Unit 19 agriculture(人教版高一英语下册教案教学设计)

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Teaching goals
1. Talk about modern agriculture and the effect it has on people’s life.
2. Practice giving advice and making decisions.
3. Learn to use “it” for emphasis.
4. Learn to read statistical graphs.
5. Write a plan for a vegetable garden.
Period 1
Step 1: New words
(listen to the pronunciations of each word and try to remember them).
Step 2:Warming up
1. Look at the graph and tell what the meaning of this graph. It tells the growth of major products 1991-1995 compared with 1986-90 percentages.
2. The production of fruit in 1995 increased by a percentage of 85 compared with 1986.
3. Let the students read the sentences on the screen and learn about some changes and effects between agriculture and people’s life.
4. Ask one students to translate the reading material in the paper(the first and the second passages).
1.What do you think causes these changes? 你认问什么原因引起这些变化的?
2.What do you think the changes in eating habits will have on agriculture or nature? 你认为这些饮食变化对农业和自然会起什么作用?
do you think 是插入语,经常位于疑问词之后
Where do you think our headteacher comes from?
Who do you think the old lady is?
What is it, do you think?
2. effect n. 结果,影响
have an effect on 对…有影响
be of no effect 无效
come/go into effect 开始生效
in effect 在实施中
take effect 见效; 生效
bring/carry…into effect 实行;实施
affect v. 影响
effective adj. 有效的
I tried to persuade her, but without effect.
Her new red dress will produce quite an effect on everyone.
My advice didn't have much effect on him.
The idea is of no effect.
These measures will not be brought into effect until next month.
The law came into effect on October 15.
The medicine didn’t take effect.
Step 3 Listening
1. Show and explain the new words.
2. Listen to the tape.
Step 4 Homework
Prepare oral homework: practice giving advice and making decisions.
Read the reading material (pre-reading)
Period 2
Step 1 Revise the new words.
Step 2 Practise speaking
1. If I were you, I would raise pigs.
2. As far as I can see, 依我看,
3. You want to use the land in the best way possible and do the best for everybody in the village.为了村子里的每个人,你想尽自己最大的努力,以最好的办法来使用这块土地。
possible 与最高级连用, 强调“尽可能最…”。
He arrived at the worst possible time.他到达的时间,说多糟就有多糟.
The rocket traveled at the highest speed possible. 火箭以最大的速度飞行
Period 3
Step 1: Revision (new words)
Step 2. Pre-reading
T: “ What’s the title of the reading passage?
Ss: “modern agriculture”
T: “ What does it mean in Chinese? ”
Ss: “现代农业”
T: “ How to say ‘传统农业’in English ? ”
Ss: “ traditional agriculture. ”
T: “ Can you imagine what traditional agriculture is like? ”
  Ss: …
  ② let Ss read the text firstly and answer the following questions:
  How much land can be used for faming in China?
  (Seven percent of the land.)
  What is the advantage and disadvantage of chemical fertilization?
  (it helps to produce better crops. But is harmful to the environment.)
  What is the biggest problem of Chinese farmers?
  (The shortage of arable land.)
3. Skipping
Let Ss read the passage for the second time and answer two questions:
  What does “GM” stand for?
  (“G” stands for “genetically” from the word “genes”. “M” stands for “modified”, which means “changed”.)
  What is the advantage of tomatoes which were using technique known as “GM”?
  (The tomatoes are bigger and healthier. They can grow without danger from diseases. They also need much less time to get ripe.)
Innovations改革 Problems Advantages
Chemical fertilisers Shortage of arable land Bigger and better crops
Pumps for irrigation Weather conditions Bigger and better crops
Special seedbeds Shortage of arable land More crops in one year
Machines e.g. tractors How to make production cheaper (not in the text) Bigger crops on more land by fewer hands
International exchange Lack of knowledge Learn from other people
Greenhouses Weather condition Bigger and better crops
Greenhouses (roots in water tanks) Shortage of arable land More crops in one year
GM technique (can grow in poor soil) Shortage of arable land Can grow in poor soil; bigger & healthier; less time to ripe
4. Listening
  Let Ss listen to the tape and follow it.
5. Discussion
  ①let Ss work in groups and imagine what other changes have happened on farms in the last 100 years.
  ② let Ss discussion the following questions
1.At the beginning of the passage, why does the writer say “It is on the arable land that the farmers produce food for the whole population of China”?
2. What does the writer want to tell us by saying, “Not only food production is important but also taking care of the environment.”?
3. What can we infer from the sentence “In China about one hundred research stations are now doing GM research to make better tomatoes, cotton…?”
4. What can you imagine about the future of food production?
Step IV Post-reading
  Finish the exercises in Students Book, page 46, Exercise 1-2
Step V. homework
Workbook exercises
The reading materials. 
Period 4
Step I Revision
Step II word study
  Finish the exercises in Student book, page 47.
Step III Practice
  Let Ss finish the exercises “vocabulary, 1-3” in page 108, Workbook
Step IV Grammar
1. Give Ss some sentences to translate into Chinese and find out difference and sameness among these sentences (slide show)
It is on this arable land that the farmers produce food for the whole population of china.
It was from the early 1990s that scientists started to develop new techniques to increase agricultural production without harming the environment.
It was they who/that cleaned the classroom yesterday.
It was in the street that I met her father.
It was the goat’s eyes that he had seen in the darkness.
2. Teach Ss to find out the phrase from the sentence above----It is+被强调部分+that/who…
Translate the following sentences into English:
1.写这本书的人就是玛丽。It is Mary who wrote this book.
2.这个就是长满了美丽的鲜花的花园。It is garden that many beautiful flowers grow in.
3.她就是擅长唱歌的女孩。It is a girl who is good at singing.
4.那就是他叔叔移居纽约的季节。It was for this reason that his uncle moved out of New York.
5. 错的人是我。 It is I who am wrong.
4. Note:
  a. 在强调句型中,若被强调部分指人,可以用关系代词who或that;若被强调的是状语,只能用that,不能用when或where。
  b. 注意与“It is /was…that +clause”主语从句的区别。
  强调句型与it作形式主语,that从句作真正主语十分相似,但主语从句中It is /was后通常用名词或形容词作表语。强调句型中It is /was后是对主语、宾语或状语的强调成分。
5. Let Ss find out some sentence with ‘it’ in the text ‘Modern Agriculture’.
6. Exercises
  Let Ss finish the exercises in Student’s book, page 47-48, Exx 1-2.
  Let Ss finish the exercises in Workbook, page 109, Exx 1-3.
  Finish all the exercises in the book.
Period 5
Step I Reading
1. Let Ss look at the picture and briefly introduce Jia Sixie,
2.skimming: let Ss read the text and find out the information about Jia Sixie (slide show)
Where/born: Yidu, Shandong Province
when/live: Six century AD
where/work: Gaoyang, Shandong Province
what/do: study the science of farming
what book/write: Qi Min Yao Shu
the book/about: both the farming and gardening
the importance of the book: an important summary of the knowledge of farming
3.listening: let Ss listen to the tape and follow it, then finish the exercises (slide show)
True or false:
1.China was the earliest research center for agriculture. ( T )
3.Qi Min YaoShu includes advice on the following subjects: growing green vegetables and fruit trees, keeping cows and sheep, and there are also instructions for making metals. ( F )
4.The spring ploughing should be deeper than the autumn ploughing. ( F )
5.We should plant rice in the same field year after year. ( F )
6.We’d better grow different plants next to each other in the same field. ( T )
Step II Writing
1. Write a plan for a vegetable garden, using the tips in the book, page 49.
2. Read in the reading paper “A plan for a vegetable garden”
3. Assign it as written homework.
Period 6
Step 1 Revision (new words and language points)
Step 2 listening practice
1. Make the students understand what they are going to hear about and what they should do.
2. Play the tape for them to listen twice or three times.
3. Check their answers with the whole class.
Step 3 Workbook exercises
1. Check their answers to the vocabulary exercises and grammar exercises.
Step 4 Homework
Assign TALKING as oral homework
Period 7
Step 1 Revision
Step 2 Workbook
1.Continue to do the exercises
Step 3 Reading
1. Allow the students a few minutes to read the introduction about the text in the reading paper.
2. Listen and Read the text “Greening the Hills”.
3. Let the students raise their questions about their difficulties.
4. Discuss the problems in the exercises. Ex 1 and Ex 2. (Answers are shown on the screen).
Step 4. Writing
1. Let the students read the introduction about the writing
2. Let the students read the short passage in the textbook.
3. Make the students understand what and how they should write.
4. Assign it as written homework in exercise books. (Read the sample essay in the reading paper, which may be of some help to the students with their writing).




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