. Please turn to Page 30 and read the passage fast and find answers to the questions on the screen.)
Answer the following questions:
1.Which country was the first in the world to give women the right to vote?
2.Who wrote two chapters about the rights of animals and vegetables in a novel? And when?
(Three minutes later)
T: Who can answer the first question?
S: I’ll try. The answer is that New Zealand was the first country to give women the right to vote.
T: Do you agree with him/her?
Ss: Yes.
T: Good. Now, who knows the answer to the second question?
S: Let me have a try. Samuel Butler wrote two chapters about the rights of animals and the right of vegetables in a novel in 1872.
T: Very good. Please sit down.
Step Ⅲ Reading
T:(Show the questions on the screen.)Now please read the text again and discuss the questions on the screen with your partner. Later we’ll check the answers together.
Discuss the following questions:
1.“Each age has its own struggle for right.”What does the word “age” mean?
2.What were the main ideas of the famous books about the rights of men and women, which were published in the late 18th to the 19th century?
3.Please describe the rights to vote for women in the 19th and the 20th century.
4.What is the purpose of the organizations that fight for equal rights in modern times?
5.Do you think we should fight for the rights of robots and machines?
(The students read the text and discuss the questions. Then the teacher may ask some of the students to say their answers.)
Suggested answers:
1.The word “age” means “time”,for Chinese “时代”.
2.The main ideas of these books were that all people are brothers and sisters, and that all people should be equal. From then on, a struggle of more than 200 years for equal rights of men and women of all races began.
3.There was a time when women had no rights to vote. In the 19th century, women all over the world began to ask for equal rights .It is New Zealand that is the first country in the world to give women the right to vote in 1893.By 1920,the US, Canada and most European countries allowed the women to vote.
4.They fight for the rights of black people, women, children, people with AIDS/HIV and prisoners .Their purpose is that they ask to be treated with respect, share the rights to work ,good housing conditions and education and to be treated equal to other people in all ways.
5.I don’t think so. We should protect all the living things, including plants and animals ,because all of them are part of nature .If one of them is not well protected ,the balance of nature will be destroyed. That will perhaps cause another living thing to die out.No matter which of them dies out, our nature will lose some of its color. Robots and machines are made by man. We can decide how many of them will be needed, according to their use. If we need more, we can make more. That will not affect the balance of nature. And I think we should protect our oceans and earth ,too.
T: That’s a very good topic .You can continue discussing it after class, if you like. It will be very interesting.
Step Ⅳ Reading Aloud and Practice
T: Now, let’s listen to the tape .I’ll play it twice. The first time I play the tape, listen carefully. The second time I play it, you can read after the tape. After that, you read the text aloud, paying much attention to the pronunciation and intonation.
(Play the tape for students to listen and repeat. Then give them several minutes to read aloud.At last ,ask a couple of students to read the text.)
T: Very good.(Show the phrases on the screen.)Now, please look at the screen .Make sentences with the phrases shown on the screen. You can do it in pairs.
Make sentences with the following phrases:
in modern times believe in
start with a time
have…in common with respect
in all ways ask for
Sample sentences:
in modern times:
In modern times many peasants are very rich.
believe in:
You can believe in him; he’ll never let you down.
start with:
The school started with 300 pupils; now there are double that number.
a time:
I don’t care for the place at first ,but after a time I got to like it.
have…in common:
Real friends should have everything in common.
with respect:
We should treat everybody with respect.
in all ways:
All the people should be treated equally in all ways.
ask for:
She entered it, asked for a cup of tea, and sat down. There’s been a gentleman here asking for you.
Step Ⅴ Writing
T: Now ,l et’s do some writing practice. First look at the information on Page 31.Read it and then work out the details for King’s action in Birmingham after the example. Pair work. A few minutes later, we’ll check the answers.
(Students begin to prepare and after a while ,the teacher says the following.)
T: Have you finished?
Ss: Yes.
T: Who would like to give us the answer?
S: I’ll try. King wanted new civil rights law to give blacks equal rights. What is wrong now: Only 25% of the blacks can vote. How should it be improved: All the citizens can vote, no matter what race they are.
S: King wanted the right of free marriages for blacks. What is wrong now: Mixed race marriages are forbidden by law. How should it be improved :All the people can choose their marriages by themselves.
S: King wanted the right of receiving equal education. What is wrong now: Black children are taught in separate schools ,and the money spent on educating a black child is much less than that spent on a white child. How should it be improved :Black children and white children can in the same school to have their classes.

T: Well done! Now ,read the second information and discuss what we should do with your partner.
(A moment later, check the answers.)
Suggested answers:
Rights People Animals/Plants Robots/Machines
Housing big enough house big enough room big enough room
Nutrition enough nutrition enough nutrition keep in good repair
Work eight hours can’t be made to work too long can’t work too long
Health and care keep healthy keep healthy take good care of
Respect treat with respect treat with respect ×
Vote have the right to vote × ×
Step Ⅵ Summary and Homework
T:In this class, we’ve learned a text “No voice, not heard…” and done some exercises. There are some useful expressions in the text. Can you remember them?Li Jian, can you tell us?(The student tells the useful expressions to the class and the teacher writes them on the blackboard.)Good .After class, you should make sentences with the expressions on the blackboard and finish Exercises 3,4 and 5 on Page 32.That’s all for today. See you tomorrow!
Ss: See you tomorrow!
Sample essay:
People, animals and plants are all living in one home—our earth. People are in charge of everything. They should live comfortable. That is to say, they should have big enough house to live in and have enough nutrition to keep them healthy. Besides, they should have regular medical care. People should respect each other and help each other. They should not work too long or too tired. They should have the right to vote. So it is with animals and plants, though they don’t need the right to vote. Our earth is beautiful and full of vigor, owing to all the animals and plants. We should take care of them, and let them live comfortable and freely. Some of the animals can help us work or do other things for us. We should treat them with respect .For example, we should not make them work too long or make them too tired. Let’s live together with our animals and plants happily! Suppose what a sad world our earth would be if there were no animals and plants at all! We should be friends with them forever.
The 7th period
I. Learning aims:
1. To train the students’ reading ability
2. To learn more about another freedom fighter
3. To do the exercises in the Weekly English
II. Teaching important points:
To learn the passage “ The first republic of free black people”
III. Teaching difficult points
How to improve the students’ reading ability
IV. Teaching procedures:
Step 1 Greetings and revision
1. Review the passive voice
2. Check the homework
Step 2. Reading
1. Listen to the tape
2. Language study
1). At least, advanced, rest on
2) be recognized as ,despite ,be disappointed at
3) break out, be known as the “Night of Fire”
4) prove to be, at the time of take part in,
Step 3 Answer some questions:
1. Central America
2. white people, people of color and free blacks, black slaves
3. 1)He led the black army fighting for the rights of the slaves
2) He saved the family of his former owner when the revolution broke out.
He joined the slaves to fight for their freedom..
3)Song Qingling married Sun Yet-sen in Japan in 1914 During her lifetime she worked for the freedom and liberation of the Chinese people.
4. The French revolution didn’t give black slaves the freedom and equal rights they had hoped for.
5. In 1801.
Step 4. Dictation:
1. Write out the English words according to the Chinese words given:
1.自由 2。 谋杀 3。青年们 4. 革命 5. 奴隶制度 6. 腐朽
7. 灵魂 8. 逮捕 9. 分离 10. 种族 11. 结婚 12. 禁止
13. 选举 14. 政治的 15. 要求 16. 抵制 17.律师 18. 歧视
19. 宗教 20. 独立 21 无条件的 22. 废除 23. 偏见 24. 观点
25. 可笑的 26. 章,回 27. 议案 28. 游行
2.Write out the English expressions according to the following:
1. 为……而战 2. 把…..投进监狱 3. 联手 4. 内战
5. 禁止做事 6. 投票赞成 7. 为….树立榜样
8.从那时起 9. 以….开始 10. 不顾 11. 初见之下
12. 与….分开 13. 在….很积极 14. 达到目标 15. 整个时代
Step 5. Translation
7.伊拉克要求美国兵从伊拉克撤退.(Iraqi, get out of)
10. 不管皮肤颜色如何,黑人和白人要联合起来.
Step 6 English weekly
1. Reading : “Civil rights movement in America”
2. Revision 1: 主动形式表达被动意义
3. Revision 2: 课文重难点解析
4. Assessment: Multiple choice, Cloze test ,Reading comprehension A & B & Reading proof
Step 6 Writing :
家长会是学校、老师和学生为了学生的进步进行沟通的一种方式。 但学生们对此有不同的观点。 有的赞同,有的反对,有的无所谓。
原因: 1. 家长可以了解老师的要求和自己孩子的学习情况
2.对学生学习没有帮助, 因为成绩不太好,会受到家长的责备。
要求: 适当增加;100词左右; 不要 翻译;要有好的开头和结尾.




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