高一英语新教材教案Revision( Units 9-10 )(新课标版高一英语下册教案教学设计)

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StepⅠ Words and phrases
.disagreement absolutely appointment behavior emergency environmental measure original amount material
Step ⅡLanguage points
1.appointment n.
by appointment
have an appointment with sb.
keep /break one’s appointment
make an appointment with sb.
2.remind v.
remind sb.of …
remind sb. to do …
remind sb. that …
3.unexcepted adj . <___> excepted adj .
as excepted
than excepted
except vt .
1).expect ﹢ n /pron
2).expect ﹢that
3)expect ﹢so/not
4).expect ﹢to do sth
5)expect ﹢sb . to do sth
4.measure n. vt
measure against
made to measure
take sb’s measure
5.environmental adj . →environment n.
natural environment
social environment
6. want v.
want doing /to be done
a typist wanted
the wanted man
Step Ⅲ Exercises
1. It’s a pleasant day for a picnic , I’m sure we’ll _____
A have a fun B have fun
C enjoy fun D.get funny
2. Tom has always thought of himself for a good cook and never fails to ______everyone of it .
A. remind B. remember C. know D. introduce
3. In summer we usually keep the window ______so that cool air come in.
A opened B to be open C open D opening
4.You must stand it , and see it through ,________it costs .
A no matter what B no matter how
C what D how
5. Mobile phones make it possible for people to stay ______very easily .
A in touch B in connection
C in communication. D in talk
6. I ______the cell phone in school, because it will be taken away from me .
A. daren’t to use B don’t dare to use
C not dare use D dare to not use
7. I really don’t think Tom will be angry ,but I’ll go and see him in case he______
A will be B does
C is D has been
8. The doctors devoted themeleves ________a better cure for the terrible disease .
A to find B finding Cto finding D in finding
9. Many people came to the meeting ,of whom _______left early .
A numbe B. the numbers
C the number D a number
10. Eating good breakfest keeps you ______for the rest of the day .
A alone B.asleep C. alive D.living
11. Put the flowers in warm rooms to _______them _________
the freezing cold.
A stop ;from B keep;from C protect;from D.rescue ;off
12. Many animals and plants ,which couldn’t ______the sudden change of the climate , die out Dinosaurs are one such example.
A.suit to B keep to C get to D.adapt to
13.The police officer wants to know what measures _____-to find the murders as soon as possible .
A to take B to be taken C taken D.being taken
14.These animals ______their environment;______, they hav learned how to live successfully in their habitat .
A are all used to ;that is
B all used to ; that is
C are all used to ;for example
D a ll used to ; for example
15.The work we are doing is quite difficult, so your support will certainly ________>
A make any difference
B make a difference
C be very different
D be of some difference
key Ⅲ1----5BACAA
11 ----15CDAAB
StepⅥ Important drills
<1> … make it possible for us to do …
not only … but also …
… as much /many as …
It’s time to do …
The plans make it possible fou us to have a good rest.
He can speak not only English but also French.
Our school has as many books as your school.
It’s time go to school.
StepⅦ Grammer
<1>The Present Continuous Passive Voice
He is being operated on in the hospital.
They are being taught English At present.
The naughty boy is always being scolded by his father.
Mary is always being praised by the teacher
<2>Review Direct and Indirect Speech
StepVIII Homework



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