Unit 19 Food and drink, lesson 75(新课标版高一英语教案教学设计)

中学英语教学资源网英语教案教学设计 手机版

---by Wu Wenjuan
△Teaching aims:-- How many…can you see?
--I can see only one / two/ three…I can’t see anything.
---How many …are there?
---There is only one. There are two/ three…There isn’t/ aren’t any.
△The important and difficult language point:
Grasp the ways of saying the amount of countable and uncountable nouns.
Step 1: Warming up-- (Play Chant.) Greetings. Self-introduction.
Step 2: Revision
1. Do you like green pea/ cabbage/ eggplant/cucumber/beef/ mutton…?
2. Talk about my favourite food and drink.
3.--Play a game: to see who has the best memory
Show the ss some pictures of food and drink, have them remember for a time, then make them speak out the items according to their memory.
4* Fill in the blanks and make sentences---if possible
(WB.Ex.3 ) Help ss to identify the quantity of uncountable nouns.
Encourage them to fill in the blanks and try to make up sentences with the phrases they choose. Model: a cup of tea My father drinks a cup of tea for breakfast every day. He likes green tea.
Step 3: Look , ask and answer
1. Talk about the pictures in step 2. “ How many… can you see/ are there?
2. Show them a table of food.
Ask “How many …can you see?”----I can see only one/two/three…
“How many… are there?” --- There is / are….
Teach “I can’t see any”, “There isn’t/aren’t any.” in the same way.
SB Lesson 75, Part2. Show the pictures, ask and answer.
Step 4: Make a survey
1.(Looking at the pictures showed), say: I like …for breakfast/ lunch/ supper.
What would you like for breakfast/ lunch/ supper?
(Chain practice like: T-S1-S2-S3…)
Then ss make a survey in pairs. Report their survey.
My favourite healthy meal
Name breakfast lunch supper

or Fruit
2. Help the teacher to make a design for healthy supper.
Homework: Invite some of your friends to your house to dinner, get ready to buy some food and drinks, make a list of them. Write down in the exercise books. 2005-3-15



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