名师讲义Unit 14 Festivals Lesson two(人教版高一英语下册教案教学设计)

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5)Kwanzaa 是以非洲的古老节日为基础的
二) Fill in the blanks with the proper words
Ramadan is the ninth month of the Muslim calendar. It _____ the entire month, in which Muslims observe the Fast of Ramadan. Muslims can eat nothing______ the daylight hours. In the evening, they can eat small meals and visit their friends and family. It is the time of worship and contemplation. A time to______ family and community ties
During the Fast of Ramadan, strict restraints are _____ on the daily lives of Muslims. They are not______ to eat or drink during the day time.
At the end of the day the fast is broken with prayer and a meal _____ ”iftar “ . In the evening following the “iftar” it is a customary to go out ______family and friends.
On the evening of the 27th day of the month, Muslims _____ the
“laylat-al-Qadr” (the night of power) when the fast ends (the first day of the month of Shawwal) it is celebrated for three days in a holiday called Id-al-Fitr(the feast of fast breaking). Gifts are ______. Friends and family _______ to pray in congregation and for large meals
三) Correction
1) Shakespeare compared the world with a stage
2) The brave soldier would rather to die than give in
3) As I feel better, my doctor suggest me to take a holiday.
4) Is she reducing weight since she looks a lot thinner
5) whom do you think to tell me the news
6) I was not a bit tired and I can’t go any further
7) During the trip, one student in three spend as many as 200 dollars
8) They advised that we could go there by bus
9) The book includes forty maps, including three of great Britain
10) Last night I saw jack carry downstairs and taken to the hospital
四) Complete the sentence
1) 与整个年级相比,他并不是最好的学生
___________________________, he is not the toppest student
2) 我们祝贺他通过了考试
We _____ him ___________________________________
Their courage ____________________________________
____________________________, but I have never met him
5) 他们为参加庆祝会而盛装打扮
They __________________________________________
6) 她早上起来第一件事是给她两岁大的女儿穿衣服
_______________she does ________________________
7)不要自找麻烦直到麻烦来找你(ask for)
___________________until the trouble___________________
8)外面有人找你(ask for)
__________________________ outside
While he_________________________________________
The students________________________________________
五) Homework



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